Terms for Test 2-BCS-1

 Terms for Test 2-BCS-1

|Terms |Definition |

|All-in-one |Hardware that has the capability to copy, scan and fax documents. |

|CD ROM |Reads from a CD (input) and may be output if it is also a CD burner. |

|Disk Drive |Reads from a CD Rom or a floppy disk (May copy to a disk--input/output device). |

|Flash Drive |Hardware used for general storage and transfer of data between computers and other digital hardware. |

| |Can hold between 64 MB and 32 GB of data. In comparing a floppy disk with a flash drive—the most a |

| |super floppy disk could hold was 120 MB. |

|Gigabyte |Approximately a billion bytes (or 1,000 megabytes) |

|Hard Disk |A fixed, large–capacity magnetic storage medium for computer data. (Inside a computer) Word processing|

| |data is saved here. |

|Ink-Jet Printer |A type of printer that forms letters on the page by shooting tiny electrically charged droplets of |

| |ink. |

|  Input device |The hardware that is used to pass information into the computer. |

|Laser Printer |A printer that uses both laser and photographic technology to produce high quality output. |

|Megabyte |Approximately a million bytes. (a byte is a unit of measurement) |

|Modem |The device that allows your computer to talk to other computers over a telephone or cable line. |

|Output device |The hardware that receives and displays information coming from the computer. |

|Random Access Memory (RAM) |Temporary storage memory chips that form the computer’s primary work space; contents are lost if the |

| |power is disrupted. |

|Read Only Memory (ROM) |Storage memory chips that maintain their contents if the power is disrupted. This form of primary |

| |storage chips have their stored content entered at the time of their fabrication and can be written to|

| |only once. |

|Scanner |A computer input device that can read text, images, and bar codes and translate them into digital |

| |code. |

|USB port |Universal serial bus allows interface of peripheral devices (flash drives can be plugged in and |

| |connected to your PC) |



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