Latin II – Participle Quiz

Latin III – Participle Quiz



I. Grammar Rules

______1. The present participle is always

a. passive b. active c. singular d. plural

______2. The present participle is declined like

a. bonus b. magnus c. pulcher d. fortis

______3. The present participle is translated

a. _________ing b. having been verbed c. about to verb

______4. The perfect participle is always

a. passive b. active c. singular d. plural

______5. The perfect participle is declined like

a. fortis b. bonus c. facilis

______6. The perfect participle is formed from the

a. 1st principal part b. 2nd principal part c. 3rd principal part d. 4th principal part

______7. The perfect participle is translated

a. _______ing b. having been verbed c. about to verb

______8. The perfect participle denotes an action that

happens……that of the main verb.

a. before b. after c. at the same time

______9. The future participle is always

a. passive b. active c. singular d. plural

______10. The future participle is formed by adding the letters…

a. –re b. –ur c. –ns d. nt

______11. …to the __________ principal part. (continuation of #10)

a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd d. 4th

______12. The future participle denotes an action which is to

happen _____________the main verb.

a. before b. after c. at the same time

______13. The future participle is translated

a. ________ing b. having been verbed c. about to


______14. The future participle is declined like

a. magnus b. fortis

______15. Participles modify

a. adverbs b. verbs c. nouns/pronouns

______16. Participles participate in the functions of a

a. noun/adj. b. adv./adj. c. verb/adj.

______17. Which of the following is a translation of “venturus”

a. coming b. came c. will come d. about to come

______18. “acta, facta, merita” are perfect participles that are

frequently used as …in Latin

a. verbs b. adjectives c. nouns d. adverbs

______19. ___________ fortiter, miles mortuus est.

a. pugnantis b. pugnans c. pugnanti d.pugnantem

II. Translation – using the word bank, accurately translate each Latin sentence.

1. Memor, ā libertō excitatus, iratissimus erat.

libertus,-ī – freedman excitō,excitāre,excitavī,excitatus – to wake iratus-a-um – angry


2. fabrī, ab architectō laudatī, riserunt.

faber,fabrī – craftsman architectus-ī – architect laudō,laudāre,laudavī,laudatus – to praise

rideō, ridere, risī – to laugh/smile


3. haruspex, graviter dormīens, nihil respondit.

haruspex,haruspicis – soothsayer gravis-is – serious respondere,responsī – to respond/reply


4. in thermīs multitudinem aegrotōrum vehementer clamantīum

therma-ae – bath multitudō,multitudinis – crowd aeger – sick vehementer – vehemently

clamāre, clamavī,clamatus – to shout


fabrorumque Memorem absentem vituperantium invenit.

absens,absentis – absent vituperāre,vituperavī,vituperatus – curse out invenīre,invēnī,inventus – to find


5. rex Cogidubnus huc vēnit, remedium morbī petens.

rex,regis – king huc – here venīre,vēnī, ventus – to come remedium,remediī(n.) – cure

morbus-ī – illness petere,petivī,petitus – to seek;head for;attack


6. militēs, hostēs vulneraturī, voluerunt habēre gladiōs.

miles,militis – soldier hostis,hostis – enemy vulnerāre,vulneravī,vulneratus – to wound

habēre – to have gladius,-ī – sword




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