Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre

righttopBusiness Plan 2018-20200100000Business Plan 2018-2020-11620502095500Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre00Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre66255459626500Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre Business Plan 2018-2020Achievement TargetsSuccess for All StudentsHigh Quality and Effective Teaching and LeadershipHealth and Wellbeing of students and staffPathways and Community PartnershipsReview transition process pathways for all students from Year 6 to Year 13Commitment to work placements learning and work skills100% of transitioning students set up with work, further training and/or meaningful vocational and life skills placements100% of students in Year 11 or above have workplace learning opportunities100% of Year 10 students to be provided with workplace learning, or, simulated work settings.Students with therapy requirements have access to therapy programs and equipment.Develop and implement a whole school behaviour curriculum with a schedule of PBS behaviour lessons by 2020Students participate in a wide range of programs with class and specialist teachersDevelop leadership opportunities for Year 11/12 students.A commitment to improve all literacy and numeracy outcomes for students in Years 7 to 12To develop a working Guaranteed Curriculum approach for students from Years 7 – 9 against the Western Australian Curriculum, and Guaranteed Curriculum and negotiated pathways for Years 10 – 12Increase staff capacity in planning, teaching and assessment.Implement the Aboriginal Cultural Standards FrameworkBecome Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) school within 3 yearsIncrease staff capacity in STEM curriculum deliveryIncrease staff capacity to incorporate ICT in all aspects of teaching and learningIncrease the capacity of education assistants through targeted professional learning opportunities, including online modules.Increase the capacity of graduate teachers through mentor programs and a graduate support group.Leadership opportunities for teachersCreate a Students Services Team of Deputy Principals,School Psychologist, Therapy Assistant, Family Support OfficerImplement Positive Education approach using the Acronym PEERMAH and the learn it/live it/teach it cycle over three yearsPositive: whole school approach to:Emotions: develop stronger understanding of own and others emotions; savouringpositive emotions (joy, love, gratitude and contentment) Engagement: immersion in activities. Aiming for all members of the school communityntofind sources of passion and interest. Relationships: promoting the importance of connectness and relationships for well beingMeaning: Engaging in activities to help others or community in striving for goals that are rewarding for self and wider community. Embraces challenges with resilience.Accomplishments – school community celebration of achievementHealth – Increase in staff and student fitness, mindfulness and wellbeing.Systematic mental health support for all students to improve wellbeing and decrease detention, suspension and absenteeism figures.Active involvement in the Dianella Education Precinct by:Shared quality Professional LearningCollaborative approach to community events and specialised programsProvide opportunities for staff to develop and share effective teaching practicesDevelop targeted and effective partnershipsBoth become White Ribbon schools and develop a joint implementation strategyTo maintain currency and develop relationships with post school agenciesTo develop and participate in educational networksMaintain and develop relationships with a wide range of agencies/organisationsCPFSSSENDDSCNDISTherapy Assistant, Workplace Coordinator and Student Support Officer roles to expand to manage the implications of the implementation of the NDIS.To maintain and develop positive relations with parents and increase their participation with the school community.Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre Business Plan 2018-2020StrategiesSuccess for All StudentsHigh Quality and Effective Teaching and LeadershipHealth and Wellbeing of students and staffPathways and Community Partnerships1.Start planning for Transition from Year 6: Parents and Staff Surveys/ Committee approach.Talk about an aspect of Transition at:Year 7 parent information sessionsParent group morning teasMAPBig planITP section on every Year 11/12 reportYear 13s have an Individual Transition Plan (not IEP) developing a pathway for life after school2.WPL team co ordinates the placement of ALL students WPL team continue to expand the number of new placement opportunitiesOutsource jobs completed for businesses in simulated Work Place and Landsdale Farm3.Designated Therapy RoomMaintain Therapy Assistant Role as an ‘off the grid’ positionPerson Centred approach to IEP meetings.Providing a sensory outdoor space4.Establish 80% Buy in from staff to begin implementation of Positive Behaviour SupportForm PBS leadership teamFollow PBS implementation and development plan5. Student will access:An expansion of current ASDAN coursesASDAN Preparing for Adulthood programsASDAN Engagement courses Short Course (year 10-12)Key Steps (year 7-9)Lifeskills ChallengeCertificate courses:Cert 1Retail, Business, Agrifoods, Hospitality.Certificate 1 and 2 in response to student aptitude.DSCBalga SHSNM TAFE(NNEI & VetsFS)Protective BehavioursSTEMEnvironmental scienceBushrangersPositive Behaviour CurriculumEmploy specialist teachers: ZumbaMusic Rocks,ArtDramaSTEM Access specialist Secondary College teachers for option classes6. Creation of a school councillor team to:To support school initiativesMentor/ buddy younger studentsFocus of school priorities and code of conduct.Host school assembliesCreate a Multi- Lit area with specialist staff to run program 1:1 with students ? days per week.Source more engaging, up to date resourcesR.I.C Numeracy, Literacy and Language Introduction of engaging Numeracy and Literacy programs and whole school Life Skill ChallengesAll year 11-12 English and Numeracy to be aligned to SENAT1.Allocated class team planning meetingsFormation of teaching cluster year group collaborative planningIn collaboration with cluster teams and specialist teachers, write a Guaranteed Curriculum.Year 10 planning sessions in The MAP and subject information to be held in school time to increase parent and student participation2.Review and Improve SMART IEP ObjectivesAligning of assessment against SENAT document to identify progress.STEM program implementation as a precinct Initiative (?)Teaching Norms established for each cluster groupCo coachingMentoringPositive Behaviour SupportIndividual Career development plan reflecting School, Cluster and Individual initiativesIn Performance Management meeting teachers describe how they have incorporated the strategies into classroom practice3.All staff complete Aboriginal Cultural Appreciation course online.Incorporate strategies and resources from Aboriginal Standards Framework within classroom practiceInvite and encourage Aboriginal students, familiesand localmaboriginal community to participate in school community events.Teachers use culturally responsible teaching and learning strategies and resources.4.Access Support from SSEND: B to establish staff by in of over 80 %Establishment of PBS team who use data and consultative collaborative processes to guide whole school PBS implementation.Formalised whole school approach to managing behaviourLeader and coach training for Deputy and school psychologist by end of Semester 1 2018PBS team to attend 2 day training in Term 2 2018 Use of Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) to guide implementation: establish team, establish and maintain team, self-assessment (fidelity and outcomes), school-wide expectations, class room behaviour support systems, establish information system, build capacity for function-based support.Establish 3-5 clearly defined expectations from which a behaviour matrix and procedures and routines are developed, supported by visuals. 5.Outsource specialist STEM Programs with teacher involvementPurchase up-to-date STEM resourcesSTEM leadership role within Curriculum CommitteeUse of Dianella Secondary College STEM space6. Invite regular PD opportunities to improve teaching and learning through new softwareStudent ASDAN portfolios to be created as Digital Portfolios.Opportunities for lead within Curriculum Committee.Improvement of interative teaching equipmentImplementation of Seesaw to showcase and monitor student achievement.Professional learning opportunities for Education Assistants:All performance management to be contucted in term 2 to ensure career plans can take effect.WPL InductionEffective Utilisation of Education Assistants: DoE One ClassroomMulti-Lit delivery opportunities.Responsibility opportunites in key areasGraduate Support Group to:Invite collaborative approach to completing graduate modulesAttend regular professional developmentTeacher observation and positive feedback9. committee members to lead student improvement within a chosen curriculum arealeadership opportunities for teachers to support students with mental health concerns1.Student services team to be establishedSST meets once per fortnight 2.Leadership Team complete Positive Education training in Adelaide (4 days)Develop implementation plan (learn it , live it, teach it)Maintain membership of PESAAttend PESA meetingsPositiveEmotions Introduce mindfulness activities in classroom asmd staff nmeetingsZones of Regulation curriculum plementationCommittee to plan and set up a sensory area near activity play area beside House Rock and Water and Drumbeat programs to promote self-control, resilience and mutual respectRelationships:White Ribbon:AssembliesTeaching of Respectful RelationshipsBecoming an accredited White Ribbon schoolTRIBES:Weekly 30 minute TRIBES sessions with 13 multi age groupsTwo teachers to provide strategies and activities for all groupsCharacter strengths to be the focusPositive Behaviour SupportMeaningPerson centre planningWhole school wider community responsibilityCrazy Sock DayJeans for Genes etcBushranger activititesRecyclingClean up Australia dayBeach clean up allocationNature campsAccomplishmentsStudents goal settingSchool assembly recognition of students achievementSchool newsletter and digital newsImplementation of SeesawMeeting personal challenges (lifeskills challenge)Bushranger camp and activitiesHealth – access to fitness centre for all staff before/after schoolParticipation in healthy lifestyle eventsFocus on Bungy Jumping strategyProvide a range of relaxation techniques for students and staff.Lunch clubs to develop teamwork and engagementTeamwork activitiesCurriculum implementation of Zones of Regulation and PBS 0.1 FTE Mental Health advocateFurther professional learning staff to support to support students at riskEngagement:Personal centred planningPerfoamnace management ( Career Development Plan)Character StrengthsTeaching of 2 character strengths per term (TRIBES)Promote/ encourage/ celebrate student achievement using vouchersAssembly each term.1.Participate in share Professional Learning STEM Aboriginal Standard frameworkCollaborative approach to community events and specialist programs2018 Harmony Day2019 Anzac Day2020 Naidoc DayParticipate in mental health events – RUOK? Day, White Ribbon Joint staff meetingsASDAN TI for Yr 13sTargeted and effective partnerships inJoint school boardNNEIECUSmith Family till 2018Shared Media Officer and AIEO (advertise as a Precinct position?)2.Transition planning for Post School OptionsMAPBig PlanBi annual ExpoAbilities Expo planningParent information sessionsWPL coordinator to NDIS information sessionsSubscribe to online newsletters3.Increase network participationNNEIDianella Education PrecinctESNNLFSWAESPAAEd Support VET Netwaork meetingUpper School Co-ordinator, Student Support Officer and Transition Co-ordinator to liaise with outside agencies.DSC – Local Coordinators invited to IEP, ITP and Person Centred Planning meetingsSSEND - Provide equipment, support and professional intervention on applicationSSEND B – support for the implementation of Positive Behaviour Support CPFS and Psychologists Coordinated through School Psychologist or Principal/DeputiesGuest Speakers invited to Parent informational coffee sessions.5.Therapists – keep Therapy Assistant role as a Lead EA position and ‘off the grid’Therapy Assistant to establish procedures and protocols with all therapy providers to ensure the educational relevance of all school based therapyStudent Support Officer to liaise with and support families in the development of their NDIS plans5. Parent Facebook group supportInformation morning teas for parent support groups once a termTransition planning using Person Centred Planning Yr 10 – 136.Invitation to IEP and transition planning every semester Parent Information EveningParent Coffee Club with invited guest speakers (as requested by parents)- including health and wellbeing sessionsImplementation of seesaw app to showcase student workNewsletter termlyMonthly digital newsParent Facebook pageMAP and The Big Plan person centred planning sessions. ................

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