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Just like there are clear signals that women send you when they're attracted, there are also signs they give you when they're 100% ready and willing to have sex with you.

I call these "sexual permission" signals. It's a must for every man to learn how to recognize them and act on them.

Now obviously, if a woman grabs you by the collar (or crotch, for that matter), looks you in the eye and whispers "take me...now" you're probably going to recognize what's happening.

But remember always, women want you to lead. As such, they're more likely to drop slightly more subtle hints about their horniness (possibly even physical ones, like you're about to see), all the while hoping you'll get the memo and make a bold move.

Now, some of what I'm about to share might seem obvious to you. And yes, at the purely theoretical level it might be really easy to interpret these signals.

But based on the e-mails I get, the problem clearly arises when this stuff happens to us in the real world, with real women involved.

Let's just put it this way, if you see anything on the following list in real life and do nothing to get the ball rolling sexually, don't at all be surprised when she silently gets up and leaves your apartment, slamming the door behind her.

You may think you were "being a gentleman", but in her mind you'll have rejected her in humiliating fashion.

Anyway, enough about that. Here's what to look for.

1) Spontaneous Tickling

OK, here's the first gem of a takeaway you're going to get here. When it comes to women, this secret formula is just about bulletproof:


You see, I didn't like calculus much in school so I keep my equations as simple as possible...and that's about as easy as formulas get.

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Let's face it though. Nothing is more playful than busting out and tickling someone, especially right out of the blue.

When a woman tickles you, she's not only demonstrating a strong, immediate desire to run her "lady paws" all over you, she's also initiating something that's inherently designed to key up both your tactile response and emotional energy.

She tickles, you laugh.

And hey, if you want to look cool and play the "I'm not ticklish" card for as long as you can take it, so be it.

But sooner than later you'd better erupt into tickling her back or you're going to blow it here, "Mr. Macho".

So yes, you tickle her back...and she squeals and giggles.

The next thing you know you'll be writhing together on the couch, or better yet the floor. You'd then better start kissing her with some enthusiasm. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Don't worry, she'll keep giggling.

2) Pillow Fights

Similar to tickling, getting whacked with a pillow serves notice that she thinks it's time for the two of you to start "getting physical" with each other.

The subtle difference is that while tickling is mostly about direct stimulation of your sense of touch, starting a pillow fight is more of a hybrid stimulation, if you will, involving your imagination as well.

I mean, when she hauls off and clobbers you in a playful way, the whole idea of starting a "play war" indicates that she's daring you to try to "subdue" her.

Now obviously, she trusts you not to physically harm her. But if you know the first thing about female sexuality you know that women LOVE to be "taken" by a man in a way that demonstrates his physical strength to some degree.

So when she initiates playful "aggression" like this, you know she's absolutely, positively thinking about getting "pounded" in return--by another pillow, that is...at least at first.

By the way, if she starts "play wrestling" with you the underlying message is pretty much the same...only louder.

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In fact, if a woman has ever started "play wrestling" with you on a bed and you still "failed to deploy", call me immediately for 1-on-1 coaching.

3) The Hip Bump

Let me give you a caveat here. This is the one physical sign of "sexual permission" out of the five on this list that might not indicate that she's ready for sexual activity right then and there, if only because the environment might not be appropriate.

But make no mistake, if a woman bumps the side of your pelvic region with hers it's an unmistakable sign that she'd also be very interested in the two of you bumping each other's pelvic regions from other angles as well.

I remember one time in particular a girl I knew gave me a "surprise greeting" in the form of The Hip Bump at a bookstore. I didn't know she was there, and that's literally how she said "hello".

When I looked up and saw her, she giggled and said, "Hi there." Game on.

4) Touching You In "Personal" Places

Look, as I alluded to earlier, if she grabs your crotch you'll probably get the message. Probably also if she grabs your butt.

But the arguably more subtle signals come in the form of her touching you in other places on your body that you wouldn't even dream of touching on hers unless you knew she was good and ready for it.

The prime example here is, of course, the chest. Her chest is more personal of an area than yours, but make no mistake about it--if she touches yours, you have "sexual permission" to touch hers.

That goes for anywhere else on the body. Thighs, neck, etc.

As a general rule, any time a woman touches you somewhere, you can reciprocate without any trepidation whatsoever.

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5) Modeling Clothes In Private

Believe it or not, once you get inside a woman's mind and figure out exactly what goes on in there you're very likely to love what you discover.

Personally, I've grown to really like both the playful, teasing nature of femininity and women's apparent subtlety when it comes to waiting on a guy to take the lead sexually.

What's more, I love how they really like to make sure foreplay happens whether we as guys think we want it or not....and whether we realize that's what they actually have in mind, or not.

Women are truly the mistresses of making sure sexual chemistry simmers until it's good and ready.

And wow...do they love to be sexually appreciated--but only by guys they're attracted to in return.

Where am I going with all this?

Check it out. Any time you're at a woman's place and she suggests she'd like to model some new clothes for you, you'd better oblige her.

Otherwise, you're missing out on a golden opportunity. That's because what's about to happen is the ultimate demonstration of feminine nature as I just described.

So yes, you should relax and enjoy the "show".

Oh sure, on the surface it sounds boring. It may even sound sort of like your masculinity is potentially going to be accosted, as if you've just been asked to hold her purse or something.

But not so fast. Believe me, that's not what she has in mind. It's quite the opposite, in fact.

Her full intention is to ignite your masculinity rather than to insult it. After all, we're not talking about her dragging you to the mall like a gay friend here.

I'm specifically talking about when she dreams up the idea of modeling clothes for you in private, as in at her place.

Sure, you can perpetrate like you're not interested in a bunch of women's clothes, etc. But don't put up too much of a battle here. This is not about the clothes. It's about what's under them.

What she's going to do is take you into her room, and--sure enough--she's going to throw an impromptu "fashion show" for you.

She'll probably go into the bathroom or the closet so she can change her clothes out of your immediate sight.

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But don't kid yourself. Why would a woman change in and out of several different outfits, especially right there in the comfort of her own home?

It's simple. She's intentionally planting the seed in your imagination that she's undressing and getting naked in there.

It won't be long at all before she comes out and asks you what you think. Don't be surprised when she has something on that brings out just exactly how female she is.

The proper response from you might be, "Hmmm...not bad. But maybe you'd better give me something else to compare it to."

She'll smile and skip back into the bathroom. When she returns she'll have something even sexier on.

Go ahead and give her some approval. But then ask, "I'm guessing there's more, huh?"

The next time she comes out, she'll be wearing something she knows looks good on her.

And...it's altogether likely that she'll be holding another blouse or dress in her hand as she performs her best rendition of "catwalk" moves before you.

"Wait a sec," she'll say. "See if you think this one looks better with these shoes."

This time, if you've shown just the right amount of flirtatious intrigue, she'll spontaneously change shirts without returning to the bathroom...giving you a nice view of the bra she's wearing.

Please, in the name of all that's right in this world, do the right thing once she puts on the other blouse. Tell her you greatly prefer the "blouse-free option", at which time you walk up to her and kiss her.

Importantly, don't just grab at the blouse before warming her up with that kiss. Her message has been clearly communicated, and she knows you got it. The blouse will be coming off sooner than later, so there's no need to rush.

Now, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention a couple of variations on this theme.

The first is when she decides to model swimsuits for you. This adds a more overt twist to the whole exercise, while also demonstrating that she's very comfortable with her body. Nice.

The other variation, of course, is when she just throws caution to the wind and goes straight for modeling underwear for you.

Some very confident and relatively forward women really will go in this blatant a direction, especially if you've been guilty of letting the "sexual tension" go on for way, way too long.

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If she is indeed modelling bathing suits and/or lingerie, let's just say that if everyone leaves the room with all of their clothes still on she's going to feel some serious rejection. Please don't tell me there's any need to elaborate further. In fact, if you're ever treated to such a happy spectacle, do us all proud and tell her you're simply not going to be able to give her an informed opinion of what looks best on her unless you're able to see the "blank canvas" as a frame of reference.

Having read this list, any red-blooded guy would no doubt be pretty happy to have anything on it happen to him. The key though, of course, is to actually recognize the signals for what they are and make sure to respond accordingly. But before we wrap this up, I want to grant "honorable mention" status to two other playfully sexual signals women send:

1) Playing "footsie"

2) Biting you somewhere on your body, especially while kissing you

Both of those mean that she's sexually interested and is having a hard time containing the sexual energy she feels toward you. But I'd stop just short of deeming them "sexual permission" signals. It's possible she might not be ready for you to "take her" just yet. Nevertheless, if you keep doing all the right things you've been doing up until that moment to attract her and drive her wild, you're likely to see at least one of the five signals on the main list above very soon thereafter.

Be Good,

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