Country Codes for Overseas Duty - SSI Learning Resource …

right280035HUMAN RESOURCES ADVANCED LEADERS COURSE 42A Update the Officer and Enlisted Records Brief STUDENT HANDOUT #2 Version 6.6 February 2019HUMAN RESOURCES ADVANCED LEADERS COURSE 42A Update the Officer and Enlisted Records Brief STUDENT HANDOUT #2 Version 6.6 February 2019Country Codes for Overseas DutyAF – AfghanistanEG - EgyptGE – GermanyIR – Iran IT – ItalyIZ - Iraq JA – JapanKS – KoreaKU – KuwaitMU – OmanSA – Saudi ArabiaSO – SomaliaTU – TurkeyTour Completion Status (TCS) Codes– Tour complete– Tour incompleteAssignment Eligibility Availability (AEA) Codes– Permanently ineligible due to: approved retirement, involuntarily ordered to active duty for 12 months or less, signing a Declination of Continued Service Statement (DCSS), or being Dropped From Rolls (DFR) as a deserter.– Soldiers being considered for elimination or under investigation, awaiting trial.– Temporarily ineligible for reassignments due to medical, convalescence, confinement due to trial by court martial, enrollment in Track III ASAP, or local bar to reenlistment.– Soldiers returning from an OCONUS deployment of 61 to 139 days.– Soldiers eligible for PCS reassignment, subject to normal time on station restrictions.N – Soldiers that are currently deployed.R – Soldiers returning from an OCONUS deployment of 140 or more days.Reenlistment Eligibility Codes10 – Fully eligible9A – Ineligible due to time lost (AWOL)9E – Ineligible due to physical readiness9G – Ineligible due to exceeding the number of years of service for the pay grade (RCP)9K – Ineligible due to a field bar to reenlistment9L – Ineligible due to a Department of the Army bar to reenlistment9N – Ineligible due to a court martial conviction9O – Ineligible due to age9Q – Ineligible due to signing a declination of continued service statement9X – Ineligible, use if reason is not identified by other codes9Y – Ineligible due to approved retirement9Z – Ineligible due to not meeting weight control standardsPhysical Category Codes– No limitation– No significant limitations– No crawling, stooping, running, jumping, marching, or standing for long periods– No strenuous activity– No assignment to units requiring continued consumption of combat rations– No assignment to isolated areas– No assignment requiring handling of heavy materials, including weapons; no overhead work, pull-ups, nor pushups– No assignment to unit where sudden loss of consciousness would be dangerous to self or others, such as work on scaffolding, handling ammunition, vehicle driving, work near moving machineryJ – No assignment involving exposure to loud noises or firing of weapons– No assignment that requires daily exposure to extreme cold– No assignment requiring exposure to high environmental temperatures– No continuous wearing of combat bootsP – No continuous wearing of woolen clothesU – Limitation not covered by codes C through Pcenter0 ................

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