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StandardWhat do students have to KNOW to meet this standard?[Knowledge]What SKILLS will students employ in order to meet this standard?[Skills]What REASONING will students employ in order to meet this standard?[Understanding]Example: Unpacking ELA StandardsStandardWhat do students have to KNOW to meet this standard?[Knowledge]What SKILLS will students employ in order to meet this standard?[Skills]What REASONING will students employ in order to meet this standard?[Understandings]RL.9-10. 3 In literary texts, analyze how complex and/or dynamic characters develop, interact with other characters, advance the plot, or develop a theme.Static and dynamic charactersRead fluently enough tomaintain understanding of the text (or use a strategy to compensate).Analyze various characters fortheir characteristics.Make inferences about charactersand their characteristics.Analyze various characters fortheir role in advancing the plot.Round (conflicted) and flatcharactersTrace the development ofcharacters the course of text.Analyze various characters fortheir interactions.Protagonist and antagonist(s)Track character interactions.Analyze how the interactionsbetween character reveal the theme(s) of a literary work.Major and minor character(s)StandardWhat do students have toKNOW to meet this standard?What SKILLS will studentsemploy in order to meet thisstandard?What REASONING willstudents employ in order tomeet this standard?5R6: In literary texts, explain how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events aredescribed. (RL)In informational texts, analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent. (RI)Point of view, narrator, speaker, similarities, differencesRead fluently enough tomaintain understanding of the text (or use a strategy to compensate).Explain how events are described based on the narrator’s/speaker’s point of viewHow events are described in a text can reveal the narrator’s/speaker’s point of viewDescribe a narrator’s/speaker’s point of viewExplain differences in descriptions of events and how they are related to the narrator’s/speaker’s point of view That different authors can write about the same event of topic in different ways.Retell descriptions of events from a textAnalyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic.Make inferences about the narrator’s/speaker’s point of viewIdentify similarities and difference among different points of view presented in the textAnalyze how a narrator or speaker's point of view influences how events are described.Which assessments align?Students read articles describing arguments supporting and opposing school uniforms and prepare one side of a debate that is conducted in class. Students are assessed on a rubric describing the following criteria: Respect for the Other Team, Information, Rebuttal, Use of Facts/Statistics, Organization, Understanding of Topic.Students read articles describing arguments supporting and opposing school uniforms and complete a Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between the two arguments.Students choose a role (e.g., student, parent, teacher, school administrator, community member) and mode of communication (e.g., letter, email, PSA, poster, letter to the editor) and create a document/product to argue for or against school uniforms to the Board of Education. ................

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