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The Renaissance -The Rebirth of European ProgressLearning Targets – Part II can name the political and economic system that dominated Europe after the collapse of the Roman Empire (big concept)I can name the organization that became the center of power after the collapse of Rome (specific institution)I can name the disease that changed Europe during the late middle agesI can name the time-period that transitioned Europe from the Middle Ages to modern timesright317500The Collapse of Rome and the Middle AgesWhen the western portion of the Roman Empire collapsed, much of the European continent entered a period of disunity and violence_______________________, in which local rulers kept order for a reigning monarch (think Kings, Lords, Knights, Peasants), became the dominant political and economic system for centuries_______________________ with other regions, such as Middle East, North Africa, and greater Asia slowed to a trickle or disappeared altogether Comparative to the great advances of Rome, this period seen little technological progress, and was far less socially sophisticated The Power of the Church6095807174597In the absence of Roman government the Christian Church became the ____________________________________on the European landscapeBishops, cardinals, and ultimately the ______________ were often more powerful than lords and kingsMeanwhile, in the Middle East the more advanced Islamic culture continued to advance, and had ___________________________________________(land in modern day Israel that contains Jerusalem, sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike)In the year 1096 the Pope (spiritual leader of Catholic Christians) called upon European leaders to free the Holy Land of Islamic control-346595221673Re-Exposure to a Wider World The ____________________ (Christians vs Muslims for control of the Holy Land) lasted two centuriesEuropeans traveled back and forth from Europe to the Middle East and began to ____________________________with the more advanced cultures of the Middle East and greater AsiaThis exposure would eventually lead to a period of great progress for Europeans, but not before the ______________________________(Black Death) would wipe out 1/3 of the continent.-284307216016The Black Death Brings ChangeThe depopulation of Europe brought about several changes that ushered in the RenaissanceFew people meant that the peasants could demand more for their ______________________Great death and misery made many people _____________________ their religionCombined with ___________________________________________, these ______________________ lead to economic opportunities for more people, a greater interest in the world (less concerned with the Church), and a revival of education and the artsThe Rebirth of EuropeThe ___________________________ is a term used to describe the cultural changes that took place from roughly 1300 to 1600 (14th to 17th century) in EuropeIt is viewed as a ________________________________in art, literature, and sciencesMarked the ________________________ from the Middle Ages to modern times in EuropeEnd of the Church dominated Medieval Period and brought back a society in which strong central governments were in controlLearning Targets Part III can name the area of Europe where the Renaissance beganI can describe what Humanism is or what it emphasizedI can describe what a Renaissance man was and give the two examples learnedI can summarize why Renaissance art is important to understanding this time-periodThe Italian RenaissanceThe Renaissance was centered in Italy and gradually spread north across EuropeCenter of _______________________________following the CrusadesRenaissance had large focus on rediscovering __________________________________ and ideas = Italy has most prominent connections to the legacy of Ancient RomeItalian city-states were hardest hit by the Plague, resulting in a social climate that embraced living “in the now” and ________________________________left25781000HumanismThe Renaissance had a focus on ________________________ = non-religious social moment that emphasizes the value of the human experience, scientific discovery, and learningIn essence, it was a revival of classical _____________________________________ ideas that had once allowed that civilization to flourishIn contrast the middle ages focus was on ____________________ issues and the Renaissance focused on _______________________(secular)The HumanitiesCentral to renewed interest in learning was the study of ______________________: history,?literature, philosophy,?languages, religion, music, and?the artsRenaissance thinkers embraced these studies as a way to understand and value the _________________________________of lifeRenaissance MenThinkers and artists who studied a variety of subjects, including the sciences, came to be known as a _____________________________________________ = intelligent and talented men who were skilled and knowledgeable in many things. Men, such as ____________________ and ________________________________, would champion the idea of a Renaissance Man by creating the period’s best known paintings, sculpture, architecture, as well as advance medical knowledge and engineering skills412825025278800281224225278800Michelangelo540846897155Sculptor, engineer, poet, painter, architectMost famous works include:Statue of DavidThe Pieta Sistine ChapelDome of St. Peters Cathedral in Rome425323021590000Leonardo da Vinci544449025082500256286025082500Painter, sculptor, inventor, architect, musician, engineerMost famous for:Painting of Mona LisaPainting of The Last SupperStudy of human anatomyPlans for flying machinesArtistic GreatnessRenaissance Men created these beautiful paintings and sculptures by combining intellectual and artistic ability2680508632633Renaissance art reflects social and intellectual advancement by employing new techniques such as ______________________ (less abstract/emotion), ______________________ (everyday people) and _____________________________ (3-Dimentional/math based)108712016856VS. Learning Targets Part IIII can name the process for scientific discovery (finding truth)I can describe what the heliocentric model of the universe isI can define what a “heresy” isScientific AdvancementsIn addition to the Humanities, thinkers of the late Renaissance period (1500s) were also focused on scientific discoveryGreat advancements were made in Astronomy, Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, and developing the process of _____________________________________________ The era in human advancement is referred to as the _________________________________________, and often found itself at odds with the Christian Church as old ways of thinking were challengedcenter-25710800New Ways of ThinkingAstronomers such as Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei proved through observation and mathematics that the Sun was the center of our solar system (_____________________________________________), Scientific philosophers such as Francis Bacon advocated that a truth can only be known after putting it though a processes of questioning and experimentation, known today as the ________________________Mathematicians such as Isaac Newton formulated the ______________________________________ ______________________________________, new systems of computation (Calculus), and said that all laws of nature are mathematical and therefor understandableChallenging the ChurchIn the Middle Ages the Church taught that the Earth and heavens above were the center of the Universe, and that understanding the world came from Biblical knowledgeA Heliocentric (Sun Centered) model of the Universe ___________________________ this and brought astronomers like Galileo before the Church court to answer to charges of ________________________ (view contrary to Church teachings) The scientific method encouraged that truth is a process of discovery, thereby reducing the authority of the Bible 31923085090371197998944-48260133159500 ................

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