To celebrate St Vincent de Paul’s feast day, St Joseph’s ...

139642844063222896452496Diocese of Paisley Autumn Festival NewsletterOctober 2019A message from the Paisley Diocesan PresidentHello Brothers and Sisters.Thank you for the privilege of allowing me to address you once again. It is five months since our last Festival Newsletter and there has been a lot happening since then.We have been making steady progress in encouraging Primary Schools to start Mini Vinnie conferences throughout our Paisley Diocese. We are also making contact with Secondary Schools regarding setting up Junior conferences. All of this work is vital, as it is these young people who are the Vincentians of the future.Our Recruitment Campaign is still going well and we would like to hear from any Conference that requires assistance in recruiting members.The Winter season will soon be here and schools will be contacted regarding Christmas food parcels andshoe box appeals. Please let us know if you have families in need.I will finish now with a story from my own Parish. One Sunday morning after the 10am Holy Mass, I was standing with the SSVP box when a young boy aged 8 or 9 years old came up to the box and began stuffing?20 and ?10 notes into the box. I was a bit concerned but thankfully his Dad came forward and explainedit was the boy’s birthday money and he wanted to donate it to SSVP.It makes you feel very humble.Well thanks very much for all the help you give me.God bless you all.Brother Joe.A Message from our National PresidentKey Aims….Recruitment and CommunicationStatistics from the Diocesan Annual Audit Dear Brothers and Sisters,I am pleased to been offered the opportunity through this edition of the Diocese of Paisley Festival Newsletter to express my appreciation to the SSVP Presidents and members within the diocese.As part of the election process for the National President all candidates had to identify at least two Key Aims in their CV, which they would pursue if, elected to office.My key aims are:to increase membership of the SSVP through the development of a national awareness and recruitment campaign thereby ensuring the long-term future of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.To improve communications at local parish / diocesan and national levels within the Society.I am therefore pleased to report that there has been over the past eight months positive outcomes regarding both these priorities (key aims).I am particularly pleased that the SSVP in the Diocese of Paisley have continued to recruit new members, from their ongoing campaign and published this second edition of the Festival Newsletter.This means of communication in addition to the regular group and Diocesan minutes ensures that the members are up to date with the many acts of charity delivered throughout the Diocese.Thank you and God bless you all.Brother Danny Collins National President.FIRST NAMESURNAMEOFFICE HELDCONFERENCETOWNCONF IDDATE NOTIFIEDCarloFazziActive MemberSt John'sBarrheadPA0101305/03/19GerardHarkinsActive MemberSt John The BaptistPort GlasgowPA0201414/03/19DavidMcKennaFormer MemberSt FrancisPort GlasgowPA0201021/05/19PeterMooneyFormer MemberSt FrancisPort GlasgowPA0201025/06/19ElizabethAyliffeSecretarySt Patrick'sGreenockPA0202704/09/19MAY THEY REST IN PEACEHome Visits4,534Hospital Visits1,025Families Assisted Financially225Families Assisted Furniture etc.134People Transported to Holy Mass4,275Outings/ Socials65Obituaries March - September 2019 Spotlight Across the DioceseTo celebrate St Vincent de Paul’s feast day, St Joseph’s SSVP hosted afternoon tea in the church hall. 35 parishioners attended and enjoyed the home baking on offer and all the chat, of course.They were well entertained by children from St Joseph’s Primary School who sang a medley of their favourite hymns and songs and a parishioner who played piano.Many people commented on what a lovely afternoon they had and asked if we would be doing it again next year!Sister Anne Marie Kelly, President.St Joseph’s, ClarkstonSt. Thomas’ Mini VinniesIt is the start of a new school term and a new start for the Mini Vinnies of St Thomas’ Primary School under the guidance of St Thomas’ SSVP in Neilston.This term we have ten Mini Vinnies from Primaries 4,5 and 6. Nine girls and one boy. A programme of events was discussed with Brother O’Kane from St Thomas’ SSVP for the coming terms. Mini Vinnie Prayer cards, pencils and badges were given out to the children who are looking forward, enthusiastically, to the forthcoming year.Pictured are St Thomas’ Mini Vinnies and Brother Frank O’Kane.Brother Frank O’Kane, St. Thomas’ SSVP.Good news on Recruitment at St Cadoc’s SSVP ConferenceIt is with great pleasure that St Cadoc’s SSVP Conference can provide an update on exciting progress regarding recruitment. At the beginning of October, with the support of our Parish Priest, Father Eoin Patten, and the guidance of BrotherJoe Hendry, our steadfast Paisley Diocesan President, the Conference has had a successful recruitment appeal at all four Masses during the weekend of 15th and 16th June.The members would like to thank Father Patten and Brother Joe Hendry who spoke so eloquently on the ethos and works of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and also to Caroline Whyte, Bill Quinn, and Michael Dowds who, along with Joe presented on the Role of a Vincentian at the Masses and also assisted by talking to interested parishioners as they entered and left the church, at the pop-up stands in both porches.Over the weekend we spoke to hundreds of parishioners, received interested pledges from 21 possible new recruits whose contact details we recorded and followed up with them within the week.All who expressed interest were invited along to the church hall a few weeks later, where Joe outlined the necessary requirements to become a Vincentian and the SSVP Conference members gave an overview of the works carried out in St Cadoc’s parish, allowing the volunteers an opportunity to ask questions.Two Safeguarding Officers from the Diocese, June Clunie and Mary Docherty gave a PVG Disclosure presentation and Level 1 training and out of the 15 potential volunteers who attended, 11 were assisted with PVG Disclosure applications and received their Level 1 training that same evening. Not a bad result considering this all took place at the end of school term and into the school holidays !Two further volunteers have since come forward and received their Level 1 training on 24th September.Slowly but surely the PVG Disclosure applications are successfully being processed into acceptance certificates and St Cadoc’s SSVP Conference is looking forward to havingits membership increased from four active members at the beginning of the summer, to a Conference of a healthy twenty active members going into the Autumn / Winter months when plans will be made to seek and find those who are lost and forgotten.It is with gratitude that St Cadoc’s SSVP Conference expresses sincere thanks to the many individuals who supported and contributed to this wonderful outcome.Sister Roselyn Heffernan, President.St. Mirin’s Lunch ClubThe Fish Tea Lunch club is now approaching its third anniversary. Lunches are held in the parish hall on the first Monday of every month at 1.30pm and are open to anyone living with dementia accompanied by a friend or family member. After lunch we enjoy live music, singing and dancing, a quiz and bingo.The success of the lunch club can perhaps be best measured by the continuing increase in numbers attending. We now have an average turnout of between 50 and 60, with approximatelyhalf living at home and the remainder fromby tea, coffee and biscuits. Half a dozen local parishioner volunteers assist SSVP members in running the lunches. The next lunch ison Monday 7th October at 1.30pm.For any further information or to arrange to attend, pleaseSt. Laurence’s Conferencelocal care homes.The fish suppers are deliveredto the hall by Castelvecchi fish and chip shop and are followedcontact Terry on 07511494509.The St. Mirin’s SSVP Conference pays for the meals/teas and biscuits and use of the hall. As the attenders are from various parishes please consider contributing to this worthwhile cause.Brother Jack O’Brien, President. St Laurence’s conference was re-established in the summer of 2016 after a hiatus of several years. Thought to be originally founded in the 1850’s it is one of the oldest in the diocese.Growing again from a small start in 2016, there are now 6 active members.As well as the usual provision of aid to those in need there are 2 initiatives that we are proud of and wanted to share.When we re-established we soon identified the large number of elderly population members of the parish, and the loneliness and isolation many of them felt. A monthly afternoon tea was established to bring together the elderly and provide company for a couple of hours. There is tea and cakes as well as a game of bingo and usually a sing- a-long. This has proven popular and any elderly people from outside the parish are most welcome. Dates of these afternoons will be advertised on the parish bulletin and onSt. John Bosco ConferenceThe appeal for school uniforms to aid the Caritas Projectin Paphos, Cyprus, in their endeavours to assist the growing number of refugee families seeking refuge in their country, was a great success. We passed on in excess of 500 items of school clothing, donated by individuals and conferences within the Paisley Diocese.This has made a tremendousdifference to the integration of the children in their new environment. We also received 900 euros in money donations from individuals which was passed on to the Learning Refuge, a centre where the children cansocialise and improve their learning in a safe environment. Although the children can enrol in local schools they are disadvantaged as they speak neither Greek nor English. Volunteers at the Learning Refuge teach the children both languages and assist with homework.John and Margaret Sherry, St. John Bosco SSVP.the Facebook page.The conference partnership with All Saints Primary School is growing, and a lot of the referrals for help come from within the school. For the last few years we have helped families with back to school costs. This year we decided to combine this with awareness of the environment and host a uniform bank. Anyone in our associated schools can donate or take items of uniform. It’s been at the back of the church for the weeks leading up to the start of the term, and afterwards. The conference will continue to hold itemsand the schools can refer anyone in need. The uptake has been good, donations have been continually coming in and parents recognise the environmental impact of recycling items which could be used by someone else. This extends beyond those in particular need, and is available to anyone.Brother Joe Bonnar, President.Our Lady of The Wayside Special Works Conference Our Conference remains busy and we continue to receive greatsupport from Parish conferences and from our young people in schools. In the past year,Caritas Students have given of their time to help those in need. These sixth year students come from St. Andrew’s Academy, Paisley, St. Benedict’s, Linwood, St. Columba’s High School, Gourock, St. Luke’s High School, Barrhead and Queen Margaret Academy, Ayr. The young people work really hard and give their time and assistance joyfully. We thank them and also their teachers for accompanying the young people in the evenings.Sister Jacqueline Ritchie, President.Rosalie Rendue Special WorksThe Club is busy as usual. We are now in the fortunate position of having four or five new members since we resumed after the Summer. Thankfully, we have also had our new intake of student red shirts from Trinity High School, Renfrew and St. Andrew’s Academy, Paisley.In addition, we’ve had 2 new student red shirts from a Glasgow school and 2 new adult red shirts. This is good news for us.Our Hallowe’en party takes place on 25th October will be a good night. The photos will be posted to our FB page “The Paisley Ozanam Club”.Our Christmas Dinner is booked and the deposit paid. Thanks to all who help us in any way.Sister Caroline O’Neill, President.Holy Spirit Special Works Conference St. Vincent’s Hospice Special Works Conference.On behalf of our President, Brother Francis Graham and all members of the HSSWC, wewould like to conveyFor many years, theSpecial Works Conference (“SWC”) has operated under restrictions in relation to the donations which it makes to the Hospice. In particular, donations could not be applied towards salaries and medication;in effect, this meant that donations were expended on purchasing ‘things’ e.g. furniture, televisions and mattresses all for the care of patients generally.In recent years, it has become easier for the Hospice to access capital funding from trusts and similar bodies. Some examples of this funding have been the purchase of additional medicaland nursing equipment, beds, chairs etc. and the replacement of kitchen facilities.However, in common with many other health and social care providers, the Hospice faced a daily struggle to fund other aspects of the care which are prized by those whom it serves. The SWC was therefore asked by the Hospice if the Society would consider relaxing the restrictions on donations.The SWC first consideredthe request and decided that it should be supported.Thereafter the approval of the Diocesan Council was sought; after dueconsideration the Diocesan Council granted its approval and the matter was remitted to the National Council.Bro. Danny Collins (before he was appointed to high office) presented the case for the relaxation and the National Council agreed with him.And so, from January 2019 onwards, the SWC has been able to authorisethe Hospice to expend donations on specified, direct patient care services which do not involvethe purchase of ‘things’; for example, we have authorised the expenditure of a donation on specialitybereavement care delivered by the Children and Young People’s Service.We thank all those who have helped and continue to help our SWC in any way.Brother Jim Kerr, President.our heartfelt thanks for the massivesupport received in response to our recent appeal for additional funds to purchase a replacement minibus. The replacement minibus is shown in the attached photo with residents and staff of the male house for drug rehabilitation run by the Jericho Benedictines.In the run up to the replacement minibus being secured, the house had to go almost seven weeks without transport and this period proved how essential the transport support from SSVP is to the rehabilitationprocess. A representative of the staff said, “We had grown accustomed to a minibus always being there and had almost taken it for granted. It reminds us just how much we are indebted to the Society of St Vincent de Paul.”The minibus is used primarily to get residents to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting every night. However that is not the only function it performs.It also allows the residents to take part in other social and educational training for return to a drug free productive life. One of these can be appreciated from the photograph.This is not the way the residents normally dress. They were about to attend and support a “Street Soccer” football game. Street Soccer is for Positive Change Through Football and supports people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds including Homelessness, Mental Health, Addiction and long-term unemployment. It is good to know that the support we give, in turn allows Jericho to also give to a wider community. Many thanks again to all who help our SWC in any way.Brother Jim Farren, President.0141 226 8833Wigwam Marketing, for publishing & Printing on behalf of the SSVP Diocese of Paisley./SSVPScot//youthssvpscotland/@ssvpscotland@youthssvpscotlandCompany number: SC347803Charity number: SC006326Diocese of PaisleyFOR THE GOOD OF ................

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