Kinesiology and Sports Studies Department

Eastern Illinois University

Name of Intern: ___________________________________ Date: ______________

Professional Behavior:

|Behavior, attendance, & |Behavior, attendance, & |Behavior, attendance, & |Behavior, attendance, & |Behavior, attendance, & |Unable to make a judgment at |

|appearance consistently exceed |appearance frequently exceed |appearance consistently meet |appearance frequently fail to |appearance consistently fail to |this time |

|expectations. |expectations |expectations |meet expectations |meet expectations | |

|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |NA |

Examples and/or comments:

Interpersonal Skills:

|Almost always demonstrates the |Usually demonstrates the |Sometimes demonstrates the |Seldom demonstrates |Almost never demonstrates |Unable to |

|ability to work as a team member; |ability to work as a team |ability to work as a team member;|the ability to work as a team member;|the ability to work as a team member; |make a |

|almost always maintains a positive|member; Usually maintains a |Sometimes maintains a positive |Seldom maintains a positive rapport |Almost never maintains a positive rapport |judgment |

|rapport with supervisors, clients,|positive rapport with |rapport with supervisors, |with supervisors, clients, peers; |with supervisors, clients, peers; Almost |at this time |

|peers; almost always assists |supervisors, clients, peers; |clients, peers; Sometimes assists|Seldom assists others |never assists others. | |

|others |Usually assists others |others | | | |

|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 | |

| | | | | |NA |

Examples and/or comments:


|When presented with a problem, |When presented with a problem, |When presented with a problem, |When presented with a problem, |Exhibits difficulty in |Unable to make a judgment at |

|can collect information & assess|can collect information & |can collect information. An |needs assistance in collecting |collecting relevant information |this time |

|the validity of arguments & |interpret facts. Some assistance|appreciable amount of assistance|information & assessing validity|& assessing | |

|conclusions without assistance. |needed to assess |is needed to assess validity of |of arguments & conclusions. |validity of arguments & | |

| |validity of arguments & |arguments & conclusions. | |conclusions. | |

|5 |conclusions. |3 | | | |

| |4 | |2 | | |

| | | | |1 |NA |

Examples and/or comments:

Problem-Solving Skills:

|Resolves almost all simple & |Resolves all simple & most |Resolves most simple & some |Resolves some simple & rare |Resolves few problems |Unable to make a judgment at |

|complex problems independently &|complex problems independently &|complex problems independently &|complex problems independently &|independently & appropriately. |this time |

|appropriately |appropriately. Requires |appropriately. Requires |appropriately. Requires |Requires assistance constantly. | |

| |assistance for complex problems |assistance occasionally. |assistance frequently. | | |

| |infrequently. | | | | |

|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 | |

| | | | | |NA |

Examples and/or comments:

Continuous Personal and Professional Improvement Skills:

|Initiates & promotes new ideas; |Welcomes new ideas; effectively |Accepts new ideas; effectively |Resists new ideas; effectively |Rejects new ideas; cannot |Unable to make a judgment at |

|effectively uses both |uses traditional & innovative |uses traditional sources of |uses traditional sources of |effectively use traditional |this time |

|traditional & innovative sources|sources of professional |professional information with |professional information only |sources of professional | |

|of professional information |information with minimal |minimal assistance; accepts |with significant assistance; |information; rejects | |

|without assistance; requests |assistance; welcomes |constructive criticism & makes |resists constructive criticism &|constructive criticism & | |

|constructive criticism & makes |constructive criticism & makes |self-improvements. |makes self-improvements. |self-improvements. | |

|self-improvements. |self-improvements. | |2 | | |

|5 |4 |3 | | | |

| | | | |1 |NA |

Examples and/or comments

Written Communication

|Written communications are |Written communications are |Written communications are |Written communications are |Written communications are |Unable to make a judgment at |

|almost always clear, concise, |mostly clear, concise, free of |sometimes clear, concise, free |seldom clear, concise, free of |almost never clear, concise, |this time |

|free of errors, & appropriate to|errors, & appropriate to the |of errors, & appropriate to the |errors, & appropriate to the |free of errors, & appropriate to| |

|the intended audience |intended audience |intended audience |intended audience |the intended audience | |

|5 |4 |3 |2 |1 | |

| | | | | |NA |

Examples and/or comments:

Verbal Communication

|Verbal communications are almost|Verbal communications are mostly|Verbal communications are |Verbal communications are seldom|Verbal communications are never |Unable to make a judgment at |

|always clear, concise, free of |clear, concise, free of errors, |sometimes clear, concise, free |clear, concise, free of errors, |clear, concise, free of errors, |this time |

|errors, & appropriate to the |& appropriate to the intended |of errors, & appropriate to the |& appropriate to the intended |& appropriate to the intended | |

|intended audience; can almost |audience; can usually describe |intended audience; can sometimes|audience; can seldom describe |audience; can almost never | |

|always describe complex concepts|complex concepts |describe complex concepts |complex concepts |describe complex concepts | |

|5 | | | |1 | |

| |4 |3 |2 | | |

| | | | | |NA |

Examples and/or comments:

Listening Skills

|Listening is almost always |Listening is almost always |Listening is mostly attentive; |Listening is sometimes |Listening is seldom attentive; |Unable to make a judgment at |

|active; illustrated the ability |attentive; repetition of |repetition of instructions is |attentive; repetition of |repetition of instructions is |this time |

|to understand non-verbal |instructions is not needed; |usually not needed; usually |instructions is often needed; |regularly needed; rarely | |

|communication & respond |provides appropriate follow-up |provides appropriate follow-up |sometimes provides appropriate |provides appropriate follow-up | |

|appropriately |communication without being |communication without being |follow-up communication without |communication without being | |

| |asked |asked |being asked |asked | |

| | |3 |2 |1 | |

|5 |4 | | | |NA |

Examples and/or comments:

General Comments:

1. Has this evaluation been discussed with the intern? ___Yes ___No

2. If given an opportunity, would you consider hiring this intern as an employee? (circle one)

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree


Between ______________ and _____________ the above named intern

(Internship beginning date Internship ending date)

completed _________ hours of work as part of the internship.

(Number of hours)

Name of Evaluator: ______________________________________________

Signature of Evaluator: __________________________________________

Cooperating Agency: ______________________________________________

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance throughout this internship.

Return by mail to Internship Coordinator, KSS Department, 2504 Lantz, 600 Lincoln Ave., Charleston, IL 61920, by email to, or by fax to Internship Coordinator 217-581-7973.


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