RISING 2ND GRADERS - St. Joseph School - Fullerton


Reading Choice Board Students: Complete at least 3 of the activities and return to your

2nd grade teacher.

*Each activity should be completed using a different book.

Parents: Please initial and date each activity your child completes.

Create a reading log on the back of the choice board listing

the books your child has read. Please remember to save

your child¡¯s work. You may need to take pictures of

some of the activities.

Suggested Series Mercy Watson

Frog and Toad

Henry and Mudge

Junie B Jones

Nikki and Deja


Katie Woo

Bad Kitty

Mr. Putter and Tabby

Judy Moody

Magic Treehouse

Jigsaw Jones

Parents: Please make sure your child reads books on his/her

reading level.

Math Choice Board Students: Complete at least 3 activities from each row and return to

your 2nd grade teacher.

Parents: Your child needs to complete at least 12 of the activities.

Please initial and date each activity your child completes.

Attach your child¡¯s work to the Choice Board. You may

need to take pictures of some of the activities.

Reading Choice Board

for Rising 2nd Graders







Write a letter to

the author

telling him what

you liked in the


Make a ten

question quiz

for your book.

Create a new

cover for your


Call a relative

and tell them

about the book.

Create and put

on a puppet

show for a

family member

about your


Write a


about which

character is

most like you

and explain


Write a new

ending for your


Make a


selling your


Read for 20

minutes outside

in your favorite


Read a book to

your stuffed

animal or pet.

Pick your

favorite part of

the story and

act it out.

Create a movie

poster for your


Draw an

illustration of

the setting of

your book.

Find 8 nouns in

your book and

illustrate them.

Create a


telling what the

book is about

and why


should read it.

Write the

sequel to your

book. (What

happens next?)

Write ten

questions you

would like to

ask the main

character in the


Create a

diorama based

on a scene

from your book.

Write a journal

entry for the

main character.

Write eight

questions you

would like to

ask the author.

Write a letter to

one of the

characters in

your book.

Write a

summary (5 - 7

sentences) of

your book.

Create a book

mobile for your


Pretend you are

a character

from the story.

Write a letter to


character from

the story.

Math Choice Board for

Rising 2nd Graders







Keep track of the

month¡¯s weather

on a calendar. At

the end of the

month, make a

bar graph

showing how

many cloudy

days, how many

rainy days, and

how many sunny

days there were.

Throw three dice

and make and

solve an addition

sentence using

the three

numbers. Do this

nine more times.

Trace and cut out

5 circles, 5

triangles, 5

squares, and 5

rectangles. Glue

them to a sheet

of paper to make

a picture. (ex. a

house or a robot)

Write down the

time you eat

breakfast, lunch,

and dinner. Use

three paper

plates to make

clocks showing

these times.

Toss a coin 10

times. Make a

tally chart

showing how

many times it

landed heads up

and how many

times it landed

tails up.

Using an inch

ruler, find 5

objects longer

than 10 inches

and 5 objects

shorter than 10

inches. List them

on a sheet of


Look at a

calendar. Count

all the days of


vacation. Use

that number to

write 5 math


If each vowel in

your first and last

name is worth 5

cents, and each

consonant 1

cent, how much

is your name


Count the red

and white stripes

on the U.S. flag.

Write an addition

sentence to

show how many

stripes in all.

Use shaving

cream to clean

the kitchen

counter! First,

use the foam to

draw geometric


Count the

number of times

you can hop on

your right foot

and then your left

foot. Compare

the 2 numbers

using >, =, ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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