2022-2023 School Improvement Plan







Team must include parent(s), community member(s), teacher(s), and student(s)

(for secondary schools).



Sharla Whitson


Miranda Watson

Assistant Principal

Jeff Judkins

5th Grade Teacher

Karen Mills

3rd Grade Teacher

Shawna Morganflash

2nd Grade Teacher

Alex Pillar

1st Grade Teacher

Patti Hill

Music Teacher

Deidra Barnes



Community Member

Cindy Barker


Leslie Sharp

K-5 Instructional Specialist


Please describe in detail, one to two paragraphs, your identified needs based on the data

provided below. You may include other data sources such as attendance, behavior,

perceptual, etc. This should be a narrative and will be used in developing your school

improvement goals. In the second box, please list some celebrations and reflections of

success that document your good work!

Data from Istation and ACT Aspire was reviewed, as well as demographic information. Woods

earned a 77.7 on the 18-19 ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) School Index. This is a

rating of a B for the Arkansas Public School Ratings missing an A by 1.56%. Woods scored a

77.11 on the Value Added Growth Report which determines that we had lower growth than

expected. We continue to have high achievement but the three year trend shows a decrease

in the ESSA Score annually since 2017. All subgroups at Woods scored higher than the state

average on the ESSA School Index. We are identified as a Title I School district in which 43%

of our students are considered economically disadvantaged.

According to the 18-19 ACT Aspire reading scores, 57% of 3rd-6th grade students scored

ready or exceeding. This percentage is considered an identified need for improvement since

43% of our students are not ready or exceeding according to the ACT Aspire results.

According to the March 2020 Istation Reading scores 75% of our K-2nd graders scored either

a 3, 4, or 5. Again, this is considered an identified need for improvement since 25% of our

students are not showing achievement in reading.

The last quarter of the 2019-2020 school year was completed online due to the Coronavirus

pandemic. 100% of our students were contacted during this time; however, approximately

only 50% of the students in K-6th grades completed all of the assignments during this time

frame. Ensuring students are supported while learning online is an identified need for

improvement as well.

ACT Aspire testing was conducted during the week of April 26, 2021 - April 30, 2021.

2022 UPDATE:

According to the 20-21 ACT Aspire reading scores, 56% of 3rd-6th grade students scored

ready or exceeding. This percentage is considered an identified need for improvement since

44% of our students are not ready or exceeding according to the ACT Aspire results.

According to the January 2021 Istation Reading scores 67% of our K-2nd graders scored

either a 3, 4, or 5. Again, this is considered an identified need for improvement since 33% of

our students are not showing achievement in reading.


Woods earned the National Blue Ribbon School Award in 2017.

We conducted a school wide book study using the book ¡°The One and Only Ivan¡±. The book

study was designed as a parent involvement activity but expanded into a complete community

project. Each student was given a book and their teachers created home activities for the

students to work on with their parents that utilized core literacy standards. Staff, community

members, and board members created videos reading parts of the book for students and with

the publisher's permission we created an interactive online facebook page dedicated to this


Our art teacher, Mrs. Stacy Bates and music teacher Mrs. Hill were able to continue the

Patriot of the Month tradition through the creation of online videos recognizing our ¡°Patriots of


6th grade English scores on the ACT Aspire in 2019 were among the highest in the district

with 93% of students scoring ready or exceeding.

6th grade Math scores on the ACT Aspire in 2019 were among the highest in the district with

82% of students scoring ready or exceeding.

In April 2019 91% of K-2nd graders scored Tier 1 (when this tier was highest) in Math Istation.

In April 2019 85% of K-2nd graders scored Tier 1 (when this tier was highest) in Reading


2022 UPDATE:

Arkansas School Recognition Award Winners for top 5% performance in 2021 ACT testing

2022 Best of the Best in Fort Smith Metro Area

Woods Elementary

2021-2022 ACT Aspire % Exceeding/Ready









*This chart will be completed upon receipt of the results of the

2021-2022 state assessments, approximately August 1, 2022.


Based on identified needs, develop at least one SMART goal with interventions

and practices for effectiveness.




The percentage of 3rd-5th graders at Woods who score ready or

exceeding on the ACT Aspire reading assessment will increase by

5% on the May 2023 assessment.




There will be a 5% increase from the May 2021 ACT Aspire

Reading Assessment to the May 2022 ACT Aspire Reading


I know I have

reached my goal


1) In Need of Support and Close students will be identified.

2) The Diagnostic Decision Tree for Reading (RISE-Day 6) will be

used to identify interventions needed.


Item(s) I need to

achieve this goal.

3) Teachers (and teams) will also use CFAs, CSAs, monthly

Istation assessments, ACT Aspire Classroom Assessments, and

ACT Aspire interim assessments to help diagnose specific skills

students are not mastering. .

4) Students will receive Intervention by classroom teachers, Title I

Elementary Specialists, Title I Elementary Para and Dyslexia

Interventionists on specific skills.

5) Results of progress monitoring will be collected monthly and

reviewed collaboratively with classroom teachers and the


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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