Quiz Details - University of Tasmania

Quiz DetailsQuiz Name:Quiz Start Date and Time: Quiz End Date and Time: Quiz Time Limit (minutes):How many attempts can students make at this Quiz?Generally, one attempt is allowed.Value (to unit assessment):If this quiz does not contribute to unit assessment, record a value of 0.Preferred presentation to students: You can choose between one question per page, one section (group of questions) per page, or all questions on the same page. Should students see their attempt score immediately after submitting the Quiz?Yes/NoShould students see questions, answers and feedback immediately after submitting the Quiz? If not, specify a feedback release date.Yes/No: Specify feedback release dateShould students see the question answers when feedback is released?Yes/NoThis quiz should be available to:All students/Only these students: specify a tutorial group, study mode or unit codeQuiz Sections and QuestionsA section is a set of questions. The questions in a section can be randomised so that they are presented to students in a different order each time the Quiz is taken. A fixed number of questions can be drawn at random from a larger set of questions. Finally, answer options can be presented in random order. Follow the suggested formats to provide Section and Question information to your team. Section 1Should questions in this section be presented in random order?:Yes/NoHow many questions should be drawn from this section?: All/specify a number of questionsShould answer options be presented in random order (where possible)?:Yes/No *If you choose to randomise answer options, avoid options like ‘all of the above’. How many points is each question worth?*Usually the answer is 1. Example Format: Multiple Choice QuestionTitle: Hand Hygiene (optional) 1) Hand hygiene is @ general feedback (write any general feedback that students will receive when this question is automatically assessed)*a) the single most effective way action to reduce healthcare associated infectionsb) an effective alternative to wearing glovesc) required after all activities undertaken in a healthcare facility@ specific answer feedback (Optional: if required, this can be added to any of the alternatives)d) Equally important at home as in a clinical setting(* indicates the correct answer.)Example Format: Multiple Answer Options Title: Collateral ancestors (optional)2) A collateral ancestor may be:@ general feedback (write any general feedback that students will receive when this question is automatically assessed)*a) a sibling of your ancestor.b) an ancestor of your spouse.@ specific answer feedback (Optional: if required, this can be added to any of the alternatives)*c) a cousin of your grandmother.*d) a distant cousin.(* indicates the correct answers.)Example Format: True / False itemsTitle: Neutral Spine (optional)3) You can only maintain a neutral spine when lying down.@ general feedback (write any general feedback that students will receive when this question is automatically assessed)a) true@ specific answer feedback (Optional: if required, this can be added to any of the alternatives)*b) false(* indicates the correct answers.)Example Format: Short answer itemsTitle: Systemic Vascular Resistance (optional)@ general feedback (write any general feedback that students will receive when this question is automatically assessed)4) How does the systemic vascular resistance change during pregnancy?a) Declinesb) Decreasesc) Reduces(a, b, and c indicate the only correct answers in this example.)Example Format: Multiple fill-in-the-blanks itemsTitle: Mitral Stenosis@ general feedback (write any general feedback that students will receive when this question is automatically assessed)5) In mitral stenosis, the mitral valve failure restricts the flow of blood from the [left atrium] to the [left ventricle]Notes:You don’t need to include a title;The use of [ ] indicates the location of the ‘blanks’ and the correct answer/s.Use the @ symbol to add general and (if required) specific feedback. ................

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