Our work to promote Fair Trade is ... - MOBLE PTY LTD

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRDuring the past year The Fair Trade Association has continued in its endeavor to lead and grow the Fair Trade Movement to create a more just and equitable world.I would like to thank the Executive Committee. Their hard work and commitment has resulted in a number of initiatives to fulfill our commitment to the shared Vision of Fair Trade in our region. I would like to thank the outgoing members of the board, Rob Bremner and Linda Gaden and I know their support will be ongoing within the Fair Trade Movement. I would also like to welcome Kate Fawcett who was appointed earlier in the year as our part time Admin and Communications Officer, and she is already helping in many areas of the running of the Fair Trade Association. The most exciting development was modernizing our website. With a new look we aim to strengthen our promotion of events such as fair trade markets, improve access to information, continue to promote FToA endorsee or licensee members products and improve our administrative efficiency. We welcome input from members and communities about fair trade events, and information or suggestions. The new site went live a few weeks ago as we iron out teething problems.Our Fair Traders of Australia are featured on the new website as before with a profile page about each enterprise, and a link to their website for potential customers. (We were pleased to welcome our new Fair Trader of Australia – The Elephant Emporium – shortly after the year-end).Our work to promote Fair Trade is complemented by self-organized activity in endorsed Fair Trade Communities and informal network groups. A selection of highlights can be found in the reportAn inaugural Fair Trade Faith Conference was held in Queanbeyan. We acknowledge the hard work of Rev John Martin for initiating this inspiring event, to be held in Springwood, NSW in 2019. Faith groups also held a number of successful fair trade markets and events, welcomed by our Association members as a forum to sell their products and talk about the impact of fair trade on the lives of their artisan producers. School communities were active in Fair Trade Fortnight with fair trade displays at Mulwaree and Goulburn High Schools. A poster competition was held through schools in Bangalow. University events included the annual Fair Trade market at the University of Melbourne, ethical fashion school event at Adelaide University, events at O week, and other initiatives by the student bodies.Corporate support continued with a number of Fair Traders being invited by Ernst Young (EY) to a workplace Christmas market. Blackmores also hosted a Christmas shopping event.Among our council supporters in Australia, a special thank you to Goulburn Council and Goulburn Fair Trade for organizing a Fair Trade Information Evening and a Fair Trade Christmas market. Bangalow has continued to support Fair Trade, organizing a poster competition at local schools for World Fair Trade Day. The Fair Trade Movement is grown through the efforts of individuals. I applaud this ongoing work in Fair Traders of Australia, Association members, Fair Trade Communities and fair trade supporters in continuing the work of the global Fair Trade Movement in our region. and look forward to new initiatives and developments in 2018 – 19, and beyond.Rosemary FrankChairEXECUTIVE Current Executive CommitteeThe Executive Committee for 2017-18 consisted of the following members:Rosemary Frank - ChairKelly Upton - Deputy ChairAndy Good - TreasurerNicole Lamond - SecretaryAnna Spoore (Ilagan)Rob BremnerLinda GadenBarton WalshStaffKate Fawcett – Admin and Communications OfficerACTIVITY REPORT 2017-18Over the past year, The Fair Trade Association has increased its capacity and implemented a number of initiatives:Designed and printed leaflets about Fair Trade to explain the value of fair trade which are available on request for distribution at events and markets.Designed and distributed a Fair Trade Christmas shopping guide featuring products from Fair Traders of Australia and member licensees of the Fairtrade label. Employed a part-time Admin and Communications Officer, Kate Fawcett.Implemented regular social media posts publicizing Markets and events and profiling endorsee businessesImplemented regular newsletters to supporters, endorsees and communities covering news and advocacy campaigns from Global Fair Trade MovementRe-designed and modernized our website to improve functionality. (This is now operational but requires some running in!)Supported Rev John Martin in his inaugural Fair Trade Faith Conference Developed a strong strategic programme and EC planning approach to prioritize our workProduced logo collateral for FToA participation in the AGHA trade fair and local markets, enhancing sales and logo recognitionOUR MEMBERSHIPMembers of the Fair Trade Association are enterprises that support our Vision and Mission whilst Friends of Fair Trade are individuals who, driven by purpose bring a complementary breadth of skills and time to our advocacy and stewardship.Thus supporter businesses and Friends of Fair Trade are critical to achieving a sustainable and growing Association. Indeed, fees from membership and programs are our sole income.Our key priorities for the year were to strengthen administrative capacity and deliver a modern and relevant shop front to attract new members. (As we speak, both are in place and with the seeds sown, we have begun to welcome a number of new social enterprises to membership.)FAIR TRADERS OF AUSTRALIA PROGRAMMEThe Association runs an independent third party endorsement of member’s Fair Trade business practice based on the Global WFTO 10 Principles of Fair Trade. Applicants undergo a detailed assessment process to determine if they are following best Fair Trade practice across their business. If this independent assessment is successful they may use the Fair Trader of Australia?logo?to promote their business and gain consumer credibility. Endorsement and encourages businesses to?continually reflect and develop?best practice in Fair Trade?management.?All endorsees may display the logo on their website and promotional materials. They receive an annual certificate and a laminated logo for use at events or in offices.We are encouraged by 10 new applicants beginning their journey during the 2017-18. 1 was endorsed shortly after the year end and we expect more by Christmas. 2018-19 will also see existing endorsees reviewed.We are committed to growing the perceived value of the endorsement logo.A list of endorsed members can be found on our websiteFAIR TRADE COMMUNITIES ENDORSEMENT PROGRAMMEThe Fair Trade Communities programme provides a vehicle for promoting awareness of Fair Trade and purchasing of Fair Trade products. It enables schools, faith groups, universities, councils and workplaces to be recognized for their support of Fair Trade, and to encourage their community to join together to support a cause that alleviates poverty, provides opportunity to the people who make the things we buy, and works towards a fairer world. To obtain recognition as an endorsed Fair Trade Community, each entity must demonstrate a commitment to purchasing Fair Trade products and promoting the Fair Trade Movement. Highlights from endorsed Fair Trade Communities in 2017/2018 include:Fair Trade Councils or TownsGoulburn Council hosted a Fair Trade Presentation at Workplace 2580 to local business owners, school students and other interested parties. An introduction by the Mayor of Goulburn was followed by mini-presentations by Fair Traders of Australia, the Elephant Emporium, Ethica and AfriBeads, and members the Toucan Shop. A Fair Trade Market followed on the Saturday.Bangalow Town organized a Christmas market.Adelaide Council organized a school event around ethical fashion.Fremantle Council partnered with Oxfam to provide Fair Trade Christmas gift purchasing. Fair Trade UniversitiesThe University of Adelaide had an active fair trade stand at O Week, and a clothing swap to raise money for Fashion Revolution. This year they also designed an ethical fashion magazine for students.Deakin University has an active student mentoring scheme that has run for many years and provided several passionate advocates for the Fair Trade Movement. They started the year with a stand at O Week and have a small shop selling fair trade products.The University of Melbourne held its annual Fair Trade market. Macquarie University held a Fair Trade Market and Seminar in August 2017. Fair Trade SchoolsDuring Fair Trade Fortnight, Goulburn Fair Trade organized a Fair Trade display at Mulwaree and Goulburn High schools, and a Fair Trade cooking class. Bangalow Town held a fair trade poster competition with posters displayed in local businesses. Bangalow Fair Trade spoke at the local schools. In Victoria, member Moral Fairground also organized a school poster competition whilst in West Sydney, Uplift Fair Trade has a classroom programmeFair Trade Faith GroupsThe inaugural Fair Trade Faith Conference was held in April in Queanbeyan organized by Rev John Martin. It included a range of interesting speakers and a Fair Trade Market on the Saturday featuring stalls from member businesses from Sydney and Melbourne.In NSW, Fair Trade Markets were held by Erina Baptist church, the Hills Justice group, St Johns Anglican Church Gordon, Northside Baptist Church, Wyong Baptist Church, Springwood Uniting Church, All Souls Anglican Church Leichardt, Gymea Baptist, St Paul’s Anglican Church Chatswood, and at Concord Community Anglican Church. Concord also hosted a Fair Trade Fashion Parade in June 2018.In Queensland, Fair Trade Christmas Markets were organized at Redlands Christian Reformed Church in Ormiston, and the Southport Uniting Church. Hatton Vale Community Uniting church held a Fair Trade Market in July.In Victoria, a Fair Trade Christmas Market was held at TLC Church in Bayswater and at One Church in Blackburn.Highlights from the Global Fair Trade MovementFTA is the regional peak body representing fair trade in Australia. We are a network member of WFTO, the founder of the original 10 Fair Trade principlesWorld Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO)World Fair Trade Day 12 May 2018 This WFTO initiative takes place on the second Saturday of May and is an inclusive worldwide festival of events celebrating Fair Trade’s contribution to sustainable development. Using the slogan ‘Live Fair, one product at a time’ there were a number of events in the regionInternational Women’s Day 8th March 2018: WFTO supports this event every year. Women’s empowerment is at the heart of our fair trade activity. The FTA supported their #GenderEqualityNow #PressForProgress campaign on social mediaFashion Revolution April 2017 There were many events held around Fashion Revolution with a strong social media campaign. Many events organized a screening and discussion of the documentary ‘The True Cost’. Highlights from Fair Trade Network groups around the regionsFTA has ties with many informal groups known as networks who principle purpose is advocacy to support its members. FTA encourages supporters to seek out and strengthen these local groupsIn Western Australia, the Network group meets throughout the year to support and encourage their membersIn NSW, Network group members meet monthly and have a social media presence to highlight events and support fair trade. It also continues to support the Fair Trade Emporium in Marrickville, a cooperative of participating Fair Traders of Australia and Association members. The Western Sydney Network group organized a fair trade market in Glenbrook. The Newcastle and Central Coast Network group organized a pop-up shop, the Fair Trade Hub. In Victoria, Nicole Lamond organized a network meeting in June 2017In Queensland, there was a Christmas Fair Trade Market at Queensland Sports Centre in Kessels Road ................

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