ART LESSON PLAN - A Teacher's World... Meredith May


Name_______________Meredith Karlin_________ Studio_______Thursday 11:30___________


The student will explore different websites concerning alebrijes.

The student will design his/her own alebrije sculpture.

The student will make a sculpture using paper mache.

The student will write a paragraph explaining alebrijes.


Assessment will be done with 2 rubrics (see attached). One is over 6-trait writing which students must utilize in a written paragraph that explains alebrijes. The students must write a paragraph explaining the significance of alebrijes to the Mexican culture as if a new student is reading it. The second rubric will be used to grade the completion of their sculpture.


Pipe cleaners, plaster gauze, paper towels, masking tape, animal sketches, newspapers, tempera paint, brushes, water container, newspapers


Culture, sculpture, fantasy, pattern, three-dimensional


• Prior knowledge: The students have worked with paper mache in previous grades.

• Motivation: First, I will give a brief background and history of alebrijes and Mexican culture. Following this, we will go to the computer lab. Here, students must explore at least 4 of the given websites. From these websites, they must choose one sculpture as their favorite and print it out. We will go back to the classroom. In the room, students will form groups of 4 and share their findings and explain why they chose it. The rest of the class time will be spent drawing plans for their sculptures.

Demonstration of technique: The next day, I will demonstrate my own sculpture, including forming it out of newspaper and covering it with paper mache. Students will continue working on sketches. I will check their sketches before they can start their sculpture. During the demo, I will explain the vocabulary words.

• Instructions to students: Once I have checked the students’ drawings, they may begin making their sculptures. This will take the rest of day 2’s lesson and the third day as well. When students finish, they will be instructed to begin working on writing a paragraph to a new student explaining the significance of alebrijes in the Mexican culture. Everyone should be finished with paper mache by the end of this class period.

• Culminating experience: The final day, day 4, will consist of painting. The students will use tempera to paint the fanciful patterns on to their sculptures. Also, we will have a fiesta party with food and music to celebrate Mexican culture that we have studied. The paragraph must be completed by this day as well.




STANDARD 4: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures.

BENCHMARK 1: know that the visual arts have a history with specific relationships to various cultures.

MEETS BY: Identifying the importance of visual arts in various cultures over time.


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