FBC Student Ministry Scholarship Form


FBC Student Ministry Scholarship Form

At First Baptist Church, we don’t want a lack of funds to keep students from attending an event. Typically, we can provide some form of scholarship on most events. Unfortunately, we are limited in the amount of scholarships we are able to offer. Also, there are a few events that we are unable to offer scholarships for. Please complete the following application to help us determine your need, and allow for us to be good stewards with our limited financial resources. All information is confidential and we will make every effort to assist you.

Contact Information

Students Name : _______________________________________________________________________________

School: _______________________________ Grade: __________ ___ Male ____ Female Age: _____

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________________________________

Parent(s) Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Contact Phone Number(s): _________________________________________________________________

Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

Best way to reach you: ___ Phone ___ E-mail Best time to reach you: ______________

If we schedule an appointment to speak with you about your request, what are the best days and times for you to come in? _______________________________________________________________________

Which event(s) are you requesting a scholarship for? ____________________________________________

We are limited on scholarships for events and trips, therefore, is there any amount you are able to pay? If so, how much? $ _____________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________ _____________________________

Parent Signature Date


For Office Use Only

Date received: _________________ Amount Paid: $____________ Total Scholarships: $_____________

Approval: _________________________________________ Total paid back: $______________________


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