Three Paragraph Essay Structure

The Chrysalids Essay TopicsCompared to our society, the one that David lives in seems both familiar and unusual. Compare the similarities and differences of their society to ours. Use examples such as their speech, climate and geography, laws and customs (e.g. offenses and blasphemies,) and farming and other occupations, etc…Are the residents of Waknuk getting closer or further away from perfection? There is evidence for both sides, so be sure to include it in your essay.Despite their fear and the horrors around them, David and his group manage to display many of the humane and natural qualities so obviously lacking in Waknuk such as love, loyalty, courage, and individual responsibility. Choose a character such as David, Rosalind or Michael (or someone else), and choose 3 heroic qualities they display with reference to the text.The Chrysalids shows the dangers of people believing that they belong to a superior race or group. Discuss this idea making reference to both the societies of Waknuk and the Sealand.One of the themes of The Chrysalids is that blind acceptance of traditions and strict social conformity leads to the persecution and destruction of fellow human beings. Discuss how this idea is illustrated in the novel.The movie X-Men parallels many aspects of the novel The Chrysalids. Prove this statement considering the themes of discrimination, leadership and group loyalty.Despite the society in which Rosalind lives, she is a strong, resourceful, self-reliant young woman. Prove or disprove this statement.David begins to realize his mother, Emily, is not very “mother-like”. Consider three other characters in the novel who are mother figures to David and show how they fulfill this role.PROCESS:Length: 500 words min Select a topic from the listDevelop a thesis statement connecting your topic to the novel and identify three supporting plete your ESSAY OUTLINEDraft a formal, three paragraph essay. Use your notes to guide you. Rough draft must be edited by at least two (2) individuals. Revise your essay using self-assessment and peer editing. Check for: academic tone, spelling, grammar, effective use of text references, diction, transitions, and MLA format (See class notes)Print out polished final draft (be sure to reference the rubric) Three Paragraph Essay StructureFollow the structure below when writing your three paragraph essay on The Chrysalids. Each and every sentence in your essay has a strict purpose. You are to follow this structure for this essay because it will help to strengthen and clarify your ideas and writing. Refer to the reverse side of this page for further instructions. 914400151129HookAuthor and TitlePlot SummaryThesis StatementDirectional StatementHookAuthor and TitlePlot SummaryThesis StatementDirectional StatementFurther Instructions: This is a short essay! You will need to pick your strongest idea and then choose three (3) strong examples from the novel to support your idea. The first triangle (at the top) represents your introduction paragraph. You are to write the following sentences: HOOK: This is merely a catchy first sentence that will grab the reader’s attention. Ideas:Anecdote/Scenario/Analogy (i.e. a story): Use an anecdote or scenario that relates to your topic to relate to the readerQuestion: Ask thought-provoking, universal questions (NOT the ones posed in essay prompt).Facts or Statistics: Use a statistic, fact, or statement that is unusual, bizarre, interesting, or shocking that is related to your topic to catch the reader’s attention.Quotation: Use a quotation, song lyric, or short poem related to your topic to relate to the reader.Author & Title: The author’s name and title must appear at the beginning and introduce your topic. Plot Summary: Write a one-sentence plot summary of The Chrysalids. (This is meant to be a very quick snapshot of the book as interpreted by you. I have read the book, so you need only one sentence to summarize the plot.) Thesis Statement: The heart of your essay. Think of the thesis as the answer to the question your paper explores (it should have 2-3 points that you will be exploring in the body paragraph of your essay).Directional Statement: This is the sentence in which you tell the reader how you plan to prove your thesis statement. The circle (in the middle) represents the body paragraph of your essay. You are to write the following sentences when creating your body paragraph: Topic sentence: Explains what your paragraph is about.Example 1: Introduce your idea and provide an example (quote) from the novel. Remember to use MLA citation formatting to cite your example. Explain example: This is where you explain the example you have provided from the novel. Example 2: Introduce your idea and provide an example (quote) from the novel. Remember to use MLA citation formatting to cite your example. Explain example: This is where you explain the example you have provided from the novel. Example 3: Introduce your idea and provide an example (quote) from the novel. Remember to use MLA citation formatting to cite your example.Explain example: This is where you explain the example you have provided from the novel. Concluding sentence: Wraps up your paragraph in one sentence. The last triangle (at the bottom) represents the concluding paragraph. This paragraph mirrors the introduction paragraph (it provides the same elements in reverse order, but adds in “Food for Thought” sentences). You are to write the following sentences when creating your concluding paragraph:Directional statement: Restates the directional statement from your introduction (be sure to use different words than you did in your introduction to avoid repetition). Thesis statement: Restate your thesis statement in different words to avoid repetition. 3-4. Food for thought: One or two sentences that leave your reader with a lasting impression of your essay, new ideas to consider, and/or a new perspective on your topic. Try:Play the “So What” Game: If you’re stuck and feel like your conclusion isn’t saying anything new or interesting. Whenever you make a statement from your conclusion, say “So what?” or “Why should anybody care?” Then ponder that question and answer it.Consider the following three-paragraph essay example before, during, and after writing your essay. I have dissected it for you according to the above structure. CHECKLIST BEFORE I HAND IN FINAL DRAFTIn the final copy, I have:____ Written in third person (NO use of “I”)____ Written in PRESENT TENSE (was = is; did = does; saw = sees)____ Used formal language (NO contractions)____ Properly referenced all quotes using MLA format ____ Works Cited included ____ Free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors____ included ALL ROUGH MATERIAL. Essay will not be accepted and will be considered LATE if both final and rough drafts are not handed in AT THE SAME TIME. _____ Outline _____ Rough Draft _____ Final DraftDoe 1John DoeMs. HaverukENG 1D117 December 2010Imagery in The Giver(Hook) Imagine a world with no crime, no poverty, no war, and no…freedom? (Title and author sentence ) In Lois Lowry’s novel, The Giver, the reader is introduced to a seemingly perfect society through Jonas, the main character. (Plot summary ) The Committee of Elders controls everything in the society in which Jonas lives, until they select him to fulfill the role of the Receiver. (Thesis statement ) Through Jonas’ assignment as the Receiver, he learns the truth about the terrible flaws in his community. (Directional statement ) The author uses imagery to reveal the wrongdoing that is inherent in the “Utopian” society.(Topic sentence ) Lowry reveals the problems with Jonas’ community by using imagery to draw special attention to them. (Example 1 (with transition word) ) First, when Jonas begins to see colours, he begins to question Sameness in his society: “He grabs toys when we hold them in front of him…what if we could hold up [toys] that were bright red, or bright yellow, and he could choose? Instead of the Sameness” (98). (Explanation of example (with transition word) ) Lowry uses the image of Gabriel playing with colourless toys versus bright, colourful toys to point out that everyone in the society, even a child, is subject to Sameness, which limits their development. (Example 2 ) Another problem with Jonas’ community is the lack of freedom: “During the past Doe 2year [Jonas] had been aware of the increasing level of observation. In school, at recreation time, and during volunteer hours, he had noticed the Elders watching him and the other Elevens. He had seen them taking notes” (15). (Explanation of example ) The imagery suggests a Committee of Elders who is always watching its citizens in order to dictate their place within society. (Example 3 (with transition word) ) Finally, a major evil within this society is the use of euthanasia: “…his father began…to direct the needle into the top of the newchild’s forehead, puncturing [it]…the newchild…moved his arms and legs in a jerking motion. Then he went limp. His head fell to the side, his eyes half open. Then he was still” (149-50). (Explanation of example ) The image of the motionless child causes Jonas to realize that he has witnessed the truth about the Ceremony of Release; it is murder. (Concluding sentence ) Lowry uses imagery to reveal the evils within Jonas’ society, making it clear that it is built on lies and deception. (Directional statement ) In conclusion, the imagery that Lowry uses helps draw attention to the flaws within Jonas’ society. (Thesis statement ) As the Receiver, Jonas gains wisdom that enables him to see the flaws that exist in his society. (Food for thought #1 ) Due to his new wisdom, Jonas is unable to abide by the blissful ignorance of his fellow citizens and is left to choose between finding a way to stay in his society as the Receiver, changing his society, or leaving it. (Food for thought #2 ) By leaving his community, Jonas affected one type of change, but if he had stayed, he may have been able to find other solutions to his issues and those of his community. Common Errors in your Paragraph/Essay WritingStylistic/Technical Mistakes Italicize the title of a major work (novel, play, movie) Example: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (if you are writing it out, you underline the title)Put title of short works in quotation marks (essays, short stories, poetry) Example: “Lamb to the Slaughter”) Structural ContinuityThe way your thesis is written dictates the order your essay will follow. If your thesis says “Christopher is kind, imaginative, and intelligent” your paragraph will first discuss kindness, second imagination, and third intelligence. Also, when you restate your thesis in the conclusion, it must be written in the same order. Parallel thesis structure.The three elements stated in your thesis to be proven in your essay, must be written using parallel language. Correct Example: Christopher is kind, imaginative, and intelligent. (uses all single adjectives)NOTIncorrect Example: Christopher is kind, likes to be creative, and is a very smart person. Correct Example # 2: Christopher is a devoted friend, an honest son, and an intelligent negotiator. (uses all adjective-noun combos) LanguageWrite in the present tense whenever possible. Only use past tense when discussing events that happened before the book began. Events that happen in the book are always referred to in the present tense.Example of events that happen during the story: Mr. Shears professes his love for Mrs. Boone. NOTMr. Shears professed his love for Mrs. Boone. Ambiguous Pronoun Reference (APR)When discussing a character you must always refer to that character using his or her name at least once in a sentence, sometimes more (especially when discussing two or more characters of the same gender in one sentence). Incorrect Example: Mr. Boone would do anything for Christopher because he loves him. In this sentence it is unclear who loves who. Correct Example: Mr. Boone would do anything for Christopher because he loves him like a son. Incorrect Example: She told him she loved him. Who is this sentence referring to? Correct Example: Mrs. Boone told Mr. Shears that she loved him. Always use formal language. NO Slang NO Contractions (can’t = cannot; don’t = do not; woudn’t = would not; etc.)Only use the third person (NO first person “I” “me” and NO second person “we” “us.”)Do NOT refer to your paragraph or any part of it in your actual paragraph.Incorrect Examples: This proves my thesis because… This quote shows that… In my paragraph… As I stated in my introduction… Therefore, my paragraph has proven that… Imagine Ms. Galen and your grandmother are going to read your paragraph.Peer Editing #1Whose Essay?__________________________________________________________________Who is editing?_________________________________________________________________ Introduction ParagraphIs the introduction carefully worded?Introduction begins with a hook?General statement about the book and author3 Subtopics clearly statedThesis is clear and provides a focus for the essayYes Kinda No___ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ___Body ParagraphParagraph begins with a topic sentenceParagraph makes at least two separate points that show depth of thoughtTwo quotations are relevant and provide support for pointsTransitions are used between points and between paragraphsQuotations are cited in MLA formatExplanations follow each quotationParagraph ends with a concluding sentenceYes Kinda No___ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ___Conclusion ParagraphRestates the directional statement from introduction in different words.Restate your thesis statement in different words to avoid repetition.One or two sentences that leaves your reader with a lasting impression of your essay, new ideas to consider, and/or a new perspective on your topic. Yes Kinda No___ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ___MechanicsWritten in third person (NO use of “I”)Written in PRESENT TENSE (was = is; did = does; saw = sees)Used formal language (NO contractions)Properly referenced all quotes using MLA format Free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errorsYes Kinda No___ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ___FormatWorks Cited includedTimes New Roman 12pt FontInteresting and Catchy TitleDouble SpacedMany appropriate transition words usedYes Kinda No___ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ___Are there any areas at all for improvement? Other Comments or Suggestions? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ENG 1D Achievement Rubric Name: ________________________________Literary EssayLEVELS OF ACHIEVEMENTCategories20-45%Below L. 150-59% Level 1 60-69% Level 270-79% Level 380-100% Level 4Knowledge/Understanding CONTENTinsufficient evidencelimitedevidencemoderate evidenceconsiderable evidencehighly effective Knowledge of content ~knowledge of content (facts, terms, definitions)~knowledge of the essay formUnderstanding of content ~understanding of content, concepts, ideas, opinions, themes, and relationships among facts and ideas evident in essayThinking/Inquiry PROCESSUse of planning skills ~brainstorming/planning sheets/outline show generation of ideas, gathering and organization of information, focusing of research ~timelines adhered to for peer editing and final draftUse of processing skills ~draft draws inferences, expresses interpretation and analyses, synthesis and evaluation of text~thesis statement reflects essayUse of critical/ creative thinking processes~draft shows textual support and critical analysis~editing of another and one’s own essay shows critical literacy~revision shows creative process~evaluates their thinking processes & progress using the self-evaluation sheetCommunication WRITING/ORGANIZATIONExpression and organization of ideas and information ~essay is clear and organizedCommunication for different audiences and purposes ~essay uses appropriate style, voice and point of view Use of conventions ~standard Canadian English used (grammar, spelling, punctuation, usage)~academic language used~citation of quotations follows MLA style ~work cited included and correctly formattedApplication FINAL PRODUCT-pulling it togetherApplication of knowledge and skills ~knowledge of text (content and form), essay form, and writing skills applied to essay Transfer of knowledge and skills~transfer of writing skills brought to writing style~literary terminology applied to topic~purposeful textual support brought into essayComments: ................

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