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Tyler Ellis


1. SPIRITUAL GAUGE. READ: Luke 18:18-30 and 19:1-9, and contrast these two men in how their attitude toward money revealed their spiritual condition. If Jesus were to visit you today and gauge your spiritual condition by your attitude and actions regarding money and possessions, what conclusions might he come to?

2. STEWARDSHIP. READ: Matthew 25:14-30 and Luke 12:48. In your journal, entitle a page, “What God Has Entrusted To Me.” Then make a list of specific things you can think of (money, possessions, job, health, education, talents, gifts, resources, time, etc.) and write ideas on ways these things can be used for God’s purposes?

3. GUILT VS. GRATITUDE. Many people, when confronted with the reality of their true wealth, experience unnecessary guilt. READ: Ecclesiastes 5:19 and 1 Timothy 6:17-19 and note what response God intends for us to have.

4. A PERSON’S WORTH. God considers every individual created in His image, equal and worth dying for. READ: James 2:1-4, and journal about the many ways our Adversary uses wealth to divide mankind.

5. MATERIALISM. How would you define materialism? READ: Luke 16:13; 1 Timothy 6:9-10 and James 5:1-5. What is the Lord seeking to protect us from in these warnings?

6. SEEKING HAPPINESS. READ: Ecclesiastes 2:10-11 and 5:10-15. Make a list of famous people can you think of who, after acquiring wealth and fame, died unhappy or even committed suicide? If they could speak from the grave, what advice might they share with the world?

7. ASCETICISM. Asceticism is the belief that money and possessions are evil and the less you own the more spiritual you are. What problems do you see with this way of thinking as it pertains to one’s relationship with God and with others? READ: Proverbs 30:8-9 and journal what is the ideal state to be in?

8. TITHING. In the Old Testament, before the time of Christ, the people of Israel actually tithed 23% (including sacred festivals and the support of spiritual leaders and those in need). The tithe was “training wheels” to learn to revere God and put Him first. READ: Luke 14:31-33, and journal regarding what God asks of us today.

9. HELPING THE POOR. Rewrite the following Scriptures in your own words: 2 Corinthians 9:11; James 1:27; 2:14-16 and 1 John 3:16-19. Then journal about specific ways you can be more intentional to fulfill this responsibility.

10. EXPANDING GOD’S KINGDOM. God wants His mission to become our mission, and to use our lives to make known His love, truth, healing, hope, and eternal life in Jesus. READ: Matthew 6:21 and 15:18. If a stranger were to examine your speech, your checkbook and your schedule, what would they conclude is the defining passion of your life?

11. SUPPORTING LABORERS. READ: 1 Corinthians 9:14 and 1 Timothy 5:17-18. What responsibility to do we have to the spiritual leaders among us? How are spiritual leaders, you, the church and the world cheated when this responsibility is neglected?

12. PROSPERITY THEOLOGY. READ: Romans 5:8. When crisis strikes, what difference does it make if we are in the habit of measuring the faithfulness of God based on material provisions (of wealth and health) or God’s spiritual provisions (salvation through Jesus)?

13. DEBT. Debt ties up money that could be used to help others, ties up time that could be used for ministry, and increases worry and stress that create tension in marriages. READ: Proverbs 22:7,26-27. Make a list of your debts. Ask a friend to hold you accountable as you begin paying off your debts. Begin with the smallest one.

14. SAVING & INVESTING. READ: Proverbs 21:20 and 6:6-8. In the Bible, it’s hard to find a list of instructions for every decision we have to make. Instead, there is grace in the gray areas, inviting us to struggle and grow through the tension of what is beneficial for ourselves and others. Journal your thoughts concerning the tension of saving and giving; foolishness and responsibility; and of temporary and eternal.

15. TRUSTING GOD. READ: Psalm 62:10; Matthew 6:25-34 and Romans 8:32. We live in a culture that seeks security in wealth rather than in God. In your journal, entitle a page, “Trusting What Is Trustworthy”. List the reasons we have for trusting God. Over time, add to this list and go to it when you find yourself struggling.

16. CONTENTMENT. How would you define contentment? READ: Hebrews 13:5 and 1 Timothy 6:8. What things do you suppose feed discontentment, and what things can you do to experience real contentment?

17. ETERNAL REWARDS. READ: 1 Timothy 6:17-19; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 and Hebrews 11:6. It is said that whatever truth has the potential to change your life, this, our Adversary will attack. To what extent have you heard about, studied, and been influenced by the doctrine of eternal rewards? What difference would it make in your to live with this eternal perspective?

18. ACCOUNTABILITY. What do you struggle with most when it comes to money and possessions (guilt, jealousy, hoarding, asceticism, partiality, excessive gambling, impulsive spending, reluctance to give, etc.)? Write out a prayer for a changed heart and the strength to mature. Then ask a trusted friend to pray with you and hold you accountable.



(Suggestions: advice, lessons, struggles, mistakes, goals, needs, etc.)

[ ] Parents or Grandparents

[ ] A Missionary Living on Support

[ ] A Financial Planner

[ ] A Millionaire

[ ] A Poor Person

[ ] A Homeless Person

[ ] A Child


[ ] Make a Budget: Google “The Envelope System”

[ ] Begin Tithing: start with 10% for one month

[ ] Sponsor an Orphan:

[ ] Support a Missionary

[ ] Fast: for one month, fast from something and give away the money you would have spent on it (coffee, movies, iTunes, etc.).

[ ] Donate/Sell/Give: browse through your stuff and make a pile of things you don’t want or don’t need (in your basement, attic, garage, jewelry box, bookshelf, etc.)


[ ] Use Cash: for one month, stop using credit/debit cards


[ ] People Watching: Journal observations (at banks, malls, etc.)

[ ] Personal Retreat Day: schedule a Sabbath day at a junkyard (bring your Bible, journal, etc.)

[ ] Scripture Memorization: stick post-it notes of related passages in prominent places

[ ] Expression: Write a song, poem, blog, or create a collage relating to money & possessions

[ ] Watch & Discuss a Related Movie: The Ultimate Gift, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Richie Rich, There Will Be Blood, The Family Man, Click, Disney’s A Christmas Carol


[ ] Listen to The Dave Ramsey Show:

[ ] Go through Financial Peace University Course:

[ ] Research and Start Planning a Trip to a Third World Country or Reservation



▪ Money, Possessions & Eternity, Randy Alcorn

▪ The Treasure Principle, Randy Alcorn

▪ Blue Like Jazz (ch.6), Donald Miller

▪ Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, Ron Sider

▪ The Graduated Tithe, Ron Sider

▪ Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne

▪ Total Money Makeover, Dave Ramsey

▪ Financial Armageddon, John Hagee

▪ The Kingdom Assignment, Denny & Leesa Bellesi


▪ American Dream, Casting Crowns

▪ Lose My Soul, Toby Mac

▪ Over The Sun, Shane & Shane

▪ Knowing You, Passion Worship Band


▪ Consumer Credit Counseling Service:

▪ Crown Financial Ministries:

▪ Eternal Perspective Ministries:

▪ Dave Ramsey:

▪ Christian Relief Fund:


▪ Cornerstone Church, Francis Chan, “Living Eternally,” 03-08-09,


▪ John Straubinger

▪ Jennifer Ellis

▪ Milton Jones

▪ Raelynn Willis

▪ Ryan Woods

▪ Glynda Crownover

▪ Tyler Ellis


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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