(Template available at )

Name Megan Coley

Date 11/30/2011 Grade/Subject Kindergarten Science

If this lesson is part of a unit, what is its number?


• GLE 0007.8.1 Collect daily weather data at different times of the year.

• GLE 0007.8.2 Collect, compare, and record daily weather data during different seasons

GOAL(S): TSW understand the difference between each season using pictures.


|Learning Objectives |Assessment (formative/summative) |Level of Thinking (Bloom’s Taxonomy OR Webb’s |

|(stated behaviorally) | |Depth of Knowledge) |

|TLW difference between seasons using illustrations |Matching activity using symbols to describe each |Knowledge: arrange the pictures according to the |

| |season |specific season |

|TLW compare and contrast weather of each season |Use the weather symbols to explain the |Synthesis: comparing/contrasting each season’s |

| |difference/similarities in each season |weather |


• Lesson Opener

o Hook: What is your favorite season? Why? Who can tell me what season we are in right now? How do you know that (enter season name here) is the season we are in? What are some characteristics of fall? Winter? Spring? Summer?

o Bridge: Today, we are going to be talking about the differences and similarities between each season. We will be learning about the characteristics of spring, summer, fall, and winter. Get ready to put your thinking caps on!

• Development of concepts and/or skills

Part 1: Each season has different characteristics. (Ask the children the characteristics of each season.) What big events happen in each season? Students should answer with a variety of things. For example: We go back to school in the fall. We get out of school in the summer. In winter, we celebrate Christmas. In the spring, it storms a lot. During the winter, because it gets so cold, we have to wear more clothes. What kind of clothes do we wear? In the summer, it is warm outside, and we get to swim a lot. The sun shines a lot, and the sun stays out longer. In the fall, we go back to school, right? I know that is everyone’s favorite time of year! It starts getting colder, and the leaves start falling off the trees. Has anyone every raked a big pile of leaves and jumped in it? In the spring, the weather starts getting warmer, and the flowers start to bloom. It rains a lot, and sometimes there are even tornados. The trees start getting their leaves back, and like they said, April showers bring May flowers. Does anyone have anything to add about the seasons? Let’s go around the room and tell me your favorite season and a characteristic about it. I’ll start. My favorite season is the fall because I enjoy the beautiful colors of the trees. Now let’s put everything we’ve learned into action!

Part 2: Today, we will be exploring a new web tool. The tool that we are going to be using is called Kidspiration. It is a really fun tool, and each of you is going to have the opportunity to explore on the website. I need each of you to move to a computer. Once you are at the computer, click on the icon on the desktop that says Kispiration. It will be a red color. Once you’ve clicked on that, a screen will pop up that says math, science, social studies, etc. Click on the icon that says saved files. You are, then, going to open the folder that says Weather Concept Map. Once the map pops up, there will be four boxes with the season as the title on each one. In the middle, there will be a box titled “seasons.” The directions are as follows: use the symbol libraries to find pictures to describe each season. If you cannot read the directions put your cursor on the box, and a friendly lady will read the words for you. On the side, there is a toolbar titled symbol library. There are already some pictures in this related to the four different seasons; however, if you don’t see a symbol that you want to incorporate in the map, type the word into the search box. If you need help spelling, I will be available for help. Once you have put at least five pictures in each box save the file. Go to file, save as, and push save. Next, print the final copy and put it in your folder. I will be going around to check for each of your final copies. Also, I am willing to help when needed. (Ask for questions from the students.) I will do the first example for you. For example, the snowflake will go in the winter box. Why do you think that would be? Children should respond: because it snows in the winter! Once you are done, save it on the screen and I will come around and look at each of your creations! I am excited to see what you all come up with. Remember what we just talked about in the big group, and apply it to the project that you are working on right now. This is supposed to be fun, so enjoy!

• Lesson Closure: Who can tell me all four seasons? What is a characteristic of each season?

How are some seasons similar/different to one another?


• Computer

• Mouse

• Keyboard

• Speakers

• Kidspiration (Software/30 day free trial)

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES THAT WOULD BE USED WERE THEY AVAILABLE AND A DESCRIPTION OF USE: Kidspiration is the tool that we used for this lesson. There is software that you can purchase for the classroom, or you can get a 30-day free trial. The free trial includes everything that the software offers. With Kidspiration, the students will use the picture library to match the appropriate picture with its corresponding season. Kidspiration is a tool that is concept map specific. It is very user friendly, and children will have an easy time navigating their way through all that it has to offer.


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