Wednesday, October 17, 2012

GWMS Library

PRESENT: Dr. Kashmanian, Annette Testa, Beth Clay, Mitra Basu, Janice Mazzo, Helen Dolan, Gwen Sullivan, Carol Olson, Joan Gaidimas, Amy Bachmann, Barb Crowe, Ann Hida, Debbie Engel, Lori Weil, Tina Telesco, Allison Rogers,

Denise Eickmeyer-Tze, Kathy Slomin, Loren Mularz, Caroline Schmalz, Sandy Sullivan, Ariadne Krassas, Ajanta Kumar,

Jocelyn Dreier, Sue Goetze, Cathy Stillwagon, Rikki Lowy, Kim Lucky, Lynn Granski

CALL TO ORDER: The President called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion to approve the minutes was made by Annette Testa; motion approved by Mitra Basu, seconded by Gwen Sullivan and approved by all present.


• Information regarding the 8th grade trip to Washington D.C. will be distributed via home room teachers this week and will also be posted on the GW Website. The trip dates are June 12, 13 and 14, 2013.

• The October 10th Back to School Night and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony went very well. Thank you to all who attended.

• Work on the GW construction punch list is ongoing and according to Joe Thomas, head of district construction, will probably take about a year to complete.

• Mrs. Gould (Godwin 8th grade math teacher) has returned from maternity leave. Mrs. Corlett (special education) will be taking off the entire academic year. Mrs. Van Buren is her substitute.

• The deadline to register students on Skyward ended on Monday, October 15, 2012. Forty two (42) students had not completed the registration by this deadline and because the school does not have the consent from this online process, these students are not allowed computer access at School. Dr. Kashmanian will be sending letters to these students/their parents/caregivers informing them that in order to register now and gain computer access a letter giving consent needs to be submitted to the GW Guidance Department.

• Dr. Kashmanian would ask parents assistance in reducing the effects of the rumor mill by addressing questions or comments immediately and directly to Dr. Kashmanian about any School issue. Dr. Kashmanian is accessible via phone or email.

• Dr. Kashmanian complimented the two assemblies that have been held to date in the new gymnasium facility;

ALIVE Heroes Challenge, held September 28th and the Be More Heroic Assembly held on October 4th

ALIVE Heroes is a successful endeavor organized by two Ridgewood High School students; Lindsay Testa and Aidan Trevisan. The program featured two veterans who spoke to the student body. As part of this program, blue wrist bands with the names of military personnel who have been wounded have been sold. Approximately 1000 bracelets have been sold to date and sales continue as this program is offered to other local Schools. Profits from the sales go to the Bob Woodruff Foundation.

The Be More Heroic Assembly featuring Allie Stroker (Ridgewood resident and 2nd runner up on the TV program Glee Project 2) was outstanding and well received by the students. Dr. Kashmanian thanked the GW HSA for paying the $800 to bring Allie and her group to GW. The Assembly dealt with issues of Bullying. Allie Stroker’s organization is teaming up with the GW student committee Teen Angels. Teen Angels formed several years ago at GW and has grown to become a national organization fighting Bullying On-Line. The plan is to hold this Assembly every year.

Dr. Kashmanian concluded saying that is wonderful to be able to gather the entire student body in this new space.

• HIB cases are still occurring at GW. Dr. Kashmanian and Annette Testa reiterated that the GW must comply with the state’s laws regarding HIB. However, Dr. Kashmanian emphasized that it is far better for students to learn these social lessons in middle school rather than high school where the consequences could affect college applications. She added that the schools can not do it all and parents are still the number one role models for children’s behavior.

• Dr. Kashmanian addressed a question from Denise Eickmeyer-Tze regarding whether there would be a trip to Quebec this year for French students. The trip to Quebec is paid for by the student’s families and the School only pays for the few teacher chaperones required. Dr. Kashmanian confirmed that there would be a trip and that she was researching potential trips for the other languages. The Quebec trip is made via bus and because of this has been more feasible than other language (Spanish/Latin) trips which would require air travel. Dr. Kashmanian encouraged parents whose children are involved in the Cambodia Club to consider that trip offered in February 2013.


Ridgewood High School HSA President, Lori Weil and one of the RHS Learning Commons Development Chairs, Tina Telesco presented an initiative to improve the current High School library. The library which is forty eight (48) years old is one of the most utilized spaces at the High School and services the 1700 students as well as staff. This project began under the former High School principal Jack Lorenz would: revitalize the space to reflect current study habits – creating for example different areas for quiet study, group study, student committee meeting, expand the current capacity of 100 to 204 without losing any classroom space, create laptop space and perhaps add a café. The library book stacks will be redesigned. Books will not be eliminated. A committee of seventy (70) individuals has been assembled to design the internal space.

To date, a plan for the space and an estimate of $850,000 for the work has been prepared by LAN Associates. LAN was selected because they have done other local Ridgewood School construction projects and is familiar with the needs.

The $850,000 breaks down: $600,000 for the construction (much of it to update the electrical infrastructure) and $250,000 for fixtures, furniture and technology. To date, $75,000 has been raised via a phonation. A $100,000 grant from the Ridgewood Education Foundation has also been awarded to this project. The Ridgewood Board of Education has partnered with this initiative and will make an investment but that amount is not known at this time. In addition, the Ridgewood Board of Education has given approval for naming rights.

The initial goal is to raise the funds by January 2013 so that construction can begin in June 2013. The Ridgewood Community seems to be very much in favor of this positive initiative and it has received a lot of good press.

Annette added that this project was not part of the recent bond referendum that gave monies to elementary and middle schools as well as the high school because the high school had other – more urgent – needs that were on the bond referendum. She added that the middle and elementary schools can assist with fundraising because this is an educational improvement.

It has also been approved by Dr. Kashmanian that some of the monies resulting from the GW February Parent Social/Auction can be earmarked for this project.

Kim Lucky added that these changes to the library will be addressed at the Scoop Night for the incoming 9th graders.

Lori Weil and Tina Telesco ask that people visit and the face book page for additional information.


• Thank you to the following:

Beth Clay for compiling, proofing and arranging the printing of the GW directory; please contact Beth if you

would like an extra copy at bethclay@

• Debbie Brusey for the great 6th grade photo book

• Rikki Lowy for being the chaperone chair for the 6th grade camping trip

• Kelly Petersen for arranging a beautiful day for school photos

• Christine Eckels for chairing book gifting

• Debbie Engel and Suzanne Golabek for selecting a great assortment of spirit wear, marketing the merchandise and attending various meetings to sell GW wear

• Angela Olson and Kelly Petersen for organizing the 7th grade community service fair and chairing this important project. For many children, this is their first introduction of giving back to the community

• Elaine Hammer and Bhavana Vij, our hospitality chairs, for arranging food and beverages at Back-To-School Night and the class moms for bringing in items

• Executive Board for preparing refreshments for the GW Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

• Leigh Warren for planning the Parent Social and Gail and Jim McCarthy for opening up their beautiful home for the 150 GW parents

• GW School Supplies Coordinator. There is still a need to fill this position. If anyone has any interest, please contact Annette.

• October 4, 2012 Federated Meeting Highlights:

- Board of Education member Michele Lenhard announced that Dr. Dan Fishbein was nominated by his peers as Superintendent of the Year for the Northern NJ region. Will find out next month if he is Superintendent of the Year for NJ

- Memorandom of Agreement – still waiting on union to review. After this review, it goes to the teachers union followed by the Board of Education. Hoping all votes will occur by November.

Note: On October 18th, The Board of Education and the Ridgewood Education Association representing the district’s teachers and secretaries reached labor agreements covering the period July 11, 2011 through June 30, 2015.

- The Federated Board announced that the Wizards game is Friday, January 25. Federated is looking for teachers and staff to play in the game.


Mitra reported that since each grade is doing its own fundraising, she has changed the names of some of the line items to reflect this change.

Expenses from July 2012 to September 2012:

Grocery Gift Card $10,355.00

Printology $ 1,280.00 (directory printing)

Printology $ 360.00 (photo book printing)

Lynne Peabody $ 115.51 (refund for school supplies)

Books Bytes and Beyond $ 622.67 (book gifting)

NJ Division of Consumer Affairs $ 150.00 (NJ tax return filing fee)

Be More Heroic $ 800.00 (assembly)

Ridgewood Press $ 538.00 (printing 1st day packets)


Total Expenses: $14,221.18

Deposits To Date:

School Photos $18,792.00

6th Grade Photo book $ 95.00

Birthday Book $ 3,390.00

HSA Dues/Directory $ 3,002.00

8th Grade End of Year Party $ 500.00 (refund from women’s club for last year’s security deposit)

8th Grade Fundraiser $ 142.00

Plant/Bulb Sale $ 131.14 (last year)

GW Wear $ 3,250.00

Grocery Gift Card Inventory Sales $ 2,900.00 (September-October 2012)

Grocery Gift Card Order $ 8,400.00 (October 2012)

Total Grocery Gift Card Deposit $11,300.00 __________

Total Deposits: $40, 602.14

Annette made a motion to approve the Treasurer Report. Motion was approved by Kim Lucky, seconded by Jennifer Hamlet and approved by all present.

It was mentioned that the 7th grade fundraiser is to be a cookout. Ideas are still being approved.


• $32,000 for the technology wish list items was approved.

A wish list of priority items reflecting improvements to classroom technology were selected from the entire wish list by Dr. Kashmanian was reviewed. Annette emphasized that the money being spent on these items is money raised by last academic year fundraising and that the job of the HSA is to fundraise with a purpose and to spend the money raised and to keep at least $20,000 in the bank for the following year.

Addressing Ajunta Kumar’s question about a second wish list, Annette stated that there was a second list and that it was comprised of the items that did not make it on to this list which reflect what the teachers and staff want now.

Janice Mazzo replied when asked by Amy Bachmann about what items would then be listed in the annual Friends of GW fundraising letter that Planning and Development are on hold with that letter at this point.

Per Annette, as the February 1st Parent Social/Auction has no fundraising goal, any monies raised at this event will go to this second wish list and perhaps the RHS Learning Commons.

A motion was made to approve $32,000 for this technology wish list. Motion was approved by Debbie Engel and seconded by Kim Lucky and approved by all present.

• Fundraising Event on Election Day, November 6, 2012

Volunteers are needed to staff this event which will be held from 10 am – 4 pm at GW School. Goffle Brook Farms will have items available for purchase or for pre-ordering for the holidays.

• Parent Social/Auction on February 1st, 2013 at the Woman’s Club

On Friday, October 26th at 9:30 am, there will be an organization meeting at the home of Heidi Nidds, 33 Park Slope.

Anyone interested in helping with this event welcome to attend.


Core Curriculum Committee – Gwen Sullivan

After several years of research, new science kits have been purchased for the schools. The kits are part of the STC Program. This Program provides four (4) science kits per year per grade as well as teacher training. Teachers began training with these kits in June 2012 and have provided positive feedback. The teacher training will continue through March 2013. There is also an on-line component and technological support if necessary. Teachers are able to monitor student work when on-line.

Grocery Gift Card Program – Kim Lucky

Kim would like to sell gift cards to parents on the Parent Visitation Day, November 29, 2012. Anyone interested in volunteer to staff a table will be able to sign up at the November 14th HSA meeting.

GW Wear- Debbie Engel and Suzanne Golabek

$6,939.00 has been made in GW wear sales to date. Debbie stated that there some units left but that approximately $3,000.00 in profits will be made from this sale amount. She and Suzanne would like to do a holiday sale but a wonderful fall start.

Ladies Night Out – November 15th at 7:30 pm hosted by Michelle Haas and Sue Zulauf. The event will be held at the home of Sue Zulauf.

7th Grade evening with Dr. Kashmanian - November 1st at 7:30 pm hosted by Annika and Philip McCrea

6th Grade evening with Dr. Kashmanian – November 19th at 7:30 pm at GW Middle School

8th Grade Fundraiser – Goffle Brook Farm

Annette announced that the next HSA meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 14 at 1:00 pm.

As there was no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm by President Annette Testa

Respectfully submitted,

Laura R. Miller

GW HSA Secretary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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