9 -10:15 - St Mary's C of E Primary School Twickenham

|8:30 – 8:45 |8:45-9:00 |9:00-9:10 |9:00- 10:00 |10:00-10:15 |10:15 –10:30 |10:30 – 11:10 |11:10 – 11:30 |11:30 - 12:00 | |Monday


Practice the words ‘at’ and ‘all’ joined.

at all

use these in words e.g.




hall |Phonics

Find 8-10 things around your house that have any of the ai-ay-a_e sounds in them.

Sort them into what you believe to be the correct sound family.

Write a list of 6 nonsense words in your books e.g. gaip, zade, vay |Spiritual Reflection

For Christian families say the Lord’s Prayer

For others say a prayer that is important to you or take 10 minutes of quiet meditation whilst you listen to some relaxing music:


9:00 – 9:10 – introduction to learning:

Read Handa’s Hen (PowerPoint on system; video on YouTube: )

9:10 – 9.40 – time to write:

Apples: Write a list of adjectives to describe the animals e.g. fat hen; bouncy crickets

Bananas: Use these adjectives in sentences

9:40 – 10:00 – spelling practice

1. playing

2. crane

3. saved

4. hail

5. whale

6. haystack

|Fruit and Drink |Playtime |Maths

10:30 – 10:40 – mental and oral starter

Hit the button – number bonds

10:40 – 11:15 – time to record



















Joe Wicks Kids Workout 1


You will need pepper/any spice, water, a plate and hand soap.

Watch this experiment, pause before the result.

What do you think is going to happen?

Write your prediction in your book.

Conduct the same experiment.

Were you correct?

Challenge: What happens if you use different spices/herbs | |Tuesday |Handwriting

Practise the letters ‘ch’ and ‘th’ joined.

ch th

use these in words e.g.




that |Phonics

Read your nonsense words from yesterday.

Write the words to match the objects you found yesterday. |Spiritual Reflection

Watch the song God you’re good to me.

For our Christian families discuss how God is good to you

For others, think of someone in your life who looks after you. How are they good to you? |English

9:00 – 9:10 – introduction to learning

Reread the start of Handa’s Hen; Discuss what happens in the beginning; revisit adjectives

9:10 – 9.40 – time to write

Write the beginning of the story (Losing the hen; seeing Akeyo; asking for her help)

9:40 – 10:00 – spelling practice

1. playing

2. crane

3. saved

4. hail

5. whale

6. haystack

| | |Maths

10:30 – 10:40 – mental and oral starter

Count in 2s and 10s

10:40 – 11:15 – time to record

Using the Handa surprise story create your own number sentences e.g. What is 1 banana and 3 oranges? |PE

Joe Wicks Kids Workout 2


Draw a map of a room in your house. Think back to our map of the Junior Site playground. Draw it in a writing pencil first, then colour in with colouring pencils. Can you label your picture?

[pic] | |Wednesday


Practise the letters ‘in’ and ‘im’ joined.

in im

use these in words e.g.




him |Phonics

Can you use the words from yesterday in a sentence?

Play Picnic on Pluto on Phonics Play website. Select all phases

|Spiritual Reflection

Say the St Mary’s Creed

Which is your favourite part of this creed? Why do you like that part? |English

9:00 – 9:10 – introduction to learning

Read what you wrote for your story beginning; reread the middle of the story and note which order the animals appear in

9:10 – 9.40 – time to write

Apples: Retell the middle of the story – choose two animals that Handa saw to write about

Bananas: Retell the middle of the story and write about each animal

9:40 – 10:00 – spelling practise

1. playing

2. crane

3. saved

4. hail

5. whale

6. haystack

| | |Maths

10:30 – 10:40 – mental and oral starter

Quick fire number bonds with an adult

10:40 – 11:15 – time to record

Work out these missing number boxes.


7+ _=10












Joe Wicks Kids Workout 3


What job do your parents do?

Do you know what your grandparents did for their job?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Draw a picture of you in your dream job.

Write 3 sentences about why you would like to do this job.

| |Thursday


Practise the letters ‘cl’ ‘dr’ and ‘tr’ joined.

cl dr tr

use these in words e.g.





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A day by the bay – 33501 |Spiritual Reflection

Close your eyes and listen to some relaxing music.

Think about what you are thankful for in your life.


9:00 – 9:10 – introduction to learning

Read what you wrote for the beginning and middle. Reread the end of the story

9:10 – 9.40 – time to write

Write the end of the story (finding Mondi and the chicks)

9:40 – 10:00 – spelling practice

1. playing

2. crane

3. saved

4. hail

5. whale

6. haystack

| | |Maths

10:30 – 10:40 – mental and oral starter

Counting in 1s to 20 – forwards and backwards

10:40 – 11:15 – time to record

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Crazy Kayaking – 32362

Water Raider - 388


Joe Wicks Kids Workout 4


Discuss the value of Endurance.

Listen to the story of David and Goliath.

Discuss how David shows endurance. Write a short prayer about endurance. | |Friday


Finger Gym

Spelling Test – test your child on the week’s spellings


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Main train - 34664 |Spiritual Reflection

Re-read your David and Goliath prayer. Ask your parents a time they have shown endurance. |English

9:00 – 9:10 – introduction to learning

Reread your story. Can you make it better? Talk about correcting capital letters and adding extra adjectives

9:10 – 9.40 – time to write

Make edits to your writing

Draw a picture of your favourite part and label it

9:40 – 10:00 – spelling practise

1. playing

2. crane

3. saved

4. hail

5. whale

6. haystack

| | |Maths

10:30 – 10:40 – mental and oral starter

Hit the button – doubles

10:40 – 11:15 – time to record

Make your own addition board game.

[pic] |PE

Joe Wicks Kids Workout 5


Re-create a picture of your favourite animal from the story Handa’s Hen. | |

A note for parents

We want your home learning time to be an enjoyable experience. Use the different levels to ensure your child is first of all happy and second of all appropriately challenged.

‘Apples’ offers a basic level of Year 1 learning and ‘Bananas’ offers a trickier challenge.

Please bear in mind the following key Year 1 writing targets:

Non-negotiables for writing

• Capital letters

• Finger spaces

• Full stops

• Spelling words using phonics – this means your child’s spelling is highly unlikely to be perfect! This is what we are looking for when we see your child’s work

• Correctly spelt common exception words

Tip: sometimes it is better to let your child finish their train of thought. Let them finish their work independently and then suggest one or two improvements e.g. ‘let’s check for capital letters’ or ‘Let’s check to see if we’ve spelt ‘was’ correctly!’ Remember not to correct too much of their work – just offer them lots of praise for getting it done (

Trickier challenges to include is writing where possible

• Use ‘and’ in a sentence

• Use the suffixes –ed (walked, licked); -er (quicker, smaller); and –est (quickest, smallest)

• Use exclamation marks

• Use question marks

• Use joined handwriting

• Use adjectives

Reading a book is still a requirement in addition to this timetable – Remember to predict, question, summarise and clarify. Remember to draw upon your phonic knowledge as often as possible.

Useful home learning websites:

• twinkl.co.uk – this resource is free for the next month

• marks.co.uk – lots of very useful English and Maths interactive games

• - use the logins that you use for homework

• - free Phonics Play

• - Mr Throne does Phonics

• - London Gateway for Learning

• - a virtual bookshelf filled with levelled reading books

• Class usernames and passwords are as follows. They are very simple so that children can log in for themselves. Passwords are the same as the usernames:

o Kingfisher: kin 1

o Nightingales: nig1

o Puffins: puf1

• - Times Tables Rock Stars

o Individual log ins can be found in your child’s Home Learning book

• - a range of phonetically decodable books

o Click on the Teacher portal and enter

o Username  parents@harpercollins.co.uk

o Password  Parents20!

o And click  Login

o Click Collins Big Cat

o Select your child’s reading level and enjoy!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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