Some New Vocab Assignments Hand-Crafted For Your …

Vocab AssignmentsFAMILY TIES: We have talked about words with related meanings—synonyms and antonyms—but how related are they? For this assignment…Find ten (10) pairs of your “How to Sound Smart” words1 that seem related by definition, and then…FOOTNOTE!Assign the pair a relationship2. Finally, explain their relationships in full sentences. Be sure to explain why you assigned it that relationship. I’d hate for you to have to redo the whole thing!How many pairs? _____ Do you have to assign each pair a relationship? _____ Do you have to explain each relationship? _____ Does each relationship have to be three paragraphs? ______GO>WITH >THE>FLO: This is also looking for relationships between words, but in this one, you need to string words together. Start with two of OUR VOCAB WORDS that have a relationship, and then… Find a 3rd VOCAB word that relates to the 2nd. Then find a 4th VOCAB word that relates to the 3rd word, etc. String at least 10 words together. You can, if you want, have two strings of five words. Again, be sure to explain each relationship individually! I’d hate for you to have to redo the whole thing!How many words in each string? ____ Can you have two strings of five words each? _____ Do they all have to be vocab words? ____ Can you write a little one-paragraph story using the ten words? ____ Does each connection have to be explained? ____ FIND ME SOME FRIENDS: For ten (10) of OUR VOCAB WORDS… Look up three synonyms on . alacrity (noun) Briskness: quick and active; lively.Eagerness: keen or ardent in desire or feeling; impatiently longingCheerfulness: full of cheer; in good spiritsWrite the synonyms and their definitions from the dictionary. Although most of these assignments can be done on a computer, “Find Me Some Friends” MUST be hand-written. Example=>Do this for how many vocab words? ____ Do you have to make up a sentence for each? ______ How many synonyms for each? ____ Do you have to write the definitions for each synonym? ____For instance, for lavish (adj, super-fancy, expensive, extravagant):Houses on MTV’s “Cribs”The Governor’s Mansion LimousinesCrystal chandeliers Royal weddings PROVE IT: Example=>Choose 15 of OUR VOCAB WORDS, and… based on their definitions, find five examples of each word. These are NOT synonyms! They are objects, places, actions, etc., that are described by your word. Do this for how many vocab words? ____ Do you have to make up a sentence for each? ______ How many how many real-world examples for each? ____ Do you have to explain each example? _______GO FISH: This is the most complicated of them all, so please pay attention. Choose 7 (seven) of OUR VOCAB WORDS and “Google” them. For each word, find two (2) sentences that are “wild-caught.” 2 Also, you need to look for sentences that have good context clues3.Copy the sentences (you can copy & paste for this) Highlight the context clues, identify them as examples of the four types of context clues, and explain each with a “because” statement.For all sentences, be sure to cite their sources. IMPORTANT! You may NOT use just a URL (web address) as a source. Websites are created by people and organizations. I want to know who created the site.Do this for how many vocab words? ____ Find how many sentences for each? ______Can you make up these sentences? ____ Do you have to explain the context clues in the sentences? _______Bundles of Phun Phor Everyone: Look for connections among 3-5 VOCAB WORDS, group them together, and create categories for the groups. Write the definitions for all words used and give the group a name. You must use at least a total of 10 VOCAB words. Category: Harsh Treatment Berate (v) to scold severely Chastise (v) to criticize, to scold; Defame (v) to destroy the reputation ofDiminish (v) to decrease or make smaller; Disparage (v) to criticize, degrade, belittleFor example, words that relate to the idea of ‘harsh treatment’: Example=>How many vocab words must be used in total? ____ How many can each category have? ______Do you need to write the definitions of the vocab words? ______FootnotesYou can use words from two different lists to make a pair. Ex: You could make a pair with “devious” (from “Annoying People”) and fraudulent (from “Breaking the Law!”)For instance, you might use twins for almost identical synonyms or antonyms, siblings for reasonably close synonyms or antonyms, cousins for words that are related but not synonyms, etc So, ‘peace’ and ‘tranquility’ might be siblings, but ‘angry’ and ‘frustrated’ might be cousins. Feel free to add other relationships as long as you can explain them. “Wild-caught” refers to fish that are caught in the ocean rather than raised in stinky fish farms. For this assignment, wild-caught sentences are written by real people using the words for real reasons. Make sure you’re not going for “farm-raised” sentences—sentences provided by dictionary sites or Yahoo Answers kinds of sites. Tip: you need to go far out from shore—30 or 40 pages into a google search—before you start seeing good sentences. So take a lunch.Think about this sentence: “Despite the wickedness of his crimes, he hoped to be absolved by the pope.” A solid context clue is almost as valuable as a good definition. How about this one: “He absolved him.” Pretty much useless. ................

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