Ridgewood Avenue Home and School Association

Ridgewood Avenue Home and School Association

Approved September Minutes September 10, 2010

Officers Present: Sharon Harms, President; Maria deMeola, 1st Vice President; Kathy Weissenberger, 2nd Vice President; Sonya Twyman, Treasurer; Leah Zweig, Secretary

Sharon Harms called the meeting to order at 8:55 AM.

Sharon Harms welcomed everyone to the first Home & School Association meeting of the school year. Sharon introduced Principal Michael Donovan, the Board of Education’s president and school’s liaison Betsy Ginsburg and the H&SA officers. Sharon explained that the H&SA meetings are held every month, except December, and alternate between mornings and evenings.

Principal’s Report – Mike Donovan reported:

- The school year had a successful start. Mr. Donovan reminded parents that, if they sign the Dismissal Policy form, they must email him if they wish to rescind the dismissal policy.

- The new district website is terrific. All parents must register on Skyward Family Access System to update information and get class lists. Winnie Kievet will be at Back to School night on September 16th to answer questions.

- Several improvements and changes were made over the summer, including technology upgrades to six classrooms. A science lab on the first floor was converted into a Language Arts room for Erica Marinaro. Mrs. Flippin and Mrs. Parisi switched offices and visitors now sign in Mrs. Flippin’s office.

- Some new staff were hired, including Jennifer Wujciak as the 3rd grade art teacher and four paraprofessionals.

- Some temporary staff leaves are occurring this year, including a three month medical leave for Angelo Corbo. Lauren Bas and Jennifer Lekas are going on maternity leave in January and March, respectively.

- A pilot program is starting with Jennifer Lekas and Nicole Dilkes. Students in these classes will switch teaches for more subjects than other 5th grade students. Students will have Mrs. Lekas for Language Arts and Social Studies and Mrs. Dilkes for Math and Science.

- Keisha Harris is continuing as interim Assistant Principal and the position of Gifted and Talented teacher has been eliminated. Young Learners for 3rd graders will be pulled out of classes to work with Joyce Mooney. Gifted and Talented participants in grades 4 through 6 will not be pulled out of classrooms, but will work on projects in their classroom.

- As part of a district-wide review of the Language Arts curriculum, the school is focusing on writing this year. Rhino Readers will continue.

- The NJ ASK test scores should be out in a few weeks and will be sent home. New this year, any students who score partially proficient on the test will be eligible for Basic Skills. Incoming 3rd students who received Basic Skills in the end schools will automatically be eligible for Basic Skills. In addition, the school will monitor incoming 3rd grade students who may need Basic Skills.

- The Gas Lamp Players donated $5,000 to the school for technology upgrades.

- The school is implementing a new emergency drill policy and will conduct one fire drill and one emergency lockdown drill per month.

- The school is kicking off a new sister school program with a school in Guatemala. As part of a new Enrichment program, students will learn about and interact with students in the sister school. Several assemblies and in-classroom activities are planned for the year and some classrooms have already skyped with the sister school.

- The school held a moment of silence to remember September 11th.

Upcoming events include:

- School pictures are September 14th through September 16th.

- September 16th is Back to School Night.

- The Rotary Club is giving new dictionaries to 3rd graders on September 24th.

- September 24th is Parents’ Field Day.

- An Internet Safety presentation by Bergen County detectives to 6th through 10th graders is on September 28th. A presentation to parents on Internet Safety is on October 5th. This presentation is open to all parents.

Mr. Donovan later in the meeting requested $800 for pizza for birthday lunches (see Votes below).

Teacher’s Report: Deborah Torella reported:

- Thank you to Home & School Association for technology upgrades to six classrooms.

- Lauren Bas reported that November is Adoption Awareness month. The Adoption Awareness Breakfast for families with adopted children at the school is on Wednesday, Nov. 3rd. Ms. Bas requested $125 for this event. Sharon Harms called for a vote and the $125 request was approved (see Votes below).

Board of Education –Betsy Ginsburg reported:

- Three officials from the New Jersey Department of Education spoke about charter schools at the BOE’s annual summer retreat. Since Glen Ridge does not have a lot of the issues as many underserved districts, charter schools will not help our district. Charter schools are controlled by trustees, not the elected Board of Education. The BOE is now exploring privatization.

- The BOE is conducting a district-wide review of the Language Arts curriculum and writing skills.

- Negotiations with representatives of the GREA (the teachers’ union) are ongoing.

President’s Report – Sharon Harms reported:

- Signatory changes were made to bank accounts at PNC Bank. Interim Principal Michael Donovan now has signatory authority and former Principal Dirk Phillips no longer has signatory authority. Home & School Association Treasurer Sonya Twyman now has signatory authority and former Treasurer Marge Kallies no longer has signatory authority. Home & School Association President Sharon Harms continues to have signatory authority.

- The H&SA Officers met over the summer to plan for the school year.

- Communication updates from committees and for events should go to Kathy Weissenberger. Kathy will update the H&SA website. In general, committees should send three emails per event: 1) save the date; 2) more detailed information; and 3) reminder. All emails must be sent to Mr. Donovan for approval.

- Kathy Weissenberger and Maria deMeola created a terrific first newsletter and website. Three newsletters are planned for this school year (September, January and May).

- Marge Kallies transitioned the financial books to new Treasurer Sonya Twyman.

- Several committees were active over the summer, including School Supplies, the Ways & Means Committee, the Enrichment Committee, the Holiday Store, and the Social Committee.

Treasurer’s Report – Sonya Twyman reported:

- Current available cash is $22,701.90. $22,403.79 is committed for upcoming events and the total available funds is $298.11.

Committee Reports:

- Alternative Funding: Kathy Weissenberger reported that completing tech room upgrades and replacing the 6th grade lockers are the two main initiatives this year. The committee also hopes to start upgrading technology at the high school. Kathy said she will have additional information to report at the October 7th H&SA meeting.

- Discovery: Sonya Twyman reported that the Discovery brochure will be on-line this session. The committee is expanding the TREPS Workshop to 7th and 8th graders.

- Holiday Store: Tami Kinley reported that orders have been placed for this year’s Holiday Store. Most of the merchandise is under $10. The committee is trying new hours this year and the Holiday Store will be open on Monday, November 29th. The committee may have an “Adult Only” Holiday Store one evening with higher priced merchandise. The school receives a percentage of the purchases from this evening and the inventory will have to be purchased.

- Enrichment: Leah Zweig reported that the committee met with Mr. Donovan over the summer. RockRoots, A History of American Pop Music on November 2nd and Anne Pasquale, Liberty Belles on January 27th are two new assemblies. As a result of the new assemblies, the committee requested an additional $245 (see Votes below).

- MAC: Christine Heinicke overviewed MAC (Municipal Alliance Committee) and asked for a donation of $500. Sharon Harms tabled the discussion and asked Christine to present at the next H&SA meeting on October 7th.

Appreciation – Sharon Harms thanked the following:

- Christine Bagin for school supplies.

- Kathy Weissenberger and Maria DeMeola for the newsletter and the website.

- The H&SA officers for summer planning sessions and transitioning several committees.


- Shari Dreier made a motion to approve $125 for the Adoption Awareness Breakfast; Maria DeMeola seconded and all were in favor.

- Christine Heinicke made a motion to approve $245 additional funds for the Enrichment Committee; Jennifer Cifelli seconded and all were in favor.

- Maria deMeola made a motion to approve $800 for pizza for birthday lunches; Barbara Weston seconded and all were in favor.

- Sonya Twyman made a motion to approve the June minutes; Maria deMeola seconded and all were in favor.

Sharon Harms adjourned the meeting at 10:25 AM.


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