In the first brochure on the “Public Market” (what), the city of Rochester (who) is trying to influence all the residents in the Rochester-area who come-in-contact with this brochure so they can advertise the public market (why). The event happens on Tuesday’s, Thursday’s, and Saturday’s (when). The purpose for this brochure is to impress, entertain, and inform the residents of Rochester. Reading through the brochure, the city tries to show off their market and make it seem like one of the best ones ever. They are trying to impress you by showing off all the things the market has to offer (fresh produce, garage sales, food trucks, bands etc.) By hosting this event three days a week (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday), it gives the people of the Rochester-area something to do. This brochure also informs the people on this event. It gives the days of business, the address, contact information, history, and what the market has to offer.It appears that throughout the brochure, the font varies. Most of the on the front page appears to be large enough for people to easily read. However, basically all the font on the back page is way too small. There is also no need to have the same logo next to each other on the front page. The logo should appear one time and it should be in the center of the page. There is also too much going on, on the front page. One the sides of the page, the city is promoting what the market has to offer. The back page to the brochure is basically all words. Only a few photos, the complete opposite of the front page. In addition to the cluster of paragraphs, the font size is way to small. The brochure should have just been the front page. There is no need to add that second page basically cramming to much information down the readers throat. Maybe add a little more information and organize it a little more, the brochure would have been a lot better.The second brochure “What to Know When There’s Snow”, provides the readers up to date information on what the city of Rochester does and what their residents should do when snow starts coming down. The purpose of this brochure is to inform and educate the readers. The first page is pretty clean and organized. However, it has a lot of open space that was not used. When you go to the second page, that is where all of the information really is. Splitting up the words evenly would help the reader go through the brochure a lot better. The brochure has too many font colors to it. Two different color blues, red, and black. The city should stick to two or three font colors. The brochure also adds a lot of web-links to visit for more information. The purpose of the brochure is to inform the residents, but they really do not answer a lot of questions. They just tell the reader to refer to certain web-links.Overall, this brochure is similar to the first brochure. There is not a lot of information on the front page, and then the city tries to cram the rest of the information in small font on the last page of the brochure. Make it more even, same amount of words and phots on both sides. Also, simplify what the author is trying to inform. Less words, more photos.The brochures did get their messages across pretty effectively. The brochures got the information the city wanted to get effectively. However, they consisted of too much text crammed in both on one page. Evening out the text and images would help the reader understand the message easier and clearer. ................

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