Use this area to introduce your course. Things you can ...

TITLE OF COURSECourse codePermission to use this document for non-commercial purposes, in original or modified form, is granted, provided that the original source of the document is acknowledged as Information Systems and Technology, University of Waterloo.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc2676455 \h 3Module one PAGEREF _Toc2676456 \h 3Content PAGEREF _Toc2676457 \h 3Example PAGEREF _Toc2676458 \h 4Activity PAGEREF _Toc2676459 \h 4Module two PAGEREF _Toc2676460 \h 4Content PAGEREF _Toc2676461 \h 4Example PAGEREF _Toc2676462 \h 4Activity PAGEREF _Toc2676463 \h 4Module three PAGEREF _Toc2676464 \h 4Content PAGEREF _Toc2676465 \h 4Example PAGEREF _Toc2676466 \h 4Activity PAGEREF _Toc2676467 \h 4Module four PAGEREF _Toc2676468 \h 4Content PAGEREF _Toc2676469 \h 4Example PAGEREF _Toc2676470 \h 4Activity PAGEREF _Toc2676471 \h 4Project/Assignment/Quiz PAGEREF _Toc2676472 \h 5End notes PAGEREF _Toc2676473 \h 5Resources PAGEREF _Toc2676474 \h 6Course resources PAGEREF _Toc2676475 \h 6IST resources PAGEREF _Toc2676476 \h 6left378460Use this area to introduce your course. Things you can consider including:What will the class be learning aboutCourse objectivesCourse goalsTip! An introduction is a great time to ask questions. Why are participants taking the course? What are they wanting to take away? What do they already know about the course topic?Note: Delete blue text boxes once filled with content020000Use this area to introduce your course. Things you can consider including:What will the class be learning aboutCourse objectivesCourse goalsTip! An introduction is a great time to ask questions. Why are participants taking the course? What are they wanting to take away? What do they already know about the course topic?Note: Delete blue text boxes once filled with contentIntroductionModule oneleft471170Breaking down your course content into modules helps participants organize content and absorb more information. It also helps you as an instructor by providing more opportunities for examples and summarizing main points.?Key points to consider when creating content:Text overload. Is your course text heavy? Try summarizing your content or adding bullet points to help break down content.Images. Images are a great way to visualize a concept. Remember to think about colour contrast when including images. Bolding, italicized, underlines: using formatting can help text stand out on a page. Remember to adhere to the Waterloo Writing Style Guide when using formatting. Tip! At the end of each module, instructors should ask if there are any questions. Sometimes you will have silence, and that is ok. It will all depend on the level of knowledge the participants have on the course content, or the type of personalities in the course (introverted and learn by listening, or extraverted and learn by asking). 020000Breaking down your course content into modules helps participants organize content and absorb more information. It also helps you as an instructor by providing more opportunities for examples and summarizing main points.?Key points to consider when creating content:Text overload. Is your course text heavy? Try summarizing your content or adding bullet points to help break down content.Images. Images are a great way to visualize a concept. Remember to think about colour contrast when including images. Bolding, italicized, underlines: using formatting can help text stand out on a page. Remember to adhere to the Waterloo Writing Style Guide when using formatting. Tip! At the end of each module, instructors should ask if there are any questions. Sometimes you will have silence, and that is ok. It will all depend on the level of knowledge the participants have on the course content, or the type of personalities in the course (introverted and learn by listening, or extraverted and learn by asking). Contentright366395Each module should include at least one example. This can be a visual sample of the concept you are trying to explain, or a written example. If you have included examples in the content portion of your module, remove this section. 020000Each module should include at least one example. This can be a visual sample of the concept you are trying to explain, or a written example. If you have included examples in the content portion of your module, remove this section. Exampleright1388110Each module should include at least one activity. Depending on the type of course, this may be an activity to complete on the lab computers, a hand out activity, or an open question to the class. You decide! One activity or more per module helps to keep the class engaged. If you have included activities in the content portion of your module, remove this section.020000Each module should include at least one activity. Depending on the type of course, this may be an activity to complete on the lab computers, a hand out activity, or an open question to the class. You decide! One activity or more per module helps to keep the class engaged. If you have included activities in the content portion of your module, remove this section.ActivityModule twoleft396875Include as many modules that you would like. Four is just a sample. Tip! Once you have updated all your modules (and content), click on the table of contents to update pages, headings, etc. A pop-up with the label “update Table” will appear above the Table of Contents heading. Select this, change to “update entire table” and select “ok”.Note: Only content using the Heading styles will appear in the Table of contents.020000Include as many modules that you would like. Four is just a sample. Tip! Once you have updated all your modules (and content), click on the table of contents to update pages, headings, etc. A pop-up with the label “update Table” will appear above the Table of Contents heading. Select this, change to “update entire table” and select “ok”.Note: Only content using the Heading styles will appear in the Table of contents.ContentExampleActivityModule threeContentExampleActivityModule fourContentExampleActivityright2422525Congratulations! You have completed this course!00Congratulations! You have completed this course!9525432435A great way to test the class’s knowledge and to ensure that participants can apply what they have learned is to include a project, assignment, or quiz at the end of your course. This does not have to be difficult, or graded, just an exercise to help gauge learning. Remember to save extra time for participants to complete this portion, as well as time to either individually review, or review as a group. Optional to include within notes, or to include separately. Tip! This section can also be used to evaluate your course. If participants struggle with this portion, there may be a need to update/change a part of your course. 020000A great way to test the class’s knowledge and to ensure that participants can apply what they have learned is to include a project, assignment, or quiz at the end of your course. This does not have to be difficult, or graded, just an exercise to help gauge learning. Remember to save extra time for participants to complete this portion, as well as time to either individually review, or review as a group. Optional to include within notes, or to include separately. Tip! This section can also be used to evaluate your course. If participants struggle with this portion, there may be a need to update/change a part of your course. Project/Assignment/Quizleft3289926This may not be mandatory to include in your course notes, but there should be some closing remarks before ending the course. Some things to include are:What to do now that you have completed the courseAsk if there are any questionsMention our ITPD coordinator Sandra Laughlin will be sending an email with a course evaluation survey and that we really appreciate any feedback to help improve our coursesMention resources below in the next sectionRemind participants to sing out of their computers (if applicable) and tuck in their chairs020000This may not be mandatory to include in your course notes, but there should be some closing remarks before ending the course. Some things to include are:What to do now that you have completed the courseAsk if there are any questionsMention our ITPD coordinator Sandra Laughlin will be sending an email with a course evaluation survey and that we really appreciate any feedback to help improve our coursesMention resources below in the next sectionRemind participants to sing out of their computers (if applicable) and tuck in their chairsEnd notesResourcesCourse resourcesSupport email: Click or tap here to enter text.Other resources: Click or tap here to enter rmation Systems & Technology (IST) resourcesIST: : of Waterloo Writing Style Guide: tips: you know faculty, graduate students and staff can install Office 2016 on up to five devices with 5TB of storage? Check out Office 365: ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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