Unit 1 Writing Assignment
Unit 1. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find one mistake in each sentence. Cross out the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
My Best Friend
Tom harrison and I are best friends. We go to Cherry hill Elementary School. Tom is Smart and funny. he likes to play computer games. We play games Together. tom also likes to play basketball. he is good! I am happy to have Tom as my best Friend.
Think about your best friend. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What is your best friend’s name?
2. What does he/she like?
3. What do you do together?
4. Is he/she talented? How?
Now write a paragraph about your best friend. Use your sentences above. Add some new ideas, too.
______________________ and I are best friends. _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am happy to have _________________ as my best friend.
Check your sentences. Did you use capital letters correctly?
Unit 2. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find one mistake in each sentence. Cross out the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
New Rollerblades
Kelly have new rollerblades. She like them a lot. They is purple and green. She bring them to school. She show them to her friend, Jane. Jane have rollerblades, too. She say, “Let’s rollerblade after lunch.” Kelly think that is a good idea. Kelly say, “OK!” Kelly and Jane has fun on their rollerblades.
Think about something new you have. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What is it/are they?
2. What color is it/are they?
3. Who do you show it/them to?
4. What does he/she say?
Now write a paragraph about your new item. Use your sentences above. Add some new ideas, too.
I have (a) new _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We enjoy my new ______________________
Check your sentences. Do all of your subjects and verbs agree?
Unit 3. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find one punctuation mistake in each sentence. Cross out the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
The Museum of Music
Sam and Julie are at the museum of music They are looking at a piano, A museum guide is telling them about the piano? It is very old It is from 1795? Julie wants to play the piano! She asks, “Can I play a song on the piano!” The answer is no? The piano is too old
Think about your favorite museum. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What is your favorite museum?
2. What does it have?
3. Who teaches you about the museum?
4. Why is this museum interesting?
Now write a paragraph about your favorite museum. Use your sentences above. Add some new ideas, too.
My favorite museum is ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I like the museum because it is _________________.
Check your sentences. Did you use end punctuation correctly?
Unit 4. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find one mistake in each sentence. Cross out the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
Matt’s Rocks
Matt collecting rocks. He looking at his rocks now. The rocks is lying around him. He is smile happily. He is knowing a lot about rocks. He are holding a big, black rock. He is tell his little brother about the rock. His little brother are listening carefully.
Choose a picture in a magazine or from the Internet. There must be people in the picture. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. How many people are in the picture?
2. What are the people wearing?
3. What are they doing?
4. Where are the people? Why are they there? Are they having a good time?
Now write a paragraph about the picture. Use your sentences above. Add some new ideas, too.
There are _________people in this picture.___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I think these people ____________________ a good time.
Check your sentences. Did you use the present progressive tense correctly?
Unit 5. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find eight pronoun mistakes. Cross out the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
Missing MP3 Player
Justin rides the bus to school and listens to he MP3 player. At school, he puts our MP3 player in his desk. Later, he can’t find her. He looks in his desk. He looks in its backpack. Kayla knows where they is. Her is smiling. She says, “I love this song! Do yours want to listen?” Justin laughs. Kayla has him MP3 player.
Think about something you lost for a short time. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What is missing?
2. Where do you look for it?
3. Where else do you look for it?
4. Where do you find it?
Now write a paragraph about your missing item. Use your sentences above. Add some new ideas, too.
My _______________ is missing. ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I’m glad ______ found it!
Check your sentences. Did you use pronouns correctly?
Unit 6. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find eight mistakes with adjectives. Cross out the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
Happy Birthday
It is Monica’s birthday. Monica sad is. There are no presents pretty at home. At school, her friend best doesn’t say “Happy Birthday.” This is terrible a birthday. After school, there is no food special. There are tasty no treats. Monica is very sad. Then she hears music loud. She goes outside. She sees her friends. “Surprise! Happy birthday, Monica!” Now she happy is.
Think about a surprise you had. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. How do you feel before the surprise?
2. What is the surprise for?
3. Who surprises you?
4. How do you feel after the surprise?
Now write a paragraph about your surprise. Use your sentences above. Add some new ideas, too.
I feel __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My surprise is __________________
Check your sentences. Did you use adjectives correctly?
Unit 7. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find one mistake in each sentence. Cross out the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
Pizza Party
Kristen is having a pizza fun party for her birthday. There are cheesy, three, delicious pizzas. There are exciting, many, new games at the party. Kids throw balls into small and medium and large baskets. The music is loud, great! Everyone is having a good, time.
Think about your family vacations. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What kind of vacations does your family like?
2. What do you do on these vacations?
3. How are your family vacations?
4. What foods do you eat? How do they taste?
Now write a paragraph about a vacation you had with your family. Use some of the sentences above. Add some new ideas, too.
______________________ with my family. _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have a _________ time when I __________________ with my family!
Check your adjectives. Did you use commas correctly?
Unit 8. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find six mistakes. Cross them out and rewrite the sentences.
Look at Them Go!
Today is sports day at my school! We are watching close. Megan jumps high very. Bill is swimming hardly. Tom runs fastly. Look at him go! Oh, Tom is winning the race! He is smiling happy. He runs good. That was fun to watch. I can’t wait to give Tom a high five!
What is your favorite sport? Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What is your favorite sport?
2. Who do you play this sport with? How do you play?
3. What do you do when you play this sport?
How do you do this?
4. What do you do after you win a game?
Now write a paragraph about your favorite sport, playing it, and your favorite athletes who play it. Use your sentences above. Add some new ideas, too.
My favorite sport is ________. _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I hope I can ________ _________________ someday!
Check your sentences. Did you use adverbs correctly?
Unit 9. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find the six words with missing apostrophes (’). Circle them and rewrite the sentences using apostrophes.
The Game
Ryan and Justin are at Ryans house. They are playing a game. Justins cards are better. Ryans mom brings a snack over. Yum! Justins cookies are chocolate. Ryans are vanilla. Ryan loves this card game. It’s Ryans favorite game. He is so happy that Justin likes the game too!
Think about your brother or sister’s favorite thing. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What is your brother or sister’s favorite thing?
2. What color is it?
3. Why do you like it?
4. What do you do with it?
Now write a paragraph about things in your house. Use your sentences above. Try to use apostrophes. Add some new ideas, too.
I really like my _________’s ______________________. ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. We have fun playing with my __________’s ____________!
Check your sentences. Did you use apostrophes correctly?
Unit 10. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find five mistakes with can and can’t. Cross them out and rewrite the sentences.
Chimpanzees are very smart animals. In fact, they can to do almost everything people do! They can living in groups and help each other. They use can computers. They are kind to each other. Mother chimpanzees feed their babies when the babies cant do it themselves--just like people. I hope I can sees a chimpanzee one day!
Think about what you can and can’t do. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What can you do now that you couldn’t do last year?
2. Can you do this well?
3. How did you learn to do this?
4. What do you want to learn next?
Now write a paragraph about you can do, and what you want to do. Use your sentences above. Add some new ideas, too.
Right now, I can ______________________. I ________ do this _________________________ I To learn to do this I _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Next, I want to learn_________________________________________
Check your sentences. Did you use “can” and “can’t” correctly?
Unit 11. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find the verb mistake in each sentence. Circle them and rewrite the sentences using the simple past tense.
Going to the Park
Last weekend, my dad and I go to the park. We go there by bus. We sit on the bench together. It is nice. We bringed lunch. We have sandwiches and juice. We throw the ball. Other kids want to play with us. We playing with them too! It are fun.
Think about last year. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What is something good that happened last year?
2. Who did you do this with?
3. Where did you do it?
4. How was it?
Now write a paragraph about something that happened in the last year. Use your sentences above. Add some new ideas, too.
In this last year I ______________________. _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It was ______________!
Check your sentences. Did you use the simple past tense correctly?
Unit 12. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find six preposition mistakes and circle them. Rewrite the sentences using the correct prepositions.
My Bedroom
I love my bedroom. It is next from my sister’s room. I keep my books over my bookshelf. I do my homework under my bedroom. There is a window below my bed and the bookshelf. It is such a nice room. My bedroom is across to the kitchen. When my mom cooks food, I can smell it behind my room!
Think about your house. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. Where is your bedroom?
2. What is in your bedroom?
3. What do you put under your bed?
4. What do you like about your room?
Now write a paragraph about your house. Use your sentences above. Try to use prepositions. Add some new ideas, too.
My house is ______________________. The___________ is __________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. I like that my house __________________________________.
Check your sentences. Did you use prepositions correctly?
Unit 13. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find five incorrect prepositions of time. Rewrite the sentences using the correct prepositions.
What a Busy Day!
Today was such a busy day! I had to wake up in exactly seven o’clock. To eight o’clock from three o’clock, I was at school. At school, I had a lot of fun. Before school, at four o’clock, I had a piano lesson. For my lesson, I made a lot of mistakes. I was really tired. Next time, I’ll do better!
Think about your day at school. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What time did you wake up today?
2. What did you do before school?
3. What happened at school?
4. What did you do when you got home?
Now write a paragraph about your day. Use your sentences above. Add some new ideas, too.
Today I woke up at ______________________. _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It was a good day.
Check your sentences. Did you use prepositions of time correctly?
Unit 14. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find five mistakes. Rewrite the sentences using the correct comparative and superlative words.
My classmates at school are all good at something. Tom is the smarter. Jamie is best than Tom at sports. I study hardest than everyone else. Kristen is the worse at math. But she is the most good at English! Tom helps Kristen with math, and Kristen helps Tom with English.
Think about your classmates. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What are you good at?
2. Who can you help in your class? How can you help them?
3. Who is better than you at something? What is he/she better at?
4. How does he/she help you?
Now write a paragraph about your classmates. Use your sentences above. Try to use comparative and superlative words. Add some new ideas, too.
My classmates and I like to help each other.___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. One day I hope to be the best at ______________.
Check your sentences. Did you use comparative and superlative words correctly?
Unit 15. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find the four incorrect transition words. Cross them out and rewrite the sentences with the correct transition words.
The Science Museum
Yesterday we went on a field trip to the science museum. It was really fun! Second, we got on the bus at about nine o’clock. First, we went to the museum. We spent a lot of the day looking at exhibits. We expected to be bored. Finally, they were really fun, and I could use my hands! We wanted to stay. Therefore, it was time to go home.
Think about a field trip you liked. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What did you do first that day?
2. What are the things you did on the field trip?
3. When did you have lunch? What did you do after lunch?
4. What did you do after you got home?
Now write a paragraph about your dream field trip. Pretend it just happened. What did you do? What happened first, second and third? Use what you learned above to write a short paragraph. __________________
I just had a great field trip! First, we __________________________________________. ___ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
Check your sentences. Did you use transition words correctly?
Unit 16. Writing Assignment Name: ___________________
Find the five incorrect verb forms. Cross out the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
My Little Brother’s Dream Job
My little brother has a big dream. He is an astronaut. He goes to outer space one day! He is take a picture of Earth from outer space. Astronauts have to learn a lot, so he is to study hard. He is learn about outer space. I hope I can visit my brother on Mars!
Think about a dream job. What do you want to do? Answer the questions in complete sentences.
1. What is your dream?
2. What are you going to do to get your dream?
3. What do you hope to do with it?
4. What else do you hope to have?
Now write a paragraph about you in the future. What are you hoping for? Use your sentences above. Add some new ideas, too.
When I grow up, I want to______________________. __________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. I hope my dreams come true!
Check your sentences. Did you use “going to” and “hope to” correctly?
Answer Key
Unit 1
Tom Harrison and I are best friends. We go to Cherry Hill Elementary School. Tom is smart and funny. He likes to play computer games. We play games together. Tom also likes to play basketball. He is good. I am happy to have Tom as my best friend.
Unit 2
Sam and Julie are at the museum of music. They are looking at a piano. A museum guide is telling them about the piano. It is very old. It is from 1795. Julie wants to play the piano. She asks, “Can I play a song on the piano?” The answer is no. The piano is too old.
Unit 3
Matt collects rocks. He is looking at his rocks now. The rocks are lying around him. He is smiling happily. He knows a lot about rocks. He is holding a big, black rock. He is telling his little brother about the rock. His little brother is listening carefully.
Unit 4
Kelly has new rollerblades. She likes them a lot. They are purple and green. She brings them to school. She shows them to her friend, Jane. Jane has rollerblades, too. She says, “Let’s rollerblade after lunch.” Kelly thinks that is a good idea. Kelly says, “OK!” Kelly and Jane have fun on their rollerblades.
Unit 5
Justin rides the bus to school and listens to his MP3 player. At school, he puts his MP3 player in his desk. Later, he can’t find it. He looks in his desk. He looks in his backpack. Kayla knows where it is. She is smiling. She says, “I love this song! Do you want to listen?” Justin laughs. Kayla has his MP3 player.
Unit 6
It is Monica’s birthday. Monica is sad. There are no pretty presents at home. At school, her best friend doesn’t say “Happy Birthday.” This is a terrible birthday. After school, there is no special food. There are no tasty treats. Monica is very sad. Then, she hears loud music. She goes outside. She sees her friends. “Surprise! Happy birthday, Monica!” Now she is happy.
Unit 7
Kristen is having a fun pizza party for her birthday. There are three delicious, cheesy pizzas. There are many exciting, new games at the party. Kids throw balls into small, medium, and large baskets. The music is loud and great! Everyone is having a good time.
Unit 8
Today is sports day at my school! We are watching closely. Megan jumps very high. Bill is swimming hard. Tom runs fast. Look at him go! Oh, Tom is winning the race! He is smiling happily. He runs well. That was fun to watch. I can’t wait to give Tom a high five!
Unit 9
Ryan and Justin are at Ryan’s house. They are playing a game. Justin’s cards are better. Ryan’s mom brings a snack over. Yum! Justin’s cookies are chocolate. Ryan’s are vanilla. Ryan loves this card game. It’s Ryan’s favorite game He is so happy that Justin likes the game too!
Unit 10
Chimpanzees are very smart animals. In fact, they can do almost everything people do! They can live in groups and help each other. They can use computers. They are kind to each other. Mother chimpanzees feed their babies when the babies can’t do it themselves--just like people. I hope I can see a chimpanzee one day!
Unit 11
Last weekend, my dad and I went to the park. We went there by bus. We sat on the bench together. It was nice. We brought lunch. We had sandwiches and juice. We threw the ball. Other kids wanted to play with us. We played with them too! It was fun.
Unit 12
I love my bedroom. It is next to/across from my sister’s room. I keep my books in/on my bookshelf. I do my homework in my bedroom. There is a window between my bed and the bookshelf. It is such a nice room. My bedroom is across from the kitchen. When my mom cooks food, I can smell it in my room!
Unit 13
Today was such a busy day! I had to wake up at exactly seven o’clock. From eight o’clock to three o’clock, I was at school. At school, I had a lot of fun. Before school, at four o’clock in the afternoon, I had a piano lesson. During my lesson, I made a lot of mistakes. I was really tired. Next time, I’ll do better.
Unit 14
My classmates at school are all good at something. Tom is the smartest. Jamie is better than Tom at sports. I study harder than everyone else. Kristen is the worst at math. But she is the best at English! Tom helps Kristen with math, and Kristen helps Tom with English.
Unit 15
Yesterday we went on a field trip to the science museum. It was really fun! First, we got on the bus at about nine o’clock. Second/Then/Next, we went to the museum. We spent a lot of the day looking at exhibits. We expected to be bored. However, they were really fun, and I could use my hands! We wanted to stay. But,/However it was time to go home.
Unit 16
My little brother has a big dream. He wants to be/hopes to be an astronaut. He hopes/wants to go to outer space one day! He hopes/wants to take a picture of the Earth from outer space. Astronauts have to learn a lot, so he is going to study hard. He is going to learn about outer space. I hope I can visit my brother on Mars!
sports art
music a lot
books movies
play also
fun very good
songs smart
art museum paintings
science museum microscopes
history museum statues
car museum trucks
videos songs
things to touch exciting
great things to see
pictures of animals
park shoes
pants dress
hat coat
shirt museum
theater street
mall party
shopping picnic
soccer game museum
game jump rope
bike bag
pencil case bicycle
shoes brown
(have) stripes pink
friend teacher
gray silver
“I like them!” “Nice!”
“Let’s ride it!” “Can I try it?”
keys shoes
homework backpack
cell phone camera
pencil case in
on next to behind
under bed
bag desk
garbage can kitchen
living room bathroom
happy sad
excited nervous
afraid surprised
friends family
for fun for my birthday
passing an exam
for cheering me up
friends family
teacher brother/sister
camping trip trip to the beach
relax at home visit relatives
fun happy
exciting good
noodles steak
seafood cake
yummy bad
spicy chewy
sad disgusting
baseball soccer tennis judo
brother friend
jump kick
throw hit a ball
slowly fast
well poorly
quickly happily
celebrate sing
smile laugh
Green doll
blue statue
toy train red
computer yellow
desk yo-yo
fun to use fun to play with
make stories dress it
do tricks play a game
whistle speak English
do a cartwheel run fast
play tennis ride a bicycle
make cookies ride the bus
climb mountains cook spaghetti
play an instrument
practice hard take lessons
ask my teacher/parents
study a lot
vacation birthday party
school trip trip to amusement park
family friends
classmates best friend
sang karaoke ate delicious food
played rode
opened presents walked
great fun
desk window
computer bed
books television
backpack posters
next to across from
under close to the kitchen
behind near the bathroom
on pretty wallpaper
nice color comfortable
my space quiet
ate breakfast took a shower
studied math had dinner
got dressed had fun
at after
before read a book
rested did homework played with friends
ate dinner watched TV
used the Internet
math English
science sport
speaking writing
best better
vocabulary worse
homework find answers
study for tests
got on the bus bought a ticket
studied science saw interesting things
school museum
planetarium zoo
had fun before
after talked with my friends
looked at read
learned about wrote a report
next finally
to become to have
family job
scientist doctor
work hard study
win an award hope
help people make money
do good things be lazy
a big house a happy family
a lot of money a nice car
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