BEDOUINSBedouins are Arab nomads who have for centuries lived in the arid lands and vast deserts of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, and Syria. As with almost all other Arab peoples, Bedouins are Muslims. Below is a chart of the number of Bedouins and the countries in which they live. As you can see, the chart is not up-to-date, but the information is presumably accurate for the dates incidated.Saudi Arabia: 635,000 (1978)Egypt: 50,000 (2003)–380,000 (2007)Jordan: 380,000 (2007)Israel: 250,000 (2012)Syria: 1,800,000Iraq: 100,000Bedouins are frequently on the move as they seek pasture for their herds of goats and camels. They are noted for their distinctive style of dress, for their determination to survive in inhospitable surroundings, and their hospitality. While Bedouins make up a relatively small percentage of Arabs in the Middle East, this particular people are well known. When people envision nomads, camel, and desert oases, it is the Bedouins that usually come to mind. Take note of the pictures below. An Egyptian Bedouin girl, 2015. Note the colorful clothing. Note also the fact that she has her head covered in the tradition of Muslim females. Bedouin man in Saudi Arabia, 1964.A Bedouin leads his camels through the ‘sand quarter’.Camels rest in sight of the Great Pyramids of Egypt.Note the colorful, Bedouin style materials adorning the camels.Men enjoy a Bedouin style meal…ladies behind them. A beautiful ‘oasis’ in the sand quarter. ................

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