Meeting Minutes Template

DMV service transformation program Oversight Task Force Minutes November 21, 201910:00 AM – 11:30 AMTransportation Building, Conference Room 103 Attendance:Guests:Scribe:Sen. Chuck Riley, Sen. Kim Thatcher, Sen. Lew Frederick, Rep. Mike Nearman, Rep. Nancy Nathanson, Rep. John Lively, Jennifer Dejong, Sean McSpaden Tom McClellan, Ben Kahn, Lisa Martinez, Karen McCarty, Andrea McCausland, Thomas Amato, Lauren Mulligan, Dan Miller, Nick Herrera, Jennifer Lechuga-Berg, David Parker, Robin Sosin, Collen May, Shelley Koorbatoff, Mary Soplop, Camille ThomassenLindsey FreyAgenda TopicsWelcome and pREVIOUS MEETING MINUTESALLDiscussionTask Force members reviewed and approved the meeting minutes from 9/19/19. QUALITY ASSSURANCEROBIN SOSIN (CSG)UPDATERobin Sosin reviewed the 2019 Q3 Quality Assurance (QA) dashboard report.Overall health rating of the portfolio is green/low with five open risks.Risk #1: Lack of Master Schedule combined with Real ID is a low risk.Risk #2: Contract Amendments and Procurement is a low risk.Risk #6: As-Is / To-Be Analysis is a low risk.Risk # 7: Lack of DMV SME Resource Planning is a medium risk.Risk #8: Real ID and Drivers Rollout Impacts on Field Operations is a medium risk.Closed two risks during the reporting period.Risk #3: Potential Legislative Impacts on the Drivers Rollout.Risk #5: Lack of Coordination with Real ID.Reviewed program health status by dashboard category.Operational Readiness and Program/Project Management health status indicators remain at yellow/medium risk.Agency/Organization, Organizational Change Leadership, Communications/Outreach, External Environment, Schedule and Technical Support/Infrastructure status indicators remain green/low risk. dRIVERS rOLLOUTTOM MCCLELLAN / BEN KAHN / KAREN MCCARTY / DAVID PARKER (FAST)Review/ DiscussionScheduleMilestone SummaryBen Kahn reviewed the STP Milestones Chart for 2019-2020.Representative Nathanson asked for an update of the morale of staff on the project. The Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) for the vehicles rollout have now gone back to their previous positions and all new SMEs have joined the project for the Drivers rollout.To help with morale and burnout for the field office staff, some changes in practice were implemented October 16, 2019.All offices will open Wednesday mornings at 10:00am to allow staff to have weekly office meetings and training. Customers will be asked to leave if their transaction with an employee has not started by 5:30pm.Dealer transactions in field offices will be limited to two transactions per person and more dealer transactions will be mailed directly to DMV Headquarters for processing. Status SummaryBen reviewed the STP Status Summary document for October 2019.IS Solution Vendor (COTS)Phase 1 - Procurement Strategy/RFP is complete.Phase 2 - Vehicles Rollout is complete. Phase 3 – Drivers Rollout is on schedule, under budget, and fully staffed with a stable scope.Program Development and ReadinessOrganizational Change Leadership is on schedule, on budget, and fully staffed with a stable scope.Discussed self-service kiosks and a lobby management queuing system being the next phase of STP after the Drivers rollout.Rep. Nathanson suggested that we not only look at retail entities for kiosk locations, but also other government buildings and community centers. ScopeDMV STP Driver Issuance and Control RequirementsKaren McCarty reviewed a partial list of Driver Issuance and Control Requirements for the Drivers rollout.Interfaces and data conversionDavid Parker (FAST) reviewed a list of high priority interfaces that the project is working to connect with OLIVR. Interface examples include: LEDS, Drive License Issuance (Veridos’ system), E-Convictions with courts, voter registration with Secretary of State, AAMVA network, State-to-State (S2S), and digital PETING PRIORITIES & RESOURCESTOM MCCLELLAN /BEN KAHNDiscussion/ InputCurrent environmentBen Kahn gave an overview of the current DMV environment. DMV has started to stabilize after going live January 22, 2019. Staff are still working with two separate systems, which can cause some frustration but staff are excited for the day when we are using one cohesive system.Driver License IssuanceTom mentioned that DMV is currently in a 60-day warranty period with the company that produces our driver licenses and ID cards. The project is stable, but has required many resources.Transportation funding packageWork is being done on legislation passed in the 2017 session to raise title fees and registration fees tied to a vehicle’s MPG rating effective January 1, 2020.Real IDTom recently reported on Real ID to the Joint Committee on Transportation. DMV is working on a funding package proposal to bring on more staff to help with the anticipated substantial increase in demand for service.HB 2015HB 2015 takes effect on January 1, 2021 and will remove the legal presence requirement to receive a standard driver license and ID card. This will require a lot of rule-making and employee training to determine the validity of different identity documents that applicants will present.ocl aSSESSMENTLISA MARTINEZ / SHELLEY KOORBATOFF (CGI)DiscussionOverviewShelley Koorbatoff (CGI) summarized the OCL Drivers baseline readiness assessment survey that was given to all DMV staff in August.Overall DMV is still at a mid-level of readiness.The survey was sent out to 937 employees with a 75% response rate. This is an increase from the 57% response rate received from the Vehicles baseline readiness assessment survey.Sharing of unit level result profiles have been completed with all DMV teams.Workshops were conducted with groups most heavily impacted by the Drivers rollout. During these workshops, Field Services and Processing Services staff shared concerns, which management team is addressing.Shelley gave an overview of the OCL Master Classes offered in August.InputLisa Martinez and Shelley Koorbatoff asked some questions of Task Force members regarding their engagement needs in their role.Questions included:How has serving as a Task Force member helped you, your peers and your constituents?What has helped you be effective in your role?What has been challenging in your role?What can we do differently to support your role?Representative Lively: Appreciates being informed on the state of the project that then enables him to answer questions that his constituents ask. Representative Nearman: Appreciates being up to his neck in the project and uses this project as an example on how software projects in the state should work. Hopes that all future major IT projects have a Legislative Task Force.Senator Thatcher: This project gives hope that we are capable of having a successful major IT project that can turn the tide of public opinion.Representative Nathanson: Serving on the Task Force has been helpful and the materials provided are readable and easy to understand. Sean McSpaden invited Task Force members to continue to provide feedback on the questions asked.Action ItemsDate:Task:Owner: Progress:Comments:11/21/2019Reach out to other state agencies that use kiosks as a resource, such as DHSBen KahnRFI conducted; reached out to other states like California;11/21/2019Distribute materials and link to the Joint Committee on Transportation presentation on Real IDLindsey FreyDone.11/21/2019Review results from the study completed by MathTech and give an update on progress, including which legacy systems we are replacingDan MillerWill present in today’s meeting. ................

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