Sean Adams is a 2nd year English Teacher at Washington ...

Sean Adams is a 2nd year English Teacher at Washington High School. Sean teaches 10th and 12th grade English classes. Sean is not too far removed from high school himself, but he has seen lots of changes in schools since he was a student. Sean knows that something different has to be tried to reach today’s students. Sean has been using the social networking site facebook since he started college. He also uses the site for school purposes outside of the classroom. Sean has set up a group for his English classes and posts all of their assignments on facebook. The students can also use the discussion feature on the site to talk to fellow classmates or to ask Sean a question if need be. Sean has just learned at the faculty meeting that social networking sites will be used by teacher school wide at Washington High School. He realizes that he can share his ideas with the Principal and help out his colleagues as well as score a few brownie points for himself.

Meeting with the Principal

Around 10 a.m. Tuesday morning

Knock, Knock, Knock

“Come in”

“Hello Mr. Adams, how are you today?”

“I’m doing good Mr. Brown”

“Well please take a seat”

“What can I help you with today?”

“I was hoping that I may be able to help you with something, I have some ideas that we can add to the social networking plan that may appeal to more of the faculty.”

“That would be great Sean, what did you have in mind?”

“Facebook has a relatively new feature called apps, they are mini applications that run on your facebook profile. There are thousands of these apps, and hundreds of them are related to education. I printed off this list for you to look over. It’s over six pages of educational apps on facebook.”


“As you can tell by a few of the apps, we would have to filter which apps would be available to the students.”

“These are great Sean, can you send me an electronic copy of this list, I would like to share it with Rachel Reuben, or Technology Specialist.”

“No problem, Mr. Brown”

“Thanks for your input on this Sean, have a great day.”

“The same to you Mr. Brown.”

Sean left the office with a great sense of accomplishment, not only did he impress his boss, he thought this idea may be what some of the students at WHS needed to get them back on track and interested in school again.

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