
AFTON CENTRAL SCHOOLBoard of Education Meeting Date:July 2, 2019Kind of Meeting: Reorganizational Where Held:Board RoomPresiding Officer: President – Maryann Palmetier Board Members Present: Maryann Palmetier, President; Keith Ives, Sr., Vice-President; Henry Bostelman, Ted King, Kim McCaulley Administration and Others Present Laura Zanrucha, Secondary Principal; Ken Howard, Business Manager; Connie Beames, Secretary/Clerk Absent: Timothy J. McNamara, Superintendent; Tracy Caezza, Elementary Principal/Director of Special Education Visitors: CALL TO ORDERThe meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Palmetier.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCECall to OrderPledge of AllegianceADMINISTRATION OF OATHConnie Beames, District Clerk, administered the Oath of Office to elected Board Member – Kim McCaulleyAdministration of Oath to elected BOE memberELECTION OF OFFICERSMrs. Palmetier conducted the election for the office of 2019/2020 Board President. On motion by Henry Bostelman, seconded by Kim McCaulley, it was RESOLVED to nominate Maryann Palmetier as President of the Afton Central School Board of Education for the 2019/2020 school year. Yes –5, No – 0, Carried. Connie Beames, District Clerk, administered the Oath of Office to Maryann Palmetier.President Palmetier conducted the nomination for the office of Vice President. On motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Henry Bostelman, it was RESOLVED to nominate Kim McCaulley as Vice President of the Afton Central School Board of Education for the 2019/2020 school year. Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried. Connie Beames, District Clerk, administered the Oath of Office to Kim McCaulley.Election of OfficersRECOGINITION OF VISITORSNoneRecognition of VisitorsAPPOINTMENT OF DISTRICT OFFICERSOn motion by Henry Bostelman, seconded by Ted King, on the recommendation of the superintendent, it was RESOLVED to appoint and/or approve as a group, items A – E as presented below: A. District Clerk - Connie BeamesB. District Treasurer- Kenneth HowardC. Deputy Treasurer- Julie Sutton – stipend $500. D. Tax Collector- TBDE. Claims Auditor- DCMO BOCESYes – 5, No – 0, Carried. Appointment of District OfficersAppointment of Other District PositionsOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Kim McCaulley, on the recommendation of the superintendent, it was RESOLVED to appoint and/or approve as a group, items A –EE as presented below:A. Purchasing Agent - Kenneth HowardB. School Physician - Lourdes Hospital Medical DirectorshipC. School Attorney - Hogan, Sarzynski, Lynch, Dewind & Gregory, LLPD. Treasurer, Student Activity Fund – Julie Sutton, stipend $1,500. 1. Student Activity Fund Supervisor – Laura ZanruchaE. Attendance Officer – Tracy SimmonsF. Records Management Officer – Kathy ShafferG. CSE and CPSE Committees: Chairperson – Tracy Caezza; School Nurse – Tracy Simmons; School Physician – Lourdes Hospital Medical Directorship (if specifically requested in writing by the parent or by a member of the school at least 72 hours prior to the meeting); School Psychologist and Alternate CSE and CPSE Committee Chairperson – Jennifer Karnyski; and regular and special education teacher of the student. 504 Committee Chairperson – Jennifer Karnyski. Alternate 504 Committee Chairperson – Tracy Caezza.H. Title IX/Section 504/ADA Compliance Coordinator – Tracy CaezzaI. Title I/PCEN Coordinator – Laura ZanruchaJ. Asbestos Designee – Brian PhetteplaceK. Insurance Consultant – NBT-Mang Insurance Agency (NYSIR)L. Records Access Officer – Kenneth HowardM. Medicaid Compliance Officer – Stacy HuyckN. Audit Committee – Maryann Palmetier, Kim McCaulleyO. Fingerprint Designee – Julie Sutton, Alternate – Connie BeamesP. HIPAA Officer – Laura ZanruchaQ. Human Rights/Title VI Officer – Timothy McNamaraR. Right to Know Officer - Brian PhetteplaceS. External Auditor – D’Archangelo & Co.T. Director of Health and Physical Education – Catherine DeckerU. LINKS Coordinator – Laura ZanruchaV. Dignity for All Students Co-Coordinators – Tracy Caezza & Laura ZanruchaW. District Compliance Coordinator & Foster Care Point of Contact Coordinator– Tracy CaezzaX. Homeless Liason – Corbin BrownellY. English Language Learners (ELL) – Tracy BradyZ. RTI/AIS Coordinators – Elementary – Tracy Caezza, M/H School – Laura Zanrucha, Facilitator – Corbin BrownellAA. Drug and Alcohol Coordinator – Lynn BradleyBB. Civil Rights Coordinator – Timothy McNamaraCC. School Library System Communication Coordinator – Leslie McGrawDD. District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP) Coordinator – Laura Zanrucha, $400 stipendEE. School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) Coordinator – Laura Zanrucha, $400 stipendYes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Appointment of District PositionsAUTHORIZATIONSOn motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., on the recommendation of the superintendent, it was RESOLVED to approve as a group, items A–G as follows: A. Superintendent to certify payrollB. Superintendent to authorize attendance at conferences, conventions, workshops, etc. and to make designated payment when necessaryC. Superintendent to determine student residencyD. Authorization to establish petty cash funds up to the amount of $100 to each of the following: 1. Treasurer 2. Principal’s Office 3. Student activity groups by individual eventE. Authorized Signatures 1. District Treasurer on all checks with exception of Activity Fund 2. Deputy Treasurer with same authorization as District Treasurer in absence of District Treasurer 3. Activity Fund – Two out of three signatures – High School Principal, Treasurer - Student Activity Fund, Treasurer 4. Intrafund and other budgetary transfers to be authorized by SuperintendentF. Authorization to insure school property and to pay premiums to NYSIR.G. Authorization for Purchasing Agent to issue purchase orders when budget appropriations are adequate to cover such obligations. In the absence of the Purchasing Agent, the Superintendent may be deemed as Purchasing Agent for emergency situations by the Board President or Vice President.Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Authorization approvalsOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Henry Bostelman, after review, it was RESOLVED to accept the annual report – Policy #8332 – Use of Cell PhonesYes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Accept annual report – Policy #8332 – Use of Cell PhonesOn motion by Ted King, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., after review, it was RESOLVED to accept the annual report – Policy #8334 – Use of Credit CardsYes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Accept annual report – Policy #8334 – Use of Credit CardsOn motion by Henry Bostelman, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., after review, it was RESOLVED to re-adopt Policy #2160 – School District Officer and Employer Code of EthicsYes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Re-adopt Policy #2160 On motion by Ted King, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., after review, it was RESOLVED to re-adopt Policies #6240 Investments, #6700 Purchasing and #5300 Code of Conduct Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Re-adopt Policies #6240 , #6700 & #5300On motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Ted King, it was RESOLVED to re-adopt, in full, the coverage provided by Section 18 of the New York Public Officers Law. This coverage shall not supplant any existing protection and/or coverage provided by any other section of law, but shall add to and supplement such existing coverageYes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Adopt Section 18 of the NY Public Officers LawOn motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Ted King, it was RESOLVED to authorize superintendent to appoint Impartial Hearing Officers when needed.Yes – 5, No – 0, CarriedImpartial Hearing OfficersDESIGNATIONSOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Kim McCaulley, it was RESOLVED to approve the official bank depository for all checking and savings accounts – Afton Branch NBT Bank of Norwich Yes – 5, No- 0, Carried.On motion by Henry Bostelman, seconded by Ted King, it was RESOLVED to approve the designation of official newspaper – Daily Star Yes –5, No- 0, Carried.Dates and Times for Monthly Board of Education Meeting for 2019/2020MONTHREGULAR SPECIALJULYTuesday the 2nd AUGUSTThursday the 1st Monday the 19th (Retreat), 4:00 p.m.SEPTEMBERThursday the 5th OCTOBERThursday the 3rd NOVEMBERThursday the 7th DECEMBERThursday the 5th JANUARYThursday the 9th FEBRUARYThursday the 6th MARCHThursday the 5th Thursday the 19th APRILThursday the 2nd Monday the 20th Monday the 20th forBOCES Administrative Budget Vote MAYThursday the 7th Budget HearingThursday the 21st JUNEThursday the 4th On motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Ted King, it was RESOLVED to adopt the above dates for the 2019/2020 Board of Education Meetings.Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried. DesignationsChecking & Savings AccountOfficial newspaperBOE meeting dates for 2019/2020RESOLUTIONS (on the recommendation of the superintendent)ResolutionsOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Ted King, it was RESOLVED to adopt all procedures, plan policies and codes in effect during the 2018/2019 school year for the 2019/2020 school year. Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried. Adopt all policies for 2019/2020On motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Henry Bostelman, it was RESOLVED to approve mileage reimbursement at the IRS rate. Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried. Mileage reimbursement rateOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Kim McCaulley, it was RESOLVED to approve the 2018/2019 substitute teacher pay rate: Certified in any area - $90.00 per day; Uncertified (with 2 or 4 year degree) - $90.00 per day; Retired Afton Central School Teacher – $100.00 per day; Extended Period Substitute (5 or more days in the same position – Per Diem Rate plus $20/hr. for planning and meetings outside of the school day. (Maximum 10 hours/week) Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried. Teacher sub rates for 2019/2020 On motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to approve the 2019/2020 substitute Non-Instructional Rates which is no lower than the minimum hiring rate as per NIA contract and the Retired ACS Non-Instructional substitute rates which is the minimum hiring rate of ten percent (10%) above the regular substitute rate.Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried. Non-Instructional sub rates for 2019/2020On motion by Henry Bostelman, seconded by Ted King, it was RESOLVED to approve the 2019/2020 substitute registered nurse rate at $175.00 per day.Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Substitute RN rate for 2019/2020On motion by Henry Bostelman, seconded by Kim McCaulley, it was RESOLVED to approve bonding the following personnel and amount of the bond as follows: Treasurer $1,000,000 Tax Collector $1,000,000 Payroll Clerk $ 650,000 Secondary Principal $ 400,000 Student Activity Treasurer $ 400,000 All Employees $ 100,000 Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried. Bonding of personnelOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Ted King, it was RESOLVED to authorize the Superintendent to declare items with an original purchase price of up to $1,000 as surplus with disposal to be conducted in the best interest of the district, with reporting of awareness only to the Board of Education.Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Declaration of surplus itemsAPPOINTMENT OF BOARD REPRESENTATIVE for CCSBAOn motion by Henry Bostelman, seconded by Kim McCaulley, it was RESOLVED to appoint Keith Ives, Sr. as the Chenango County School Boards’ Association Contact for the 2019/2020 school year, with Ted King as the back-up contact.Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried. Board rep for CCSBA MINUTESMinutesOn motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to approve minutes of the meeting of June 6, 2019.Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Approve 06/06/19 minutes as presentedFINANCIALFinancialOn motion by Henry Bostelman, seconded by Ted King, it was RESOLVED to approve the May 2019 Treasurer’s Report.Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Approve May Treasurer’s ReportReviewed the monthly financial statements for May 2019.Review monthly financial statementsReviewed the student activity report for May 2019.On motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to approve the May 2019 DCMO BOCES Claims Audit Report.Yes –5, No – 0, Carried.Approve BOCES Claims Audit ReportOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Kim McCaulley, it was RESOLVED to award Bid for Milk for 2019/2020 – Bill Brother’s DairyYes - 5, No - 0, Carried. Approve Milk BidOn motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to award Bid for Ice Cream for 2019/2020 – Hershey’s Ice CreamYes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Approve Ice-Cream BidOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Ted King, it was RESOLVED to approve the agreement with Kenneth Starr to Provide Bus Driver/Aide Training for the 2019/2020 school year.Yes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Approve agreement with Kenneth StarrOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Ted King, it was RESOLVED to approve annual membership with Rural Schools Association of New York State for July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 in the amount of $750.Yes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Approve Rural Schools membershipOn motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Henry Bostelman, it was RESOLVED to approve retainer agreement with Hogan, Sarzynski, Lynch, DeWind, & Gregory LLP for the 2019/2020 school year – annual retainer of $9,600 for the calendar yearYes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Approve agreement with HSLD&GOn motion by Henry Bostelman, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to continue with free and reduced price lunch and breakfast program as well as the milk program in accordance with state and federal guidelines, rules and regulations. Yes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Continue with free and reduced lunch and breakfast programOn motion by Ted King, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to approve contract with C.T. Male Associates for a Boundary and Topographic Survey in the amount of $18,340Yes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Approve contract with C.T. Male AssociatesIn a roll call vote, on motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to authorize the issuance of not to exceed $298,000 bonds of Afton Central School District, Chenango and Broome Counties, New York, to pay the cost of the purchase of school buses, in and for said school district (bus #121, #122 and #123) MemberVote Maryann Palmetier Yes Keith Ives, Sr. Yes Henry Bostelman Yes Ted King Yes Kim McCaulley Yes Motion Carried.Bond authorization for new busesIn a roll call vote, on motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Kim McCaulley, it was RESOLVED to authorize the issuance of $15,825,000 bonds and the expenditure of $1,800,000 unappropriated fund balance and $1,200,000 capital reserve fund monies of the Afton Central School District, Chenango and Broome Counties, New York, to pay the cost of the construction of improvements to and reconstruction of the main school District building and construction of a new bus garage, in and for said school District MemberVote Maryann Palmetier Yes Keith Ives, Sr. Yes Henry Bostelman Yes Ted King Yes Kim McCaulley Yes Motion Carried.Bond authorization for Capital ProjectREPORTSReportsElementary Principal’s Report – Tracy Caezza - absentMrs. Caezza’s paper report included the following items:- 2019/2020 draft teacher schedule- Talent Show- PK-6 Field Day- 5th Grade Moving On Ceremony(see supplemental minutes for entire report)Elementary Principal’s Report (T. Caezza)Secondary Principal’s Report – Laura Zanrucha Ms. Zanrucha discussed the following items:- End of Year Team Building Day- 8th Grade Graduation, 6th Grade Moving Up Ceremony & 12th Grade Graduation- ESSA Update- Unofficial graduation numbers- Regents results(see supplemental minutes for entire report)Secondary Principal’s Report (L. Zanrucha)Superintendent’s Report – Timothy McNamara - absentNo report.Superintendent’s Report (T. McNamara)DISCUSSIONDiscussionBOCES CTE Council to serve as council for ACSD On motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to authorize BOCES Career and Technical Education Advisory Council to serve as council for the Afton Central School District for their Occupational Education Program for the 2019/2020 school year.Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried. BOCES CTE Advisory Council to serve as council for ACSD for 2019/20 Occ Ed ProgramAppoint Trustee and Alternate Trustee for BTD Health Insurance ConsortiumOn motion by Ted King, seconded by Henry Bostelman, it was RESOLVED to appoint Kim McCaulley as designated trustee and Henry Bostelman, Ted King, Keith Ives, Sr. and Maryann Palmetier as alternate trustees from the Afton Central School District to the Broome-Tioga-Delaware Health Insurance Consortium for the 2019/2020 school year.Yes - 5, No - 0, Carried.BTD Health Insurance Consortium TrusteesPERSONNELOn the recommendation of the Superintendent, Timothy J. McNamara:PersonnelInstructionalInstructionalOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Kim McCaulley, it was RESOLVED to accept the resignation of ELA teacher, effective August 19, 2019 per contract of 60 days’ notice, or when a replacement is hired, whichever comes first – Sara SissonYes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Accept resignation – Sara SissonOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Ted King, it was RESOLVED to accept resignation of secondary mathematics teacher, effective August 31, 2019 – Jacqueline Buckler Yes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Accept resignation – Jacquie BucklerOn motion by Ted King, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to grant tenure in the area of Physical Education, effective September 1, 2019 – Daryl DeckerYes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Tenure – Daryl DeckerOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Kim McCaulley, on the recommendation of the superintendent, it was RESOLVED to appoint and/or approve as a group, items 4 –6 as presented below:4. Appoint 2019/2020 LINKS committee member – Kristen MayoAppoint LINKS member – Kristen Mayo5. Approve summer hours at the ATA in service contractual rate – see supplemental file6. Rescind the following appointments, from the 06/06/19 BOE meeting:National Senior Honor Society Co-AdvisorJacquie BucklerMath/Business/Computer Dept. CoordinatorJacquie Buckler Summer employmentAdvisorship UpdatesYes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Non-InstructionalNon-InstructionalOn motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to approve 2019 summer employment of up to 80 hours between July 3, 2019 and September 1, 2019, at her regular hourly rate, to work in the district office and business office – Teri MackYes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Summer hoursOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Kim McCaulley, it was RESOLVED to add to the list of 2019 Summer School Special Education Aides at her regular hourly rate of pay – Colette KetzakYes - 5, No - 0, Carried.On motion by Henry Bostelman, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to appoint 2019/2020 Fall Coaches: Modified A Field HockeyTammy Lambrecht-Mills Step 5$4,466 Varsity Boys’ Soccer Joseph Bunzey Step 1$4,948 Modified A Girls SoccerErika Gerstberger Step 1 $3,283 Volunteer Assistant for all field hockey levels – Terri BaggYes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Appoint additionalFall CoachesAROUND THE TABLEMr. King – Is happy to see that a school sign is in the Capital Project plan.Mr. Ives – Liked graduation and the grouping of the awards. Would like to see the Teel, Chamberlin and Secrest scholarships awarded separately next year toward the end, before the Balfour Key.Mrs. Palmetier – Shared a thank you note from Gloria Harvey in appreciation for her retirement clock.Around the TablePUBLIC COMMENTSNonePublic CommentsAPPOINTMENT OF CLERK PRO-TEMOn motion by Keith Ives, Sr., seconded by Ted King, it was RESOLVED to appoint Kim McCaulley as Clerk Pro-temYes –5, No - 0, Carried.Appoint Clerk Pro-Tem -Kim McCaulleyPresident Palmetier invited Laura Zanrucha to stay for executive session.EXECUTIVE SESSIONOn motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to enter Executive Session at 8:02 p.m. to hear the Committee on Special Education (CSE), CPSE and the 504 Transdisciplinary Team Committee Reports and for two (2) personnel issue.Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Enter Executive Session for CSE, CPSE and 504 Team Reports; for 2 student issues and for 1 personnel issueAfter restroom breaks and clearing of the room, executive session started at 8:04 p.m.Laura Zanrucha – entered executive session at 8:04 p.m.Laura Zanrucha – left executive session at 8:25 p.m.Executive Session ParticipantsREGULAR SESSIONOn motion by Maryann Palmetier, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., it was RESOLVED to re-enter Regular Session at 9:31 p.m.Yes – 5, No – 0, Carried.Re-enter regular sessionOn motion by Ted King, seconded by Kim McCaulley, it was RESOLVED to arrange for the placement of students ID# 710601639, 710600399, 710600253, 710073290, 710601727, 710601531, 710601560, 710600894, 710601410, 710600231, 710600207, 710600879, 710600898, 710601625, 710600743, 710600925, 710600927, 710600960, 710601690, 710601624, 710601671, 710601740, 710601395, 710601394, 710601423, 710601503, 710601481 as developed by the CSE in its meetings on May 14, 16, 21, 28, 30, June 3, 11, 13, 2019. RESOLVED to arrange for the placement of student ID#:?710601288, 710600205, 710601410, 710600274, 710600295, 710601260, 710600805, 710601518, 710601519, 710600646, 710600972, 710601346, 710601377 as developed by the 504?Transdisciplinary Team?in its meetings on May 14, 30, June 11, 13, 2019. RESOLVED to arrange for the placement of student ID#: 710601726, 710601742 as developed by the CPSE in its meeting on May 16, June 6, 2019.Yes - 5, No - 0, Carried.Arrange for placement of CSE, CPSE and 504 studentsADJOURNThere being no further business to come before the Board, on motion by Kim McCaulley, seconded by Keith Ives, Sr., the meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m.AdjournRespectfully Submitted,______________________________Connie B. BeamesDistrict ClerkBOE Approved 08/01/2019 ................

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