6-Traits/AP Aligned Scoring Guide

6-Traits/AP Aligned Scoring Guide

| |10/9 |8 |7/6 |5 |

|Ideas and Content |The writing conveys ideas in a |The writing presents important|The writing presents |The writing presents |

| |controlled and interesting manner |information about a specific |information about a specific |information about a topic by |

| |The focus is stated clearly and meeting|topic by providing facts or |topic by providing facts or |providing facts or directions,|

| |requirements. |directions, explaining ideas |directions, explaining ideas |explaining ideas or defining |

| |Clear, relevant details, directions, |or defining terms. |or terms. |terms. |

| |examples, and/or anecdotes develop and |The focus is stated clearly |The focus is unclear |The focus is unclear |

| |enrich the central focus |and meets requirements. |An attempt is made to develop |Specific requirements have |

| |Primary and secondary ideas are |Primary and secondary ideas |primary and secondary ideas |been ignored or misunderstood.|

| |developed in proportion to their |ideas are developed in |The writing has a limited |Primary and secondary ideas |

| |significance; the sources are balanced |proportion to their |sense of balance |lack a sense of development |

| |with body paragraphs |significance; the writing has | |and/or balance. |

| | |a sense of balance. | | |

|Organization |The writing is organized in a way that |The writing is clearly |The writing is fairly |The writing needs more |

| |enhances meaning or helps to develop |organizing in a way that |organized. |structure. |

| |the central idea. |enhances meaning or helps to |Each developmental paragraph |Developmental paragraphs are |

| |Each developmental paragraph addresses |develop the central idea. |attempts to address a specific|limited in focus and may be |

| |a specific aspect of the topic. |Each developmental paragraph |aspect of the topic. |confusing. |

| |The sequence is effective and moves the|addresses a specific aspect of|Transitions are limited |Transitions need improvement. |

| |reader through the paper—the order may |the topic. |(paragraphs lack concluding | |

| |or may not be conventional. |Transitions work well. |sentences which reflect the | |

| |Transitions work well. | |overall idea of the paragraph)| |

|Word Choice |Well-chosen words convey the intended |Well-chosen words convey the |Words are reasonably accurate |Word choice limits the clarity|

| |message in an interesting, precise, and|intended meaning in an |and convey the intended |of the intended message. |

| |natural way. |interesting, precise, and |message in a general manner. |Verbs, nouns, and/or modifiers|

| |Lively, powerful verbs provide energy. |natural way. |Some verbs provide energy, and|lack the ability to convey an |

| |(Be verbs and passive voice are |Powerful verbs, specific |some simply link one point to |image. |

| |limited) |nouns, and descriptive |another. |Expression is lacking. |

| |Specific nouns add color and clarity. |modifiers enhance meaning. |Some nouns are specific, while|Vocabulary is limited and |

| |Modifiers work to provide strong |Expression attempts to be |other nouns are fairly |restricting or too technical. |

| |imagery. |fresh and appealing. Original|general. |No attempt to use SAT |

| |Expression is fresh and appealing: |and unusual phrasing adds to |Modifiers attempt to be |vocabulary assigned. |

| |original or unusual phrasing adds to |the meaning. Figurative |descriptive | |

| |meaning. Figurative language, if used,|langue, if used, is generally |Expression is limited. | |

| |if effective. Vocabulary is striking |effective. Vocabulary is |Figurative language, if used, | |

| |by not overdone. |striking but, at times, |may or may not be effective. | |

| |Technical terms and notations are |overdone. Technical terms and|Vocabulary is either common or| |

| |effective. |notations are effective. |slangy or uncommon and leads | |

| |Assigned SAT vocabulary words are |Assigned SAT vocabulary words |to confusion. Technical terms| |

| |underlined in paper. |are underlined in paper. |and notations are limited in | |

| | | |their effectiveness. | |

| | | |No attempt to use SAT | |

| | | |vocabulary assigned. | |

|Sentence Fluency |Strong and varied sentence structure |Strong and varied sentence |Varied sentence beginnings, |Sentence beginnings, length, |

| |clearly conveys meaning and invites |beginnings, length, and |length, and structure help to |and structure lack variation. |

| |expressive reading. |structure help to convey |convey meaning. |The writing lacks fluency when|

| |Sentences are appropriately concise. |meaning and invite expressive |Sentences are sometimes |read aloud. |

| |The writing has a natural flow and |reading. |concise and sometimes wordy. | |

| |rhythm when read aloud. |Sentences are appropriately |The writing sounds | |

| | |consise. |businesslike or mechanical | |

| | |The writing sounds smooth and |when read aloud. | |

| | |rhythmic when read aloud. | | |

|Voice |The personality of the writer is |Personality, confidence and |Personality, confidence and |The writing lacks commitment |

| |evident in the writing. |feeling are expressed |feeling weave in and out of |to the topic. |

| |The writer’s enthusiasm and/or interest|throughout the writing. |the writing. |Connection to the audience and|

| |brings the topic to life. |A commitment to the topic is |Commitment to the topic is |purpose for the writing are |

| |The writing is natural and compelling. |obvious. |limited. |unclear. |

| |The tone is appropriate and |The writer connects to the |Connection to the audience and|The tone is flat or |

| |consistently controlled. |audience and clearly indicates|purpose for the writing are |inappropriate. |

| |The overall effect is individualistic, |a purpose for the writing. |unclear. |The writing evokes little |

| |expressive, and engaging. |The tone is sincere, pleasant,|The tone is generally |emotion in the reader. |

| | |and generally appropriate. |appropriate. | |

| | |The writing evokes emotion in |The writing evokes some | |

| | |the reader. |emotion in the reader. | |

|Conventions |A strong grasp of standard writing |A good grasp of standard |A basic grasp of standard |A minimal grasp of standard |

| |conventions is apparent; |writing conventions is |writing conventions is |writing conventions is |

| |Punctuation is smooth and enhances |apparent. |apparent. |apparent. |

| |meaning; grammar is essentially |Punctuation is smooth and |Errors in punctuation, |Numerous errors in |

| |correct; |enhances meaning; grammar is |grammar, spelling, usage |punctuation, grammar, |

| |Spelling is correct even on more |essentially correct. |and/or capitalization impair |spelling, usage and/or |

| |difficult words; usage is correct; |Spelling of common words is |readability. |capitalization impair |

| |capitalization is accurate. |accurate, and more difficult | |readability. |

| |Paragraphing (indenting) enhances the |words are generally correct; | | |

| |organization of the paper. |usage is generally correct; | | |

| |Specialized conventions (title, |capitalization is correct. | | |

| |subtitles, in-text notes, table of |Specialized contentions | | |

| |contents, works cited) are used |generally enhance the text. | | |

| |accurately and enhance the text. | | | |

|Presentation |12 Pt. type |Deviates slightly from |Deviates significantly from |No attempt to follow style for|

| |No script or bold fonts |expectations |expectations. |presentation is apparent. |

| |Double-Spaced | |Name, date, class in upper |Failure to meet MLA |

| |Standard 1 inch margins | |right corner is correct |formatting. |

| |Creative Title is centered | |Title is descriptive and | |

| |Student Name, Date, Course Title, | |centered | |

| |Teacher Name | |Number multiple pages | |

| |MLA format for citations within paper | | | |

| |and on works cited page are 100% | | | |

| |correct | | | |

| |Indent or block style for paragraphs | | | |

|Insight |Discussion acknowledges complexities, |Has all of the elements, but |Discussion is simplistic, |The passage was misread. |

| |ambiguity, and contradictions. |is less thorough, |obvious, or dualistic. | |

| |Essay reveals a sophisticated |sophisticated or powerful. | | |

| |understanding of the passage/reading. | | | |

|Support |Support is detailed, specific, correct |Support is less detailed, less|Support from primary source is|There is little or no support.|

|CSE: Claims/Support/ |and embedded. Level of support is |specific, awkwardly embedded |mostly paraphrase rather than |The write rambles and doesn’t |

|Explanation (Warrant) |consistent throughout. |or less consistent. |direct. Some quoted passages |follow CSE. |

| |CSE is clear. |Support needs more detailed |are too long and then not | |

| |Sources are skillfully integrated into |analysis. |developed. | |

| |the writing. | |CSE weak | |

|Introduction & |Introduction is powerful and insightful|Introduction is interesting, |Introduction is adequate and |Introduction is empty of |

|Conclusion |and presents the thesis in a compelling|meaningful and presents the |presents thesis in a general |meaning or lacks a direction |

| |way. |thesis/main purpose clearly. |way. |for the paper. |

| |Appropriately introduces author and |Appropriately introduces |Conclusion goes nowhere, |Thesis may not be evident or |

| |work in a way relevant to the main |author and work. |simply repeats the |clearly understood. |

| |argument |The conclusion brings the |introduction. |The conclusion is empty of |

| |The conclusion is graceful and leads to|essay to a close, but does so | |meaning. |

| |a powerful abstraction (insight) |less powerfully or memorably. | | |


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