Dutchess Community College

SerialTold by Sara KBaltimore 1999 – Woodlawn High SchoolJan 13thEpisode 01: The AlibiAdnan Syed – 17, Pakistan Muslim, smart, kind, handsome, well-liked, athleteHae Min Lee – 18, Korean, responsible, athlete, smart, beautifulStrangled, found six weeks later. Young lovers from different worldSara – an undignified search through teenagers lives.She’s “Fascinated by this case“It’s really hard to account for your time.”“Now imagine you had to account for a day that happened six weeks back.” Name every person you talked to.If someone significant event happened then we remember the event and the surround events. Rabia contacts Sara because she thought attorney botched case, threw the case for money on appeals. Attorney Christina Guttierez was later disbarred. Thinks Adnan is innocent. Story at trial. His parents were conservative. He shoouldn’t have been dating so relationship was secret. He put everything on the line. Outraged by break-up. Liar – duplicitous. Sex, smoked, drank. Good Muslim at home. Family. Relationships at MosqueorGuilty of being a normal kid with immigrant parents. Shouldn’t be going to mixed gender dances.Motive? RidiculousNo physical evidence. No DNA, fibers, hair, soil.Story of Jay is central evidence, friend of Adnan. Sold weed. His story changes from telling to telling. Phone records back up his story (sic)Someone is lying? “I really wanted to figure out who.”Adnan or Jay????Police recorded two taped interviews with Jay. Told Jay he was going to “kill that bitch.” Leaves car and phone w Jay. Calls Jay to go to Best Buy, has Hae’s body in trunk. They leave her car somewhere else. (he’s an accessory to murder)Needs Alibi so hey go back to school for track practice. Says Adnan is bragging about killing Hae. They later go to Lincoln Park to bury Hae. Stephanie = Jay’s girlfriendSara – is Adnan a psychopath to methodically map out the killing? Cold-blooded? Master liar? Manipulator? Could someone who looks like him strangle his girlfriend?Adnan says none of Jay’s story is true. He says he had no ill-will to her. No proof of anger of threatening her. Only has love and respect for her. He had no reason to kill her. Sounds convincing.His problem – he can’t refute Jay’s storyHe remembers being with Jay that day. Stephanie’s b-day, Jay’s girlfriend. He gave her a gift, a close friend. Wanted to make sure Jay was going to give her gift. Lends Jay car to go by Stephanie a gift. Not abnormal to leave school.After school goes to library in free hour after school. An hour of free time after school2:15-2:36 she was strangled in those 21 minutes. Where was he? Library? Track? Probably. After school memories become non-specific. Jay does pick him up after track practice. Ramadan. Says he didn’t leave school after practice. Memories come from bits and pieces from what other people say. He doesn’t remember that day. It was a normal day. Play this segment Play -- 25:00 ?? -27:40. Unhelpful, not beneficial, how convenientLong Six week trial.But jury took only a couple hours to convict him. Asia McClain. Remembers Adnan at the public library after school. Writes two letters to Adnan early in March. Robbia calls Asia a year later. No attorney had over contacted her. Lawyers have these notes.Why was this never examined? Why was she never even contacted? “a fuck-up.” It would have been a risk to put her on the stand. Alibi witness might take away from weaknesses in state’s case.”Yet, Asia later turns on Adnan. Calls prosecutor. Says letters were pressure from family.Maybe she lied.Sara wants to contact Asia. Does. Remembers details of their conversation. Snow days after the 13th. He seemed like he cared about Hae. She thought there was more proof. Sara – Adnan just doesn’t seem like a murderer. Adnan calls right after speaking Asia. Adnan thinks it’s too late. Heartbreaking. Judge had ruled on this petitions a few weeks earlier which was denied Asia letter contradicts Adnan’s own alibi. A legally worthless story. Play: Asia thoughts courts proved he did it. Episode 02: The BreakupMotive: furious, enraged, betrayed, angry, humiliated by break-up: Prosecutors“Crome about pride”: ProsecutorsSarah: “Was he so hurt that he killed Hae?”Magnet program.Hae’s diary – a teenager’s “We have to keep things secret.”Both had immigrants that both had constraints. For Adnan, no girls. Adnan “easy to date someone with the same parameters.” No expectations of ever coming to dinner. Possessive, controlling of Hae? He would constantly page her. He would stop by announced. Prosecutors: Sacrificing his family, religion? Twisted him up inside?Diary: 10:00 Hae on religion/Adnan. She’s the cause of his sin. And is pulling him away from his religion.Adnan doesn’t recognize himself in her diary. He wasn’t really that religious.Adnan’s parents show up at a homecoming dance and chastise him. Various interpretations. 7 months into the relationship. Prosecutors say how tormented Adnan was. “look what you’re doing to our family>”Play 15:00New cell phone two days before her murder. *** 16:48 Info can mean one thing or the opposite depending on who’s talking.Spin quoteCurrency for whatever side you’re on. You can’t totally disregard spin – an element of truthNov 3 – pain of break-up in diary Dec 3 – they get back togetherDec 6 – crush on Don, 20, older employee at Lens CraftersJan 1 first date with Don, she’d in love with himSara -- “This is where are the real questions begin” How did Adnan respond?Jay supplied the motive. Others said the break-up was typical; he was sad. Run-of-the-mill teenage angst.Adnan was dating multiple girls already. A Player.Hae never expressing any concerns about the post-breakup Adnan. In diary****26:48 playSara – “I don’t buy the motive as the way the state explained it.” “States story doesn’t hold up.” Maybe more spur of the moment. She was still flirting w/ him. Don was a slap in the face “How dare you lead me on”11:27 two brief calls12:35 am 1:35 seconds, new cell-phone numberLast diary entry – Love for Don.Did Adnan try to get into Hae’s car that afternoon?Jay said he planned to do it in Hae’s car.No one testifies that they saw of Adnan getting Hae’s carHae’s is always picking up her cousin.A couple friends say he did ask Hae for a ride. Was he trying to get in Hae’s car?Adnan admits to officer who calls when she first goes missing.Second cop, he changes his story. Maybe he’s lying. “A red flag.” “Maybe he’s hiding something.”Episode 03: Leakin Park (28 minutes)Detectives don’t want to be interviewed. “What good would it do?” “Beyond question, he did it.”Sara: “How did they arrive at that level of certainty?” Feb 9 a new suspect emerges, the man who finds Hae.Mr S. “I think I may have discovered a body in Leakin Park.”Known for dead bodies. 3 miles from high school/ 7 minute drive127 feetSuspicious of Mr S. “Parts of his story are a little weird”“This story of why he stopped where he stopped” doesn’t make sense.This never gets cleared up in interview process. Was he looking for the body because he knew where it was? Photos – how did he notice it? Discussing the body – even one of the detectives couldn’t find itThe body(is this all insensitive?)Why would he walk in so far? Not so far after all. Liquor bottle that was never tested. Mr S has a record, he’s a streaker, indecent exposure. He passes lie detector.Heard about it beforehand but someone should find her. No connections. Episode 04: Inconsistencies (33+ minutes)Feb 12 memo – anonymous call, three days after Hae’s body was found. “Look at the ex-boyfriend.” They had went to the park for sex before. Yasir Ali – friend Adnan. No one has figured out who made this call. Whoever made this call must be the key. Cops gets Adnan cell phone records. Most important evidence, map, “like footprints that end at Adnan’s door”34 calls that dayJennifer Pusateri was called six times that day. She says Jay told her that Adnan killed Hae. Feb 27 interviewShe sees Jay before she sees the cops – just keep herself out of trouble. She first lies to them. The next day she goes back with an attorney. Jen: provides motive and method: “Hae broke Adnan’s heart.” “Strangled her in Best Buy parking lot.”Jay and Jen were close friends. Jay retrieves shovel or shovels and wipes off fingerprints, throws out clothes, he’s talking many precautions. Jen: “I don’t see Jay helping him.” Jen: “More like casual acquaintances.” Then cops interview Jay. Two hours – Then “I come clean.” His story more or less matches Jen. Cops don’t know where the car is. Jay will take them to the car. Then they have a warrant for Adnan’s arrest. Adnan: Doesn’t really know Jay very well. Yes we smoked weed and hung out but we weren’t close. He was good friends w/ Stephanie. Might have turned Jay against him. Her parents liked Adnan not Jay. Maybe their friendship was gnawing at Jay. For Adnan, why would Jay lie?Adnan at trial: “He’s pathetic.”Why would Adnan call Jay: “I’m the criminal element of Woodlawn.” Perceived. He needed someone who lived dangerously. Cops to Jay: If you’re really not that kind of guy, why did you help? Why did you do nothing to stop it? Why didn’t you go to police?“Adnan knows lots of things about me. Criminal activities.”He’s been harassed by police. “Lets call the cops never crossed my mind.” “First it was shock. Then I was part of it.” Detectives : “Your involvement is beyond belief.”“I just feel bad about it/” didn’t do anythingJay is the biggest mystery of this case.23:30 He tells the story six times. Some discrepancies, inconsistencies. Each time details shift. Confounding. “What might actually be true?”Minor changes.Adnan talked about it four or fives days before. When did Jay know? Enlisted Jay’s help the day before.****Where did he see the body? It’s not something you forget where you saw a dead body. Edmundson Ave over Best Buy. He even shows the cops the spot when they get car. What does it matter? It matches Jen’s story. Cops are skeptical about everything. Assume everyone is lying to them all the time. “I figured there were cameras there. I’m associated with him (it).” Wouldn’t it help Jay???? What is he talking about?Detectives don’t really press Jay on discrepancies. “They were able to investigate and corroborate it”Episode 05: Route Talk (43:22)Timeline is impossible. 2:15 bell – 1500 people leave at the same time10-15 for buses and then cars to leave.“You can’t just go to your car and leave.”Major intersections, traffic mid-day. Strangle her mid-day, put in the trunk in broad daylight Best Buy lot. Then go to lobby to call Jay. Phone booth?21 minutes. Sara (and Dana) re-enacts it. It takes them 22:02. 90 second for killing in car (sounds so harsh)Far fetched?? Doable? Not impossible. All have to happen as quickly as possible for the 2:36 call.Juwan, friend, getting high in Best But parking lot – after Hae went missing. Back to the scene of the supposed crime. They parked where Jay said he saw Hae’s car.Adnan and Hae had sex there. Did the phone booth exist? No call record. Cops never check its existence. 2:36 call for Jay to get him. Come and get me call. Adnan’s reaction, “Huh. I don’t know what to say.” Says it over and over.Not able to debunk their time line. ?????? Only step 1. Jay’s routeJay statements + cell records = story of the crime.“Very influential” according to Adnan. Proof of Jay’s testimony. Call records, cell towers don’t lie. “Jay’s testimony does not stand alone” Corroborated by cell phone records. Jay’s callsAdnan calls through trunk at I70 park and ride ????3:21 call to Jen ?? to find Patrick = new story that Jen says wouldn’t not have happened3:59 call to Patrick for weed – time problemnot home – they buy weed somewhere else3:32 call to Nisha – only call to Adnan’s friend. Puts Jay and Adnan together in the afternoon. ****Doesn’t match the towerAttorney doesn’t nail the discrepancy in trial.Timeline no longer works. To go to some state park to smoke weed. 20-30 minutes there.Not able to get back at 4:00 for track practice.Jay says Adnan tells him how he killed Hae at the park.They talk about whether to dispose of the body at the park. This whole trip never happens in trial. The talk at trial happened in Adnan’s car. So to Why would Jay make up the story in the first interview? If so, why? ***Why this story? It doesn’t fit the timeline. Jay says Adnan made a call @ 4:27 = unknown call. Arabic.Test route: Noticeably late for track 4:45 – alibi? Jay goes to Cathy’s Jay gets back to Woodlawn about 6:00. Adnan says goodbye to friend. That story is never checked. Jay often dropped Adnan off and picked him up. Normal. According to Will. Outgoing call at 5:38 to Krista, Adnan’s friend. ****Timeline has problems. Cell phone evidence – “can be inaccurate” inadmissibleHelps show where someone isn’t, not where they are. First to use cell phone tower in MD.Sent testimony to engineers. Legit – tower pinging. Does the science support case?Prosecutors do14 tests. Only four brought up at trial. The rest of tests didn’t help their argument.Towers, records, Jay’s story don’t match up after 6:00, 6-12Testimony took two days. How tedious and confusing this must have been for the jury. 6:24 cop to Adnan all matches, at Cathy’s, time story place and time. 6:24 – 8:04 – 7:09, 7:16 – Leakin ParkThe cell phone was in the park. Adnan says he was with the phone – “Bad for Adnan”We shouldn’t Jay to a crystal-clear timeline.****Witness -- his story has shifted. Cell phone records don’t exactly align. Some key moments align but not the rest of the day. Cell phones are only used when it doesn’t benefit Adnan38:00 -- play2:36 call troublesome, start the whole time. Asia letters in library. Jay never says this happened, 3:40, 3:45, but no incoming call at that timeBut there is only the 2:36 call. Story must align.Prosecutors: “look at the big picture” He tells consistent stories. Police, Jen. True. Particulars shifted. Big points are consistent. Sara on Jay: “Yes, I told some lies, but overall I told the truth.”Episode 06: The Case Against Adnan Syed (43:36)Palmprint on a map in Hae’s car. Adnan – one page was missing – Leakin Park and 90% of where they drove. 13 other prints.Other evidence against Adnan:Did he ask Hae for a ride. Adnan’s story changes. Police call makes it not a normal a day. He says he was high. Wouldn’t the day then come into focus. He thought Hae would be in trouble with her mother. Seriousness didn’t start sinking in for awhile. Snow days, weekend, MLK, then class on Tuesday. Night before, Adnan calls three times. Calling to give her new cell phone number. He never tried to call her after she disappeared. I would get information from them first hand. Her other friends were asking : “Where are you”Note – “I’m going to kill”Stray report in police file. April 28th. Dave, her daughter heard something about a dead body. Laura. Hears a friend told this neighbor after seeing the body in the trunk. Friend was Adnan. Another witness who saw Adnan with Hae’s body??? But this guy denies this story. This guy was friends with Jay. Neighbor boy never shows up a trial, he’s a gossip. Another witness??Kathy (not her real name – Krista). Jay brought Adnan to Kathy’s apartment. All three acknowledge being there. Acquaintance and stranger show up at door without calling. Her boyfriend was there. “The way it stuck with her. The whole night felt wrong. It stuck with me” – Sara. Jay was acting strange as well – chatty. Says Adnan asks, “How do I get rid of a high?” He had something really important to do. Play around 24:00 Three calls at that time. Adan: What I am supposed to say? They leave, and then they just sit there. What the hell is going on? Not normal behavior. Adnan leaves, Jay follows, Then they sit in a car. Something was going on. He’s panicked. He’s worried. Trying to come up with story quickly.Jay came back later with Jen. Secret. But smoothed it over.Did someone warn Adnan? Third man, a co-conspirator. Not good for Adnan. Is this only because he was charged with Hae’s murder. Maybe maybe not. Jen was incoming call in Leakin Park. Adnan answers Jay’s phone. Adnan, “We’re busy. He’ll call you back.” After they bury Hae. Then Jen meets with Jay in parking lot at Westview Mall. Jen says they seem normal, not dirty.Adnan admits he was hanging out with Jay that night.THE NISHA CALL. 7th call, to Nisha. 3:32 pm. Adnan puts Jay on the phone. Who is calling Nisha? Speed dial. Butt dial, answering machine. Her testimony mentions video store, but Jay didn’t work there yet. This call is big problem for Adnan. (Maybe Jay is covering someone else but the NISHA call)Sara is convinced but who the hell is calling Nisha. First number. ***Adnan’s fear is not being believed. Likes to prove things. He’s smart and clever. He knows Sarah is trying to catch him in a lie. That notion that people don’t believe him, that he’s capable of killing Hae. ***Play about 35:00 Discussion of Sara and Adnan’s calls. “What was it about me? Devastating.” “The Adnan I knew didn’t do it. Maybe there was another guy in there.” “Maybe I still care about this too much. It doesn’t matter what people think?Sara – doubts her doubtsSara: ****Who is this person? Her interest has been Adnan? What does that mean?Adnan: “You don’t even really know me. You don’t. We only talk on the phone. I don’t really know you.”After 30 hours on the phone. Closest thing to hostile.“What do you think I don’t know about you?”“I don’t think you did it because you’re a nice guy.” This drives him crazy. He’d rather the case proved his evidence. Sara – point taken.Episode 07: The Opposite of the Prosecution (32:30)Justin Wolff case. Cell records had been used against him, but conviction was overturned. Uncanny similarities. Crappy lawyer. Witness never heard from. Talk to lawyer. Deirdre ?? -- Innocence Project. She starts looking at Adnan’s case.She says state’s case is very thin:Why is Don (new boyfriend) not of interest? Do we have a person who got way to sweet of a deal?Motive?? Still doesn’t why Adnan would want her dead. Racial profiling. Pakistani Muslim. Was he really controlling?Everybody’s calling each all the time. Are they so stupid that they call before and after the murder?It seems like the case was thoroughly covered. Sara doesn’t know how to prove this.Deirdre: Innocent clients are the least helpful people of all. Nisha call isn’t surprising to her. They don’t have to go forward but they do anyway. They didn’t have enough to convict him.****If a jury will convict, that’s fine. Even if we can get a jury to convict, it doesn’t mean we should do that. (Why not???)Sara’s fear – still won’t find out after all this. Her job isn’t if or how to exonerate Adnan. What is her job???Deirdre offers one of her teams. “I’m totally hooked.”What is it about this case? Her optimism. She questions everything. They scan everything and then read everything. 2008 e-mail from police. Evidence destroyed. ??First give Adnan back the presumption of innocence. No one believes this. He must have donesomething wrong. Discuss this. Can they prove his innocence? After time, hard to do. Memory, evidence destroyed. Hard to prove he’s not guilty.Better to find who did it. Makes it easier to do this thing that no one wants to do.Four weeks later. They don’t think he’s guilty at this point. Person of interest. Noevidence of being mad. Mountains of reasonable doubt. This surprises Sarah.Jay’s shifting statements.Cell towers not matching Jay’s story.Not enough forensic reports. Liquor bottle. Never tested cells for DNA.Two fibers near Hae. Not cross-checked enough. Not rope.Rope not tested for anything. Not relevant. Didn’t match the story they had. Outside thecrime scene. ???Swabs from Hae’s body. Negative for sperm. Not tested for DNA. They are seemed so hopeful. Sara’s more skeptical. She hasn’t found anything in months.Sara’s down on Adnan. Why can’t he remember anything? Why can’t you can’t account for thatday of all days? You must have gone over that day six weeks after yourgirlfriend disappeared. Lawyer doesn’t have that feeling.Amazing sociopath. Smart, funny, charming. No one detected any sign of sociopath.The odds of Sarah getting the charming sociopath and no have detected any signs of it -- ?not so lucky.Serial killer.Next time Jay.Episode 08: The Deal with Jay. (43:30)Talks to juror Stella Armstrong. She believed Jay. He didn’t go to jail. “That’s strange.”What do you make of Jay? What should Sara, us, make of Jay?Stella: steetwise, the friend if you got in trouble, you’d call for help. Handsome, tall, thin, Wore a tie. Credibility is the state’s case.Truth/lie == Christina’s cross. Blaming Jay but Stella didn’t believe Jay had a motive. Stella believed he had been telling the truth at that moment.Cross is boring, even of star witness. Boringness is a strategy. We can only pay close attention for 45/60 minutes. Tedium gets people crack. Jay doesn’t crack. Alert. Polite. Yes maam. No maam. = 75% of his answerDid Jay have enough another girlfriend? Jen? Christina – nothing is accidental. She was successful, aggressive DA. Did her strategy hurt or help?Jay is the underdog. His testimony is poetic. ? jury is black.People lie in court all the time. Witnesses, lawyers, police.But jury found Jay believable believable enough. Talked to six. All believed Jay. No lingering doubts. None are concerned about inconsistencies?????Jim Trainem. Former homicide detective. Advocate for interrogation techniques. Overall, inconsistencies were a problem.Consistencies are significant.He knew where Hae’s car was.****His story completes a circle. Adnan’s phone. He puts it on the logical suspect. Dream case. This one is better than most of what he sees. Good evidence collection.****Sound investigation. Better than average. Steps looks good.Would have followed the same route.***What happened to change Jay’s story from A to B?An hour talk before tape starts. First timeSecond -- Later 3:15, 6:20 tape starts. Three hours go by. Pre-interview. Mischief. Contamination. Cops and witness iron out statement. Standard then. Was he massaging story to fit cell phone records. Not everything taped. Problem. Excellent witness. He’s giving us the whole case, broken it wide open. We don’t want to ruin him. Don’t want to create “bad evidence” – You don’t want to do something that’s going to go against your theory of the case. Sara: You can’t pick and choose.Jim: Rather than get to the truth you’re to build your case and make it as strong as possible. There are always going to be things that unexplainable. Verification bias: Cops are pushing aside inconsistencies. He was on their team. They never searched his house. Maybe he was on their team now. “Settled on good enough to be the truth”Something off. We still don’t have true version. Jim: Doesn’t believe Jay’s version. Minimizing his involvement. Protect himself, protect somewhere else, or Adnan did it. Can’t prove his testimony is not contaminated. Answers in the pre-interviews.They go talk to Jay. They don’t warn him. (Is this right?) Sara is over-excited????He has the answers. Tense, emotional meeting. “Than who did?” Jay: I was there I saw it. I can’t believe Adnan won’t man up and admit it. Calm. Tired demeanor. Weary. Polite. Sweet. Feeling rage by hearing about this again, but kept it in. Forcefully. “He’s a person.” He means it. Not pleasant for him to talk about. He sounds believable. Sara sees the appeal of him. As a person as a friend as a witness.****Skeptical of them and their motives. Ultimately declines an interview. Range of options about him. He defied categorization. Dennis Rodman. More of a stoner. Didn’t care he didn’t fit in. Honest w/ who he was. Unconventional. Talking care of himself. Gen pop. Mean, intimidation, shady. If you crossed Jay, he’d come after you. Thuggish vibe was just a pose. Goofy. Scary. Friend Chris. Jay talk him what happened. Police never talked to Chris. Trunk pop happens at pool hall. Jay felt stuck. Version doesn’t match Jay’s version. It happened in lot by Woodlawn. Jay couldn’t go to cops because of his own illegal activity. Adnan threatened Jay that he’d kill Stephanie. Jay told Stephanie to stay away from Adnan.It happened in lot by library. Where Asia saw Adnan.Stephanie never talked about what happened. ???Laura – Jay didn’t discuss it. Patrick couldn’t get Jay to talk about it. Kept asking what happened?Later told Patrick of threat against Stephanie. Girl from apartment: He had a reputation for lying. Cathy: Jay lies about everything. But not about things like this??Stories, tall tales. Some turned out to be true. Sara wonders most about Jen Pousateri. Doesn’t want to talk about it to Sara. She believed Jay then. He lied then. She never believed that the murder happened at Best Buy. Jen -- Anyone forced into that position would lieJay – not so shocking. Adnan – no way.Jay threatened by Adnan? Doesn’t add up. Patrick, Laura, Cathy -- Some were shocked by Jay’s involvement. Not the laid back Jay they knew.Play 37:00 -- Patrick: “I hope he had no choice… Maybe he wasn’t such a willing participant”****Laura, “Then who the fuck did it. I’m probably just as confused as you are.”Jay’s sentencing – Jay showed remorse. Judge is impressed. “I’m really sorry for my part in what happened.” Two years probation. Lawyer says thank you. Leaves with Stephanie. Adnan doesn’t testify.Bothers jurors. It’s not supposed to. “That was huge. We were blown away about that. Why would you not get up there and defend yourself. Get up there and say something. Even though it’s not your job to persuade us.” Episode 09: To Be Suspected (45:30)New infoLaura – no phones at Best Buy2:36 payphone at Best Buy – why don’t cops check this. A small detail?Summer, friend of Hae, impossible for Hae to dead by 2:36Both were wrestling coaches, had to go to wrestling match, 10 minute conversation. 2:30, 2:35.She was going to drive herself to the match. Never talks to detectives.Becky saw her as well. Done considering 2:36 call. Didn’t happen at Best Buy.3:15 call??That messes with Jay’s testimonyKathy overheard call.Iesha -- around 6:00 calling around5:12 call from cop.6:076:09 – from Iesha, suspicious? Innocuous? 6:24 call from officer – 4:15 longAdnan – five weeks silent. Very hard. “Trial within the trial.” A struggle“So unbelievable what was being said. So frustrating. That’s not true.”Sara says she wanted to let Adnan talk!Feb 10 – girls and he all get together after her body is found. “Never considered it. Hae was somewhere. Some explanation.”Adnan appeared to be in denial. Adnan called one of the detectives. To say they mis-identified Hae. Would a killer do this? “It was too much” – Adnan. He was blank. He seemed normal. He hid. He stared at her picture. Barely functioning. Faking a catatonic state. How are you supposed to react?He plans a memorial.Detective they hired – disregard all this. People tend to bend memories to what they think police want to hear. “it was a struggle to do everything normal.”Feb 26. They speak to Adnan. Two days before they arrest him. Was worried about upsetting his father. Didn’t think a murder charge was coming.Never though they would arrest him.Feb 28 – arrested himGive the suspect a theme, an explanation, minimize the crime.He’s charged and then asks for lawyer. He’s 17.“Adnan you’re not going home.” “It’s very difficult to believe this is really happening. There must be some huge mistake.”Remembers small moments of kindness. Krista – good friends with Adnan and Hae. Visited him, wrote letters. “If he did it, I don’t understand human beings.”Prison. Making friends. Thinks this is all temporary. I’ll be out by graduation. By summer.Krista – intimate friends who trust each other. First letter before sentencing: Hae had been appearing in dreams. Girl in magazine looks like Hae. Too casual? Too nonchalant? Creepy????? Perplexing?Step toward appeals process. Boredom. Hours sitting in bullpens waiting. Numbs the mind. Plea deals not to go to court anymore. Krista accepts him. Doesn’t think he did it. Post sentencing – has fired his lawyer. Will fight it to the end. New lawyer won’t let him say he’s innocent.~33:00 Hae’s mother – crying through trialShe speaks – when a child dies, you bury her in my heart.Hae’s family – never heard back from them. Why? They want no part of it.Description of Hae. Cheerful, light, funny, like sprite, Cowboys, she’s charmingHe never felt hated before. His mom will lose her son. Adnan: “No one believe in me. I could never explain how that felt”Crime of passion. Judge says no. You planned it. Uses charisma to manipulate people. “You manipulated her to go with you to her death.” Harsh??Sara: Why are you so calm? Family and friends. “I refuse to be miserable”Made a choice to be better Muslim. Most help. Rationalization. Clear conscience. ~38:00 “I’m here because of my own stupid actions. . . . ” “If I had been a good Muslim, someone who didn’t do any of these things. It weighs heavily on me.” ?????Prosecutor – He could never admit to this crime. His parents. ????Adnan disagrees. Injustice is worse than actually doing the crime. Easier for parents if he actually deserved to be there. Only one infraction in prison for a cell phone..21 certificates for various awards.Distinguished gentleman award. Adaptable/he’s doing fine in prisonSara: has reasonable doubt.Episode 10 The Best Defense is a Good Defense (53:13)Adnan’s jury selection.Half of jury pool – connected to crimes in one way or another.Judge – looking for all kinds of prejudice.Adnan’s mother. Believe he’s innocent. Continuous torture in house. “All I know he didn’t do it.” “Because we were Muslim.” Discrimination. “Easy to target.” “We are minor in this country.” Sara – very hard to believeMaybe some anti-Muslin feelings crept in. Inadvertently or on purpose.Mosque raises tens of thousands of dollars for his defense. Busloads of people came to his bail hearings. “Extended family. Old fashioned sense of community.” – lawyer speaking about the them. “They will supervise Adnan if should be released.” Prosecutor -- Room full of aiders and abettors. Will help him run away to Pakistan. “Bail is issuing him a passport.” Prosecutor -- Uncle in Pakistan that can help people disappear. – from Adnan’s science teacher. Later apologizes. He’s American with Pakistani heritage.Easy to mix stereotypes****11:00 His culture was a part of this. “A crime about pride.”Besmirched. A word from the old country. Honors killings.Confidential Report on Islamic Thought and Culture from Aug. Consulting group for detectives. A comparative study for this case. Play ****13:30 -- Summary – “For her to have another man . . . . a question of honor” ok to eliminate her. In Pakistan not a crime, a question of honor. Cops were in regular meetings w/ this consultant in early stages of investigation ????Jay mentions Allah in second trial.15:00 Casual prejudice against Muslims. Who in their right mind lets their daughter date a man named Adnan . . . Stereotypes were there for jury, lurking the background.Arabic culture – primacy of men, woman are secondaryJuror: He wanted control and she wouldn’t give it him. Other juror: Arabic culture. He put his whole life on the line for her. _____________________________________________****Christina Guttierez– goes on and on opening statement about his culture. He’s an American citizen . . . aware there may be stereotypes. Judge tells her to hurry up. For Adnan, completely trusted her, her one mistake -- Never contacted Asia McClainShe died in 2004.Theory “Someone else did it.” We don’t even know what day Hae died. Once they zeroed in on Adnan, they ignored other people/possibilities. First trial ends in a mistrial. Judge loses patience w/ Christina. Seemed to be going well. Argument at bench. Christina is accused of lying. Just like that, motion for mistrial is granted. Jury heading toward an acquittal after hearing the bulk of state’s case. ****So many factors. Chance -- no one wants to think about chance in a first degree murder case. Luck.****Jay did it. Five days of cross. Exhaustive and exhausting. Sara -- “Added up to something less than effective”State’s argument was linear.Adnan -- Her argument wasn’t a clear outline. Jumbled. Took so long to question Jay. What is this even about. 28:24 – Christina cross of Jay – Adnan mentioning desire to kill Hae. ????Juror – strategy was lost on them. Talking but not making a point. Talked and talked but not proving it.You don’t want to tie up all the threads in cross. Save them for closing. Tie everything up then. She does this. “Lies.” But the jurors believed him.***Cell phone – didn’t attack the state’s timeline. Noon-6 do not match Jay’s testimony. ***Jay’s plea agreement. No jail time. Felony, accessory after the fact for first degree murder. For that plea had his lawyer, pro-bono. “Did anyone help provide you a lawyer.”***The persecutor helped provide him a lawyer. Cops Sept 7, they book him, take him to state’s attorney’s office, prosecutor. Who introduces him to lawyer who can represent him for free. Then they sign the plea agreement.Prosecutor’s do not provide attorney for people they are prosecuting. Benefit. May feel in debt. May feel need to testify a certain way to please prosecutor. Defense should have known about it. Christina freaks out. It’s called a benefit. Jay was paid for his testimony. Or was his in debt to state to give favorable testimony. Discovery violation.Judge: Jay doesn’t appear to think he is getting a benefit. So his testimony is not tainted. ???? Overruled. That was that.Quick 2 ? day defense. Rabia -- Bungled it on purpose to make money on appeal.Sara – doesn’t agree. She made 1000 strategy decisions. Tireless. Cared a lot about her cases. She was a national giant. First DNA case. Brilliant. She was sick over losing. She never got over it. Deep depression. Yet something was not right with Christina. Second trial she was nervous, smoking. Had begun to bully them about money. 10K cash to the courthouse for an expert. Bring me the cash. She went downhill fast. Late filing briefs. They were told trust that this is just her way. But it got worse and worse. Diabetes, MS, later that year. She couldn’t keep up with her cases. Career collapses a year later. 28 claims against her. Denial about her health. Christina had been slipping for the past five years. Initial appeals denied.Post-conviction release – deniedOne appeal – ineffective attorney. AsiaPlea deal never asked for***50:00. “No one beats a first-degree murder case.”A life sentence vs 15/16 years = plea.Take the deal regardless of whether you did it. Episode 11: Rumors (41:07)Rumors about AdnanPhone calls, texts, e-mails from people in Mosque communityMany things she doesn’t know about Adnan that give her pause.Unsubstantiated rumor about something said at a partyMosque community. They won’t speak on tape. Irrational fears. Judgmental community. Behavior gets reflected back on parents. Gossip travels quickly. Story of Adnan: “Clouded in mystery. Used as a cautionary tale”Ali in disclosed voice: Fear after this. Giving a ride to a girl. That’s why this happened to Adnan. No one wants to talk about it. Sara: Some feel guilty about Adnan. They didn’t mentor him, guide him when he strayed. Like an older brother. Always helpful. Respectful. Rumors coming from a feeling that Adnan was capable of this crime. He’s duplicitous. He used his charm, his smarts to deflect suspicion. Adnan stole donation money from the Mosque. He wanted to be viewed as the golden child. 13:00 Adnan gets angry about this question. She’s asked him so many insulting things . . . now he’s pissed, angry. Unfair to him. Publicly shaming me. It has nothing to do with the case. You don’t do this to others. Took $20 at a time. He was caught by his mother. More disappointed than she’d ever been. He said he didn’t think he was hurting anyone. ?? so low to take the hard earned cash at the Mosque. Is it a sign of something more malignant? Or boys will be boys. So what? Does not a murderer make. Not even a bad character. Others have shoplifted.****“He didn’t have it in to kill. It’s not in his DNA”Can you tell if someone has crime like this in them?”So subjective. Evidence could be read either way. Kiss on the cheek is a tell – the real Adnan. Evidence is full of shit. Sweet talker -- o take the heat away – a lie. Or??Ewing. Expert witness, homicides by young people in relationships: “Most killers I’ve evaluated are ordinary people.” Pretty normal. Most not premeditated. Not whether, but why? “Something happens that pushes them over the edge.” Classmate: “Whole idea of premeditation doesn’t fit with Adnan, not the person I knew.”23:30 – thinking about killing. Premeditated not in the sense we normally think about. What if? Simmering. Can take the place of cognizant planning.Sara -- He did it but doesn’t know he did it. Friend: “Maybe it was an accident. Maybe he lost it for a moment.”Expert: Dissociative state. Half have some degree of amnesia. Some have complete amnesia. I don’t recall doing this, the details. It doesn’t last forever. Very difficult to maintain that fa?ade. Over time, they recover traces of what happened. They know what happened. Or oh my god what I have done. What am I going to do about? I’ve got to find a way to cover this up. Lie becomes the truth. “In most homicide cases the evidence is pretty overwhelming”29:00 Psychopath – cold-hearted, calculated murder. 15 year long con, calculating – Adnan???Psycopath – no genuine empathy.Expert: “Superficial charm. Effectively manipulate other people, without them knowing their being manipulated.”Functioning very well, Success in prison? : Expert – “It cuts against a theory that he’s a psychopath . . . but doesn’t rule it out.”People who are wrongfully convicted – always maintain their innocence.Just aren’t rules from this stuff.Sara, he’s not a psychopath, he has genuine empathy, sympathyDenial to lying = possibleSimmering anger that boiled over = possibleInnocent = possible.He should be madder at Jay. Makes he seem guilty.But only harm can come to him from contacting/attacking those connected to his state. ****Adnan: “People come expected a monster. Then they come expecting a victim. The reality is I’m just a normal person”What would I do? How would I be feeling? How would I be acting? “If someone can’t imagine how I’m feel . . . there’s no need for to . . . Sara -- “It’s a trap to try to convince people”****33:50 Play this: 18 page letter.Distrust – gratitude. Her story had messed with his equilibrium.Three goals, third: To be a seen as a person, not as a monster. He’s managed this in prison.Finds peace of mind in prison.(that he lost in trial)Sara – ruins this, his nightmare. To be accused of manipulating everyone around him.Keep it all business. Evaluate case on evidence. Not on personality. Not on friendship with Sara. To be afraid to show compassion to someone, Sara, out of a fear of not being believed.Second guessing, monitoring, to the outside world.I’m always overthinking. For being accused of manipulative. Imagine that I really am innocent. Then it will make sense.It always comes back. He just wants Sara’s story to over. Episode 12: What We Know (55:05)Sara: I want to know what you were doing that afternoon. Who Had your phone?Adnan: You don’t really have no ending?Sara: Of course I have an ending. Sara has had her thoughts upended. Back and forth hasn’t let up.Learning new info.Don talked. Does not appear to know what happened. Or anything about Adnan.Hae: “Sorry I couldn’t stay.” Note stumps Don. 5:00 -- He immediately made sure he knew where he was. That wasn’t Adnan’s stated reaction.Noted.Don didn’t call either. He didn’t know what to do.Solid alibi. But manager was his mom. He was never cleared as a suspect. Didn’t know Jay existed until podcast.Adnan and Don help Hae with car trouble. Don: “They wanted me to make Adnan sound creepy”Urich yelled at Don after both trials. He was dating someone else when Hae started pursuing him. Hae was charming. She changed him. He should have self-esteem. Josh – worked w/ Jay. Jay was scared.“He was frightened out of his mind. Afraid of Adnan.” Afraid that people were after him. People connected to the murder. He said Adnan threatened him. Was it someone else? Whoever he was afraid has committed the crime.Ex-boyfriend killed Hae. Tape from Jay. Says Adnan was threatening him. West side hit man. Who is believable? Josh or Jay? Sara says Josh. Is it all in delivery?Why would he tell Josh he helped bury the body?Josh – Jay was not the type to be involved in the murder“It seemed like he was in way over his head.”“I didn’t really believe him.” Didn’t want Jay to snitch. Why would Jay help Adnan?Sara – “Something is not computing.”Producers go over everything.Nisha call – looks terrible for Adnan.3:32 call -- 2 minutes plusJay had his phone while he was in school.Adnan w/ phone, w/ Jay in the middle of the afternoon. Corroborates Jays’ storyNisha says this happened later in the day, from video store. Would an unanswered call show up on his bill?Customer service agreement circa 1999.ATT does not bill unanswered calls. Loophole. Unless the call is terminated in a reasonable amount of time. 30 seconds or longer that will charge. Nisha could have been a butt-dial that no one answered. Sara -- List of facts got shorter.Only hard evidence is cell-phone record from Jan 13. Call log raised bigger questions.Was everyone lying about that day.What if both Jay and Adnan and ?? are lying about that day?Earlier in the day.Neither story is true.It doesn’t matter what they are doing tp prosecution. Something they are not telling us. Why? Is it related to what happened later?2:36 call. May be a pay phone in Best Buy in vestibule. Maybe there was one. 3:21 call – outgoing call from Adnan to Jen. Looking for Jay. The whole point of giving Jay cellphone was so he could call.Jay said he was calling Jen wooking for weed from Patrick.Jay was at Jen’s house until 3:45. Unless Adnan has the phone. Jen says she saw Jay with the phone. If Jay doesn’t have the phone, then what was going on? I have no idea.Jen and Jay tell different stories after where picked up Jay and got rid of clothes. What is the lie that minimizes what?What is utility of this lie (all the lies) to the case?Endless speculation Motive.Let’s say he wasn’t over the breakup. By Jan, Hae has moved on to Don.Maybe full weight hits him in first and second week that reality of losing Hae hits him. Maybe he loses it. But no one thinks this or saw this. Only speculation – it must be dropped.100 scenarios of what happened to Hae. Most likely?How about most logical?He loans Jay the car, the phone? Crappy luck on day ex goes missing.Adnan asked Hae for a ride after school. Two friends. Adnan says this. Adnan’s plan was to get into her car. Bad luck – the Nisha call. What are the chances. Jay’s story and cell phone records match up 6-8 when Adnan has no memory of that evening. Jay’s story only roughly matches, not the timing. So many terrible coincidences that day. Bad luck. ****41:30 If we took a magnifying glass, would we find this many ambiguities. Expert: This case is a messDeirdre makes a motion to test DNA. It might match some other guy.They looked for possible signs for a serial killing. Another Korean woman strangled. Exactly 11 months after Hae disappeared. Longshot. What makes more sense? Adnan? Or this other guy?What about Jay? He knew where Hae’s car was?Asia’s alibi. Since timeline doesn’t work, maybe this matters less. Adnan wants DNA tested.48:30 -- Adnan, “I don’t think you’ll ever have 100% certainty”“Go down the middle. Don’t take a side.” “Leave it up to the audience to determine.”What are the chances one guy got so unlucky?All the all evidence linking him to actual killing? All we’re left with is Jay knew where the car was.Not enough for a life sentence. None of us can say what happened.I still have to acquit.Nurses doubt that Adnan did it.****Why would a guilty man let Sara do this story?Certainty seemed attainable. Found Asia, Alibi. How hard can this be?Just tell me the fact. We didn’t have them 15 years ago, and we don’t have them now.Rabia: There’s a utility to the entertainment. We need the entertainment value.Undisclosed Podcast from the trust of Adnan SyedThree lawyers.Attorneys Susan Simpson, Rabia Chaudry and Colin Miller?Just an introUpdate (?)Direct Appeal – lostCollateral Appeal a decade later - deniedAsia backtracksCourt of Special Appeals – sent the case back to circuit court. He can reopen his case so Asia can testify. Is this is in the “interest of justice”?Jan 13, 2015 Asia affidavitPart 1 Adnan’s day***Krista said Hae said something came up and couldn’t give Adnan a ride.Debbie saw Adnan at 2:45 at guidance counselor’s office. Prosecution witness becoming an alibi witness. First trial. Mistrial.***Second trial – two months later. Debbie changes her testimony and doesn’t remember.Did Debbie have the right day? Adnan saw Asia and her boyfriend in library after school. Coach – practice outside – talks w/ Adnan – could have only been the 13th. Was on time. Why didn’t Adnan’s attorney figure this out.Later. Did Jay and Adnan go to Cathy’s later that day? Probably not. Jay’s second interview – lies about a trip to Cathy’s Cops told Cathy visit it was on this day. Countless inconsistencies Part 2 Hae’s DayStarts with her voice.Different version too see Hae at school. As many different stories as there are witnesses. Limited interviews/evidence from high school students/teachersIe – Wrestling Match at night that Hae was supposed to score. (but was scheduled to work)There was no wrestling match – but has been part of state’s narrative.The Don note wasn’t written on that day, the 13th. Perhaps saw Don on the 5th so didn’t need the note. Summer was not the last person to see Hae then on the 13th.Summer and Inez are thinking of the wrong day.Back to Becky at 2:20Asia saw Adnan at 2:40DebbieSomeone else asked Hae for a ride. Hae refuses because has to pick up her cousin.This person is never contacted. Hae’s pager. Someone paged her but it was never found. Killer disposed of the pager. Jay never mentions it. ??Part 3 Jay’s Day7 different stories – not consistentJen and Jay tell completely different stories. He left at 3:30 -4:15 – state’s timeline can’t work. Nisha call doesn’t work. 3:40 – Jen and Jay, that’s their alibi.6-8 – Jay and Adnan are together. Jen – says the next day they threw away clothes.What were Jay and Jen doing by 8:30-10:00?Cathy = Kristi Jen reaction to Jay’s news – wants to go some party. They went but Jay says they didn’t. *** Jay was given the opportunity to alter his story so it would align with Jen’s story. He admits as much on the stand. Mark, Jen’s sister, was never contacted by police. Why?Jay admits he lies. Why does Jay lie? The real enigma.***Susan Simpson – a blog about Jay’s police statements. 31:00Hears tapping in Jay’s interviews.Jay’s was coached, more than coached . . . .Map, chronology, tapping ................

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