California State University, Bakersfield

Chapter 6—Consumer Decision Making2.The steps of the consumer decision-making process in order are:a.need recognition, alternative aggregation, reevaluation, purchase decision, postpurchase behaviorb.need positioning, stimulus response reactions, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, postpurchase behaviorc.need positioning, alternative aggregation and divestment, purchase decision, postpurchase rmation search, need positioning, evaluation of alternatives, product trial, purchase decision, postpurchase satisfactione.need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase, and postpurchase behaviorSee Exhibit 6.1.3.Which step in the consumer decision-making process is a result of an imbalance between actual and desired states?a.Evaluation of alternativesb.Want recognitionc.Purchased.Need recognitione.Postpurchase behaviorNeed recognition is the result of an imbalance between actual and desired states.5.Which of the following is any unit of input affecting one or more of the five senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing?a.Tacticb.Needc.Stimulusd.Wante.DesireStimuli can be either internal, such as occurrences you experience, or external, which are influences from an outside source. Both affect one or more of the five senses.11.After a need or want is recognized, a consumer may search for information about the various alternatives available to satisfy it. This occurs during which part of the consumer decision-making process?a.Evaluation of rmation searchc.Cognitive dissonanced.Consideration stagee.Product identificationAfter recognizing a need or want, consumers search for information about the various alternatives available to satisfy it.14.Which of the following is an information source that is not associated with advertising or promotion?a.Externalb.Nonmarketing-controlledc.Marketing-controlledd.Unbiasede.PrimaryNonmarketing-controlled information sources do not originate with marketers promoting the product.15.An external information search is especially important when:a.there is a great deal of past experienceb.there are high costs associated with making an incorrect decisionc.the cost of gathering information is highd.buying frequently purchased, low-cost itemse.there is little risk of making an incorrect decisionIf a consumer perceives a purchase to involve high risk (financial, social, etc.), an external search will lower the risk by providing more information.20.All of the following influence the extent to which an individual conducts an external search for information EXCEPT:a.perceived riskb.knowledgec.prior classe.level of interestSocial class wouldn’t necessarily affect the amount of information search a consumer would conduct.21.A group of brands, resulting from an information search, from which a buyer can choose is referred to as the buyer’s:a.evoked setb.primary setc.inert plete sete.justifiable setA buyer’s evoked set is the set of alternatives from which a buyer can choose; also called consideration set.25.Extending a well-known and respected brand name from one product category to another product category is referred to as:a.brand stretchingb.brand extensionsc.brand bouncingd.brand transfere.brand buildingBrand extensions are common a way companies employ categorization to their advantage.30.All of the following are ways consumers can reduce cognitive dissonance EXCEPT:a.justifying the decisionb.seeking new informationc.sending a letter to the marketerd.avoiding contradictory informatione.returning the productCognitive dissonance is the inner tension that a consumer experiences after recognizing an inconsistency between behavior and values or opinions.31.How can marketers reduce consumers’ cognitive dissonance?a.Offer guaranteesb.Offer sales promotionsc.Avoid contradictory informationd.Change the producte.Ignore itCognitive dissonance is an inner tension that a consumer experiences after recognizing an inconsistency between behavior and values or opinions, and marketers can reduce it by sending a postpurchase thank you or letter, displaying product superiority in ads, or offering guarantees.32._____ is the amount of time and effort a buyer invests in the search, evaluation, and decision processes of consumer behavior.a.Economic valueb.Involvementc.Opportunity costd.Temporal coste.Perceived level of personal riskThis is the definition of involvement.33.The types of products people purchase using routine response behavior are typically:a.frequently purchased, low-cost itemsb.frequently purchased, high-cost itemsc.infrequently purchased, low-cost itemsd.infrequently purchased, high-cost itemse.all types of items, regardless of price or frequency of purchaseRoutine response behavior is the type of decision making exhibited by consumers buying frequently purchased, low-cost goods and services.34._____ is characterized by low involvement, a short time frame, an internal-only information search, and low costs.a.Limited decision makingb.Routine response behaviorc.Emotional buyingd.Intensive decision makinge.Temporally-limited behavior See Exhibit 6.2.37.The type of decision making that requires a moderate amount of time for gathering information and deliberating about an unfamiliar brand in a familiar product category is referred to as:a.routine response decision makingc.extensive decision makingd.uninvolved decision makinge.affective decision makingThis is the definition of limited decision making.41.When a consumer is purchasing an unfamiliar, expensive product or an infrequently bought item, he or she is practicing:a.extensive decision makingb.cognitive problem solvingd.strategic behaviore.stimulus discriminationThis is the definition of extensive decision making.45.All of the following factors directly influence consumers’ level of involvement in the purchase process EXCEPT:a.consumer’s ageb.previous experience with the risk associated with the visibility of the purchased iteme.perceived risk of negative consequences as a result of the purchaseAge is a demographic variable that doesn’t necessarily influence a consumer’s level of involvement.54.An enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct is personally or socially preferable to an alternative mode of conduct is called a(n):a.lifestyleb.self-conceptc.attituded.valuee.perceptionThis is the definition of a value.55.Homogeneous groups of people who share elements of the overall culture as well as unique elements of their own group are called:a.autonomous personal unitsb.probability samplesc.subculturesd.normative groupse.dissociative groups58.A(n) _____ is a group of people in a society who are considered nearly equal in status or community esteem, who regularly socialize among themselves both formally and informally, and who share behavioral norms.a.extended familyb.subculturec.dissociative classe.procreational familyThis is the definition of social class.60.Social influences on consumer buying decisions include:a.society, culture, and familyb.reference groups, society, opinion leaders, and familyc.personality, lifestyle, and reference groupsd.reference groups, opinion leaders, and, reference groups, and familyLifestyle and personality are individual influences. Culture and society are cultural factors.61.A group in society, such as family, friends, or a professional organization, that influences an individual’s purchasing behavior is called a(n):a.reference groupb.conformist groupc.opinion groupe.influential groupThis is the definition of reference group.62.Reference groups can be categorized very broadly as either:a.primary or secondaryb.persuasive or or indirectd.positive or negativee.personal or nonpersonalThe two categorizations of reference group are direct and indirect.65.A value or attitude deemed acceptable by a group is called a(n):a.expectationb.referencec.aspirationd.opinione.normNorms are considered acceptable behavior by a given reference group.68.Which category of reference groups represents groups in which a consumer does not have membership?a.Directb.Indirectc.Primaryd.Secondarye.IncompleteIndirect reference groups are groups consumers do not belong to, but they might aspire to belong to one (aspirational group) or not want to be associated with one (nonaspirational group).71.Opinion leaders are:a.wealthy, well-educated individualsb.experts on all high-involvement consumer goodsc.usually the same individuals for all social classesd.people who influence otherse.easy to locate and targetOpinion leaders are individuals who influence the opinions of others.74.Cultural values and norms are passed down to children through the process of:a.accumulationb.encroachmentc.assimilationd.socializatione.manifestationChildren are socialized to learn the culture within which they are raised.77.All of the following are individual factors influencing consumer buying decisions cycle stageA person’s buying decisions are influenced by personal characteristics that are unique to each individual, such as gender; age and life cycle stage; and personality, self-concept, and lifestyle. Family is a social factor influencing consumer buying decisions.78._____ is an orderly series of stages in which consumers’ attitudes and behavioral tendencies change through maturity, experience, and changing income and status.a.Socializationb.The wheel of consumerismc.The family life cycled.Lifestyle consumptione.AcculturationFamilies go through an orderly series of stages, and consumption attitudes and behaviors are influenced by one’s stage in the series.79.An individual’s _____ is a composite of psychological makeup and environmental forces. It includes people’s underlying dispositions, especially their most dominant characteristics.a.acculturationb.socializationc.personalityd.autonomye.attitudeThis describes personality, which is a way of organizing and grouping the consistencies of an individual’s reactions to situations.80._____ is how consumers perceive themselves in terms of attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, and self-evaluations.a.Socializationb.Personalityc.Socializationd.Normalizatione.Self-conceptThis is the definition of self-concept.81.Which of the following represents the way an individual actually perceives himself or herself?a.Personal imageb.Ideal self-imagec.Real self-imaged.Lifestyle imagee.Defined self-imageSelf-image can be real, which is how a consumer actually perceives himself or herself, or ideal, which is the way an individual would like to be.83.The process by which people select, organize, and interpret stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture is called:a.identificationb.prehensiond.perceptione.cognitive adaptationThis is the definition of perception.93.Ranked from the lowest to the highest level, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model, esteem, social, physiological, and self-actualization needsb.physiological, social, esteem, economic, and self-actualization needsc.psychological, safety, economic, esteem, and social needsd.physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization, economic, social, esteem, and self-development needsSee Exhibit 6.6.94.According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model, the first needs most people would try to satisfy are their _____ needs.a.safetyb.physiologicalc.economicd.esteeme.derivedThe needs in order of lowest to highest are: physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization.107._____ is the learned ability to differentiate between similar objects such as packages of different brands of aspirin.a.Incentive discriminationb.Stimulus generalizationc.Selective perceptiond.Selective generalizatione.Stimulus discriminationThis is describing stimulus discrimination, which is a learned ability to differentiate among similar products.109.Which of the following is an organized pattern of knowledge that an individual holds as true about his or her world?a.Beliefb.Valuec.Affectd.Attitudee.DescriptorThis is the definition of a belief.111._____ are learned tendencies to respond consistently toward a given object.a.Motivational cuesb.Culturesc.Lifestylesd.Perceptionse.AttitudesThis is the definition of attitudes.112.An attitude toward a product is:a.easy to changeb.a person’s point of view about the productc.the same as a beliefd.the same as “intention to buy”e.of short duration“Point of view” is a simpler way to state “learned tendency to respond consistently.” Both denote an opinion.Chapter 7—Business Marketing2.A product is defined as a business product rather than a consumer good on the basis of its:a.intended useb.physical characteristicsc.priced.distribution methode.tangible attributesThe key characteristic distinguishing business products from consumer products is intended use, not physical characteristics.7.All of the following are current roles of the Internet in business marketing EXCEPT:a.reduce costsb.eliminate channel partnerships and trustd.brand building and developmente.integrate online and traditional mediaSee Exhibit 7.2PTS:1REF:105OBJ:07-2TOP:AACSB Reflective ThinkingKEY:CB&E Model StrategyMSC:BLOOMS Analysis18.A particular segment of the business market includes those individuals and organizations that purchase goods and services for the purpose of making a profit. They achieve this goal by using purchased goods and services to make other goods, to become part of other goods, or to facilitate the daily operations of the organization. This group is called the _____ segment of the business market.a.institutionb.resellerc.wholesalerd.ernmentThis describes the producer segment of business customers.23.Businesses that buy finished goods and sell them for a profit are called:a.inventory carriersb.producersc.distribution facilitatorsThe reseller market includes retail and wholesale businesses that buy finished goods and resell them for a profit.26.The U.S. government is:a.not a business market segmentb.the world’s largest single organization accounting for over 50 percent of the U.S. gross national productd.mainly a military equipment purchasere.using one centralized purchasing office for the entire governmentThe U.S. federal government is the world’s largest customer. The other alternatives do not apply because various branches of the government have separate purchasing departments, and billions of dollars are spent on food, clothing, desks, and other standard supply items (not just military hardware).27.One segment of the business market has primary goals that differ from the ordinary business goals such as profit, market share, or return on investment. This segment includes many schools, churches, and civic clubs. Which business market is this?a.Institutionsb.OEMsc.Servicesd.Providerse.ResellersInstitutions such as schools, churches, and hospitals have service or activity goals but not profit goals and are an important business market.31.The government uses a system called NAICS to classify North American business establishments. NAICS stands for:a.Non-American Industry Classification Systemb.North and South American Institutional Coding Servicesc.Non-American Industrial Corporation Systemd.North American Institution Code Systeme.North American Industry Classification SystemThe North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an industry classification system for classifying North American business establishments.34.Managers can use the NAICS data to:a.create a more focused mission statementb.eliminate riskc.classify consumer behaviord.identify potential new customerse.determine purchase motivesNAICS data can be converted to market potential estimates, market share estimates, and sales forecasts. It can also be used for identifying potential new customers.35.All of the following are demand characteristics of business markets EXCEPT:a.inelastic demandb.fluctuating demandc.joint demandd.stable demande.derived demandBusiness markets are characterized by derived demand, inelastic demand, joint demand, and fluctuating demand.36.The demand for consumer goods often affects the demand for business products. This characteristic of business markets is called _____ demand.a.elasticb.inelasticc.fluctuatingd.derivede.jointThe demand for business products is called derived demand because organizations buy products to be used in producing their customers’ products.40.When two or more items are used in combination to produce a final product, they are said to have _____ demand.a.derivedb.inelasticc.jointd.fluctuatinge.elasticThis is the definition of joint demand.43.When demand for a product is _____, an increase or decrease in the price of the product will not significantly affect demand for the product.a.responsiveb.elasticc.inelasticd.derivede.bundledThis is the definition of inelastic demand.52.The distribution structure in business marketing typically:a.includes at least one complex and multistaged.uses a three-step channele.uses retail distributorsDirect channels, where manufacturers market directly to users, are much more common in business markets than in consumer markets.53._____ is commonplace in business marketing and can sometimes occur over several months.a.Negotiationb.Need mediationc.Customerizationd.Purchase arbitratione.DisintermediationNegotiating is common in business marketing.54.If a business needs a particular good or service and decides to look among its own customers for a provider of that good or service, the business is:a.working to create purchase arbitrationb.opening itself up to prosecution for illegal activitiesc.acting unethicallyd.trying to eliminate derived demand barrierse.practicing reciprocityReciprocity is the practice of business purchasers choosing to buy from their own customers.58._____ is the primary promotional method for the sale of all business products.a.Direct mailb.Advertisingc.Personal sellingd.Public relationse.Trade promotionsBusiness sales tend to be large in dollar amounts and quantities and may require negotiation; thus, they may rely heavily on the salesperson’s ability to communicate and work with the customer.59.All of the following are considered types of business products EXCEPT:a.raw materialsb.convenience goodsc.major equipmentd.accessory ponent partsThe types of business products are major equipment, accessory equipment, raw materials, component parts, processed materials, supplies, and business servicesChapter 9—Decision Support Systems and Marketing Research1.Everyday information about developments in the marketing environment that managers use to prepare and adjust marketing plans is referred to as:petitive informationc.decision support researche.observationThis describes marketing information, and accurate and timely information is the lifeblood of marketing decision making.PTS:1REF:139OBJ:09-1TOP:AACSB Reflective ThinkingKEY:CB&E Model StrategyMSC:BLOOMS Knowledge2.A(n) _____ is an interactive, flexible, computerized information system that enables managers to obtain and manipulate information as they are making information systemc.artificial intelligence decision support systeme.database marketing systemThis is the definition of a marketing decision support system.PTS:1REF:139OBJ:09-1TOP:AACSB TechnologyKEY:CB&E Model StrategyMSC:BLOOMS Knowledge4.A true marketing decision support system possesses all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:a.flexibleb.discovery orientedc.interactived.accessiblee.synergisticA true marketing decision support system is interactive, flexible, discovery oriented, and accessible.5._____ is the creation of a large computerized file of customers’ and potential customers’ profiles and purchase patterns.a.Electronic targetingb.Sampling procedure specificationc.Database petitive data mininge.Consumer behavior marketingThis is the definition of database marketing.6._____ is the process of planning, collecting, and analyzing data relevant to a marketing decision. The results of this analysis are then communicated to management.a.Data collectionb.Artificial intelligencec.Decision supportd.Marketing researche.Single-source researchThis is the definition of marketing research.PTS:1REF:140OBJ:09-2TOP:AACSB Reflective ThinkingKEY:CB&E Model ResearchMSC:BLOOMS Knowledge10.Marketing research has three functional roles. These roles are:a.normative, descriptive, and explanatoryb.predictive, normative, and persuasivec.descriptive, diagnostic, and predictived.flexible, interactive, and discovery-orientede.descriptive, explanatory, and predictiveThe three roles are descriptive, diagnostic, and predictive.PTS:1REF:140OBJ:09-2TOP:AACSB Reflective ThinkingKEY:CB&E Model ResearchMSC:BLOOMS Knowledge21.In contrast to marketing research problems, management decision problems are:a.action orientedb.pervasivec.narrower in scoped.rmation orientedThe marketing research problem is information oriented, but the management decision problem is action oriented.PTS:1REF:141OBJ:09-3TOP:AACSB Reflective ThinkingKEY:CB&E Model ResearchMSC:BLOOMS Comprehension23.Data previously collected for purposes other than the one at hand are an important source of information as the researcher defines the problem. These data are called _____ data.a.single-sourceb.secondaryc.primaryd.consensuale.convenienceThis is the definition of secondary data.25.Trade groups, commercial publications, and government departments can be used as sources of:a.secondary datab.consensual informationc.primary datad.artificial auditsInnumerable outside sources of secondary information exist, such as trade and industry associations, business periodicals, and government departments and agencies.33.The research design specifies:a.follow-up procedures for the researchb.the information that will be the final report will be the information gathered will be used to predict external environmental changese.the research questions to be answeredThe research design specifies which research questions must be answered, how and when the data will be gathered, and how the data will be analyzed.rmation collected for the first time for the purpose of solving a particular problem under investigation is called _____ data.a.primaryb.secondaryc.dichotomousd.observatione.convenienceThis is the definition of primary data.PTS:1REF:142OBJ:09-3TOP:AACSB Reflective ThinkingKEY:CB&E Model ResearchMSC:BLOOMS Knowledge37.What is the chief advantage of primary data?a.Low cost compared to secondary datab.Relevance to the problem at handc.Availability to any interested party for used.Accessibility through computerized databasese.Avoiding interviewer biasesPrimary data are information collected for the first time for the purpose of solving a particular problem under investigation.41.The most popular method for gathering primary data is _____, in which a researcher interacts with people to obtain facts, opinions, and attitudes.a.heuristic orientedb.survey researchc.experimentsd.observation researche.single-source researchSurvey research takes several forms and is the most popular method for gathering primary data.42.In-home personal interviews:a.offer high-quality data at a high costb.offer the ability to obtain high-quality data at a low costc.are becoming increasingly more populard.are less expensive than mall interceptse.offer information of moderate quality but at a low costThe cost of interviewer time and mileage is high, but these interviews yield high-quality information.43.Which type of survey research method involves interviewing people in the common areas of shopping malls?a.Telephone interviewsb.Panel surveysc.Mall intercept interviewd.Centralized interviewse.Interactive researchThis is the definition of a mall intercept interview.50.Telephone interviews offer:a.speed in gathering datab.a potential for reaching all householdsc.few nonresponsesd.the ability to collect large amounts of complex datae.the lowest-cost method for obtaining dataTelephone interviews are one of the fastest means for collecting data. See Exhibit 9.2.75._____ research depends on watching what people do.a.Anonymous viewershipb.Observationc.Interactived.Personal scannere.SurveyObservation research is a method that relies on four types of observation: people watching people, people watching an activity, machines watching people, and machines watching an activity.89.A(n) _____ sample is characterized by every element in the population having a known statistical likelihood of being selected.a.irregularb.probabilityc.nonprobabilityd.conveniencee.piggybackThis is the definition of a probability sample.93.A _____ sample is any sample in which little or no attempt is made to obtain a representative cross section of the population.a.frameb.randomc.probabilityd.nonprobabilitye.representationalThis is the definition of a nonprobability sample.94.Nonprobability samples:a.require more expensive marketing research than probability samplingb.include any sample in which little is done to obtain a representative cross section of the definition must be representative of the populationd.often start out with random numbers to ensure selection of subjects is truly randome.offer an easy method for determining sampling errorA nonprobability sample is any sample in which there is little or no attempt to obtain a representative cross section of the population.103.Which of the following is a type of probability sample?a.Judgment sampleb.Convenience samplec.Random sampled.Quota samplee.Snowball sampleA random sample is a type of probability sample in which every member of the population has a known and equal chance of selection. The other types of samples are nonprobability samples. See Exhibit 9.4.116.All of the following are advantages associated with the use of Internet surveys EXCEPT:a.decreased costsb.ability to contact hard-to-reach respondentsc.reduced measurement errord.ability to get survey results much more rapidlye.ability to personalize the surveyMeasurement error is not an advantage associated with the use of Internet surveys.118.All of the following are advantages associated with online focus groups EXCEPT:a.good participation ratesb.cost-effectivenessc.narrow geographic scoped.accessibilitye.honesty of respondentsOnline focus groups offer a broad geographic scope.123.Marketing research should not be undertaken when:a.the perceived costs are greater than the projected benefitsb.there are no secondary data in existence to guide the project will take a long time to completed.the actual costs are less than the forecasted benefitse.the perceived costs are the same as the forecasted benefitsResearch should be undertaken only when the expected value of the information is greater than the cost of obtaining it.PTS:1REF:154-155OBJ:09-6TOP:AACSB Reflective ThinkingKEY:CB&E Model ResearchMSC:BLOOMS Analysis124.An intelligence system that helps managers assess their competition and vendors in order to become more efficient and effective competitors is called:petitive petitive intelligencec.industrial audite.differential competitive advantageThis is the definition of competitive intelligence.MSC:BLOOMS Synthesis ................

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