Meeting 21 Minutes



______________________________________________________________________Meeting Name: Modifications Panel Meeting No: 21

Date of Meeting: 02nd April 2009 Time: 10.15am - 15:30pm

Venue: Ulster Hall, Belfast

In Attendance:

| | | |

|Members/Alternates |

|Iain Wright |Supplier Member & Chairperson |Airtricity |

|Stephen Walsh |Supplier Member |ESB CS |

|John Cussen |Supplier Alternate |BGE |

|Michael Walsh |Generator Member & Vice Chairperson |IWEA |

|Grainne O' Shea |Generator Alternate |ESB PG |

|Garrett Blaney |Generator Member |VP&E |

|Margaret Hayden |Generator Member |ESBI |

|Denis Kelly |MDP Member |NIE T&D |

|Aileen O' Connor |MDP Alternate |ESB Networks |

|Rodney Doyle |TSO Member |EirGrid |

|Michael Preston |TSO Member |SONI |

|Niamh Delaney |MO Member |SEMO |

|Philip Newsome |RA Alternate |CER |

|Jean Pierre Miura |RA Alternate |NIAUR |

|Observers/Other |

|Vivienne Price |Observer - TSO Alternate |SONI |

|Aodhagan Downey |Observer - MO Alternate |SEMO |

|Ian Luney |Observer |NIE PPB |

|Jill Murray |Observer |BGE |

|Paul Bell |Observer |NIAUR |

|Sonya Twohig |Observer |EirGrid |

|Jonathan Jennings |Observer |EirGrid |

|Ciara McCloskey |Observer |Tynagh |

|Kevin Hannafin |Observer |Viridian |

|MT Campbell |Secretariat |SEMO |

|Aisling O’Donnell |Secretariat |SEMO |

Section 1

I. Market Audit Report Introduction by RAs

II. Market Audit Report Presentation by Deloitte

III. Q&A Session

Question raised on the issue of signing of side letters by Participants. Deloitte is happy to deal with any specific queries on this matter on a one to one basis.

Section 2

I. Members, Alternates & Vice Chairperson Update

- Michael Walsh elected as Vice Chairperson (IWEA)

- Eric Mullane, change from Alternate to Supplier Member (BGE)

- John Cussen, proposed by Member as new Alternate (BGE)

- Jean Pierre Miura, proposed as new RA Alternate (NIAUR)

- Aisling O’Donnell, Secretariat Post (SEMO)

II. Minutes

Minutes from Meeting 20, read and approved.

III. Secretariat Programme of Work

|Title |Status |Sent By / Achieved By |

|FRR_28_08_V2: Commercial Offer Data for |Awaiting RA Decision |31 Mar 2009 |

|Interconnector Units | | |

|FRR_04_09: Provision of Commencement Notice to |Awaiting RA Decision |31 Mar 2009 |

|System Operators, External Data Providers | | |

|FRR_07_09: SEMO Cash Pooling |Awaiting RA Decision |31 Mar 2009 |

|WIP |

|FRR_05_09: Operational Readiness Confirmation for |To be Circulated to Committee |09 Apr 2009 |

|Variable Generator Units, Classification Change |To be Sent to RAs |17 Apr 2009 |

|FRR_06_09: Data Queries by External Data Providers |To be Circulated to Committee |09 Apr 2009 |

| |To be Sent to RAs |17 Apr 2009 |

- T&SC Version 5.0 updated and to be published shortly

- FRRs will be drafted in numerical order (i.e. as raised) unless there is a request from the Modifications Committee for a particular FRR to receive priority treatment.

Section 3

I. Review of Action Items from Last Meeting

All Actions are Completed

Of Particular Note:

Mod_02_09: Action on Plan for Analysis: To be completed by SEMO by May 27th 2009.

Schedule for Analysis

• Retrieve data for study:

Mon 6th to Wed 15th Apr 09

• Assess issue:

From Thu 16th Apr to Fri 24th Apr 09

• Assessment of monetary value:

Mon 27th to Fri 08th May 09

• Implication of enduring T&S code:

Mon 11th May to Fri 22nd May 09

• Findings - final report:

COB 27th May

Mod_03_09: All legal queries answered. On legal review it was concluded that an additional amendment was necessary to T&SC Section 2.358. As Mod_03_09 was an AP only modification, an additional modification will be raised by SEMO for the June meeting to deal with this.

|Section 4 New Modifications |

|Item |Mod |Proposer |Discussion Points |Actions/ |Outcome/ |

| | | | |Comment |Vote Result |

| |Mod_09_09: Correction of |N Delaney (SEMO) |The proposer explained that this Modification was drafted at the |Action: |Recommended for Approval |

| |Various Typos | |request of S Street ,This modification and Mod_11_09 cover all issues|Legal clarification sought on the |(Unanimous) |

| | | |in S Street's e-mail except those relating to the Adjusted Aggregate |definition of ‘Generation Site’. |I Wright |

| | | |Import Capacity in Appendix M which SEMO believes requires further | |S Walsh |

| | | |consideration. | |J Cussen |

| | | |Legal clarification sought on the definition of ‘Generation Site’ in | |M Walsh |

| | | |relation to connection agreements in both jurisdictions? | |G O’Shea |

| | | |It was agreed that legal clarification on ‘Generation Site’ Glossary | |G Blaney |

| | | |definition is required. | |M Hayden |

| |Mod_10_09: Validation of TOD: |N Delaney (SEMO) |This Modification was discussed and considered with Mod_47_08_V2. | |Recommended for Approval |

| |Extension of interim validation| |Please see Mod_47_08_V2 Discussion Points, Item 9. | |(Unanimous) |

| |process | | | |I Wright |

| | | | | |S Walsh |

| | | | | |J Cussen |

| | | | | |M Walsh |

| | | | | |G O’Shea |

| | | | | |G Blaney |

| | | | | |M Hayden |

| |Mod_11_09: Removal of ambiguity|A Downey |The MO Alternate explained that this Modification was drafted at the |Actions: RA to revisit wording of AP10 |Recommended for Approval |

| |in APs 10, 13, and 15 |(SEMO) |request of S Street. |part 3.1.2 with original proposer. |AP10 rejected (Majority) |

| | | |The Members of the Committee expressed dissatisfaction with the |FRR to be drafted to reflect the |AP13 approved (Unanimous) |

| | | |proposed rewording of AP10 part 3.1.2 and suggested perhaps the words|inclusion of ‘phone’ as a communication|AP15 approved |

| | | |“will receive” would better fit in context as the proposed wording |option in AP10 part 3.1.2 steps 19-21. |(Unanimous) |

| | | |implies future payments. | |I Wright |

| | | |It was suggested that the option of phone as an addition to the | |S Walsh |

| | | |communication mechanism be included in AP15. | |J Cussen |

| | | |Changes to AP 10, AP 13 and AP 15 were considered separately by the | |M Walsh |

| | | |Committee. | |G O’Shea |

| | | | | |G Blaney |

| | | | | |M Hayden |

| | | | | |D Kelly |

| | | | | |A O’Connor |

| | | | | |R Doyle |

| | | | | |M Preston |

| | | | | |N Delaney |

| |Mod_12_09: Loss adjustments in |P Bell |The proposer outlined the background to the Modification. |Action: Generators to quantify |Deferred |

| |Constraint and Make Whole |(NIAUR) |The MO Alternate expressed concern regarding the principle of the |materiality of any underecovery of | |

| |Payments | |Modification and indicated that there would be systems changes |Start Up and No Load Costs. Analysis to| |

| | | |required. It was suggested that other options be further |be forwarded to SEMO. | |

| | | |investigated. | | |

| | | |A Generator Member raised an objection to any further work being | | |

| | | |carried out on this Modification given that the policy for losses is | | |

| | | |currently under review. | | |

| | | |Some Generator members expressed concern that, currently, as a result| | |

| | | |of the way losses are treated, Generator Units, in some instances, | | |

| | | |may not recover their full Start Up and No Load costs through the | | |

| | | |SMP. | | |

| | | |It was decided that Generator Units should provide some indication of| | |

| | | |the materiality of any shortfall before the MO engaged in any further| | |

| | | |analysis. | | |

| | | |The Chair suggested the RAs reconsider the date of implementation of | | |

| | | |the SEM Committee Direction. | | |

| |Mod_13_09: Meter Validation |S Twohig |The proposer explained the Modification with a Power Point |Actions: Typographical errors to be |Recommended for Approval |

| |process and Unit Registration |(TSO) |presentation. |fixed in the FRR: |(Unaminous) |

| | | |This Modification is the final in a series of Modifications presented|Section 3.2.5 Step 4 Bullet 1: |I Wright |

| | | |to the Committee (04_09, 05_09, 06_09, 13_09). |“Registration pack” rather than |S Walsh |

| | | |A Working Group was held on this Modification prior to the Committee |"package" |J Cussen |

| | | |meeting. |Part 6.101A of AP1 sentence to be |M Walsh |

| | | |This Modification seeks to increase clarity in AP1 to reflect the |reordered to “Prior to a” at start of |G O’Shea |

| | | |current processes and achievable timescales for Unit Registration. |sentence. |G Blaney |

| | | |The Chair on behalf of the Committee thanked the Proposer and the TSO|Appendix 3: States that there are 16 |M Hayden |

| | | |on the quality of work produced and the expedient nature of the |registration events but only 15 are | |

| | | |process, along with the benefits to the market as a whole. |listed. | |

| | | | |Events 12 & 13 should the phrase read | |

| | | | |‘…..from an Associated Supplier Unit to| |

| | | | |a different Associated Supplier Unit’. | |

| | | | |Clarification sought. | |

| |Mod_14_09: Use of Forecast |J Jennings |The proposer explained this Modification which proposes a change in |Action: Issue of letter ‘h’ after |Recommended for Approval |

| |Demand |(TSO) |the wording of Appendix N to reflect correct terminology and to |Trading Period to remain in sentence in|(Unanimous) |

| | | |remove a conflict in definitions. |order to remain consistent with |I Wright |

| | | |There were no concerns raised in relation to this Modification and no|Appendix N. |S Walsh |

| | | |objection to going to a vote. | |J Cussen |

| | | | | |M Walsh |

| | | | | |G O’Shea |

| | | | | |G Blaney |

| | | | | |M Hayden |

| |Mod_15_09: Mods Committee Ops –|MT Campbell |The Secretariat explained the Modification which addressed a number |Action: Proposer to review and reword |Deferred |

| |Section 2 Changes |(SEMO) |of changes to Section 2. |in light of the Committee's objections | |

| | | |The Members expressed concern over the proposed changes to expand the| | |

| | | |pool to allow for both members and alternates to run for the | | |

| | | |position. | | |

| | | |The RA Member suggested the replacement of the word “or” rather than | | |

| | | |“and” in part 2.160. | | |

| | | |The Originator proposed to Defer the Modification in order to revise | | |

| | | |the wording in Section 2. | | |

| |Mod_16_09: Mods Committee Ops –|MT Campbell |The Modification was explained by the Proposer. |Actions: Review in light of deferred |Recommended for Approval |

| |AP12 Changes |(SEMO) |The aim of this Modification is to provide more consistent use of |decision of Mod_15_09 where a number of|(Unanimous) |

| | | |timelines for the Secretariat function in relation to processing of |sections of this Modification will be |I Wright |

| | | |Modification proposals. |affected (2 bullet points). |S Walsh |

| | | |Proposer to omit bullet points 2&3 in the Modification as they are |FRR to reflect the second last point to|J Cussen |

| | | |aligned with Section 2 Mod_15_09. |remain at 2WDs rather than the |M Walsh |

| | | | |suggested change to 5WDs. |G O’Shea |

| | | | | |G Blaney |

| | | | | |M Hayden |

| | | | | |D Kelly |

| | | | | |A O’Connor |

| | | | | |R Doyle |

| | | | | |M Preston |

| | | | | |N Delaney |

Section 5 Tariff Year Presentation – DLAF & CLAF Timelines

The TSO Member (SONI) presented on this topic. An interim Modification Proposal is due to be submitted and presented at the next meeting. The presentation will be circulated to all Members.

|Section 6 Deferred Modifications |

|Item |Mod |Proposer |Discussion Points |Actions/ |Outcome/ |

| | | | |Comment |Vote Result |

| |Mod_34_08_V3: Dual Rated |N Delaney (SEMO) |Progress has been made on the alternative solution to 34_08_V3. |Actions: Working Group to be set up for|Deferred |

| |Amendment (Working Group | |The TSO example will be completed by April 17th. |the first week in May. | |

| |Report) | |This Modification involves system changes and could be considered for|TSO example and any responses to be | |

| | | |April 2010 release, if it is approved by July. |circulated prior to WG. | |

| | | |This Modification has been extended by the RAs to September 2009. | | |

| | | |A Working Group will be set up early for May to discuss the analysis | | |

| | | |and the alternative proposal. | | |

| |Mod_47_08: Validation of |N Delaney (SEMO) |The MO Member outlined that a presentation had been made on this |Actions: FRR to be prioritised on list |Recommended for Approval |

| |Technical Data – Enduring | |Modification at the MOST on March 25th at which SEMO had outlined the|as it has a systems impact and is |(Unanimous) |

| |Validation Process (Impact | |revised technical solution. |required for April 2010 release. |I Wright |

| |Assessment) | |This Modification was considered with Mod_10_09 as this is an |Data Default definition to be |S Walsh |

| | | |extension to the interim process. |reconsidered. |J Cussen |

| | | |An impact assessment was given and the Committee agreed that this | |M Walsh |

| | | |solution is required for the Market going forward. | |G O’Shea |

| | | | | |G Blaney |

| | | | | |M Hayden |

| |Mod_64_08:Treatment of |E Chukwureh |The Chairperson on behalf of the Proposer agreed to withdraw this | |Withdrawn |

| |Generator Unit Registration |(Airtricity) |Modification Proposal in light of work carried out by the TSOs on | | |

| |Delays (Working Group | |Unit Registration and resulting in four Modifications being | | |

| |Recommendations) | |Recommended for Approval. | | |

| |Mod_65_08: Generator Unit Short|M Preston (TSO) |The Secretariat explained there is an issue paper in internal |Actions: Working Group to be scheduled |Deferred |

| |Term Test Status (Working Group| |circulation on this mod, but may require further input from |before end April. | |

| |Report) | |interested parties. |Issue paper to be circulated prior to | |

| | | |It was agreed that the TSOs will develop this paper and discuss via a|WG. | |

| | | |Working Group in April 2009, in order to further discuss the | | |

| | | |scenarios raised by Generator members. | | |

|Section 7 Further Work Required |

|Item |Mod |Proposer |Discussion Points |Actions/ |Outcome/ |

| | | | |Comment |Vote Result |

| |Mod_20_07: Publication of |E Maguire |The Modification was not discussed in detail at this meeting as the | |Deferred |

| |Commercially Sensitive data – |(NIE Energy) |proposer was not present. | | |

| |supplier volumes | |Secretariat to follow up on email sent to NIAUR. | | |

| |Mod_68_07: Additional market |L Ryan |This item is to remain on the agenda until an enduring solution is in|Action: Secretariat to check date on |Deferred |

| |data transaction from MO to |(SEMO) |place. |Modification with reference to possible| |

| |TSOs | | |extension. | |

| |Mod_44_08: Variable and Ex-Post|M Preston (TSO) |This Modification was recommended for approval by a majority vote at |Action: Mods Committee to go to Public |Deferred |

| |Flattening Power Factors | |meeting 16 on September 30th 2008. |Consultation to be completed by July | |

| | | |The RAs decision was circulated recommending further work on this |31st. | |

| | | |proposal. | | |

Section 8 AOB

The RAs have advised that a policy Modification Proposal is to be submitted and will be presented at the next Modifications Meeting.


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