Key Stage 3 History

|Key Stage 3. Dance. ‘Body Writing’ |

|Year 7 Unit 1. Approximately 6 Double lessons over one term. |

|Key Concepts and processes |Expectations |Cross Curricular Framework (CCF) |

|Competence | | |

|a.b.c.d |At the end of this unit |Aspects |

|Performance |Most pupils will: Be able to name, identify and manipulate the 7 Dance Actions and utilise the |i) PLTS and FS |

|a.b.c |following choreographic tools (Canon, Unison, Mirroring). They will be able to perform with |1 Independent enquirers, 2 creative thinkers, |

|Creativity |confidence to their teacher and peers. |3 reflective learners, 4 team workers, 5 self managers, 6 effective|

|a.b | |participators |

| |Some pupils will not have made so much progress and will: | |

|2.1 a.b.c |Be able to name, identify and manipulate some of the 7 Dance Actions and utilise some of following|ii) PD, ECM and SEAL |

|2.2 a.b.c.d. |choreographic tools (Canon, Unison, Mirroring). They will be able to perform to their teacher and |1 Safety, 2 Healthy, 3 Economic well being, 4 Enjoy and 5 |

|2.3 a.b |peers with support and encouragement. |Participate |

|2.4 a.b.c.d | | |

| |Some pupils will have progressed further and will: Be able to name, identify manipulate and give |Dimensions |

|Range and content and Assessment |clear definitions of the 7 Dance Actions. They will utilise the following choreographic tools |1 Identity and cultural diversity 2 Community participation 3 |

|opportunities |(Canon, Unison, Mirroring) and be able to explain how successfully they did so. They will be able |Healthy Lifestyles 4 Enterprise 5 Global dimension 6 Technology and|

|3 b. |to perform with confidence to their teacher and peers and to coach less able students. |media 7Creativity and critical thinking |

|4 c.e.g | | |

| | | |

|Self assessment | | |

|Peer assessment | | |

|Formative assessment | | |

|Summative assessment | | |

| | |Curriculum Opportunities and links (COL) (including themes of |

| | |Discovery and Play, Connections and Perspectives) |

| | |Resources |

| | |CD player |

| | |CD’s |

| | |Audience contract |

| | |NC levels |

|Key Stage 3. Dance. ‘Body Writing’ |

|Year 7 Unit 1. All year 7 lessons are double lessons. Approximately 7 Double lessons over one full term. |

|Enquiry questions, concepts and processes |Learning activities |Learning outcomes |CCF and COL (including themes) |

|Pupils should learn: | |Pupils able to: | |

|Lesson 1. |Spatial awareness games |Use space safely |Discovery and Play |

|Can you use space safely? |Learning a warm up dance phrase |Reproduce a given phrase | |

|Can you learn a dance phrase? |To explore Unison and Canon |Dance in Unison and Canon | |

|Can you identify key actions? |Introduction of 7 Dance Actions |Understand dance terminology | |

| |Students dance and chant identifying the 7DA as they|Identify key actions in practice as well as theory | |

| |dance | | |

|Lesson 2. |Independent warm up |Check their own recall and progress |Discovery and Play |

|Can you use Canon well? |Review of canon |Check their own recall and progress | |

|Can you create an original dance? |Development of dance phrase |Increase their skills base | |

| |Simon says letter with 7DA |Explore improvising with 7DA | |

| |Create own name using levels, Jump and Turn and |Choreograph and improvise | |

| |Fall. Refine dance and teach it to a peer and learn |Refine, perform and take control of their own learning and | |

| |peer’s dance. |enquiry. | |

|Lesson 3. |Independent warm up |Check own recall and accuracy |Discovery and Play |

|Can you develop your dance using the 7 Dance |Develop warm up with Rolls |Increase their skills base | |

|Actions? |In teams adapt speed and patterning of phrase ready |Work cooperatively. Utilise space, canon and speed in order to| |

|Can you work as a team member? |for canon. |achieve as a team. | |

| | |Work as a team, identify and utilise all 7DA in original | |

| |Develop Name duet by adding all 7DA. |choreography | |

| |Turn Duets in to Quartets |Work as a team to select and reject material to play to the | |

| | |teams overall strengths. | |

|Lesson 4. |Independent warm up |Check own recall and accuracy |Discovery and Play |

|Can you gain a level 3C? |Rehearse for assessment |Check use of 7DA, Space & Canon | |

|Can you fit your dance to the music? |Assessment of warm up in Unison and Canon |Understand NC levelling, to see what a 3C looks like and to | |

| | |understand and explain the next steps for their own | |

| |Recap name duets and adapt work to fit the music’s |improvement. | |

| |tempo. |Work as a team to select, adapt and reject actions in | |

| | |relationship to tempo. | |

|Lesson 5. |Independent warm up |Take responsibility for warming up |Discovery and Play |

|Can you use accurate footwork? |Write name in space using full arm as a brush and |Improvise independently within a clear framework. | |

|Can you trust your partner? |full reach of body. |Extend their skills base, spatial awareness and tempo | |

| |Develop foot pattern to travel the name writing in |accuracy. | |

| |space. |Work as a team to refine and reproduce dance phrases whilst | |

| |Teach and learn a peer’s body writing phrase whilst |mirroring. | |

| |mirroring. |Play, Explore, Select, Reject | |

| |Develop phrase using all 7DA |Work as a team to use trust skills | |

| |Explore counterbalance. |Select, reject and refine within developing choreography | |

| |Incorporate counterbalance into name writing phrase.| | |

|Lesson 6. |Independent warm up |Take responsibility for warming up |Discovery and Play |

|Can you create an assessment dance for a 3C or |To create an assessment dance which incorporates all|Explore, play, select, discover, inquire, work cooperatively | |

|above? |of the skills and phases from the unit including |within a frame work to a common end. Incorporate skills from | |

| |clear starting and ending position. |past learning. | |

|Lesson 7. |Independent warm up |Take responsibility for warming up |Discovery and Play |

|Have you matched the criteria? |Rehearsal of assessment choreography to NC criteria|Focus on key points and relate them to end product and NC | |

|Can you perform confidently? |Rehearsing without fidgeting, talking of giggling |criteria | |

|Do you understand your level? |whist dancing. |Use self control and performance techniques. | |

| |To re-examine the grading criteria |Interrogate NC criteria and match it to own work (self | |

| | |assessment) | |

| |Perform and evaluate |Present confidently to an audience. | |

| |Grading levels and target sharing. |Understand and explain the awarding of levels. | |


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