Agribusiness Planning & Analysis: Crop Analysis

-----------------------------------------Notes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Summary of Main Ideas---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Main Ideas, Key Points, Formulas------------------------------------------------------------Date _______________Topic___________________________________Planning a Cropping SystemDetermining a Cropping System before Livestock SystemDetermining Profitable Cropping SystemEffective Field CapacityCrop Analysis Blog EvaluationLocate one “Newsletter Article” in the Crops – Cost & Returns section of reading and taking notes over the chosen article, write a blog post about the key information in the articles. Include how you feel about the information, tips shared in the article, and how you plan to use the information in your own life. Once all student blog posts are complete, each student will be assigned two blog posts with which to read and respond in a short blog comment. This response should pertain to an agreement of the blog post, an opposition of the blog post, personal past experiences pertaining to the blog post, and/or how they personally might use this information in their lives. Blog comments simply stating, “I agree,” “I disagree,” “Good point,” etc. will not be accepted. Blog comments must recall information learned from reading the initial blog post.Insurance Blog Evaluation Rubric20 points15 points10 points5 pointsContentBlog post provides comprehensive insight, clear understanding, and reflective thought about the topic. It builds a focused argument around the issue, poses questions to the reader, and/or makes an opposing statement supported by personal experiences. Blog post provides moderate insight, clear understanding, and reflective thought about the topic.Blog post provides minimal insight, understanding, and reflective thought about the topic.Blog post lacks insight, understanding and reflective thought about the topic.Viewpoint CreatedBlog post presents a focused viewpoint supported by examples from articles read and content learned in lesson to enhance blog viewpoint. Blog post presents a focused viewpoint supported by examples from articles read and content learned in lesson, but does not enhance blog viewpoint.Blog post presents a focused viewpoint, but is not supported by articles or content from lesson.Blog post lacks a focused viewpoint.Creativity in WritingBlog post is creatively written, and easily stimulates dialogue and comments.Blog post is creatively written and can somewhat stimulate dialogue and comments.Blog post is brief and unimaginative, lacking the ability to easily connect with readers.Blog post does not stimulate dialogue and comments.Citations Quotations and comments directly from articles are used effectively and cited correctly.Quotations and comments directly from articles somewhat enhance the blog post and are cited correctly.Quotations and comments directly from articles do not enhance blog post and/or are cited incorrectly.Quotations and comments directly from articles are not used in blog post.Quality of WritingWriting is free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Writing has 1-2 grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.Writing has 3-4 grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.Writing has 5 or more grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.Crop Analysis Alternative EvaluationFind 25 sources of information a farm could use to assist in the analysis of the cropping system. Sources can be in the form of informative articles, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, web tools, etc. List the titles of the items below and their times. Then in a folder, collect the actual artifacts, numbering them with their corresponding number on this page. For web tools, print the first screen and identify the web address so it is easily accessible in the future. This page should serve as your table of contents. Analysis Alternative Evaluation Scoring Guide25 viable sources have been identified that would assist a farmer with analyzing their cropping system25 points total – 1 point each25 viable sources have been collected 50 points – 2 points each25 viable sources have been numbered to correspond with the table of contents and placed in order in an organized, bound folder50 points – 2 points eachTotal Points: ___________________ / 125 points ................

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