Muizenberg High School – Progredior since 1898

Grade 11 visual literacy: advertisingLockdown Language LessonAcknowledgement: I consulted the following article on Google. I suggest that you also read it.Author: Orana VelardeArticle: 20 + commonly used advertising techniques in visual marketing. blog/visual-advertising-techniques To sell a product / brand it has to be advertised in a manner that will speak to the target audience. The well-known concept of A - attentionI - interestD - desireA - action applies when advertisingThe product/brand is competing in the marketplace with multiple products and it could depend on the advertisement campaign whether it will outsell its counterparts on the market. What is the advertisement advertising? It could be the actual product or an idea linked to the product or a lifestyle linked to the product.Logos and slogans:Some brands become household names and then the logo and slogan of the product on the advertisement will sell the product.Advertising techniques include:Use of colourUse of languageBody language – the way the people in advertisements stand, sit etc. is important as their body language communicate information about the product to the viewer.The gaze of the person – it could be a close-up with the person gazing directly at the reader. Symbolism- for instance what do flowers symbolize in an advertisement for mother’s day?Association – with what does the reader associate the image and text of the advertisement? Take an example from our present COVID-19 experience – with what would the viewer associate a mask in an advertisement for a shopping mall? Focal point – where will the viewer’s focus fall when looking at the advertisement.Visual path – how will the viewer’s eye travel when reading the advertisement? Typography – choice and size of font; the ratio between the text and the image.Taking the viewer behind the scenes – showing the viewer how it works could create a better relationship of understanding with potential consumers.Anthropomorphism – giving animals in the advertisement human characteristics.StorytellingSocial / scientific proofCelebrity endorsementLet us study examples of advertisements:Advertisement 1 Identify the product that this advertisement is advertising.CLUE: is it a product or a service?According to you, how does the advertiser use typography in a clever way to get the interest of the viewer.Critically evaluate whether the logo is effective within the context of the advertisement.Advice: in your answer you should determine whether there are words and ideas that link with the logo. Explain whether the message of the advertisement would benefit if the advertisement were in colour. Advertisement 2THE TEXT IN THE ADVERTISEMENTIntelligent light system Mercedez Benz60% more visibility The best or nothingExplanatory note on this advertisement: the manufacturers claim that the light system is as good as x-ray vision.2.1Identify the product that this advertisement is advertising.2.2Explain what the vocal point is in this advertisement.2.3Discuss the ethos of the company taking the slogan into consideration.2.4Critically evaluate whether, according to you, this is a successful advertisement.Advertisement 33.1Write down the name of the company. Explain how you know this name although it is not in the advertisement. 3.2What does the company call the logo?3.3The company is using a well-known tennis player to advertise the product. Can you identify the tennis player?3.4Why did they decide to use a childhood image of the player for this advertisement?3.5Discuss whether, according to you, the text and the image embody the company slogan.Tip: discuss all aspects about the text and the image in your answer. I would refer to body language in my answer.3.6From the list of advertising techniques write down the techniques used in this advertisement.Advertisement 4 4.1 In the advertisement the hamburger is split into two images that do not match up. 4.1.1 Why is the hamburger to your left smaller?4.1.2 Why is the hamburger to your right juicier and bigger?4.2 From the list of advertising techniques write down the technique used for this advertisement. 4.3 According to you could a franchise that is not an international brand like McDonald’s afford to be this honest with the consumer? 4.4 According to you could this advertisement damage McDonald’s reputation with the consumer? Tip: in your answer you could agree or disagree, or even agree and disagree. ADVERTISEMENT 5?5.1What is the name of the company?5.2What does the company slogan promise the consumer?5.3Who is the target market?5.3According to you is this an effective advertisement to advertise the company for Valentine’s Day? ADVERTISEMENT 6??6.1.1Who is funding this advertisement?6.1.2 What do you think the company wants to achieve with this advertisement?6.2.1 What emotion would the advertiser want the viewer to ascribe to the chimpanzee?6.2.2 What advertising technique does the advertiser use when ascribing a human quality to an animal?6.1.3 Explain why the advertiser uses this technique in this particular advertisement? In your answer you should consider the image, text and as well as the advertising company. ................

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