What is an inference


|What organelle in the cell carries out cellular |How many total ATP is made from one molecule of |What is the first step in cellular respiration? |

|respiration? |glucose? | |

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|Why are photosynthesis and respiration complementary |Where does glycolysis occur in the cell? |How many ATP does glycolysis produce? |

|to each other? | | |

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|What are the two pathways that might follow |What are the two main types of fermentation? |Which cells carry out alcoholic fermentation? |

|glycolysis? | | |

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| | |What does it produce? |

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|Lactic acid occurs in what type cells? |What is the main difference between fermentation and |What is the correct sequence of events for aerobic |

| |cellular respiration? |cellular respiration? |

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|What processes occur inside the mitochondrion during |What is released by the cell during cellular |What is taken in by the cell during cellular |

|cellular respiration? |respiration? |respiration? |

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|How many ATP does the Krebs cycle produce? |Write the "word" equation for cellular respiration. |Which types of cells do cellular respiration? |

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