Scholarships will be awarded in the following manner:

Based on the budgeted Missions amount available and the number of candidate requests, the budgeted amount will be divided according to needs of qualified candidates.


1. Candidates should have as their goal full time Christian service

2. A candidate must complete the Scholarship Application in a timely manner. Students must submit a renewal application for each new academic year.

3. Scholarship recipients must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5. The Missions Committee must receive a college record of each academic term. A student falling below a 2.5 GPA will have one term to bring their average up to an acceptable level before being denied additional scholarship assistance.

4. Schools attended by candidates must be approved by the Missions Committee. Only Christian Colleges and Universities will be considered. Church of God affiliated colleges and universities will have first priority.

5. Attendance at Dayspring Church on a regular basis for a minimum of one year prior to applying for a scholarship. Support and involvement in the local ministry of Dayspring is essential.

6. The student is encouraged to engage in Christian Service and internships. Reports of ministry involvement during the academic year and summer are required.

7. The deadline for applying is January 1.


The Missions Committee reserves the right to make exceptions for unique circumstances for the above guidelines.


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