Good morning boys and girls

(I found 6 large, smooth rocks and glued googly eyes on them and drew a smiley face with a marker. On the bottom or back of each rock, I wrote the word(s) and corresponding scripture found below. I also got 6 large feathers and attached googly eyes. I then set the rocks and feathers out on a table in the front of the room)

Good morning boys and girls.

I want to introduce you all today to two families. Here we have the Feather family and the Stone family. Let me tell you a little about each of these families.

The Feather family is very busy. They never have Family Home Evening because they choose to play sports and go to lessons on Monday nights, and then when they get home they like to watch TV. And even if they did have FHE, the little Feather kids would be naughty and not listen nicely anyway, so the Feather parents stopped trying. They don’t study their scriptures together at night because they’re so busy, and they can’t do it in the morning because they’re tired and it’s too hard to wake up early. The Feather family doesn’t really like to do things together. They fight and argue and don’t share. When one member of the Feather family does something to the other one, they get mad and never say they’re sorry and never forgive and forget. When the Feather mom asks one of the Feather kids to help her do a chore, the Feather kids whine and cry and won’t help her. So, the Feather mom feels bad and is really busy around the house and doesn’t have any extra time to tell the kids any scripture stories. They never do service together, because they’re too busy and plus: they don’t really like spending time together. They just don’t treat each other well.

This is the Stone family. They like to do things together. They say prayers together, they read their scriptures together and they especially love having their parents tell them stories out of the scriptures. They try hard to have Family Home Evening and this gives them a good opportunity to learn more about the gospel, find out how their parents feel about Jesus and talk about problems their family might be facing. Also, they sometimes do really fun activities together. They love to play games together and they also enjoy working together: they help around the house when their Stone mom asks them to (and sometimes even when she doesn’t ask, they like to surprise her!) So, they work hard together and play hard together. They also do service together. Once, for FHE, they weeded the front yard of an older lady in their neighborhood who really needed help. That made the Stone family feel good about themselves and have good things to talk about.

Now, Jesus told us in the scriptures that we would have troubles in this life. And we all do. Sure enough, along comes the problems and temptations of the world:

** (use blow dryer on Feather family.) Look all over for them. Look high, low, and under table.

Oh my gosh! What happened? Look at them! They’re all scattered and alone. They didn’t stay together.

So let’s see what happens to the Stone family when they’re faced with problems, because even good families will have troubles and trials, right?

**(use blow dryer on Stone family)

What happened?

They’re still here together. They stayed strong. I wonder why?

Let’s have a closer look at this family and see why the troubles of the world didn’t blow them away.

**using sticks, call a volunteer up to turn stones over. Junior primary will discuss the word, senior primary will look up scripture and come up with the word**

1. Prayer 3Nephi 18:21

2. Repentance & Forgiveness D & C 64:10

3. Respect and love 1John 4:7

4. Family Home Evening 3Nephi 22:13

5. work and play and do service together Mosiah 2:17

6. scripture study John 5:39


So, the Feather family got scattered when they were hit by troubles. They didn’t do the things they were told to do by the scriptures and the prophets to stay strong. Now they are scattered, no longer together and kind of lonely. Do you think they’re happy?

But, the members of the Stone family are still here together. I think they are happy together. They tried hard to follow the prophet and keep Heavenly Father’s commandments. They learned in FHE how to love each other and be an eternal family.

The Proclamation to the Family tells us: “Successful families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work and wholesome recreational activities”.

I want to bear my testimony to you all that the way to be happy is to have a strong family. If we try hard in this life, our family can be together forever! We need to pray together, say we’re sorry, forgive each other, show each other respect and love, and work and play and serve together. Each one of you can help strengthen your family by participating in FHE or telling your parents that you would like to have FHE. This is the best place for us to pray and read the scriptures and learn and talk about the things the prophets tell us to do. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


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