|Theme: On the Job |

|Module: Read and follow a work schedule. |

|Skills |Listening |Speaking |Reading |Writing |Numeracy |

| |CLB 5 |CLB 5 |Ph 3 |Ph 3 |Ph 3 |

| | | |Beginning/Initial |Beginning/Initial | |

|Context Information Focus |Work Place Culture: |There are a lot of different kinds|Importance of neatness, accuracy |It is important to be at work 10 |

| |There are appropriate ways to request a change in one’s work |of work schedules. (12 hour |and completeness of information. |minutes before your shift begins. |

| |schedule. |shifts) There are also seasonal | | |

| |It is important to ask for clarification when needed. |jobs which may require employees | | |

| | |to work overtime during certain | | |

| | |times of the year. (construction | | |

| | |workers) | | |

|CLB Competency/ies |I. Instructions |I. Social Interaction |3. Read and understand formatted |2. Record formatted information |4. Time and Temperature: |

| |Understand a range of spoken |Phone Competencies |information | |Read and tell time |

| |everyday instructions on step by |Answer the phone briefly according| | | |

| |step procedures |to the situation | | | |

| |III. Suasion |IV. Information | | | |

| |Demonstrate comprehension of |Interaction one-on-one | | | |

| |factual details and some inferred |Ask for and provide information | | | |

| |meanings in simple advice and |related to routine daily | | | |

| |suggestions, announcements and |activities | | | |

| |commercials | | | | |

|Genre |Interaction |Interaction |Work Schedule |Schedule |Work Schedule |

|Text structure/Features |Features: Q & A |Features: Q & A |Features: |Features: |Features: |

| |Tone: Semi-formal; business-like |Tone: Semi-formal; business-like |Format of a schedule |Sections of a schedule |AM |

| | | |Abbreviations |Headings |PM |

| | | |“Decode” abbreviations |Abbreviations |Use of colon (1:00) |

| | | | | |Dates (d/m/y) or (m/d/y) |

| | | | | | |

|Language Focus | Discourse Markers |Grammar |Vocabulary |Socio-cultural |Grammar |

| |“Ok” at the end of a conversation |Modals |call in |Understand that a |Understand: |

| |asks for confirmation |Yes/no questions |late |schedule has a specific layout |numbers and time |

| |“Ok” at the beginning of a |Would you mind if..... |work schedule | |common nouns and proper nouns |

| |conversation expresses agreement |Could I..... |change | | |

| |Socio-cultural |May I......... |absent | |Pronunciation |

| |There might be a deduction in pay |Can I leave work early? |schedule | |Contrast ending sounds in numbers:|

| |for time missed |Have to / need |shift | |13-30, 14-40, 15-50, 16-60, 17-70,|

| |The time missed may need to be |I have an appointment. I need the|time off work | |18-80, 19-90 |

| |made up |morning off. |vacation | | |

| |Absences due to a death, sick |Function |break | | |

| |child, etc. follow different rules|Asking for permission. |overtime | | |

| |Vocabulary |Socio-cultural | | | |

| |late |Degree of formality | | | |

| |work schedule |Convention of stating reason when | | | |

| |change |making a request | | | |

| |absent |Vocabulary | | | |

| |schedule |call in | | | |

| |shift |late | | | |

| |time off work |work schedule | | | |

| |vacation |change | | | |

| |break |absent | | | |

| |overtime |schedule | | | |

| | |shift | | | |

| | |time off work | | | |

| | |vacation | | | |

| | |break | | | |

| | |overtime | | | |

| | |Pronunciation | | | |

| | |Hard c – vacation, call in | | | |

| | |“sch”– schedule sounds like “sk” | | | |

| | |“d” – schedule sounds like “j” | | | |

| | |“ch” consonant blend – change | | | |

| | |“br” consonant blend – break | | | |

| | |“sh” consonant blend - shift | | | |

|Language and Learning Strategies |Listen for key words |Ask for clarification or |Scan for information |Brainstorm with a partner for |Organize data and interpret it in |

| |Listen carefully for certain |confirmation |Look at the format of a text in |ideas |a schedule |

| |numbers that might be confusing |Use the right intonation when |order to determine meaning |Make an outline | |

| |(13/30, 14/40) |making a request | |Check for spelling and grammar | |

| | | | |errors | |

|Essential Skill Focus |Document Use, Writing, Oral Communication, Working With Others, Thinking Skills, Computer Use and Numeracy |

|ES-focused instructional | |

|activities | |

| |Oral communication – Students could create a role-play regarding their work schedule. For example, they could phone their supervisor to request a schedule change. |

| |Reading Text, Document Use - Read and follow an authentic work schedule. |

| |Working With Others, Thinking – Ask peers specific questions about their work schedules. |

| |Computer Use, Document Use – Based on a scenario(s) students use Microsoft Word to create a schedule suitable to each situation presented. |

|Teaching Resources & Materials |Work schedule dialogues |Work schedule dialogues |Work schedule |Blank paper to create work |Work schedule |

| | | | |schedule | |

| | | | |Microsoft Word | |

| |Listen to a conversation about a |Role-play a scenario in which the |Read a work schedule and answer |Independently create a work |Read a work schedule and answer |

|Outcome Assessment Task |schedule change and identify key |students make a request regarding |corresponding questions |schedule for one week |corresponding questions regarding |

| |information |their work schedule | | |time and dates |

Additional Information:

1. A word search could be created by visiting

2. A crossword could be created by visiting

3. Work schedules can be found at

• Type in “weekly work schedule” or “employee shift schedule” in the search box

4. Optional listening exercises:

• Visit esl-, go to “Basic Listening Quizzes” and choose “Calendars and Dates” or “Telling Time”

• Visit , go to “General Listening Quizzes”, and choose “Daily Schedules”

• Visit short.htm, choose “Telephone Conversations”, “Dates” or “Telling Time”

5. Online reading and quiz at job/sch.htm

• Choose “Understanding a Work Schedule” and “Reading a Work Schedule”

6. Online reading and quiz at quiz/714239.html?AP_rand=677634461


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