How to Run Skyward ELL Roster - Grand Prairie Independent ...

How to Run Skyward ELL Roster

1. Login to skyward student 2. From the drop down select your campus

3. Once campus has been selected press the students tab

4. Then select Data Mining

5. Make sure that under reports to display "All Reports" is displayed and under report name type in LPAC ELL Student Roster then hit enter. You will need to highlight the report in blue like the picture below.

6. How to know you selected the correct report is by checking the created by column. Make sure that my name is showing like the picture below and the date created was 08/14/2015. Even though it was created in 2015 you will always get up do date data.

7. Once you see the report highlighted in blue you can select the star to mark it your favorite and then select excel in order to run the report.

8. Once report is completed click on view report.

9. Once you open the report you will always get this message below. Click yes. 10. Below is an example of the report.

If you would like to see a video please click on the link below.


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