September 11th – 12th 2007


Sunset in Jerusalem, September 12, 2007, current Roman world calendar dating, begins the month of Tishre on the Hebrew calendar. Because Yahuweh’s days begin at sunset, at sunset we enter September 13th (Genesis 1:5). The Hebrew month of Tishre marks the Hebrew calendar dated from creation. Therefore, on Tishre 1, by the “creation calendar” we also enter the beginning 2008.

The calendar given to us for the Festivals--Exodus 12:2--is OUR CALENDAR. It is our lifestyle—given to us to live by…to mark our time by His plan of salvation—which the seven Feasts of Yahuweh proclaim (Leviticus 23). The wording of Exodus 12:2, lets us know that this “first month”, which is Aviv, the time of Passover, is for His people. It is not for the world.

The world runs of the calendar from creation—it is the calendar of the nations, it is calendar of man. End time prophecy uses the calendar of the world—for it is telling us the plans of Yahuweh for this world. But, woven into it is the calendar of Yahuweh for His people, so that they will see His movement towards the next step in His plan of salvation. Messiah has already fulfilled the first three Feasts—Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits—in His death, burial and resurrection. On “Pentecost” (Shavu’ot) the Spirit of Yahuweh came to write Torah on our heart and give us the power and gifting to do the will of the Father in this world. The fulfillment of the fifth Feast is future--the Feast of Trumpets—the day of the return of Messiah to earth to raise His people to eternal life, to reward His people according to their works (their obedience to His Covenant), to set up His Kingdom, and to “burn the wicked with fire”. (Matthew 13; Revelation 11:15-19, for examples) We are in what the Prophets called “summer”—the time of transition between the Spring Feasts and the Autumn Feasts.

From olden times, Jewish rabbis have believed that the “time of Jacob’s troubles”—the troubles of all the remnant of all the tribes of Jacob, which in total are thirteen (Jeremiah 30:7-11)—would be the time of Israel’s deliverance from the “gentiles”. They believed this time of trouble would begin in the first years of the seven-thousandth year from creation. We are now in the seven-thousandth year. Many believed that the creation calendar was dated from Adam’s creation, not from Genesis 1:1. Adam was created in the sixth day. We are now closing that seventh day--2007.

In Hosea 6:1-3, we see that in the “third day” He will raise us up to live in His sight. In the “third day” from Messiah’s birth, He will raise us up—resurrect us—and take us into His Kingdom for 1,000 years, then the Father comes and eternity begins. Father descends with His City at the onset of the eighth day--Revelation chapters 21-22.

It was two thousand years from Adam to Abraham, two thousand years from Abraham to Messiah, and two thousand years from Messiah’s birth until now.

In Exodus 19, Moses told the people to prepare for 2 days, for in the third day, Yahuweh would descend upon Mt. Horeb (Sinai). The Ten Commandments are the basic terms of the marriage covenant—what the Bridegroom wants in a Bride—exclusivity. He is a jealous lover.

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Noah built an ark for 120 years and preached: Repent, for judgment is near! Genesis 6:3 says this: “And Yahuweh said, `My Spirit shall not strive with man forever in his going astray. He is flesh, and his days shall be one hundred and twenty years”. The Hebrew rendering of the 120 years is that they are Jubilee years. Every fiftieth year is a Jubilee year (Leviticus 25). If you multiply 120 X 50 you get 6,000 years.

II Peter 3:8 says in the context of the coming of the Father to create a new heaven and a new earth: “But, beloved ones, BE NOT IGNORANT OF THIS ONE THING: That with Yahuweh, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day”.

Moses’ Psalm, Psalm 90, puts it this way: Verse 4: “For a thousand years in Your eyes are like yesterday that has past, or like a watch in the night”. From of old, Jews and believers in Messiah have known that in the beginning of the seventh-thousandth year, Messiah would come.

Please, take the time to look at APPENDIX A--at the end of this article. Here I include quotes of people who have said that the Messiah would come in the seven thousandth year from creation—people who lived after Messiah, and before Messiah.

We are inside the seven thousandth year! At sunset on September 12th, we move from ’07 to ’08. The number seven in Scripture stands for completed whole--a finish of cycle--while eight stands for new beginnings. Yes, this is man’s calendar. Different cultures use different numbers for calculating their calendar. But, no matter what numbers are used—the fact remains that we are within the seven thousandth year from Adam’s creation, and that is highly important for us to know.

Quoting from William F. Dankenbring’s article “2012: The End of Days: “Archbishop Ussher was a great Biblical historian and theologian. He was born in Dublin in 1581CE and was one of the first scholars admitted to Trinity College at the tender young age of 13. Ussher believed the Bible was literally true…Ussher concluded that Creation occurred on noon, October 23, 4004BCE… Ussher’s scholarship was published in 1650 as The Annals of the World. Ussher also deduced…that Christ was born in 4BCE, 4000 years from Creation. Ussher believed, as many did in his time, that the end of the age would occur 6,000 after Creation. His calculations were widely accepted at the time and were inserted into the margins of…the Authorized King James Version”.

If Archbishop Ussher was wrong—he was only wrong by perhaps one year. In Appendix B, following my lengthy warnings of deception, which I hope you all read, I give projected timing of Messiah’s first coming, which is attested to by astronomers and historians, and perhaps signs of His second coming in the sun, moon, stars and planets. We will see about this after it happens!

The enemy uses the current world calendar—because he is the “god of this world”. We have our calendar in Exodus 12:3 by which we live our lifestyle, but we cannot throw out the calendar by which the world moves, for both calendars are needed to understand the whole prophetic plan as it unfolds! More than that, we must hear, in our spirit, the Truth as told

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to us by the Ruach Yahuweh, who is given to us as our Teacher and

our instructor of things to come (John 16:13). Without His input, we can only go by our puny head reasoning, and that is often off—as you know. We must tap into the Ruach Yahuweh’s “head-reasoning”. If all we had was man’s reasoning from his mental logic to guide us, how pathetic and pitiful and deceived we would be!

What is ending and what is beginning at sunset September 12th? Yom Teruah, the fifth of Yahuweh’s festivals (Leviticus 23)--the festivals, which picture Yahuweh’s plan for the salvation of a remnant His people--pictures the return of Messiah to earth to rule over an earthly Kingdom for 1,000 years—the 7th “day”.

This festival covers two days around the earth--for on the earth there are always two days. This is why “No man knows THE DAY, OR THE HOUR” of the blowing of the “last trumpet”, announcing the sighting of the new moon of the new month of Tishre, signaling the opening of heaven, and the return of Messiah (I Corinthians 15:51-58; Revelation 11:14-19; Revelation 19).

In ancient times, the forty-eight hours of the dark of the moon, before the sighting of the first sliver of the new moon marking the new month, was called “the day and the hour no man knows”. Two witnesses were stationed on the Temple Mount during those forty-eight hours of the dark of the moon—to determine each month’s designation. When, after sunset, they saw the first sliver of the new moon, they would go to the High Priest and confirm that they had sighted the first sliver of the new moon—marking the new month. The High Priest would then order the blowing of the shofar, announcing to all that the new month had begun.

In Revelation 11, we see that the two witnesses, killed by anti-messiah three and a

half days before, rise from a street in Jerusalem as the world watches, ascending before the High Priest, announcing the new month. Then the “last trumpet” is blown (the seventh trumpet) marking the month of Tishre. The High Priest—Messiah Yahushua, King of Kings and Master of Masters--descends to the earth to rule and reign. Understanding the Word from a Hebrew prospective certainly expands our understanding! (I Corinthians 15:51-58; Revelation 11:14-19)

This upcoming festival in 2007, Yom Teruah (the Day of Trumpet blowing) heralds many new things. It begins the seventh year of a seven-year cycle--a “Smittah year”—the word for Yahuweh’s year of “land rest”—and year of release of those in captivity, restoration, and the reclaiming of what was taken away back to its original owners. It is from this seventh year of release that America based its bankruptcy laws.

As I was preparing to return to the United States in 2005, I was reading Ezekiel 3, about the proclaiming of the Good News of return and restoration to Yahuweh and His Torah, and reading about those of the ten northern tribes who were

scattered into exile from about 950BCE to 722BCE. The Father spoke in my spirit: “ALL MY PEOPLE, OUTSIDE OF MY LAND ARE IN CAPTIVITY”.

My friends, that means His people in the United States and Canada, in Western Europe, in Australia and New Zealand, and all the other nations of the earth.

Yahuweh scattered the ten northern tribes of Jacob (multi-millions of people)

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into all nations because of their idolatry (substituting other things to worship

besides Him), and their rejection of Him and His Torah—into ALL NATIONS—“AMONG THE GENTILES”. He never refers to His people as “gentiles!”

You might think that your “captivity” is good, but it is an illusion, a fantasy of mind-manipulation by the “god of this world”—Lucifer (Satan as the illumined one, the light bearer, the angel of light). The greatest punishment that Yahuweh could have meted out is to remove His people from their inheritance Land—the Land we call “Israel”. Yet, most of His people love their captivity more than the reward of His Land. The so-called “good life” in captivity is not realistic. Westerners, in particular Americans, are trapped--slaves to the culture of gentiles (heathen, barbarians, pagans, even Satanists—aliens, strangers and foreigners to the covenant of Yahuweh (Ephesians 2:8-19)--the world system under Lucifer. His culture (Torah) is the culture of peace, order, and rest, harmonious families, prosperity, and freedom.

Yahuweh never referred to the ten northern tribes as “gentiles” nor did Yahuweh ever make a covenant with “gentiles”. He says that He will destroy all gentiles. In Ephesians 2:11 and I Corinthians 12:2, we read that if we are in Messiah, in the Covenant of Yahuweh, WE ARE NOT GENTILES!

We are in the tree of Israel, through Messiah Yahushua. (Romans 11) The Father is focused on one family-group, the family of Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants. II Samuel 7:22-24, from the prayer of King David: “You are great indeed, O Master Yahuweh! For there is none like You and there is no Elohim but You, according to all that we have heard with our ears. And who is like Your people, like Israel, the ONE NATION ON THE EARTH whom Elohim went to redeem for Himself as a people, to make for Himself a Name, and to do for Your greatness and awesome deed for Your Land before Your people whom you redeemed for Yourself from Egypt, from the nations and from their gods? And You have established for Yourself Your people Israel as Your own people FOREVER, and You Yahuweh have become their Elohim”.

The Elohim of the Bible has one people—the biological sons of Isaac and Jacob and Jacob’s children. If a true gentile (one not of the seed of Isaac and Jacob) wants to get in on the covenant, they have always been able to by adhering to the Covenant of Yahuweh by faith and action from the days of Exodus 12:48-49. For when He gave His Torah—His Covenant for His people—it was for all mankind to observe. He never left anyone out. Ruth is a good example of a gentile (an Arab/a Moabite) who came into the Covenant of Yahuweh by faith, and was part of the lineage of Messiah.

In Jeremiah 31:31, we see that the covenant that He renewed in the blood of Messiah was made with the “house of Judah” and the “house of Israel”.

The house of Judah is comprised of the three southern tribes of Judah (Jews), Levi and Benjamin. The ten tribes of the northern kingdom are: Reuben, Simeon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, and the two tribes of Joseph—Ephraim and Manasseh—thirteen in all. The northern ten were called

“Israel” after the new name of Jacob (Genesis 32:27-28; Genesis 48:8-20).

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Ephraim took the place of Reuben as the birthright holder for all the tribes (I Chronicles 5:1-2). Judah remained the scepter-bearing (ruling) tribe (Genesis 49:10--notice these prophecies of Jacob are for “the latter days”), UNTIL Messiah comes and takes the scepter for Himself alone to rule.

In hundreds of verses in the Bible, we read that the greatest passion of our Father is to return the whole house of Jacob—all the tribes—to His Land. He has one Land that He oversees (Deuteronomy 11:11-12)—the rectangle described in Ezekiel 47:14-chapter 48…the land of Israel—the eternal inheritance of His people. The most horrible punishment He could deal out for sin to His people was to scatter them AMONG the gentiles, out of His Land. In all references to the return of the northern tribes to the Land, He uses the terminology “among” the gentiles.

The “Jew-Gentile” perversion of the Scriptures is just that—perversion by those who refuse to acknowledge the multi-millions of the northern tribes, scattered into all nations by 722BCE. A remnant of these ten now want to return to their homeland. (Zechariah 8:23—these “ten men” represent the ten tribes).

The parable of the “prodigal son” is being enacted now (Luke 15). The prodigal is the house of Israel, and the “elder brother” is Judah (Jews and Levi). Now, Yahuweh is returning a remnant of all the tribes in the greatest passion of His heart and soul (Jeremiah 32:37-41), to fulfill Ezekiel 37:15-28—to make them ONE NATION again! He will finish this task at the coming of Messiah, but now a remnant is returning and many of the Orthodox Jews see it as a sign of the coming of Messiah ben David—the Messiah, son of David.

Excerpts from Deuteronomy 15:1-12: The seventh year is “Yahuweh’s release”. What begins on Tishre 1 of 2008, going into 2009, is a whole new cycle of seven years. This is the final cycle before Messiah returns—ending in the Jubilee year—Yom Kippur 2015. The Ruach is showing many this reality now, so as one voice, many watchmen are proclaiming these things—the restoration of all things—that leads to His return (Acts 3:19-21).

Regarding the “Smittah” (pronounced: Smee-tah”)—the Shabbat of the land—the land-rest year: From the Restoration Scriptures: “…(The Jewish Tenak reads: “Every seventh year…”--sighting the context) you shall make a release. After this manner of the release: Every creditor that lends anything to his neighbor shall release it; he shall not require it of his neighbor, or from his brother; because IT IS YAHUWEH’S RELEASE… Beware that there is not a thought of Beliyal (Satan) in your heart, saying, `The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand’; and your eye be evil against your poor brother, and you give him no release, and he cries to Yahuweh against you, and it becomes sin for you. You shall surely give him the release, and your lev (heart) shall not be grieved when you give it to him: because for this thing Yahuweh your Elohim shall bless you in all your works, and in all that you put your hand to undertake…And if your brother, an Ivri (Hebrew) man, or an Ivri (Hebrew) woman, is sold to you, and serves you six years; then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you. And when you send him out free from you, you shall not let him go away empty-handed: You shall furnish

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him liberally out of your flock, out of your flood, and out of your winepress: of that which Yahuweh your Elohim has blessed you, you shall give it to him. And you shall remember that you were an eved (slave) in the land of Mitzrayim (Egypt), and Yahuweh your Elohim redeemed you: therefore I command you this thing today”. (Italics mine)

Exodus 23:10-11: “And six years you shall sow your land and gather the fruit of it. But, in the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie still that the poor of your people may eat: and what they leave, the beasts of the field may eat. In like manner you shall deal with your vineyard and with your olive grove”.

For neglecting the land rest years for greedy gain--working the land every year with no rest--the Father sent the house of Judah into Babylon for every seventh year that they did not let the land rest—seventy (II Chronicles 36:20-21)-- from about the time of Solomon.

Leviticus 25:4, 9: The year of Jubilee is declared on Yom Kippur, the 10th of Tishre, the fiftieth year that follows seven sets of seven years (49 years).

The end of the final Smittah year, marking the last seventh year of a 49-year cycle, proceeds into the 50th year--the 10th of Tishre, on Yom Kippur—the sixth Feast—the day of National Redemption—the Day of Atonement.

Today, the Jewish people mourn on the Day of Atonement. They have no way of getting their sins forgiven, for they depended on the Temple and its sacrifices for their salvation. This is tragic. The final Lamb of Elohim was slain for their redemption, making Yom Kippur a day of release, of freedom, of joy, because Yahuweh has forgiven His people, because the High Priest, Yahushua, has taken His own blood into the Most Set-Apart Place, “once for all” to obtain ETERNAL REDEMPTION FOR US. (Hebrews 8-10)

On Yom Kippur, the nation is forgiven its sins, and set free. It is the time of the restoration of the nation of Israel, by the blood of the Lamb. It is national salvation, as the Word says: “All Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26-27)—all the tribes will receive forgiveness, and Yahushua will rule over the earth for 1,000 years. (Read Revelation chapters 19-22 for a complete picture)

Leviticus 25:1-4: “And Yahuweh spoke to Moses on Mt. Sinai saying: `Speak to the children of Israel and say to them, “When you come into the land that I give you, then shall the land keep a Shabbat to Yahuweh. Six years you shall sow your field, and six years you shall prune your vineyard, and gather in the fruit of it. But, in the seventh year shall be a Shabbat-Shabbaton to the land, a Shabbat for Yahuweh; you shall neither sow your field nor prune your vineyard. That which grows of its own accord of your harvest you shall not reap, neither gather the grapes of your undressed vine: for it is a year of Shabbaton to the land. And the Shabbat-produce of the land shall be grain for you: for you, and your slave and for your female slave, and for your hired slave and for the stranger that sojourns with you. And you shall number seven Shabbats of years, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven Shabbats of years shall be to you forty-nine years. Then you shall cause the shofar of the yovel (Jubilee) to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, on the Yom Ha Kippurim shall you make the shofar sound throughout your

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land. And you shall set apart the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all the inhabitants of it; It shall be a yovel to you, and you shall return every man to his possession, and you shall return every man to his family. A yovel shall that fiftieth year be to you: you shall not sow; neither reap that which grows by itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of your undressed vine. For it is the yovel; it shall be set-apart to you; you shall eat the increase of it out of the field.”

Remember that this is talking about cycles of Festivals, so it is putting time in the Festival calendar from Exodus 12:2—making Aviv the first month, and Tishre the seventh month. Time for you and I must be calculated by the Aviv calendar—Passover being the first festival.

Leviticus 25 continues to give instructions as to how to treat the neighbor, the family member, the stranger and the poor during this year of total release and return, restoration and redemption.” This Jubilee year is for all the inhabitants of the land of Israel—whether they are of the descendents of the twelve tribes or “gentiles”—those outside the covenant of Yahuweh.

Messiah is our Lamb of redemption. By His blood, we enter into the covenant of Yahuweh, our Father. We are citizens of an “unshakable Kingdom”. (Philippians 3:20-21) Therefore, we are responsible to guard and keep the rules, regulations, laws, teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven, from where our Savior will come to deliver us. It would, therefore be very logical, in accordance with the whole of Scripture, that Messiah would come at either the beginning of a Smittah year, or at the end of a Smittah year on Yom Teruah—the 49th year—just 10 days before Yom Kippur—when the 50th, year of Jubilee, begins. He is the living Torah—the Torah made flesh. He walked out the Torah in His life on earth, and taught His disciples to do the same—so He will not come at any random time—His return must be in fulfillment of the fifth Festival, leading into the sixth Festival and finally resting in the seventh Festival.

The admonition to us regarding preparedness is found in Matthew 25:1-11. In the Hebrew, Matthew 25:1-2 says: “And the Kingdom of heaven shall be compared to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet A BRIDEGROOM AND A BRIDE. Five were wise and five were lazy.” These were guests--called to the marriage supper.

He comes with the wrath of the Father to destroy the wicked, and gather His “wheat” into His barns—His “sheep” into His sheepfold. (Matthew 13) The word “tribulation comes from the Latin word “tribulum”, which is a farm instrument that puts pressure on wheat or other grains to break loose the chaff from them, so that the chaff can blow away. It is His love that causes the “pressure” of the “tribulum”, so that His people will be set free. Matthew 13 tells us that when He comes, He will FIRST burn the chaff and tares (choking weeds) in the fire, and THEN gather the wheat into His barns. The “tribulum” is the love of the Father, breaking the power of evil off of His precious set-apart, chosen ones.

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Quote by Arthur Spier: from the article from Stewanton Bible College, UK:

“Arthur Spier, a world famous Jewish authority, in his book The Comprehensive Jewish Calendar, says this about the Jubilee cycle: `The 50-year cycle, or the

Yobel (Jubilee) years were counted, according to Maimonides, only as long as the Temple was in existence. Every 15th and 65th year in each century of the world era are Yobel years, and the intermediary years represent the seven cycles of the smittah (release) years: 2815, 2865, 3815, 3865, 4815, 4865, would be examples of the Yobel years’”. Para. C. on page 225: “Jubilee years, according to this reckoning, began in the autumn of 1815, 1865, 1915, and 1965.”

Note: Ezekiel 40:1 tells us when the Jubilee year was at the time of his writing—it is from this Scripture that, after the first Temple was destroyed, accurate calculations were still kept, most likely until after 70CE when the second Temple was destroyed. Therefore, 1965 being the last Jubilee years, adding 50 to that, we come to Yom Kippur of 2015 (September/October 2014, Roman calendar).

The long and strong sounding of the shofar to announce the Jubilee year is

what will signal the salvation of all of His set-apart ones of Jacob (Israel) and the judgment on the nations (Matthew 25:31-46 and Joel 3:1-2). The nations will be judged on how they have treated Judah—the Jews—“His brethren”.

We understand from Ezekiel’s writings, that Messiah comes on a Shabbat and on

a new moon (Ezekiel 43:1-7 with 46:1-3—chapter 40-48 is all from the coming of Messiah onward)—the new moon of Tishre 1 at the Feast of Trumpets.

How long will we celebrate the Shabbat, Festivals and the sighting of the new moon? Isaiah 66:22-23 tells us: FOREVER!

He comes to set the captives free – to restore the Land to its rest, to restore the land to its original owner and his family (Ezekiel 47:13-chapter 48), and to

proclaim liberty and redemption, and freedom for all. This fits perfectly into a

Jubilee year understanding.

When is the next Jubilee? When does the next Smittah year begin that marks the final cycle leading to the Smittah year ending in the Jubilee? As we saw in Arthur Spier’s book, it will begin the Yom Kippur of 2015 – 2014 on the Roman calendar.


According to the mathematics of Ezekiel 4:4-6 and Leviticus 26:14-35: The punishment meted out in Ezekiel 4:4-6 for the house of Israel--390 years--is multiplied seven times—beginning with their last year in the Land—722BCE (details in II Kings 17:23-23)—we find that the punishment was to last

2, 730 years. This Smittah year puts the capstone ending on the punishment of the ten northern tribes. This Smittah year that begins on September 13th, 2007, marks the complete finish of Ephraim’s punishment—the restoration of Ephraim to the Land, the forgiveness of Yahuweh on a remnant of the ten northern tribes, (Zechariah 8:23), the release of punishment, the reconciliation of a remnant of the

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house of Israel with Yahuweh and His Torah through the Messiah, Yahushua, the restoration of the house of Israel with the Covenant of Yahuweh with His people, and the calling home of a remnant to the mountains of Ephraim (Jeremiah 31).

This is causing many Orthodox Jews to rejoice. They see Ezekiel 37 coming to pass. They realize that with Ezekiel 37 coming to pass, and the whole house of Jacob coming back in trickles, their Messiah (our Messiah) is coming very soon.

Did Ariel Sharon’s reading of Ezekiel 37 on September 2, 2000 officially launch this return of a remnant of all of His people? The phenomenon of a remnant of the house of Israel wanting to go to Israel for Sukkot this year is amazing!

The end of Ephraim’s punishment after 2,730 years, AND Judah’s punishment of forty years, must occur FIRST before He can allow the tribulation plagues. Our Father will not let the punishment on the world begin until a set-apart remnant, faithful to Him, of the whole house of Jacob—all the tribes—has been freed of their slavery to the nations. Otherwise, He would destroy His people with the “gentiles”.

He is bound and determined with all His heart and all His soul (Jeremiah 32:41)

to return a remnant of the whole house of Jacob. Therefore, He has to shake all that can be shaken (Haggai 2 and Hebrews 12:25-29) so that the remnant is shaken loose from the world system, comes out from the Babel system, and is freed, so that they can continue on through the 3½ years of great tribulation.

The ten northern tribes (called in Scripture: The house of Israel, the house of Joseph or the house of Ephraim) lost their Land inheritance, their language, their covenant relationship with Yahuweh, their identity with Yahuweh and His Torah, and began to live AS gentiles—without identity, without inheritance in His Kingdom, without relationship with the Elohim of the Bible. (Hosea chapters 1-3)

I Kings chapters 11 and 12: Jeroboam told the northern tribes that they did not have to go to Jerusalem for their Festivals, did not have to adhere to Yahuweh’s instructions, but could have their own festivals, day of worship, priesthood and gods. Messiah says in Matthew 24:15: “I WAS NOT SENT EXCEPT TO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL”. In Matthew 6:5-6, He tells His disciples to ONLY GO TO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL.

It is important that we understand why Messiah came—to whom—and to restore what! History tells us that the Apostles only went to where they knew the “lost sheep” had colonized. That is why the Apostle Paul was sent to “gentiles”—a separate group—and their paths rarely, if ever, crossed in ministry.

As the Israelites—multi-millions of people (today billions)—who from about 1,000-722 either scattered themselves for world trade and colonization purposes around the earth, or were scattered by Yahuweh because of their idolatry--went into the western nations, eventually they picked up a counterfeit lawless religion that in some ways was like the pagan religion they had in the Land. It was disguised sun god worship, under different names and different festivals. Their new religion was so close in some ways to the truth of their Scriptures that they bought into it and embraced it as their own, even though it was an invention by

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the Greeks and Romans to turn His people away from the real Elohim of the Scriptures and His Messiah. I’ve researched to the roots of this religion—to the mid-first century--embraced by almost 2 billion people today, in over 5000 denominations and organizations—the Greek/Roman religion of “Christianity”—whose very name comes from the worshippers of Serapis in Alexandria, Egypt, who were called “Christians” and their leadership called “The Bishops of Christ”—second century—a religion that has a “Gnostic” base—from the deception of Lucifer in the Garden of Eden. By the second century, the Christians were calling themselves “Gnostic Christians”. Messiah did not start this religion! Yahuweh did not start Rabbinical Judaism, either.

Today, He is calling His people out of this “whore religious system”—(Revelation 17), which is unfaithful to the Elohim of the Scriptures—both the house of Israel, and the house of Judah.

Christianity is a “lawless”—Torah-less—religion, following the historic dictates of Greco/Roman hatred of anything Hebrew. Thus we see that if the punishment of Ephraim is over, then the first thing that He will do is to call a remnant back to the Land, back to their roots in the Torah, and their roots in Yahuweh’s Covenant! He’s doing that now! It is happening.

This remnant will want to be restored to Yahuweh and His covenant through Messiah Yahushua—the Jewish Messiah. They won’t stand for a counterfeit religion that uses verses in the Bible to create their doctrines, but does not adhere to obedience to the Word of Elohim. This remnant will intercede and pray for the Land. They will love the land once again, and the language, and the Torah. It’s homecoming time on the “mountains of Samaria” (Jeremiah 31:6-7--Read this whole chapter—it gives details of His re-gathering of His people.)

The word translated “watchman” in Jeremiah 31:6 is the Hebrew word “netzer”—it is from this word that we get “Nazarene”—the “shoot” out of Jesse (Isaiah

11:1; Acts 24:5). “For there shall be a day when the watchmen cry on Mount Ephraim, `Arise and let us go up to Zion, to Yahuweh our Elohim’”. The Orthodox Jews know that these “watchmen” are the believers in Messiah, who are now returning to the mountains of Ephraim, north of Jerusalem.

Zechariah 8:23: “Thus says Yahuweh of hosts, `In those days, ten men from all languages of the nations shall take hold, yea, they shall take hold of the edge of the garment of a man—a Jew—saying “Let us go with you, for we have heard that Elohim is with you” ’ ”. The “ten men” of all languages grabbing hold of the skirt of a Jew are representative of the ten northern tribes who are now realizing that they want to return to their roots in Israel, and are “grabbing hold” of Jews.

Unfortunately, some “Christians” foolishly are converting to Rabbinical Judaism--rejecting Messiah Yahushua. Rabbinical Judaism is a very dead and occult religion started in the second century CE by Rabbi Akiva. Akiva’s basic principle in creating this new religion he created, was to demote Yahuweh to the status of

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just another rabbi, and the Scriptures as only good if interpreted by rabbis. Thus today, as with Catholicism, the words of rabbis and their writings are considered superior to the Tenach—Hebrew Scriptures of Yahuweh. In Catholicism, the Pope’s words, the doctrines of the Church, are put above the Bible as superior.

Zechariah 12:7 says that: The “tents of Judah” will be saved first. Since 1948, this is a reality. Now, a remnant of the whole house of Jacob—all the tribes—want to go home—grabbing onto the tribe of Judah (Jews) because a large remnant of Judah (over 7 million now) is already back in the Land—having paved the way for all the tribes, though most Jews are not aware of this.

The enemy in Judah and in the Luciferic community will try to stop this, but Yahuweh is in control. A remnant will return, join with Judah, and together will be mighty against the evil ones.

NOW, LET US LOOK AT THE THREE SETS OF SEVENS, since we are about to go into the last of the three sets of seven, marking the last seven years before the return of Messiah.

As the Ruach began to teach me these things, as usual, He has been faithful to send me others who have done calculations regarding the end events. He has sent me some who have done careful calculations mathematically. Math and I are not close friends (smile). It’s not my “gifting”. But, I find it fascinating that what the Ruach has shared with me regarding general time periods to share with you, is “in a very small ballpark” with those who have done extensive mathematical calculations. After all, who is the Master Mathematician?

Genesis 41 tells us about two dreams that Pharaoh had that only Joseph could interpret. Joseph said the two dreams were one. In the first dream Pharaoh saw seven fat cows and seven good ears of corn. In the second dream he saw seven ugly, lean and dying cows, and seven dried up and ruined ears of corn. Joseph said that there would be seven years of great prosperity, followed by seven years of great drought, famine and death, because “kadim” (the ancient Hebrew word) would blow on Egypt. “Kadima”—the forward-moving East wind—is the name of the ruling party in Israel now—the party started by Ariel Sharon, now ruled by Ehud Olmert. Now, July 2007, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is following America’s and the United Nation’s dictates (“resolutions”) to give the Palestinians their “State”—actually their launching pad from which to destroy Israel! Olmert has already brought great destruction to Israel.

I want to briefly compare three sets of sevens to Pharaoh’s dream. Now Kadima is in control of Israel, and this is very prophetic. I want to show you that we are entering this Yom Teruah, into the last set of seven years before the year of Jubilee begins.

As per my article “The Smittah Year Prophecy”, about 400 years ago, Jewish sages found a seven-year cycle in the Scriptures. From this, they could predict that on September 29, 2000 CE, a war cycle would begin that would not end until Messiah came. They predicted that it would begin the judgment on the nations, and that everything would change from that point on. Let’s see if they were accurate:

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The first of the last two “Smittah years” began on Yom Teruah, with the signing of the Oslo Accord on the White House lawn September 13, 1993. The Oslo Accord has been called “The Covenant of Death” (Isaiah 28:17-22). After the signing of this “Accord”, terrorism went up 100%. Now it is called “The Road Map” or “The Arab Initiative”—but all are covenants with Satan for the destruction of Israel.

On that day in 1993, the Vatican was given the Temple Mount with Jordan as the overseer. Accord to The Oslo Accord, the Pope was promised that at the end of the seven years, he would be crowned as world ruler on the Temple Mount. Of course, to his anger, this did not happen. This “promise” is for a world ruler, or false prophet, from the Jesuit Order of the Vatican.

But, during the following seven years, as with the first seven years in Egypt, the United States, Israel and the world in general had the most prosperous years the world has ever seen. The Dow Jones average on the stock market in the U.S. climbed above 10,000 points. This trend is continuing for a space of time.

This cycle concluded on Yom Teruah, September 29, 2000. Indeed the war

cycle, as the sages predicted, began on this day as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon went up on the Temple Mount, read Ezekiel 37, and the Intifada began—the war cycle of Islam that will not stop until Messiah comes.

Between September 29, 2000 and September 13, 2007, we have had “transition years”—years of the coming together of Lucifer’s plan for world domination, and the setting up of the plans of the world government to make Lucifer’s dreams come true (Isaiah 14:13-14). America and Russia have armed the major Arab nations with the most sophisticated weapons. The Middle East, as planned, is now in chaos. The world’s economy is walking a “tight rope”. And the ten economic regions of the world have been put in place.

The one world government has been publicly announced (CNN, BBC—from Europe--May 1999—I saw it). The necessary organizations for the world government are now in place. They just need to get the world ruler, Lucifer—their god—in the flesh, on the Temple Mount. That is

being set up also. The final stage of chaos is about to happen, so that

“out of chaos, order”—the Illuminati motto—“the new world order”.

The Roman Church’s “Order of the Jesuits” --the Society of Jesus--has been planning for centuries to put the Pope on the Temple Mount—but now it looks as if they will put one of their own there—for the Jesuit Order controls the Vatican.

As they used Communism and Nazism, they are now, for the final parts of “the plan” using Arabs against Jews to produce that chaos. The Catholic Church is using Islam to fulfill their wishes.

These years have not been bad years, just transition years. But, now…after

September 13, 2007 – the seven lean years are coming for Israel and for the world because “Kadim”—the east wind that brings destruction is about to blow upon Israel and the world. We are entering the final seven years—one of the three stages of the 70th week of Daniel—in which we will see the rise of anti-messiah, the great tribulation, and

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the final things leading to the return of Messiah Yahushua.

Am I going out on a limb here? No, I am NOT SAYING: “Thus says Yahuweh”. Yet, in my spirit I feel it is “Thus says Yahuweh”. We will see, won’t we? We all have to hear from Yahuweh for ourselves!

Many see Planet X (due in 2012), and the end of the Mayan calendar (2012), and other signs that point to the final years. The plan of the New Age religion, which is very actively hostile to Yahuweh and His people, is planning for the “purging of the planet” of all “negative forces” to their plan for world domination—they are in the Luciferic plan along with Masons, Illuminists, the CFR, and all the other approximately 200 organizations that are working in together for the world under their god.

My friends, you and I are the “negative force”, the “enemy of the state”, the big thorn in the flesh to Lucifer and his agents, IF indeed we remain loyal to Yahuweh and His Torah, His Messiah and His Covenant.

Drought, famine, war, nuclear destruction, biological and chemical destruction, radiation poisoning of land, beast and man, pestilence (disease/plagues), signs in the stars, planets, sun and moon, great distress among the nations, evil, like the world has never seen (Matthew 24:21-25), deception and utter destruction. The

set-apart ones will go through great trials, many will be martyred, a few will overcome, endure to the end, and be rescued as Messiah comes. (Daniel 7:21, 25; Revelation 13) After all the destruction of man under Satan (Lucifer), the wrath of the Father will come—and the “day of Yahuweh” will be the worst “day” in human history. Man’s destruction cannot match Yahuweh’s anger. Those who escape His wrath at the coming of Messiah are hidden in Him, rescued by Him--Revelation 11:15-17; Isaiah 63:1-7, and about 200 other passages.

In Ezekiel 14 great plagues are announced. Yahuweh says that even if Noah, Daniel and Job were in these plagues, they would only save themselves (not son or daughter) by THEIR righteousness. We are given a righteous position when we trust Yahushua’s death and resurrection for us, making us “justified” or in right standing before the Judge of the world. But, it is through obedience to His commandments that cause us to be set-apart as He is set-apart. “Our” righteousness is our obedience to His Covenant--our “works” or corresponding actions that reflect what we believe. (Leviticus 19:1) We will be judged on “works”—Revelation 22:12, not our belief-system. The Hebrew concept of “faith” is: If you believe it, show it by your actions.

I asked the Ruach why He mentioned these three men only? He gave an answer quickly: Daniel was protected through the wrath of man. Job was protected through the wrath of Satan. Noah was protected through the wrath of Yahuweh.

The next Smittah year is the year of 2014, beginning Tishre 1—2013 Roman calendar. At the end of the Smittah year, ten days later, is Yom Kippur of 2015 (Hebrew calendar) is the Jubilee year. I believe is the time of Messiah’s return.

Because I believe it, I am doing everything I can daily to promote the Kingdom of Messiah, and to help others to prepare for His return. Do

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you believe Messiah is coming soon? If so, what are you doing to promote the good news of the coming Kingdom? How are you changing your life to prepare? Are you set-apart from the world system, or are you preparing for advancement in this world? Your actions tell your beliefs.

NO—I am not dogmatic, as in “set in concrete” – so don’t slot me as a “date-setter”! I said, “I believe this is the time”—I sense it in my spirit.--most people who are obedient to Him, “sense it” in their spirit.

We must not be lazy, sleepy, “virgins”! We must be about our Father’s business, every day! We must “occupy” until He comes…or as long as we can. We must not sit down and wait for “doomsday”. Yahuweh has no doomsday for those who love Him and obey Him! There is no “end of the world” coming—He will renew the earth, and we will spend eternity on down here.

I write and teach these things so that you might be sober-minded, and get into the Word, and with the Teacher, the Ruach Yahuweh, and hear what He says! If you are too busy, or too lazy, to do that—then you are forsaking your own mercy.

He never did pity the lawless, disobedient, lazy, unbelieving, fearful and cowardly. The time of “striving with man” is OVER! He told the lazy (foolish) virgins that He didn’t know them. He told the Charismatic ministers in Matthew 7:21-23, “Depart from Me, I do not know you—you who are without the Torah”.

No more coddling, no more mercy on things done willfully done against His Word. He still has great mercy on the not-willingly ignorant, on those seeking Him with all their heart, mind and soul, who love Truth, but who don’t have all the data input that we have available to us in the West!

If I am right, the anti-messiah, sitting on the Temple Mount and demanding to be worshipped as “God” will begin at Passover in Jerusalem in 2011. Others say

2010 for anti-messiah’s appearing. Some say 2013 for his appearing. We’re all in a small ball park, and as the time gets shorter and shorter, the Ruach Yahuweh will draw those who are flowing in His will into absolute details – for He does NOTHING except first, He shows His servants the prophets what He is about to do. (Amos 3:7)

I am a watchman and a gatekeeper. I give to others what He has shown me—so they will wake up and get into His perfect will for them. I give encouragement to the non-lazy—the diligent that love to seek out the Truth, and once they find it, they dump the falsehood and obey the Truth. If I am wrong, I will publicly admit it, because only Yahuweh is absolutely “RIGHT”, and we all have the privilege of hearing from His Spirit! We have puzzle pieces at this time, but not all of them.

I want Truth—no matter what that means. If it means dumping my lifelong religious beliefs, then I dump them—because I want Truth—and only HIS WORD IS TRUTH (John 17:17; Psalm 119:142 and 160). Those that do not love Truth and adhere to it, will be damned (II Thessalonians 2:9-12).

Something to help you discover truth: If you will substitute these true words for the deceptive ones, it will change your life. Replace “law” with “Torah”—the teachings and instructions. Replace “Father or Yahuweh” with “Lord”—which is

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a title related to “Baal”. Now read Psalm 119, and use “Torah” instead of “law”. Six thousand eight hundred and twenty three times in the Word, “Lord” should be “Yahuweh”—YHWH.

I have taught end times for over forty years. Recently, the Ruach has led me to very valid revelation that has revealed that there are three layers of the interpretation of Daniel 9 and the “70th week” (Daniel 9:24-27). These three layers of Daniel 9:24-27, have been confirmed by solid students of the Word who know Yahuweh. Prophecy is most always on three layers: Past (fulfilled in history), presently being fulfilled, and having future fulfillment.

In my article “Have You Ever Wondered About Daniel 9?” I give the traditional interpretation of Daniel 9:24-27, which tells us when Messiah came into Jerusalem at the time of His entrance into Jerusalem—Matthew 21. This traditional interpretation is correct, and substantiated by mostly all Bible scholars—giving the timing of Messiah’s first coming. But, Daniel’s 70 weeks tell us THREE THINGS: 1) When Messiah came the first time, 2) about His last week when He entered Jerusalem and was “cut off” in the middle of the week, and 3) describes His second coming.

I WILL REVISE my article on Daniel 9:24-27, in order to include all three interpretations. It is interesting that the interpretation that reveals the second coming of Messiah ends in Yom Kippur 2017.

One thing is for sure: We are entering the days of Kadima—the destroying east wind that brought the plague of the locusts on Egypt (Exodus 10:13). To that most all Truth-loving people agree—believers in Messiah, and Jews.

So, please, take all this information and put it “on the shelf” for your future studying, and as things happen check off the information. But, I find it always best to get the data straight from the Author of the Word—for He does reveal “secrets” to those who are willing to spend time, alone and in secret, with Him (the Psalm 91:1 people).

As I was in my apartment in Jordan this March, listing things that I saw would

happen this Yom Teruah 2007, the Spirit of the Father came strongly to me, saying in my spirit, “I want you at The Wall, the nights of the 11th, 12th and 13th”. I said, “Yes, Sir”. So, I am planning accordingly.

The night of the 11th --Why? I will address this in Appendix B of this article. This information regarding astronomical signs of His soon coming, as it was before His first coming, is most fascinating! I am still researching. Please do your own research. We must beware of deception, so always do research with the Ruach Yahuweh to teach you and guide you “into all truth”. (John 16:13)

It is nice to know that I am not the only one in this “ball park” of understanding! If I was, I’d be very concerned. Yahuweh does nothing “in a corner”. It is the privilege of all His obedient ones—to know what our Father is doing. By intimate relationship with Him, He can tell us His “secrets”, just as a lover reveals secrets to the one loved, that he tells no one else.

THERE IS A PHENOMENON HAPPENING—not only in America, but with people from Europe too, that I’ve talked to—the house of Israel

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has this “urge” to get to Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) this year in Jerusalem—September 26-October 4th—2007. Why?

Most don’t know why—they just say it is a strong thing in their spirit. Who is placing the urge to go to Jerusalem in the spirit of the set-apart ones of the house of Ephraim? A remnant of Judah is already back in the Land. Now, this “urge” is coming on the house of Ephraim (house of Joseph, house of Israel). It certainly is not the enemy drawing them. The enemy is trying to scare people away.

It is the Father who is drawing a few home—a remnant--to represent the whole house of Jacob at this great transition time! Many of the house of Israel are also of the tribe of Judah (Jewish). They represent the whole house of Jacob in one body—walking prophetic action! (Ezekiel 37)

I’ve heard of some major ministries in Israel and America, who are also stating, after years of research and studious calculations, that we are entering the final cycle of years. Some are saying that this Sukkot might be the last one, as we know it, where people from around the world are able to come freely. Some are saying that 2017 is the year of His return, some 2013 or 2014. Once anti-messiah sets down, stops the sacrifices and demands worship, we can begin to count the days—for the Scriptures give us the days between the “abomination that makes desolate” and His return. It’s just the “day and hour” of the sighting of the new moon of Tishre 1 that we do not know. These ministries are not wild-eyed fanatics. They don’t think they are infallible either. These are humble people who love the Truth and are studying it for absolute reality. The Spirit is confirming to all of us the generalities that we need to know now. The specifics will come as we need to know them!

From the cycles found by the Jewish sages, which gave us the event to watch for, which did occur on September 29, 2000, we see that the final Smittah year of the 49-year cycle ends as we go into 2015, Yom Kippur of the 50th year—Jubilee—in 2015--the year of total restoration of all things.

We are reminded of Acts 3:19-21: “Repent, therefore, and turn back, for the blotting out of your sins, in order that times of refreshing might come from the presence of the Master, and that He sends Yahushua Messiah, pre-appointed for you, WHOM THE HEAVENS NEED TO RECEIVE UNTIL THE TIMES OF THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS, of whom Elohim spoke through the mouth of all His set-

apart prophets since of old”. My friends, the time of the restoration of ALL things is Jubilee!

Let’s review just a minute to show you the importance of the cycles of seven in the Scriptures. Creation week was seven days…the seventh day was the day of rest for Yahuewh, His people, and His creation as a whole. He established a weekly Shabbat—setting aside the seventh day as a day of rest—Exodus 20:8-11. Every Friday night until Saturday night as you set-aside this day to rest, to not do business, to be with Him, to be with your family, set-apart from the world, you testify to the 1,000-Kingdom of Messiah!

He established a year of land rest (Smittah year) every seventh year (Leviticus

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25:1-7; Deuteronomy 16:1, 12-15), which is a year of release for all.

He established seven festivals, marking the seven steps of Yahuweh’s salvation through Yahushua. The seventh festival, Sukkot—the Feast of Tabernacles—pictures the seven thousandth year since creation, in which the Messiah Yahushua will rule and reign with His people for 1,000 years.

Each weekly Shabbat pictures the rest and peace of that Kingdom Age. (Just a few of hundreds of verses: Revelation 11:15-18; Isaiah 2:2-4, Jeremiah 23:5-6; Luke 1:31-33; Isaiah 9:6-7; Revelation 20:4-6; Matthew 25:31-32, Revelation 19)

Both the Passover Week (which includes Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits), and the week of Sukkot are seven days in length. Between Passover and Shavu’ot—Pentecost—are seven weeks—49 days—ending with Pentecost on the fiftieth day. (“Pentecost” in Greek means fifty). Shavu’ot is called: “The Feast of Weeks. (Leviticus 23:15-16; Exodus 34:22; Deuteronomy 16:16-17)

Messiah will be in the wedding chamber—chupah—for seven days with His Bride.

From the end of the last day of Yom Teruah until sunset beginning Yom Kippur is seven days. The Wedding Feast is during the seventh Feast.

Numbers 19:11-22, tells us that if one is defiled, they must be set-apart from the camp for seven days until they are cleansed. In the seventh thousandth year, our Messiah will come and on that Yom Kippur, declare the remnant of the whole house of Israel—CLEAN. (Romans 11:26-27) For 6,000 years (six is the number of man), man has been defiled, sinful, lawless, and wicked. But, He has a remnant that He will purify—and set-apart to Himself to be with Him in the Kingdom on the seventh “day” from creation. There is more to this, of course, but for now, I encourage you to continue this study for yourself.

With the talk of imminent war on the horizon for Israel—war on the northern border of Israel with Lebanon, and Syria on the northern border of the Golan Heights, and Hamas on the southern border at Gaza, and Hamas now in

Samaria/Ephraim (“The West Bank”) as their headquarters, as Egypt has terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula and now has moved into Ramallah in Ephraim, and Iran is threatening to attack, we see that Israel is surrounded by her enemies, and infiltrated with enemies from within. And to make matters worse, Kadima is the party in charge. America is forcing Israel to give away their land, to be divided up for a “Palestinian State” with East Jerusalem as their capitol. From 1947, Jerusalem was designated by the United Nations as an “international City” under their jurisdiction. Now, the United Nations, the E.U., Russia and America are helping Hezbollah and Hamas, and other Arab terrorist groups, with weapons to fight against Israel, as well as supplying multi-millions of dollars to the heads of terrorist organizations, and controlling Israel’s defense forces. FATHER, SAVE YOUR PEOPLE—THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL! (Jeremiah 31:7-19)

It is time for intercession to go forth in great measures, for the set-apart remnant of His people, whom He has chosen for salvation—both Jews and Israelites.

I pray that you might follow the Father’s perfect will for your life, as you obey Him without question, without compromise, without pulling back in fear and

unbelief. Many are going to Israel this Sukkot, some are even selling their homes to be able to do it. It’s time… With love and Shalom,

Yedidah (July 18, 2007)

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Excerpts from: 2012 and the “END OF DAYS”: The Final Countdown…

By William F. Dankenbring


In the book of the prophet Jeremiah is a frightening prophecy for the end-times. Jeremiah says: “These are the words the LORD spoke concerning Israel and Judah: This is what the LORD says: ‘Cries of fear are heard – terror, not peace.

Ask and see: Can a man bear children? Then why do I see every strong man with

his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor, every face turned deathly pale? How awful that day will be! None will be like it. It will be a time of trouble for Jacob, but he will be saved out of it’” (Jer.30:6-7, NIV).

What is this “time of Jacob’s trouble”? When will it begin?

Daniel speaks of this same time. The angel Gabriel says to him: “At that time

Michael the great prince who protects your people will arise. There will be a

TIME OF DISTRESS such as has not happened from the beginning of time until then. But at that time your people – everyone whose name is found written in the book – will be delivered” (Dan.12:1).

The Moffatt Translation renders this verse, “There shall be a time of TROUBLE such as never has been since there was a nation.” He describes this awful period of the future as “the crisis at the end” (Dan.12:4) and, “the crisis at the close” (v.9).

How much time do we have left, before “all hell” breaks loose? There is a vital key that unlocks this secret door – it is the key of the “seven day week.”

God’s 6000 Year Plan: God Himself is the author and creator of time. We read in the book of Genesis, “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years” (Gen.1:14).

In Psalm 90:4, we read: “For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.” Notice that one thousand years, here, are compared to “yesterday” – a single “day.”

The apostle Peter seems to have this Scripture in mind when he writes, in the New Testament, “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that ONE DAY is with the Lord as a THOUSAND YEARS, and a thousand years as ONE DAY. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all

should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night . . .” (II Peter 3:8-10).

When the Messiah returns, He will inaugurate a millennial kingdom lasting one thousand years. As John wrote, when the Anointed One, the Christ, comes, the Adversary – Satan the devil – will be bound for one thousand years (Rev.20:1-3). John relates, “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was

given unto them; and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and REIGNED WITH CHRIST A THOUSAND YEARS. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished”(Rev.20:4-5).

This “millennial rest” of 1,000 years is termed a “Sabbath rest” by Paul in the book of Hebrews. Paul speaks of this mystery in the 4th chapter of Hebrews, saying: “Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it...For he spake in a certain place

of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. . . . There remains therefore a REST to the people of God” (Heb.4:1-9).

The Moffatt translation is even plainer. It says: “There is a Sabbath-Rest, then, reserved for the people of God” (Heb.4:9). Clearly, then, the millennial reign of the Messiah is pictured in Scripture as lasting one thousand years, and is called a “Sabbath Rest.”

The Sabbath day, according to the Word of God, is the seventh day of the week. Almighty God commanded: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six

days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work. But the seventh day is the Sabbath of

the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work . . .” (Exo.20:8-10).

The pattern of the seven-day week, concluded by a Sabbath day of rest from work, labor, and toil, is a picture of the Plan of God. If the Sabbath of rest from “man’s works,” lasts 1000 years (Rev.20:4), then the previous six “days” would equal SIX THOUSAND years in fulfillment! Literally a “day” in God’s plan is a thousand years, and therefore a “week” in God's plan is seven thousand years!

This implies that seven days of the week would equal seven thousand years. And when we learn from prophecy that the Millennial day of “rest” or Millennial SABBATH is “one thousand years,” literally (Rev.20:4), then this tells us that the preceding six days must equal six thousand years.


Understood by the Ancients


The knowledge of God’s 7000-year Plan is not a new revelation from God to His Church

during this End-Time age. In fact, this prophetic knowledge was known and understood by the early Church of God, during the first century and thereafter.


Says the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge:


“The early fathers most commonly looked for the second advent at

the end of 6000 years of the world’s history” (vol. VII, p.376).


The Epistle of Barnabas, written about 200 A.D., actually expounded on the concept of the 7000-year plan of God, stating that the “end” would occur at the point of 6000 years from the creation of mankind. States this ancient document of the early church period:

“Of the Sabbath He speaketh in the beginning of the creation; ‘And God

made the works of his hands in six days, and He ended on the seventh

day, and rested on it, and He hallowed it.’ Give heed, children, what

this meaneth, ‘He ended in six days.’ He meaneth this, that IN SIX


TO AN END; for the day with Him signifieth a thousand years; and

this He himself beareth me witness, saying, ‘Behold, the day of the

Lord shall be as a THOUSAND YEARS.’ Therefore, children, in six

days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end.

‘And He rested on the seventh day.’ This he meaneth; when His Son

shall come, and shall abolish the time of the Lawless One, and shall

judge the ungodly, and shall change the sun and the moon and the stars,

then shall He truly rest on the seventh day” (Epistle of Barnabus, chap.

15, The Apostolic Fathers, pp.151-152). (King James Version of the Bible)


Early Christians expected the age of mankind’s self rule to come to an end, to be replaced by the Messianic Kingdom, after a period of 6,000 years. The “Epistle of Barnabus” bears eloquent testimony to this historical fact.

Irenaeus, who lived from A.D. 120 to 202, was a disciple of Polycarp, one of God’s true servants in Asia Minor, who himself was a disciple of the apostle John. Polycarp sent Pothus into Celtic Gaul at an early date to establish the region, and he settled in Lyons,

when Irenaeus joined him, having been his fellow-pupil under Polycarp. In his battle

against raging heresies, which were inundating the church at that time, Irenaeus wrote his Against Heresies. In book 1, chapter xxviii, 3, we read:

  “For in as many days as this world was made, in so many thousand

years shall it be concluded. And for this reason the Scripture says:

‘Thus the heaven and the earth were finished, and all their adornment.

And God brought to a conclusion upon the sixth day the works that

He had made; and God rested upon the seventh day from all His works.’

This is an account of the things formerly created, as also it is a prophecy

of what is to come. For the day of the Lord is as a thousand years; and

in six days created things were completed: it is evident, therefore, that

they will come to and END at the sixth thousand year” (Ante-Nicene

Fathers, vol.1, p.557).

Before the time of Christ, the Jews also understood that the Messiah would come after 6000 years of human history.

The Encyclopedia Britannica, eleventh edition, concerning the Talmud, states:

  “The view most frequently expressed there . . . is that the Messianic

kingdom will last for one thousand (some said two thousand) years.

‘In six days God created the world, on the seventh He rested. But a

day of God is equal to a thousand years (Ps.90:4). Hence the WORLD

WILL LAST FOR SIX THOUSAND YEARS of toil and labor; then

will come one thousand years of Sabbath rest for the people of God in

the kingdom of the Messiah.’ This idea must have already been very

common in the first century before Christ” (“Millennium,” p.459).

 The Jewish Encyclopedia goes into greater detail:

  “The Perso-Babylonian world-year of twelve millenniums, however,

was transformed in Jewish eschatology into a world-week of seven

millenniums corresponding with the week of Creation. The verse,

‘A thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday’ (Ps.90:4) having

suggested the idea that the present world of toil is to be followed by

a Sabbatical millennium, ‘the world to come.’ Of these the six

millenniums were again divided, as in Parsism, into three periods: the

first 2000 years devoid of the law; the next 2000 years under the rule of

the law; and the last 2000 years preparing amid struggles and through

catastrophes for the rule of the Messiah” (“Eschatology,” The Jewish

Encyclopedia, V, p.211).

The Messianic era, then, is the last 2,000 of the cycle.

David Stern, in the Jewish New Testament Commentary, explains the deep roots of the

six thousand year plan of God in ancient Judaism. In his commentary on II Peter, chapter 3:8-10, and the “day is a thousand year” principle, Stern writes:


“This idea, taken from Psalm 90:4 . . . has deep roots in Judaism, specifically in connection with dating the Messianic Era. A famous example is found in

the Talmud, in Tractate Sanhedrin: Rav Kattina said, “The world will exist for six thousand years, then for one thousand it will be desolate, as it is said, ‘The Lord alone will be exalted in that day’” (Isaiah 2:11). . . .


‘It has been taught in accordance with Rav Kattina, “Just as every seventh

year is a year of sh’mittah [letting the land lie fallow], so it is with the world:

one thousand years out of seven are to be fallow – as proved by the following

three texts taken together [in which the key word is “day”]: ‘The Lord alone

will be exalted in that day’ (Isa.2:11); ‘A psalm and song for the day of Shabbat’ meaning the day that is entirely Shabbat; and, ‘For a thousand years in your

sight are but as yesterday when it is past’” (Psalm 90:4).

‘The school of Eliyahu [Elijah] teaches: “The world exists for six thousand

years – two thousand of them tohu [“void”]; two thousand, Torah; and two

thousand, the era of the Messiah. But because of our numerous iniquities

many of these years have been lost”’ (Sanhedrin 97a-97b).



Luke 21:25-27: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and moon, and stars, and on earth anxiety of nations, in bewilderment at the roaring of the seas, and agitation, men’s hearts fainting from fear ad the expectation of what is coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. AND THEN they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with power and great glory. And when these things begin to take place, look up and lift up your heads, for our redemption draws near”.

Some believers are going off into a ditch with watching the heavens—the constellations, the movement of planets, for “signs”—BEWARE! We’re not to go around looking for

“signs and wonders”, for the anti-messiah’s false prophet will show us deceiving signs and wonder (Revelation 13), and deceive the whole world.

Some have begun to study the star constellations, from a “Christian” prospective, and have lost their passion they once had for the Word. We can only be focused on one thing at a time—and we must not take our focus off of hearing Him, knowing Him, knowing His Word, and promoting the Gospel of the Kingdom as He leads us.

One thing Lucifer doesn’t want is people who know the Word of Yahuweh. He doesn’t care what we believe, as long as it doesn’t develop into a relationship with Yahuweh and Yahushua—Elohim of Israel. Lucifer is very happy to have the children of Yahuweh training their eyes on his realm—the place that Yahuweh kicked he and a third of the angels out of heaven into—the solar system.

It is dangerous to be fascinated with things that are also observed in the occult, pagan world. The lust of the soul will take us from the passion of the spirit. Lucifer has created a religion around the creation of Yahuweh. (Romans 1) Yet, there are places in the Word that talk about His creation as signs of things on earth—one, of course, being the constellation configuration of Revelation 12. But, we must not take anything further than what Yahuweh intends.

My greatest grief in being among the “believers” in Messiah, even Torah-guarding believers, is that hardly anyone knows how to hear from the Spirit of the Father and yet Romans 8:14 says: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of Elohim, these are

the sons of Elohim”. I Corinthians 12: The Ruach gives us “discernment of spirits”. He lets us know what is of Him, what is of man (including what is out of our own head), and what is of Satan. If we are not sensitive to hear Him in our spirit, we can easily mix these up—and think we’re hearing and seeing from the wrong one.

If we do not daily hear in our spirit from the Spirit of Elohim, we are left to fend for ourselves out of our logical mind—and this is extremely dangerous. Our mind and emotions are unstable—one day we feel one way, and another day we feel another way.

Our “head logic” comes from input of data we’ve collected from our babyhood. It does not always come up with the right answers, because of falsehoods mixed into our collection of data.

One thing He did give us in our soul that I appreciate—He gave us all “free will”. He won’t over ride our free will. We can choose to let Him direct our steps, or we can choose to direct our own steps, or choose to let the enemy direct us, as world rulers are doing today. We can make a choice as to who we want to believe and follow.

I Thessalonians 5:23: “And the Elohim of peace Himself set you completely apart, and your entire spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Master Yahushua Messiah!”

We are not just a body with an intellectual mind, as the world wants us to think—we are not animals. We are created in the image and likeness of Elohim. We have an eternal spirit that contacts the realm of eternity that actually comes alive and is set-apart unto Yahuweh when we give our lives to Messiah Yahushua and enter into the Covenant of Yahuweh.

Hebrew 4:12 tells us that the Word of Elohim cuts, like a two-edged sword, between the soul and the spirit. This happens when we are born from above—it is an action by the Ruach Yahuweh, so that we can contact His realm. There are twenty-six things that the Ruach Yahuweh does when we give our lives to Messiah in covenant relationship.

We have a physical body and a spiritual body. The spiritual body is made up of a soul

and a spirit. Excerpts from I Corinthians 2:12-15: “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of Elohim, that we might know the things that are freely given to us by Elohim…but the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of Elohim, for they are foolishness to him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned”.

Too many so-called “believers” are running around with intellectual belief systems that they got from a pastor or rabbi or TV evangelist, off the internet or from reading a book, and proceed to live their lives by the world’s standards, though moral, not knowing how to be led by the Ruach Yahuweh, or how to obey His instructions. Therefore, when the Mark 13:9-11 scenario happens, they will panic and fall apart.

We have a “soul”—“nephish” in Hebrew, “psyche” in Greek—which includes the intellectual mind that works through the brain, and our emotions, our will. It is the seat of reason, and the seat of the sin nature (our carnal, fleshly instincts)—which contacts the earth-realm. But, if we are Messiah’s, through the transforming power of the Spirit of Yahuweh, we also have a spirit—“ruach’ in Hebrew, or a “pnuma” in Greek--that becomes eternally alive unto Him. Our soul works through the brain. Our spirit that contacts eternity is located in our belly area—in the “heart” of us--the loins area, which we are to “gird with truth”. Our eternal spirit has a mind—the “mind of Messiah”--that

contacts Yahuweh’s realm. It is here in that area of our spirit being that the Ruach speaks to us in about forty different ways. But, the “still, small voice”, in our spirit is still the main way He speaks, as He instructs us in the Word, and in His will for us daily. I have heard His “voice” and interacted with Him in my spirit since I was a young child. I know His voice. The Bible talks continually about His servants hearing His voice—from the time of the Garden of Eden on. Messiah says that His sheep know His voice, so that

a stranger they will not follow--John 10. He speaks to us in the “secret” place—most inner place in our being, which can be compared to the Most Set-Apart Place in the tabernacle or Temple. Because of this interaction between our Father and Messiah and our spirit, slowly but surely, our soul-mind of rationale will begin to “give in” to the will of the spirit, as the spirit grows strong through His interaction with us, and our obedience to the Word. This is called “the saving of the soul”. This is why Paul said there was a battle between the soul and spirit.

The soul is the seat of the “flesh”, the “carnal mind” that is now being programmed by the world elite of Lucifer to think like he wants us to think. At least he’s working hard to program us. Those that turn off the medias of programming, and get into the Word and know Him, and know His nature, are not going to be so easily deceived. Those who live and walk in the Spirit, as the Word instructs us, will be able to think clearly from the spirit, even when the mind shuts down from trauma. I know this by experience very, very, very well.

This is why strong believers who have amnesia can not know their names, their family’s names, or where they are, but can quote much Scripture—because the Scripture is in their spirit, even though their mind is not functioning. This happened to me in 1997 in Tanzania, Africa, when I had malaria and did not know my own name, but could preach for hours, because I heard His voice in my spirit, and spoke out what He said—again Mark 13;9-11.

I said all this to let you know that Lucifer is attracting people’s minds, the rational intellectual, logical thought of humans, into what he wants them to focus on. In America we are being, and have been, mind programmed far beyond what we know has happened to us. Our thoughts are not His thoughts—unless we are so in the Word that we are

transformed by His power. We must not focus on anything but His Word, His will, and His Person.

We are in preparation now for a time when hearing from Him will save our lives. Our mind is constantly in flux—because it contacts the world through the five senses: Seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting. The mind and emotions are very unstable. This is why people who have been “Christians” for years, workers in the church and even had ministries, are converting to Judaism--rejecting their Jesus. How can you reject someone you know, love, trust and have lived with? It is because they have a “belief-system”—head thinking—and have not been truly transformed in their spirit.

There will be a great apostasy—a great falling away—because when the man of lawlessness appears, he will use hypnotism, mind control, and mind manipulation, by technology and by supernatural power, and those who do not know Him, will fall prey to it. II Thessalonians 2:3: “Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day (day of Yahuweh) shall not come except there first be a great falling away (apostasy—falling away from the faith), and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition…”

We learn from Genesis 3 and I John 2:15-17, that the “lust of the eyes” is what causes us to sin more than anything else. Through the eyes, we take in what is pleasing to us—encouraging lust and desire—that can cause us to sin. This is part of the soul-realm.

Lucifer, in the Garden of Eden, appealed to Eve’s mental processes—her mind—her “pride of life”. Lucifer attacks the mind and the emotions, in order to confuse us, or, with logic, to persuade us to think his way. Therefore, the soul does not contact the realm of Yahuweh. It is earth-bound, though it can be “transformed” by the Word, so that it comes into alignment with our eternal spirit. (Romans 12:1-2; Hebrews 4:12; Romans 8:6-10) This is what is called “the saving of the soul”. (Hebrews 10:39)

The main theme of the Bible is the return of tribes of Israel to the Land, the salvation of a remnant of His set-apart ones at the return of Messiah, the Kingdom on earth, and our part in it. We must never major on minors. Looking at planets and stars are minors, compared to what Yahuweh is about to do on earth!

Our passion must be to align ourselves with what is on His heart. We are to keep our eyes on Yahuweh and Yahushua, and Their plan. We are to unite with Their heart—which is Jeremiah 32:41—the restoration of the whole house of Jacob—all the tribes—back to the Land, from which He had to drive them because of their idolatry—their worship of things that are not of Him.

Our focus must be that of Isaiah 26:3 (Amplified Bible): “You will guard him, and keep him in a perfect and constant peace, whose mind…is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.”

My friends, it is highly dangerous to focus our attention on anything or anyone else than Yahuweh and Yahushua at this time. This world is about to be destroyed by Him—so to be entrenched in it could cost us our eternal salvation.

Only the Spirit (Ruach) of the Father can teach us absolute Truth (John 14:26; 16:13). People are running to human teachers for understanding, and the Teacher Himself is the only one that can give it perfectly. The Father, oftentimes, uses man to confirm what He

has already taught us. (I John 2:27) He picks men to confirm, who are hearing from Him!

But, I do want to give you some information here—some is solid information and some, perhaps, is speculative. The “speculative” – please, put on a shelf for further reference.

Don’t go telling people I said something that I didn’t say. I report this for both of our benefits, to see what the Spirit says about it. We may need to throw it out at some

point. Some things now are on a “we’ll see” basis.

Some are saying that watching planetary configurations to announce Messiah is totally deception—and will lead people to accept anti-messiah. This is a valid possibility. I do hope that I am writing to mature people who won’t take their eyes off of Yahuweh to look into Lucifer’s realm! If the Spirit wants to show you something, that’s great—but unless He leads you to pursue a course of study, then it could be dangerous. We must be daily, in everything, dependent on the leading of the Ruach Yahuweh, to avoid deception. Deception appeals to our logical mind, and to our pride and to our emotions. Deception appeals to our lust for knowledge, for Lucifer’s religion is “gnosticism”—knowledge of good AND evil. The word

“Babel” means: “Confusion by mixture”. Today, Yahuweh’s people are being confused by the mixture of knowledge of good and evil that they are getting off the Internet. Beware!! The lust to “know” things of this world appeals to the “soul”. Messiah says in Matthew 24:4: “Beware that no man deceives you…”

Right now, deception is rampant on the earth—and the greatest deceptions are coming out of America and American Christianity, which is quickly returning to its Greek base.

One thing is for sure, as far as “signs in the sun”—the sun is breaking up. Solar flares are shooting out and endangering both our satellites, as well as life on earth. We know that

in Revelation 16:8-9 says: “The fourth messenger poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was given to him to burn men with fire. And men were burned with great heat and they blasphemed the Name of Elohim who possesses authority over these plagues. And they did not repent, nor give Him glory”.

Joel 2:30-32a regarding the time of the coming of Messiah: “And I give signs in the heavens and upon the earth: blood, and fire and columns of smoke. The sun is turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of Yahuweh. And everyone who calls on the Name of Yahuweh shall be delivered…” (This is repeated in Acts 2:19-21)

Revelation 6:12-14, 17, describing the time of the return of Messiah: “And I looked when He opened the sixth seal and saw a great earthquake…And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. And the stars of the heaven fell to the earth as a fig tree drops its unripe figs, being shaken by a strong wind. And heaven departed like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place…because the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

In 1998, when the moon was blood red, seen clearly over Texas, the planet Saturn was off the full moon’s right left tip. It was extremely bright. I saw it then as a sign of things to come—just felt that in my spirit.

The Word gives us so much timing, if we know what to look for. The time of unripe figs is in the springtime--figs ripen in August. This is talking about the beginning of the “day of Yahuweh”—an indeterminate length of time that He will shorten for “the elect’s sake”.

The sun has lost near half of its hydrogen. When a star, which our sun is, looses half of its hydrogen, it can “nova”—implode and then explode and go dark. This is also part of Isaiah 13:8-13, from which passage we read: “See, the day of Yahuweh is coming,

fierce, with wrath and heat of displeasure, to lay the earth waste, and destroy the sinners from it. For the stars of the heavens and their constellations do not give off their light. The sun shall be dark at its rising

and the moon not send out its light, and I will punish the world for its evil…So I will make the heavens tremble and the earth shall shake from her place, in the wrath of Yahuweh of hosts and in the day of the heat of His displeasure”.

From Isaiah 24:1, 3-6, 23: “See Yahuweh is making the earth empty and making it waste, and shall overturn its surface, and shall scatter abroad its

inhabitants…the earth is completely emptied and utterly plundered, for Yahuweh has spoken this word. The earth shall mourn and wither, the world shall languish and wither…for the earth has been defiled under its inhabitants BECAUSE they have transgressed the Torah, changed the law, broken the covenant…the earth shall be utterly broken, the earth shall be completely shattered, the earth shall be fiercely shaken. The earth shall stagger like a drunkard. And it shall totter like a hut, and its transgression shall be heavy upon it…And the moon shall blush, and the sun shall be ashamed, for Yahuweh of hosts shall reign on Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before His elders in glory!”

This and other passages, describes what would happen if “Planet X” comes through, as it did in the days of Peleg when the earth was separated into continents and islands. (Genesis 10:25) “Planet X” is well known to NASA as well as to other space scientists. It has an oval orbit that is now beginning to pull other planets, like Pluto and Neptune, as it is moving towards crossing the path of the earth in 2012, as most people are now saying.

This would pull the earth out of its orbit, shaking it like is described above, and position it back into its original orbit before the flood. Some of these “before the flood” conditions are written about in the Scriptures concerning the Kingdom of Messiah. (I have an excellent study on Planet X, if you would like to receive it, written by a Messianic brother, now deceased, who was a researcher par-excel lance).

Since 1998, we have had four blood moons—the last one in March of 2007. The “moon will turn to blood” before the awesome and terrible day of Yahuweh”. (References above)

In May of 2000, we had a configuration of aligned planets that had not happened in 2,000 years.

We must keep our ears and eyes opened, but NOT BE GULLIBLE to think that what looks good and/or sounds good, is good. We can save a lot of time and energy, if we let the Ruach guide our research! He’s an absolutely awesome Teacher and director of research. I know! He shares things with those who take the time to listen to Him! He will protect us from deception, IF we go by His direction, and not follow some man, or woman, into a ditch!

We must not be lazy but checking things out. Some things we just have to wait and see about AFTER THEY HAPPEN! What I am giving you now comes under the category of: WAIT AND SEE.

There was a star—a configuration of planets—that announced Messiah’s birth, two years before He came, and at His coming, that led the “wise men”, the Israelites from Parthia, to the place of His birth two years after it. (Matthew 2:1-12)

This “star” was announced by the Moabite prophet Baalim in Numbers 24:17-19. “I see Him, but not now. I observe Him, but not near. A star shall rise out of Jacob and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel and shall smite the corners of Moab and shall destroy all the sons of Seth. And Edom shall be a possession

and Seir (the mountains of Esau where Petra is) shall be a possession…and Israel is doing mightily. And out of Jacob One shall rule and destroy the remnant

from Ar”. (Italics mine)

Genesis 49:1, 9-10: “And Jacob called his sons and said, `Gather together, so

that I declare to you what is to befall you in the last days.’” Regarding the tribe of Judah (Jews): “Judah is a lion’s cub, from the prey you have gone up my son! He bowed down. He crouched like a lion, and like a lion who does rouse him? The Scepter shall not turn aside from Judah, nor a Lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and to Him is the obedience of

the peoples”. Both of these are prophecies of Messiah. In the Torah, Messiah is referred to with six titles: Shiloh, Scepter, Shepherd, Rock, Seed, Star and Lawgiver.

In Hebrew, the word for “star” can mean a constellation, comet, meteor, or one star.

From ancient times, Jewish sages believed that there would be a tri-convergence of planets (Saturn and Venus) in the constellation Pisces, just before the coming of Messiah ben David, to take the throne of King David.

Yes, “Pisces”, “Jupiter”, “Saturn”, and other names for planets and star constellations have pagan names—the names of gods of the heathen. Several of modern Israel’s names

for their months come from Babylon—like Nisan and Tammuz. The English language is full of the names of pagan gods, because it is a branch of Greek culture and language. We must also be careful to remember not to use the names of pagan gods in our daily speech. This is difficult when we need to avoid so many! Names of Greek gods—about 25 of them—are common in the “Christian” language. Here, I am only reporting information – not giving honor to gods.

On May 4th, 2000 CE, there was a five-planet line-up out of the constellation of Aries

that went into the constellation of Taurus. (Sounds like a car line-up.) Venus then went into conjunction with Jupiter in Taurus on May 17th, and Venus went into conjunction with Saturn on May 18th in Taurus. Jupiter went into conjunction with Saturn in Taurus on May 27th. This had not happened in 2,000 years. Astronomers were astounded.

Genesis 1:14, tells us that the sun, moon and stars were put in the heavens for “mo’edim”—times and seasons. The Festivals of Yahuweh (Leviticus 23) were given to us as “mo’edim”—the appointments of Yahuweh, giving us timing and signs of His eternal Plan of Salvation.

He gave us the “new moon” celebration--the sighting of the first sliver of a new moon--to set the months for the Festival cycle. How long will mankind do this? – Isaiah 66:22-23 tells us FOREVER.

Numbers 24:17 tell us that a star would come out of Jacob. There was a “Bethlehem star”—Messiah’s “star”. In Mathew 2, we see that Herod asked the “wise men” what TIME the star appeared. It was two years previously. The star of Messiah appears before His advent 2 or more years. Herod knew that a configuration of planets—producing a very bright object in the sky—would herald the coming Messiah of Israel.

A careful reading of Matthew 2:1-6, makes it clear that these “wise men” knew the Tenach, and knew the sign of the coming of the “King of the Jews”—in verse six, they quote from Micah 5:2 regarding His birth in Bethlehem.

Many Astronomers say that Messiah’s star was really a conjunction of planets in Pisces.

The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, c. 1883, by the renowned Biblical scholar, Dr. Alfred Edersheim, speaks of a Jewish commentator by the name of Rabbi Abarbanel (or Abrabanel), who says the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces will signal Messiah’s soon coming. He says that this is an extremely important event. Abarbanel says that this conjunction of planets would take place 2-3 years before the birth of the

Messiah, signaling the deliverance of Israel. (Parts of this book are on pages 28-29.)

In the Ancient Jewish Midrash—The Book of Elijah--it mentions that the star would appear in the east two years before the birth of Messiah, which it did.

This information is also in the Jerusalem Talmud, and the Babylonian Talmud.

The aligning of planets in May of 2000 was very similar to the conjunction of planets at

the time, two years, before the birth of Messiah in Bethlehem.

On the night Messiah was born, the Shepherds must have seen this brilliance. On the night of Messiah’s birth, the planet Jupiter came in conjunction with the star Regulus,

between the paws of Leo the Lion. From ancient times, Regulus was called “the royal star”, from which we get “regal”. Regulus is a star in the constellation of Leo.

According to astronomer’s calculations of this, in 3BCE, on the night of Messiah’s birth, Jupiter crossed in front of Regulus three times—going back and forth for forty days. It was said that the going back and forth of Jupiter all those forty times, created a glittering crown around Regulus. There was also reported a super-nova of the star Vega and the star Altar at this time for seventy days straight, before Messiah’s birth.

The Jerusalem Talmud relates an interview with Gamaliel (the same Gamaliel, a doctor of the Law, in Acts 5:34, and who was Paul’s mentor Acts 22:3). Gamaliel had gone to Miriam—mother of Messiah—to find out the conjunction of planets before and at His birth, in order to determine whether He was really the Messiah or not.

The Jews of that day knew that these signs in the heavens pointed to their Messiah. Some Jews today know the same things. Jupiter, who was personified as the king by the Romans, was indeed in conjunction with Regulus, the royal star, between the paws of Leo (who is also personified as a king), on September 11, 3BCE.

Look back at Genesis 49:10, Numbers 24:17, and I Chronicles 5:1-2. Ephraim took the

birthright, but Judah took the scepter. Today, until Messiah comes, Judah is still the leader of the tribes. Judah has gone back to the Land, and now, as of this September 12th-13th, a remnant of the rest of the tribes can follow. (Revelation 7:1ff)

It has been noted by astronomers that on August 29, 2007, Saturn will begin to move towards Regulus, between the paws of Leo. “Saturn” has always been associated with Israel. In Hebrew “Saturn is “Shabbathai”—and represents the day of Messianic rest.

Again, I say: “LET US WAIT AND SEE”. This conjunction expected September 11, 2007, just might not happen at all. If it doesn’t we must not be disappointed.

We know that there will be “the sign” of the Son of man, in the heavens, at His coming. What this will be, we do not know—yet. (Matthew 24:30)

I know that many of the world’s great telescopes are focused on the outer limits of the universe, for the express purpose of picking up His coming. Verses like Revelation 19:19 and 17:14 sound bizarre. Nations waiting to fight against HIM! Yes, as I wrote about in the “Appendix to Vanishing Bees”, the human forces of Satan are indeed in the heavens—the planetary system—with technology that was used in creation itself, to try to destroy Him and His army as He descends.

Hard to believe--sounds like sci-fi. But, remember that from the 1950’s onward, all that sci-fi has been actually telling us things that are happening, or will happen, in the form of a “movie”. Movies are telling us about technology, and plans of the Luciferic world order, and plans of demonic spirits, and revealing who they actually are—and the spiritually blinded world’s people think it is “just a movie”. America, the world’s biggest movie maker, is telling truth in the form of “a story”, so that people will not see reality before their eyes.

My friends, please know that we are very close to Messiah’s coming—prepare yourself!

In closing, here are a few excerpts from Dr. Alfred Edersheim ‘s book, c. 1883, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, chapter 8:

“But there is one illustrative Jewish statement, which, though not astrological, is of the greatest importance, although it seems to have been hitherto overlooked. Since the appearance of Münter's well known tractate on the Star of the Magi, writers have endeavored to show, that Jewish expectancy of a Messiah was connected with a peculiar sidereal conjunction, such as that which occurred two years before the birth of our Lord, and this on the ground of a quotation from the well-known Jewish commentator Abarbanel (or rather Abrabanel). In his Commentary on Daniel that Rabbi laid it down, that the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation Pisces betokened not only the most important events, but referred especially to Israel…

He further argues that, as that conjunction had taken place three years before the birth of Moses, which heralded the first deliverance of Israel, so it would also precede the birth of the Messiah, and the final deliverance of Israel…

' A similar statement occurs at the close of a collection of three Midrashim - respectively entitled, 'The Book of Elijah,' 'Chapters about the Messiah,' and 'The Mysteries of R. Simon, the son of Jochai' - where we read that a Star in the East was to appear two years before the birth of the Messiah. Did such a Star, then, really appear in the East before the Christian era? Astronomically speaking, and without any reference to controversy, there can be no doubt that the most remarkable conjunction of planets - that of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces, which occurs only once in 800 years - did take place no less than three times in the year 747 a.u.c. or two years before the birth of Christ (in

May, October and December). This conjunction is admitted by all astronomers. It was not only extraordinary, but presented the most brilliant spectacle in the night-sky, such as could not but attract the attention of all who watched the sidereal heavens…February 750 a.u.c., is just the time when the Magi would, in all probability, leave Jerusalem for Bethlehem, since this must have preceded the death of Herod, which took place in March 750.

My Note: A.U.C. stands for Ab Urbe Condita: “from the foundation of Rome”. An example: 709 A.U.C. is relative to 45 BC or BCE…putting Messiah’s birth at approximately, since there is no zero BC, and if indeed the Magi got to Jerusalem a year-to two years after His birth, at 3 BCE. It has been said that the dating of Hebrew children’s ages at that time, began at age 1 when they were born—putting the Magi visiting Messiah a year after He was born.


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