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We're about to cover something that just about every guy struggles with at one point or another. That would be how to tell FOR SURE that a woman REALLY likes you...not just "as a friend", but that she is honestly sexually attracted. Now, we as men are famously inept at reading women in this way. It's as if she's got to hire an airplane to skywrite in the clouds overhead that she's into us...right after she whacks us in the head with the proverbial 2x4. Go ahead and laugh, but that's pretty much true. OK, so before I give you five absolutely foolproof ways to tell that a woman's "touchie feelies" are an indisputable sign of real attraction, I've got to throw something on the table for you. Look, if a woman finds you gross and repulsive (read: "not sexually attractive"), she WON'T touch you. So then, if a woman is touching you AT ALL, it means AT THE VERY LEAST that she finds you somewhat interesting sexually. Truth be told, whenever a woman (notwithstanding relatives here, of course) goes out of her way TO touch you, it's a solid bet she's attracted-- REGARDLESS of what that "touch" entails. So bear that in mind before we even get into the ensuing list. With that out of the way, here are five VERY CLEAR ways a woman can physically touch you that leave ZERO DOUBT in any rational person's mind that she's into you:

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1) She Grooms You

You may know about this one already, so I won't harp on it much.

Scientific study has shown time and again that all members of the primate world tend to GROOM others of their own species that they feel affection toward.

So chimps and orangutans of the same social circle might sit in the forest and pick nits off of each other all day.

Meanwhile, a girl you know might pick some lint off of your jacket for you or straighten your collar.

It's all the same...just the somewhat more "evolved" human version. She digs you.

(And you've got to love my analogies, right?)

2) She's Cold And Wants You To Keep Her Warm

Either women really are more "cold natured" then men are, or 90% of them have simply figured out the perfect way to get guys they like to embrace them.

You could spark a pretty good debate with that topic, couldn't you?

But either way, when a woman starts going on and on about how "cold" she is, she'd not only like you to give her your jacket, she wants you to wrap your arms around her as well...if at least for the moment.

And that, friends and neighbors, can only mean she's attracted to you.

Sometimes a woman's signals in this particular realm are a bit more subtle, but equally unmistakable.

One of my favorites, for example, is when you are on the couch watching a movie with her, and she turns a bit and tucks her toes under your thigh...right while you're sitting there together. Get The Master Plan: masterplan/subscribers

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Personally, I find that to be a very sensual and unmistakably feminine move.

That half-playful, half-affectionate signal has "I'm crazy about you" written all over it. It also is a strong sign that she feels 100% safe with you.

One time I read a woman's profile on that actually mentioned the "toes under the leg for warmth" thing. I wrote her.

3) She Hits You On The Shoulder

While I personally believe that ANY time a woman hits you on the shoulder (or your arm, or your chest) it's a sign of POSSIBLE attraction, I have to make it perfectly clear that not EVERY whack on your shoulder from a woman is created equal.

If you've just done something that causes a woman to seriously buckle down and belt you pretty hard, it could be because you flat-out deserved it--and she's bold enough to realize, at least, that you'd never hit her back.

I wouldn't call that a definitive sign of attraction, but it's really not necessarily a sign she's NOT attracted, either...believe it or not.

But if you're bantering with a woman and you end up saying something that causes her to playfully whack you because you're "bad", then it's very likely "game on".

The strength behind the whack really doesn't matter at that point, by the way.

She may lightly tap you or hit you pretty hard. Either way, it's not only an indication of attraction, it's likely also a bit of an insight into what she'd be like in kidding.

But what's the highest-percentage incident of this type? That would be when a woman randomly hits you on the shoulder out of the blue--for no apparent reason--and starts giggling. That's pretty much the first stage of "foreplay".

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4) She Paws At You Like A Cat

Oh man, I love this one.

Some women really get into the whole "feline" aspect of femininity, and tend to literally act it out when they're in the presence of a guy they like.

Amazingly, this can be either conscious OR unconscious on their part.

But no doubt, some women (i.e. the particularly smart and intuitive ones) know that this tends to drive most guys wild. Welcome to why hotties LOVE to dress up in cat suits (or even like Catwoman) for Halloween.

So basically, if she's talking to you face to face and starts patting at your chest like a cat would while she's talking to you, I'd bet $1000 that she's not only attracted to you...she's HOT for you.

The example I just gave is kind of a blatant one, but you can be on the lookout for ANY kind of "feline" touch.

Look for her to "swipe" at you like a cat would, even lightly across the face if you've just made a smart-aleck remark.

And if she swipes at you with "claws" like a tiger? Well, then you're in "big cat" territory. That's money...especially if she actually verbalizes a growl or a meow.

5) She Touches Your Hair Or Face

I'm about to tell you something SO obvious that you're probably going to shake your head and laugh.

By now you know about the "kiss test" made famous by David DeAngelo. Essentially, if a woman will let you touch her hair, she'll let you kiss her. (That principle has NEVER failed me, by the way.)

Well, here's a disarmingly simple variation on that theme that ALMOST NOBODY ever considers.

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If a woman wants to touch YOUR hair (or your face, or anywhere on your head, for that matter) it means SHE probably wants to kiss YOU.

Think about it. Touching another person's head is a pretty personal thing to do. Whenever a woman does it, it's sensual.

[Ed. Note: For what it's worth, by the way, if another dude you don't know very well ever touches your head it's an aggressive can bet on it.]

From now on I'd say you have no more excuses when it comes to reading a woman's physical signals.

Sure, if she touches you AT ALL it's a positive sign of attraction. But if she touches you in any of the five ways I just revealed, it's a FOREGONE CONCLUSION that she's into you.

Now, if you're familiar with how I go about things at all, you know that I don't do anything "half way". I always like to deliver more than I promise.

So stay tuned, because I've got a surprise for you.

Now it's time to follow up with five physical signs that she's giving you SEXUAL PERMISSION.

That's right...we're taking the conversation one step further.

Let's talk about how to tell for sure that she not only that she LIKES you but that she wants you to TAKE HER sexually.

Unfortunately, tons of guys misread those signals what follows might possibly be the most important part of this report.

Just like there are clear indicators that women send you when they're attracted, there are also signs they give you when they're 100% ready and willing to have sex with you.

And I've got great news for you. They're also PHYSICAL ones, like the first five I gave you above.

Now obviously, if a woman grabs you by the collar, looks you in the eye and whispers "take" you're going to know what's up.

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But remember always, women want YOU TO LEAD.

As such, they're more likely to drop hints about their horniness (possibly even STRONG ones, like you're about to see)...all the while HOPING you'll "get the memo" and make a bold move.

Again, some of these might seem obvious to you.

And yes, at the purely theoretical level it might SEEM really easy to interpret these long as we're observing them as they happen to some OTHER guy, right?

But based on the e-mails I get, the problem clearly arises when this amazing stuff happens TO the REAL WORLD, with REAL WOMEN around.

Let's just put it this way, if you see ANYTHING on the following list in real life and do NOTHING to get the ball rolling sexually, don't at all be surprised when the woman you're with silently gets up and leaves your apartment...slamming the door behind her.

You may think you were "being a gentleman", but in her mind you'll have REJECTED her in humiliating fashion.

Anyway, enough. Here's what to look for...

1) Spontaneous Tickling

OK, here's the first GEM of a takeaway you're going to get here.

When it comes to women, this "secret" formula is just about bulletproof:


You see, I didn't like calculus much in school so I keep my "equations" as simple as possible...and that's about as easy as "formulas" get.

Let's face it though. NOTHING is more "playful" than busting out and tickling someone--especially right out of the blue. Get The Master Plan: masterplan/subscribers

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When a woman tickles you, she's not only demonstrating a strong, immediate desire to run her "lady paws" all over you, she's also initiating something that's INHERENTLY DESIGNED to key up your nerves.

She tickles, you laugh.

And hey, if you want to look cool and play the "I'm not ticklish" card for as long as you can take it, so be it.

But sooner than later you'd better erupt into tickling her back or you're going to BLOW IT here, "Mr. Macho".

So yes, you tickle her back...and she squeals and giggles.

The next thing you know you're writhing together on the couch, or better yet-- the floor.

You'd then better start kissing her...with some enthusiasm. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Don't worry, she'll keep giggling.

2) Pillow Fights

Similar to tickling, getting whacked with a pillow serves notice that she thinks it's time for the two of you to start "getting physical" with each other.

The subtle difference is that while tickling is mostly about direct stimulation of your sense of touch, starting a pillow fight is more of a "hybrid" stimulation involving your imagination as well.

I mean, when she hauls off and clobbers you in a playful way, the whole idea of starting a "play war" indicates that she's daring you to try to "subdue" her.

Now, obviously she trusts you not to physically harm her.

But if you know the first thing about female sexuality, you know that women LOVE to be "taken" by a man in a way that demonstrates his physical strength to some degree.

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