Subject Area/Course Name _U - Skyview Middle School

Subject Area/Course Name _U.S. History_____________________ Grade Level:__7-8____

What standards will be assessed?

History 1.1, 1.3, Geography 5.1, 5.3 Benchmarks: Organize chronologically major events of the U.S.; Describe patterns of settlement change; Explain causes, types, and historical patterns of human migration.

Literacy or Mathematics Connection:

Does this assessment support math, literacy or another subject area? Brief description:

Math calculations for cost analysis of supplies and literacy support through six-trait writing of authentic Oregon Trail diary.


Provide a detailed description of the expectations and procedures of the performance assessment. Detailed description should include: prerequisite activities; how students will be grouped (individual, pairs, part of a larger group); the procedures the students will follow; a complete description of the end product; how will students will be graded; and a materials list or other considerations (e.g., timelines and deadlines).

( The assessment is designed so that students produce a diary of real world experiences while traveling the Oregon Trail in a mock fashion.

( Students will demonstrate knowledge of supplies or materials, dangers and challenges, chores and expectations of life upon the trail in the 1840’s – 1850’s.

( The procedure for the assessment is as follows:

( Students will be working on the project for 2 weeks. During this time, students will be devoted to researching and gathering information over life on the trail as well as refining and presenting in written form their findings.

( Students begin with reading selections and note taking over topic – building background knowledge.

( Students will view various video sources and re-creations of trail history.

( Students strengthen knowledge of vocabulary for the era by study guide sources.

( Students find primary sources such as authentic diaries and Internet sites to help round out knowledge base.

( Students produce their own Oregon Trail diary or journal using all the previous information and experiences.

( Students will present diaries to the class by displaying them in the room for others to celebrate.

Rubric: Oregon Trail Diary

| |Advanced |Proficient |Partially Proficient |Unsatisfactory |

| |_____ |_____ |_____ |_____ |

| |- 4 or more sources cited. |- 2 to 3 sources cited. |- 1 source cited. |- No sources cited |

|Citations for Sources |- Included 3 higher level |- Use of Internet sites and topic|- Use of textbook or | |

|of Information |sources such as University |specific books. |encyclopedia only. | |

| |research or PBS online, etc. |- Included one reference from | | |

| |- More than one reference to |actual diary. | | |

| |actual diaries. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |- Uses more than 10 vocabulary|- Uses more than 7 words from the|- Uses some terms within the |- No evidence of vocabulary words |

| |terms in diary properly. |study list properly. |project. |from the era included in the work.|

|Vocabulary |- Finds more than two |- Adds two words from research |- 3 to 6 words properly used. | |

| |appropriate words in research |that fit topic. | | |

| |and uses in project. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |- Could pass for real pioneer |- Looks like an aged diary. |- Looks are rough. |- Does not show creative process.|

| |diary. |- Written on parched paper. |- Written on lined paper. |- Lacks the characteristics of a |

|Authentic & Creative |- All aspects of diary seem |- Illustrations and good |- No cover or illustrations. |diary produced in the era. |

| |real life. |descriptions. |- Some facts included. |- Inaccurate history |

| |- Historical data is highly |- Historically correct. |- Writes entries only on a |- Does not follow prescribed |

| |used. |- Writes entries on a weekly |monthly basis. |writing sequence. |

| |- Writes entries twice weekly.|basis. | | |

| |- Six-trait voice and ideas |- Six-trait voice is strong as |- Evidence of six-trait voice in |- No six-trait writing is used. |

| |are highly emphasized. |well as inclusion of ideas. |writing. |- Handwriting is not legible. |

|Writing |- Handwriting is impeccable. |- Handwriting is legible and |- Handwriting is most often |- Many errors occur in |

| |- No errors in convention. |neat. |legible. |conventions. |

| | |- Few errors in conventions |- Correct conventions but some | |

| | | |errors occur. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


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