Урок-путешествие 'Travelling to Canada'

Урок-путешествие "Travelling to Canada"

Цель: обучение устной речи и развитие навыков аудирования


a) воспитательные: воспитывать у учащихся чувство уважения к культуре и страны изучаемого языка,

б) образовательные: провести практику речевой деятельности:

в) развивающие: развитие творческой фантазии и инициативы в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности, а также развитие познавательных интересов учащихся и умения сотрудничать в осуществлении совместной деятельности.

Учебник: Афанасьева О.В. “English VIII”

Учебные пособия: презентации Power Point по теме “Canada”

Аппаратное обеспечение: мультимедийная техника

Ход урока.

Good morning! I’ve got great news for you. Your group has recently taken part in a competition which was dedicated to English-speaking countries. And you have won. And of course you were given a prize to visit one of these countries. You know this country very well. Look at the screen and you are sure to guess what country it is. (на экране символы и достопримечательности Канады)

And if you remember your hometask was to read the text Canada and before we start our journey I want to check how well you know this unusual country. But before we begin I want you to repeat after me the Geographical names to pronounce them correctly: Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, Edmonton, Calgary.

Complete my sentences:

1. The name Canada is believed to come from the Indian word Kanata, which means …

2. The second largest country of the world is …

3. The capital of Canada is …

4. The country’s symbol is …

5. The currency of Canada is …

6. The population of Canada is ….

7. Canada’s largest metropolitan areas are …

8. The official languages of the country are …

9. The country is rich in natural resources …

10. Forests of Canada are full of different animals:…

11. The Head of state in Canada is …

12. The three main political parties represented in the House of Commons are …

We are going to start our journey. We are lucky because during our visit we are going to see many places of interest and many big cities of Canada: Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Quebec, Edmonton, the Great Lakes, the Rocky mountains and the Niagara Falls. Each of you is going to work as a guide while travelling from one place to another. And of course every travel agency has booklets, which advertise different sightseeings. That is why you had to prepare such booklets and here is the exhibition of them. Listen to your classmates attentively because your hometask for tomorrow will be to write about three places which impressed you most of all during your travelling to Canada. And besides, I want to check how attentively you will listen to the guides, so while listening try to find the answers to the questions which I have prepared for you. Here are the sheets of papers with the task. You will give them to me at the end of our journey or if we have time we will check your answers together. So, let’s start.

(звучит гимн Канада с показом видео фрагментов)

Ученики по очереди проводят экскурсии с презентациями. (Quibec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, the Niagara Falls, the Great Lakes, the Rocky mountains, Vancouver, Edmonton).


Now, I’d like to say a few words in conclusion. We’ve travelled through Canada. And I hope you enjoyed it a lot. It’s great when people have an opportunity to travel and expand their outlook. I’m sure that some of you will visit this country again. But now our travelling is over. So the last point of our lesson is a simple record of what how well you worked in class. Let me monitor your progress and reward your efforts...I’ll give all of you excellent marks because you had to do a lot of preparatory work before travelling.

Thank you for your work. Good bye!

Разработано учителем английского языка,

руководителем МО учителей ИЯ

Марченко Е. В.

Choose the right answer.

1.Quibec was founded in 1608 by …

a)Christopher Columbus b)Samuel de Champlain c)Lawrence

2. Quibec is famous for its …

a)Summer Festival and Winter Carnival b)Festival of Fine Arts c)Military Tattoo

3. Quibec City is located in the valley of the river …

a)Mississippi b)Missouri c) Saint Lawrence River

4. Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day celebrations are held in …

a)Montreal b)Quibec c)Ottawa

5. The largest city in the Canadian province of Quebec is …

a)Quibec b)Montreal c)Ottawa

6.Most people speak … in Montreal.

a)English b)French c)Canadian

7. For over 150 years Montreal was a (an) …centre.

a)financial and industrial b)cultural c)educational

8.Montreal has … Roman Catholic Basilicas

a)2 b)3 c)4

9. Montreal was the host of the Summer Olympics in …

a)1976 b)1984 c)1988

10.The oldest part of Ottawa is known as …

a)Upper Town b)Lower Town c)the City

11. You can see the Changing of the Guard ceremony in …

a)Ottawa b)Edmonton c)Quibec

12. When was Ottawa chosen the capital of Canada?

a)in 1847 b)1837 c)1857

13.Toronto’s most popular sightseeing is …

a)the CN Tower b)Roger’s Centre c)Toronto City Hall

14.The largest city in Canada is …

a)Ottawa b)Toronto c)Quibec

15. The CN Tower is the … largest tower in the world.

a)first b)second c)third

16. Toronto’s Caribana Festival takes place every …

a)May b)June c)July

17. The Niagara Falls are situated in the territory of …

a)America b)Canada c)both Canada and America

18. You can visit the Niagara Falls…

a)only during the day b)at night c)both during the day and at night

19. The Great Lakes consist of … lakes.

a)4) b)5 c)6

20. The Great Lakes is the largest … group of lakes on Earth.

a)freshwater b)seawater

21. Mount Elbert is the … highest mountain in the range of the Rocky Mountains.

a)first b)second c)third

22.Winter Olympic Games of 2010 are going to be held in …

a)Toronto b)Vancouver c)Calgary

23.The largest city-operated park in Canada is …

a) Waterton Lakes National Park b)Yoho National Park c)Stanley Park

24. Canada’s Festival City is …

a)Edmonton b)Vancouver c)Ottawa

25. There are over … museums in Edmonton.

a)50 b)60 c)70

Choose the right answer.

1.Quibec was founded in 1608 by …

a)Christopher Columbus b)Samuel de Champlain c)Lawrence

2. Quibec is famous for its …

a)Summer Festival and Winter Carnival b)Festival of Fine Arts c)Military Tattoo

3. Quibec City is located in the valley of the river …

a)Mississippi b)Missouri c) Saint Lawrence River

4. Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day celebrations are held in …

a)Montreal b)Quibec c)Ottawa

5. The largest city in the Canadian province of Quebec is …

a)Quibec b)Montreal c)Ottawa

6.Most people speak … in Montreal.

a)English b)French c)Canadian

7. For over 150 years Montreal was a (an) …centre.

a)financial and industrial b)cultural c)educational

8.Montreal has … Roman Catholic Basilicas

a)2 b)3 c)4

9. Montreal was the host of the Summer Olympics in …

a)1976 b)1984 c)1988

10.The oldest part of Ottawa is known as …

a)Upper Town b)Lower Town c)the City

11. You can see the Changing of the Guard ceremony in …

a)Ottawa b)Edmonton c)Quibec

12. When was Ottawa chosen the capital of Canada?

a)in 1847 b)1837 c)1857

13.Toronto’s most popular sightseeing is …

a)the CN Tower b)Roger’s Centre c)Toronto City Hall

14.The largest city in Canada is …

a)Ottawa b)Toronto c)Quibec

15. The CN Tower is the … largest tower in the world.

a)first b)second c)third

16. Toronto’s Caribana Festival takes place every …

a)May b)June c)July

17. The Niagara Falls are situated in the territory of …

a)America b)Canada c)both Canada and America

18. You can visit the Niagara Falls…

a)only during the day b)at night c)both during the day and at night

19. The Great Lakes consist of … lakes.

a)4) b)5 c)6

20. The Great Lakes is the largest … group of lakes on Earth.

a)freshwater b)seawater

21. Mount Elbert is the … highest mountain in the range of the Rocky Mountains.

a)first b)second c)third

22.Winter Olympic Games of 2010 are going to be held in …

a)Toronto b)Vancouver c)Calgary

23.The largest city-operated park in Canada is …

a) Waterton Lakes National Park b)Yoho National Park c)Stanley Park

24. Canada’s Festival City is …

a)Edmonton b)Vancouver c)Ottawa

25. There are over … museums in Edmonton.

a)50 b)60 c)70


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