Rosa and Blanca Unit 3, week 4

Rosa and Blanca Unit 3, week 4

Amy Hall 2nd Grade Clements

|Abundant: means more then enough or plenty. |

|Assist: |

|if you assist someone, you help him/her do something. |

|Generous: |

|A generous person shares with other people and is unselfish. |

|Dismay: |

|a feeling of deep disappointment and fear. |

|Efficient: |

|an Efficient person gets things done without wasting time or energy. |

|Beam: |

|when you beam, you smile in a happy way. |

|Forever: |

|means never ending or always. |

|Situation: |

|A situation is an act or happening or condition. |

Use the Morning warm up posters to introduce the concept of the week and review the high frequency words of believe, today and tomorrow.

Use the Sing with me big book to introduce the Amazing Words (abundant, assist and generous)

Believe or not, every problem has a solution.

If you think of a creative idea today, you can solve a problem tomorrow!

When can creative ideas solve problems.

Long I, I, ie and igh, y

Sound spelling card 16

|bike |

|hide |

|wild |

|spider |

|tie |

|fly |

|high |

|find |

|pilot |

|title |

|die |

|lie |

|shy |

|sly |

|might |

|tight |

Individuals blend long I word cards

|bright |

|child |

|why |

|die |

|sigh |

|cry |

|lie |

|lilac |

sort words by long and short I

Have students cut apart the i w words and glue them onto the correct side.

also workbook page 133


sort the i words

|long i |short i |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|mild |flight |

|think |tried |

|pitcher |thigh |

|mint |nylon |

|stick |kind |

|fly |fries |

|mild |flight |

|think |tried |

|pitcher |thigh |

|mint |nylon |

|stick |kind |

|fly |fries |


Tape the large letters on cups, students will sort the words by spelling using the word cards below the letters.

|i |ie |

|igh |y |

|mild |flight |child |cry |

|think |tried |finds |my |

|pitcher |thigh |I |sky |

|mint |nylon |I’ll |high |

|stick |kind |cries |right |

|fly |fries |bright |sight |

Parent Note for the story Rosa and Blanca

This week we are learning about long i. The long i sound is the sound you hear in ice cream. Sometimes the long i sound can be spelled with an i (like in wild), with ie (like in tie), with igh (like in flight), or with a y (like in fly). Today we practiced reading words with the long i sound. Let your child share with you what they learned today and allow them to read these words to you. If they get them all right, give them a big hug. If they have a harder time, give them a hug for doing their best and keep practicing. After all, practice makes perfect! (

The Second Grade Teachers

find wild kind writing

cycle squint spin chime

thick spine dirt dried

whirl why birth

spelling page 53 and phonics story Rose Flies Home

build background TE pages 402 AND 403

use the graphic organizer to develop concepts about problem solving

Listening comprehension: use the posters below to discuss PLOT.

Shared writing: write an ad using writing transparency 14 (use magazines for ideas if kids can’t come up with a new idea)

Grammar: verbs (more verbs)

What happens at the beginning, middle and end is the plot.

Every story has one big idea.

Good readers pay attention to what happens and the order in which it happens. Then they think about what they learned to help them understand the big idea of a story.

Day 2

Friends can have a problem today that might be solved tomorrow.

Do you believe that can be true?

sing with me big book Generous Friends review today, tomorrow and believe in on the sunshine page.

Read Farmer Smart’s Fat Cat again

Phonics Lesson: Long i

use phonics songs and rhymes chart to find the long i words

Fluent reading cards for long i words

|highlight |

|remind |

|myself |

|died |

|tigers |

|lied |

|firefly |

|delight |

|uptight |

|grind |

|tied |

|reply |


Spelling Dictation page for Rosa and Blanca




comprehension(theme and plot):

use posters from yesterday to review

Build background: (farmer’s market) use the slide show from this website to introduce students to a farmer’s market

Writing: notes

Grammar: verbs

High frequency (popcorn words) workbook page 136)

|daughters |

|youngest |

|their |

|buy |

|many |

|alone |

|half |

Monitor Progress

(High Frequency Words)

Parent Note for the story

Rosa and Blanca

Today we practiced high frequency words. Let your child read these words to you. If they get them all right, give them a big hug. If they have a harder time, give them a hug for doing their best and keep practicing.

After all, practice makes perfect! (

|their |alone |half |

|many |whole |daughters |

|buy |laughed |poor |

|youngest |loved |

|another |where |house |

Selection vocabulary

|[pic]tortillas |

|thin, round cakes made of corn meal and are served hot. |

|luckiest |

|having more luck or fortune than anyone else |

|chiles |

|a hot pepper that is used for seasoning |

Day 3

Farmer Smart sighed. “At night the mice eat my corn. Then they hide. It’s time to teach them this corn is mine!” What are some ways we can teach each other things?

Sing Generous Friends from big book and review Farmer Smart’s Fat Cat

Amazing word is BEAM.

Review compound words (page 138)

Use compound word cards and activity from

review high frequency words using cards and pages below

|alone |their |

|buy |half |

|many |

|youngest |

|daughters |

[pic]Read each sentence and decide which popcorn word makes sense in the blanks.

I like to sit all ________ in my bedroom and read.

We will go over to _________ house after school. [pic]

We will _______ milk at the store.

I am the _________ of three children.

They have one son and two _________.

Dad cut my sandwich in


How ________

cats do you have?

Vocabulary from other languages:

Fluency: attend punctuation

Think and Share

Writing trait: Word choice

Grammar: verbs

Day 4:

Generous Friends in the sing with me big book

Amazing words review Consume and shrewd/ forever and situation

Share Lit: Wile and the Hairy Man

Sentence reading: Partner books

Spelling: partner review of words

Read the crow and the pitcher

Fluency: read with appropriate phrasing

Writing: make a list

Grammar: verbs

Speaking and listening: see posters below

Today we will read about a thirsty crow. She must find water to consume. But it is hard for her to reach the water in the pitcher. She has a shrewd idea. What do you think she will do?

Read with a friend

Work with a partner during read with a friend to read these sentences 5 times each. Work on becoming more and more fluent each time.

It has been a mild winter with light snow and no ice.

Did you finally locate the bright white tile at the store today?

I believe it is time to donate rice to the food drive.

The child cried when he caught a cold and had a high fever.

I don’t know whatever happened to the spider that tried to catch the fly.

Mike might have time tomorrow to fix my broken boat.

|find |Work with a partner. One friend will read the word on the card |

| |and the other friend will write the word. Use the card to check |

| |your spelling. When you have spelled all the words, switch! ( |

|child |flight |

|sky |spider |

|bright |cry |

|wild |blind |

|fly |myself |

|identify |right |

|frighten |arrival |


* Speak slowly and clearly.

* Use appropriate phrasing to add drama.

*Keep going until the end.


*Sit quietly.

*Face the speaker.

*Listen to what the speaker says.

Day 5

Generous Friends

Morning questions

Share lit/review Wiley and the Hairy Man.

Oral vocabulary; Review Amazing words

Review Long i words and high frequency words

Spelling test

Monitor Progress Sentence reading and fluency and comp.

Grammar and writing: Finish with verbs and use page 424 and 425 to write

Study skills: Tally Chart

An art activity (Christmas Decoration if you wanted to use it) making a chile pepper…(

Very cute!

This week we read a bout Wiley, Rosa and Blanca and Farmer Smart. They all had problems to solve. When can a creative idea solve a problem?


Today your child was assessed on reading

Set A, Set B, Set C sentences.

______ Your child successful read these sentences. EXCELLENT!

______ Your child had some trouble with these sentences. Practice reading the highlighted words. Good Job.

_____Your child had trouble reading many of these words. Let them practice reading these sentences with you as part of their homework next week.


Your child was also assessed on reading the attached fluency passage aloud for 1 minute. We are working toward your child reaching the December reading goal of 70 words in one minute.

______ You child read 70 or more words in one minute. Great!

_____ Your child read _____ words in one minute. Reading aloud at home will help your child reach the goal of 70 words. The best way to become a better reader is to read. If you need reading materials for your child to practice reading, let me know. I will be happy to send you materials on your child’s reading level to help them practice.


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