COMPETENCY: 6.00 Recognize the importance of promotion in fashion.

OBJECTIVE: 6.02 Discuss fashion advertising.

>> creatE vocabulary index cards (no puzzles – sorry!)

1. Banner ad: A wide, shallow rectangle seen at the top or bottom of Web pages that will take the user to the advertiser’s Web site if clicked with a mouse.

2. Bill enclosures: Manufacturer or retailer-produced statement enclosures that offer retailers low-cost selling opportunities.

3. Cooperative advertising: The sharing of advertising and its costs by two or more organizations.

4. Direct mail: Any printed advertising distributed directly to potential customers by mail.

5. Institutional advertising (image or corporate advertising): Promotion designed to sell the reputation of an organization rather than a specific product.

6. Local advertising: Advertising sponsored by local businesses.

7. Media: The agencies or instruments used to convey messages.

8. Media mix: The blend of media used to communicate a message to a target audience.

9. National advertising: Advertising sponsored by companies that sell products on a nationwide basis.

10. Online advertising: Advertising messages placed on the Internet.

11. Product advertising: Promotion designed to sell specific merchandise items, lines, or certain services.

12. Regional advertising: Advertising by retailers that have many stores in adjoining states or a confined section of the country.

13. Supplements: Preprinted advertisements, usually in magazine format, that are inserted into newspapers.


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