TOBB - Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği



Located in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia is the largest country in the Eastern sub- region next to the Republic of Sudan. The massive highlands of mountain ranges and plateaus are divided by the Great Rift Valley, which runs southwest to northeast. Within the Rift Valley formation are a number of lakes, streams, river basins and the surrounding lowlands, steppes or semi-deserts of diverse terrain and escarpments gifted with fairly suitable climate and weather conditions which naturally host a wide range of vegetation and wild life.

The topography of Ethiopia is characterized by fascinating echo-system. There, you find snows in the Simen Mountains at the peak of Ras Dashen at one site and an ever-erupting volcanic activities and fire- lakes in Ertale in the lower depression zone of the Afar region at another site. Ethiopia is also known to be the origin of coffee tree, which derived its name from Kaffa, a district in South western part of Ethiopia, where the plant is naturally grown to this date.

Whatever stated here is not exaggeration. It may sound strange to the readers, but seeing is believing; as the saying goes. To tip just a few points to your imagination, Ethiopia is the land of 13th months of sunshine where sunrise and sunset is visible for more than 12 months. You may say how more than 12 months could be possible. That is it. You may find things in Ethiopia, many times, either unique or of a mosaic of extremely variant features. The country entered the Third Millennium recently, i.e., on 11th of September 2007. Parallel to modernity and the faces of civilization you can see the real faces of old traditions and primitive-hood, riches and poor reside not far-apart.

People here never feel their ethnic, cultural, religious, etc. differences. Over 77 million populations constituting various nations, nationalities and ethnic group lead peaceful life in harmony for centuries now, despite these differences. That is why Ethiopia is known by many outsiders as a cultural museum.

If one speaks about ancient empires and civilization, Ethiopia is the one to mention in this sub-region. The obelisks of Aksum the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, several other standing monuments and sculptures clearly witness this remote civilization. With a number of archeological findings coming forth, some of them dating as long as 5.9 million years, researchers on this discipline imagine Ethiopia as the origin of human settlement on Earth. Addis Ababa, the Capital City is a seat of African Union and also other United Nations regional organizations and representative office. Each year the city hosts a number of the AU sessions, and other regional and International conferences and meetings.

Of over 1.14 million Square kilometers of land area, about 13.2 million hectare or 12 per cent is cultivable, 40% is pastureland and this together with seasonal rainfall and abundant water resource has made agriculture the mainstay of the country's economy. It contributes 47% to the GDP, 80% to export and employs 80% of labor force. Water is the most untapped resource. A dozen of large rivers, including Blue Nile which flow along the country, serve as a life line for millions of people in the lower riparian countries. That is why people often call Ethiopia as the water tower of the Horn.

Livestock is another important resource the country is known for. Ethiopia ranks first in Africa and tenth in the world in livestock population. This sector also provides boundless opportunity for investors to look for investment in areas such as cattle breeding, dairy farming, poultry, abattoirs, tannery, manufacturing of leather and leather products and so on.

Businessmen interested on trade exchange can also develop partnership with several Ethiopians, engaged on foreign trade. Exportable are mainly dominated by agricultural products such as coffee, oil seeds and pulses, hides and skin and in manufacturing, textile and garments and leather and leather products also make sizable contribution to export.

Though Ethiopia is one of the least developed and poor countries of the World, the country is now at a crossroad to come out of this vicious circle. Investment is rising, the economy is growing at an unprecedented rate and tangible progress has been recorded in the last decade. In short, Ethiopia is turning to the land of opportunity; both local and foreign investors are in venture in business now, the number tourists arrival is also increasing at significant rate.

We respectfully call on you to invest in Ethiopia and benefit a huge investment potential, reliable macro-economic stability and wide market prospects; visit the country and enjoy Ethiopian hospitality as well.


Initial Investment Capital and Investment Areas 

A foreign investor, who intends to invest on his/her own, except in consultancy services and publishing, is required to invest not less than USD 100,000 in cash and/or in kind as an initial investment capital per project. The minimum capital required of a wholly foreign investor investing in consultancy services or publishing is USD 50,000, which may be in cash and/or in kind. A foreign investor reinvesting his/her profit or dividends, or exporting 75 per cent of his/her outputs, however, is not required to allocate a minimum capital.

A foreign investor is allowed to invest in all areas of investment except those reserved for government, Ethiopian nationals and other domestic investors.

Major Investment Incentives 

To encourage private investment and promote the inflow of foreign capital and technology into Ethiopia, the following incentives are granted to both domestic and foreign investors engaged in areas eligible for investment incentives:

Customs Import Duty

One hundred per cent exemption from the payment of import customs duties and other taxes levied on imports is granted to an investor to import all investment capital goods, such as plant machinery and equipment, construction materials., as well as spare parts worth up to 15% of the value of the imported investment capital goods, provided that the goods are not produced locally in comparable quantity, quality and price.

Investment capital goods imported without the payment of import customs duties and other taxes levied on imports may be transferred to another investor enjoying similar privileges.

Some investment areas such as hotels (other than star designated), whole sale, retail and import trade, maintenance service, etc. are not eligible for exemption from customs duty. (Please see schedule two)

Exemptions from customs duties or other taxes levied on imports are granted for raw materials necessary for the production of export goods. In accordance with the Proclamation No. 249/2001, three duty incentive schemes are available for exporters. They are Duty Draw-Back Scheme, Voucher Scheme and Bonded Manufacturing Warehouse Scheme. Taxes and duties paid on raw materials are drawn back at the time of export of finished products. The duty draw back scheme applies to all taxes at the time of importation, and those paid on local purchases.

Exemption from Payment of Export Customs Duties

Ethiopian products and services destined for export are exempted from the payment of any export tax and other taxes levied on exports.

Income Tax Holiday

Any income derived from an approved new manufacturing and agro-industry investment or investment made in agriculture shall be exempted from the payment of income tax for the periods depicted in the following table, depending upon the area of investment, the volume of export, and the location in which the investment is undertaken.

Profit tax holiday is granted subject to Council of Ministers Regulation No.84/2003 issued on the basis of the Investment Proclamation No. 280/2002 as follows:

|Areas and Periods of Tax Exemption |

|Conditions for Profit Tax Eligibility |Profit tax exemption |Profit Tax exemption for investments made in |

| | |underdeveloped regions |

|An investor engaged |

|in a new manufacturing or agro-industry activity: |

|If he exports at least 50% of its products |5 years |6 years |

|If he supplies at least 75% of its products, to an investor, as an input for the |5 |6 |

|production of export items | | |

|If it exports less than 50% of its products |2 |3 |

|If the project is evaluated under a special circumstance by the BOI |up to 7 |up to 8 |

|If the production is for the local market |2 |3 |

|If the production mentioned above in (c) is considered by the BOI to be a special one |5 |6 |

|Expansion or upgrading of the above projects: |

|If the expansion or upgrading increases the existing production by 25%, in value and 50% |2 |3 |

|of the production is to be exported | | |

Board of Investment

Moreover, the Council of Ministers may also award profit tax holiday for greater than seven years. However, the Board may issue a directive to deny income tax exemption right granted to investors producing only for local market, as may be necessary. The period of exemption from profit tax begins from the date of the commencement of production or provision of services, as the case may be.

Loss Carried Forward

Business enterprises that suffer losses during the tax holiday period can carry forward such losses for half of the income tax exemption period following the expiry of the exemption period.


Guarantees to Investors 

Ethiopia provides the following guarantees to foreign investors:

Repatriation of Capital and Profits

Capital repatriation and remittance of dividends and interest is guaranteed to foreign investors under the Investment Proclamation. Any foreign investor has the right, in respect of an approved investment, to make the following remittances out of Ethiopia in convertible currency at the prevailing exchange rate on the date of remittance:

• Profits and dividends accruing from an investment;

• Principal and interest payments on external loans;

• Payments related to technology transfer or management agreements;

• Proceeds from sale or liquidation of an enterprise;

• Proceeds from the sale or transfer of shares or of partial ownership of an enterprise to a domestic investor;

• Compensation paid to a foreign investor;

• Expatriates employed in an enterprise may remit, in convertible foreign currency, salaries and other payments accruing from their employment in accordance with the foreign exchange regulations or directives of the country.

Guarantee Against Expropriation

The constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia protects private property. The Investment Proclamation also provides investment guarantee against measures of expropriation and nationalization that may only occur for public interest and in compliance with the requirement of the law. Where such expropriations are made, the Government guarantees to provide adequate compensation corresponding to the prevailing market value of property and such payment shall be effected promptly.

Other Guarantees

Ethiopia is a member of the World Bank-affiliated Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), which issues guarantees against non-commercial risks to enterprises that invest in signatory countries. Ethiopia is currently concluding bilateral investment promotion and protection agreements with a number of developed and developing countries, and it is ready to conclude such treaties with any country at any time. Ethiopia has also signed the World Bank treaty, “the International Convention on Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of other States (ICSID)”.



The principal taxes currently in place are profit tax, turn over tax (TOT), value-added tax (VAT), excise tax, customs duty and income tax from employment. VAT has replaced sales tax. TOT and withholding taxes have been introduced recently. Other taxes include corporate tax, dividend income tax, royalties and stamp duties.

The Government has recently been introducing a series of measures to reform the tax system with a view to encouraging investment and foreign trade. On the whole, the reform process is to reduce the rates but broaden the base.

Corporate Income Tax

The corporate income tax (tax on profit) in Ethiopia is 30 per cent.

Turn Over Tax

A 2 per cent tax is payable from supplying of goods to the local market and rendering of construction, grain mill, tractor, combine harvesting services undertaken in the country. A 10 per cent tax is payable on other sectors excluding the above mentioned services.

Excise Tax

Excise tax is levied on selected items when produced locally or imported from abroad. The tax rate ranges from ten per cent to hundred per cent.

Customs Duties

Customs duties are payable on imports by all persons and entities which have no duty-free privileges. The main regulation on customs duty has introduced a harmonized system of classification of goods and the rate of customs duty ranges from 0 to 35 per cent.

Income Tax from Employment

Personal income tax is payable as per Proclamation No.286/2002. According to this law, the first Birr 150 of monthly personal income is exempted from payment of income tax. For monthly income of Birr 151 and above the marginal tax rates range from 10 per cent to 35 per cent with 7 income brackets as shown below.


|Income tax from employment |

|Monthly income (Birr) |Tax rate (%) |

|Up to 150 |Nil |

|151-650 |10 |

|651-1400 |15 |

|1401-2350 |20 |

|2351-3550 |25 |

|3551-5000 |30 |

|Above 5000 |35 |

Export Taxes

There are no taxes on export products and services from Ethiopia.

Withholding Tax

Withholding tax is payable on import of goods and is set at 3 per cent of the same cost, insurance and freight. In case of organizations, having legal personality, government agencies, private non-profit institutions, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the amount withheld is 2 per cent of the gross amount of payment.

Value Added Tax

Value added tax is levied on those businesses whose turnover is over and above Birr 500,000 per year. They are expected to pay 15 per cent VAT. All export goods and basic services, however, are exempted from VAT.

| Principal Taxes |Tax Rate |

|Corporate Income Tax |30% |

|Turn Over Tax (TOT) |2% and 10% |

|Excise Tax |10% up to 100% |

|Customs Duties |0% up to 35% |

|Income Tax from Employment |0% up to 35% |

|Export Taxes |--- |

|With holding Taxes |2% |

|Value Added Tax |15% |

Tax Treaties

Ethiopia has concluded tax treaties with a number of countries and is also ready to conclude similar treaties with other countries for the purpose of avoidance of double taxation.

For more details refer to the web site of the

Ethiopian Investment Commission:


A focus is here made to give highlights on export sector. Agricultural products such as coffee, oilseeds, pulses, fruits and vegetables, spices, meat, live animals, natural gum, tea and cotton are the main exportable item of the sector currently. Export of manufacturing sector constitute textile and garments, cotton yarn and fabrics, leather and leather products, other products such as flowers and minerals (gold, tantalum). To give highlights on the main exportable:


Ethiopian coffee is exclusively of the Arabica type, the type is mostly used for blending other coffees in the World market for its special blend and taste. It is organic and exported in its green form. About 50 % of coffee production is used for local consumption; annual export has not yet exceeded 250,000 tons.


Oilseeds grown in Ethiopia comprises sesame, Niger seed, Ground nuts, Rape seed, Sunflower, Linseed, Castor seed, Pumpkin seed and Mustered seed.

Sesame and Niger seed are the dominant ones and Ethiopia ranks among the top 5 World producers of Sesame. Most of the Sesame producer farmers do not use chemical fertilizers and other chemical inputs and hence the product has great potential for sell under organic labeling. The whitish Humera type is known in the World market for its` sweet taste. Production and export capacity of oilseeds can be estimated at about 320, 000 tons per annum according to the Government’s plan.


Ethiopia has a great potential for producing organic pulses to the international market. Pulses grown comprise horse beans, peas, chickpeas, lentil and haricot bean. Current production and export of pulse is estimated at 200,000 tons per annum as can be seen from the government plan.


Ethiopia’s diverse agro-climatic condition is suitable for the growth of both indigenous and exotic species of spices. Indigenous to the country are Kararmia or Korarima Cordoman and the Ethiopian long pepper. Others such as Ginger, Cumin, Coriander, Chili, Anis, Cardoman and several other exotic breeds are also widely grown.

Fruits and Vegetables and Flowers

Production and export of various types of tropical fruits, vegetables and cut flowers is widely practiced as a result sweet able agro-ecological conditions. The Ethiopian soil is ideal for the growth of bobby beans, red onion, papaya, banana, potato, asparagus, avocado, French beans, mango and several others. Major vegetables export include green beans, okra, melon, white and red onions, shallots, cabbage, leeks, beetroots, carrots, green chilies, tomatoes and lettuce. Main exportable fruits are oranges, mandarin, grape fruit, mangoes, guavas, lemons and limes. Over 40,000 tons of exports of fruits and vegetables are exported per annum currently.


Tea is currently grown into large plantations in an estimated area of 1,300-1,500 hectares with an annual production of 5,000 tons. There exists wide opportunity for tea cultivation to expand in the near future and the government has, at present, identified 500,000 hectares of land suitable for tea plantation. Ethiopia is endowed with suitable climate, amount of rainfall, humidity and type of soil which all together determine the quality of tea.

Textile and Garments

The textile industry is the largest manufacturing industry in the country, employing over 30,000 workers and constituting 36% of the entire product of the manufacturing industry. The main textile products manufactured in the country are cotton and nylon fabrics, acrylic yarn, woolen and waste cotton blankets and sewing thread.

At present there are eight integrated textile mills with a combined capacity of 140 million square meters of fabrics. In addition the sub-sector comprises three blanket factories and one sewing thread plant.

While the textile factories were established with primary objectives of meeting domestic demand for twills, drills, poplins, etc…they have, at present developed to a stage of exporting products to the US and EU markets with preferential market accesses provided by these countries and with the government initiatives to expand and advance the sector.


The crop is grown through out Ethiopia below the elevations of 1,400 meters. Cotton cultivation in Ethiopia largely depends on irrigation because most of lowlands suitable for it lack adequate. There is high prospect for export in the future; current production is mostly used for local textile manufacturing.

Live Animals

There are approximately 44 million cattle, 32 million sheep, 23.33 million goats, 2.31 million camels and over 42 million poultry. Main export of live animals and meat products include, steers and yearlings, lowland sheep and goats, fresh and chilled lamb and mutton carcass, fresh and chilled goat carcass, fresh and chilled veal carcass and beef four quarters and fresh and chilled boneless veal and beef. The country can annually export over a million heads of sheep and goats and over 500, 000 heads of cattle.

For meat and meat production, currently there are five export abattoirs of international standard and five meat processing plants producing fresh and frozen as well as canned meat products such as corned beef, minced beef, stewed steak, corned mutton, goulash, etc…. These plants can supply an estimated 48,910 tons of chilled and frozen meat and 16,000 tons of canned meat annually.

Leather and Leather Products

The country’s abundant livestock population has created a wide resource base for the development of the leather industry. Ethiopia thus supplies 16- 18 million pieces of hides and skins per annum for local tanneries. Besides local market the Ethiopian goatskins (Bati- type) are known for their dense fiber texture and sheepskins for their unique natural substance of fineness, thickness, flexibility, strength and compactness of texture in the world market. Ethiopian sheepskins are used world wide for extremely high class and high value gloves which often fetch more unit price than leather garments.

There are a number of small and medium scale industries which produce leather garments, footwear and small leather articles for domestic market. There exists, however, great potential for these industries and other new investors to enter into the field and compete markets world wide, given the resource base of the country.

Address List of Major Ethiopian Export Product Exporters

Annex I



|No |Company Name |Address |Contact person |

| | |Phone |Fax |E-mail |P.O. Box |Name |

|1 |AMAL TRADING CO. LTD |00251-11-1552512 |00251-11-1550958 | |1486 |Mohammed Bahajri |

| | |00251-91-1204170 | | | | |

|2 |OMAR & AWAD BAOBED |00251-11-4392857/58 |00251-11-4393728 | |1245 | |

| | |00251-91-1200120/ | | | |Awad A.Baobed |

| | |001200122/1635914 | | | | |

| | |00251-11-2751545 |00251-11-2754766 | |758 | |

|3 |BAJEBA PRIVATE LTD CO. |00251-11-4391544 |00251-11-4391545 | | |Negussie Belayneh |

| | |00251-91-1211202 | | | | |

|4 |J.J. KOTHARI & CO.LTD |00251-11-4661155 |00251-11-4661113 | | | |

| | |00251-91-1211024 | | |171 |Mesthet Seyoum |

| |ANTYPAS & BROTHERS LTD |00251-11-1551316 |00251-11-1550657 | | | |

|5 | |00251-11-1123770 | | |1606 |Panayotis |

|6 |AMBASSEL TRADING HOUSE |00251-11-5533502 |00251-11-5505840 | |12617 |Solomon Tekebe |

| | |00251-11-5525695 |00251-11-5515312 | | |Mohammed Ali |

| | |00251-11-5526001 | | | | |

| | |00251-11-4652288/ | | |80316 |Haile Berehea |

|7 |GUNA TRADING |4650512 |00251-11-4654633 | | | |

| | |00251-91-1208595 | | | | |

| | |00251-11-2776958 |00251-11-2777579 | |9277 |Abdurahman Abdi |

|8 |DINA TRADING.PLC |00251-91-1212134 | |abduruadem@ | | |

| | |00251-11-2751296/ | | |4202 |Oil seed,palses&spices |

|9 |YAHIA SAYED OMAR (YSO) |2770339/40 |00251-11-2752911 | | |Abdalla Yahia |

| | |00251-91-1205180/81 | | | | |

| | |00251-11-1114775 | | |14498 |Ahmed Adem |

|10 |AL - EMAN TRADING |00251-91-1204120 |00251-11-1551664 | | |Yishak Seifu |

| | |00251-11-4663952/ |00251-11-4655428 | | |Fekadu Terfa/Beru Lede |

|11 |ETHIOPIAN GRAIN TRADE ENTP |4665037 |00251-11-4652792 | |3321 |Teka Reda |

| | |00251-11-4650234/ | | | | |

| | |4652436 | | | | |

| | |00251-91-1207789 | | | | |

| | |00251-11-1566953/54/52 | | | | |

|12 |ODA SHARE CO. |00251-91-1235473 |00251-11-1552474 | |34369 |Ato Bilisa |

|13 |K.A.S.INT.TRADING |00251-11-1555869/ |00251-11-1560277 | | | |

| | |00251-22-112 82 99 | |nutuhussen@ |50609 |Nurhussien Ahmed |

| | |00251-91-1204568 | | | |Oilseed pulses-sirials |

|14 |WARKA TRADING P.L.C. |00251-11-1558121 | | | | |

| | |00251-91-1201217 |00251-11-1551950 | |19639 |Yitbarek Zegeye |

|15 |TAYE BELAY GEN.IMP/EXPORT |00251-11-2779630/31 |00251-11-2779632 | | |Ato Taye Belay |

| | |00251-91-1204014 | | | | |

| | |00251-91-1404475 | | | | |

|1 |HAWAS AGRI BUSINESS PVT.LTD CO. |00251-11-4431596/97 |00251-11-4431594 | | | |

|16 | |4402164 |00251-22-1114321 | |5723 |Bulbula Tulle |

| | |00251-91-1207356/ | | | | |

| | |1247414 | | | | |

|17 |ALI ABDU ALI IMPORT & EXPORT |00251-11-4670202 | | | | |

| | |00251-91-1208066 |00251-11-4670203 |aligdd@ |122646 |Ali abdu |

|18 |BEYEN TEKA GEN. IM/EX |00251-11-6620813 | | | | |

| | |00251-91-1602012 |00251-11-6620813 |beyeneteka@ |32296 |Beyene teka |

|19 |MALIMA PLC. |00251-11-2841128 | | | | |

| | |00251-11-2843839/84 |00251-11-2843838 |malima@ |13130 |Ato Geresu |

| | |00251-91-1200080 | | | | |

| | |00251-11-6639416 | | | |Muna Mulugeta |

|20 |MANDURA ETHIOPIA |00251-11-6639418 |00251-11-6639417 | |25883 |Dr Mussie yacub |

| | |00251-91-1214218 | | | | |

|21 |ASNAKE ADDISSU NEGASH EXPORTER |00251-11-5522068 | | | | |

| | |00251-91-1221122/ |00251-11-5522067 | |10366 |Tesfaya Sissay |

| | |1212903 | | | | |

|22 |CAMELS TRADING Enterprise pvt.. |00251-11-2754881 |00251-11-2762623 | |1148 |Legesse Feyissa |

| | |00251-91-1205374 | | | | |

|23 |C.G.F BUSINESS GROUP Pr.. |00251-11-4166268 |00251-11-4166270 | |23833 |Aserat Abera |

| | |00251-91-1212787 | | |Code1000 |Ato Ahmmed |

| | |00251-91-1372581 | | | | |

|24 |ALPHA TRADING PARTNERS P.L.C. |00251-11-5528084 |00251-11-5528085 | |1617 |Ato Tewodros Yilma |

| | |00251-91-1203254 | | | |W/ro Haimanot kebede |

| | |00251-91-1209450 | | | | |

|25 |AGRO PROM INTERNATIONAL PLC. |00251-11-6631836 |00251-11-6631824 | | | |

| | |00251-91-1223619 | | | |Ato Elias Geneti |

|26 |ABDULSEMED TAKELE |00251-11-1558455 |00251-11-1569530 |abdulemedexp.htm |182992 |Ato Abudulsemed Takele |

| | |00251-91-1200127/ | |ismael@ | | |

| | |1133263 | | | | |

|27 |MULAT ABEGAZ GENERAL EXP. ENT. |00251-11-1236717 |00251-11-1236716 | | | |

| | |00251-91-1236208 | |mulatoil.gex@ |8486 |Ato Mulat Abegaz |

| | |00251-91-1223159 | | | | |

|28 |CROWN TRADING Pvt.Ltd. Co. |00251-11-2763157 |00251-11-2763158 | | |Ato Samuale Tadess |

| | |00251-11-2771161 |00251-11-5533681 | |25741 | |

|29 |M.Y GLOBAL TRADING P.L.C. |00251-11-4162719/ |00251-11-4164441 | | |Ato Metena Yahiya Ali |

| | |6555188 | | |57850 |Ato Kendu Meheret |

| | |00251-91-1205167/ | | | | |

| | |1067107 | | | | |

|30 |KALEB SERVICE FARMERS HOUSE P.L.C. |00251-11-6630861 |00251-11-6630862 | |9594 |Mesfin Tadesse |

| | |00251-91-1203360 | | | | |

|31 |SULULTA AGRO INDUSTRY |00251-11-5540260/ |00251-11-5540282 | |25890 |Ato Wondem Anteneh |

| | |5504452 | |wondim@ |Code 1000 | |

| | |00251-91-1250752 | | | | |

|32 |NILE SOURCE P.L.C |00251-11-1113436 |00251-11-1562171 | |24400 |Ato Geresu |

| | |00251-91-1200451 |00251-11-2762211 | |17325 |Ato Mekete Bale |

| | |00251-91-1204755 | | | | |

|33 |KALU TRANSPORT AGRICULTURE & IN.PR.TR.EN |00251-11-2841621 |00251-11-2841622 |Kalu@ |26542 |Ato Teshale Bezabih |

| | |00251-91-1205102 | | | | |

|34 |AL-IMPEX IMPORT-EXPORT |00251-11-6634400/01 |00251-11-6630451 |AL-Impex@ |7185 |Ato Alula G/Michael |

| | | | | | |Ato Samuel G.M. Paulos |

|35 |BEDFAM P.L.C |00251-11-2799495 |00251-11-2799494 | |57456 |Ato Nuredin Bedru |

| | |00251-91-1219376 | |muredin-bedru@ | | |

|36 |LABORA INTERNATIONAL TRADING PLC |251-11-4665553/56 |00251-11-4665544 | |13823 |Dr. Bewketu Tadesse |

|37 |HAJUTA TRADING PLC |00251-11-6621232 |00251-11-6295785/ |hajutatrading@ |170221 |Ato H/Mariam |

| | |00251-91-1505195/ | | | | |

| | |1877313 |86 | | | |

|38 |KANA INDUSTRY AND TRADING PLC |00251-11-1235198/ |00251-11-1235197 | |12723 |Ato Kebede Mirach |

| | |1223522 | | | |W/ro Nibyat Kebede |

|39 |SMART BUSINESS GROUP PLC |00251-11-6634785/83 |00251-11-6634785 | |6329 |Ato Dawit Alemayehu |

|40 |DANIEL DESSALEGN MENGISTU |00251-91-1665057/ |00251-11-5540648 | |794 |Ato Daniel desalegn |

| | |1222033 | | | |Ato H/wolled Kasachewu |

|41 |YHAENU P.L.C |00251-11-2841426/ |00251-11-2841425 | |1778 CODE 1250 |Ato Yared Feysa |

| | |2843441/2 | | | |Ato Tewodros Kassa |

| | |00251-91-1205209/ | | | | |

| | |1660224 | | | | |

|42 |SORETI INTERNATIONAL TREDING |00251-11-6182671/73 |00251-11-6182673 | |20217code 1000 |Wro Dama Sheko |

| | |00251-91-1428026/ | | |A.A. |Ato Bulbula Tulle |

| | |1207356 | | | | |

|43 |NET-WAYS INTERNATIONAL PLC |00251-11-6637676/ |00251-11-6638899 | |19352 |Ato Tesfaye Sisay |

| | |638979 | | | | |

| | |00251-91-1221122 | | | | |

Annex II

Horticulture Producers and Exporters Association /EHPEA/

Members Directory (Revised on September 1, 2007 )

|No |Company Name |Contact Person |Tel. |Fax |P.O.Box |Email |

| |“A” Flower |Ato. Anwar A/Kader |00251-11- 5533237 |00251-11-5534697 |28912 | |

| | |Ato Hussen | | |Addis Ababa | |

| |Abyssinia Flowers |Mr. Gerad |00251-11-6639590 |00251-11-6631402 |40320 | or |

| | |Ato. Gizachew Belay |00251-11-663 14 02 | |Addis Ababa |gizbelay@ |

| | | |00251-11-468 20 33 | | | |

| |Addis floracom Plc. |Mr. Shibeshi Bettemariam |00251-11-6292490 |00251-11-3206413 | | |

| | |W/rt Tseday |00251-11-320 6412-4 | | |tasfaw@ |

| |Agri Flora P.L.C |Mr.Pradeepan |00251-11 518-5805 |011-251-30-08 | | - |

| |Alliance Flowers Plc |Dyapa Venkateshwar Reddy |00251-11-4673614 | | |allianceflowers@ |

| | |Merone | | | | |

| |Almeta Impex Plc |Ato Yonas Alemu |00251-11-5534222/24 |00251-11-5515552 |100043 | |

| | | | | |Addis Ababa | |

| |AQ Rose PLC |Mr.Frank Ammerlaan |00251-46-4414277 |00251-46-4414271 |404 |ethiopia@ |

| | | | | |Ziway | |

| |Arsi Agricultural Mechanization |Mr. Kebir Hussen Wako |00251-11-4423661 |00251-11- 4404716 |5772 | |

| |Service |Mr. Tahir Aman |00251-11-4425355 |00251-11-4403416 |Addis Ababa | |

| | | |00251-11-4431946-49 | | | |

| | | |00251-22-1114228 | | | |

| | | |0025122-1114712 | | | |

| |Avon Flowers Plc. |Mr. Biruk |00251-11-466 99 71 |00251-11-4169946 |19900 |info@ |

| | |General manager | | |Addis Ababa | |

| |Awassa Green Woods Plc. |Mr. Tadesse Belay |00251-11- 5528900 |00251-11-5528808 |423 | |

| | | |00251-46-2210045 | |Addis Ababa | |

| |Beauty Green P.L.C |Ato Yonas Tsegaye |00251-11-5544601 |00251-11-5544604 |546 Code 1110 | |

| | |Ato Asrat | | | | |

| |Blen Flowers Plc |Mr. Assamenew Temesgen |00251-11- 6627299 |00251-11- 6627298 |4021 |blenflowers@ |

| | |Ms. Tenage, Secretary |00251-11- 6627301 | |Addis Ababa | |

| |Dandi Bour Floralia Plc |Mr. Sunil |00251-11-5510456 |00251-11- 5522999 |699 | |

| | |Dr. Likissa Dinsa | | |Addis Ababa | |

| |Dire Highland Flower Plc. |Mr. Seifu Bedada |00251-11-5513525 |00251-11-5156888 |2492 | |

| | |Ato Chanie |00251-11-5526310 |00251-11-5508411 |Addis Ababa | |

| | | |5514793 | | | |

| |Dream Flowers Plc. |Mr. E. Ravi Chandran |00251-11- 416 00 98 |00251-11- 4160098 |20884 code 1000 Addis |eravi@ |

| | | | | |Ababa | |

| |Dugda Floriculture Development Plc. |Mr. Adugna Bekele |00251-11- 655 52 78, 011 554 05 09,|00251-11- 2752464 |25628 code 1000 | |

| | | |011 275 46 55 |00251-11- 5540446 | | |

| |DYR |Ato. Yoseph Beyene |00251-11- 662 31 61 |00251-11- 662 31 78 |17758 | |

| | |Ato Henock | | |Addis Ababa |yosephb2000@ |

| |Eden Rose |W/ro Tshaye |00251-11-6461443 |00251-11- 6461446 |909 Code 1110 | |

| | | |00251-11-6461445 | | | |

| |Enyi Ethio Rose |Mr. Endale Yirga |00251-11- 348 19 87 |00251-11- 3482000 |1498 | |

| | |Ato Getachew |00251-11- 348 21 67 |00251-11- 5521786 |Addis Ababa |gebdane@ |

| | |Ato Daniel | | | | |

| | |Ato Adane | | | | |

| | |Ms Selam | | | | |

| |Eteco Plc. |Ato Teklegzi Tekie |00251-11-4162535 |00251-11-4162536 |5202 | |

| | |Ato. Tekelu G/Medehen |00251-11-4162532 |00251-11-5507773 |Addis Ababa | |

| | | |00251-11-5505000 | | | |

| |ET-Highland Flora Plc. |Ato Tsegaye Abebe |00251-11-4660982 |00251-11- 4660980 |602 | |

| | |Mr. Tim | | |Addis Ababa | |

| |Ethio Agri-CEFT |Mr. Yilma Yemane-Berhan |00251-11-6186483 |00251-11-6637782 | | |

| | |Dr. Birru Abebe |00251-11-6625327 |00251-11-6615573 | | |

| | |Asfaw Kejella |00251-11-6614127 | | | |

| | | |00251-11-6615608 | | | |

| |Ethio Dream Plc. |Mr. Salek Alberto |00251-11-4674541 |00251-11-11674544 |688 code 1250 | |

| | |Mrs. Manuela Bailey Abeba |4674542 | |Addis Ababa | |

| | | |4674543 | | | |

| | Ethio Flora Plc. |Mr. Tsegaye Abebe |00251-11-4660982 |00251-11-4660980 |602 | |

| | |Ato Mulugeta Abebe | | |Addis Ababa | |

| |Ethiopian Cuttings |Mr. Klaudio Katz |00251-11-6614511 |00251-11-6624655 |618 code 1250 | |

| | |Mr. Joerg, Mr. Zerihun |00251-11-6624655 | | | |

| |Euro Flora PLC |Mr. Shiranda Pia | |00251-11-6293093 |110650 | |

| | | | | |Addis Ababa | |

| |FIYORI Ethiopia Pvt.Ltd.Co |Ato Yohanes G/Ananeya |00251-11-6636292 |00251-11- 6635480 |26208 Code 1000 | |

| | |Ato Tekle | | | | |

| |Florensis Ethiopia Plc. |Mr. Ronald Vijverberg |00251-11- 6525556/57 | |2444 | |

| | | | | |Addis Ababa | |

| |Garad Plc. |Mr. Salhadin Abubker |00251-11- 156 04 87 |00251-11-1560485/84 |4040 | |

| | |Ms. Eyerusalem | | | | |

| | |Mr. Mohammed Durri | | | | |

| |Golden Rose Agro Farm Ltd. |Mr. Ryaz Shamji |00251-11- 466 99 71 |00251-11- 4169946 |19900 | |

| | |Ato Worku | | |Addis Ababa | |

| |Herburg Roses PLC |Mr. Adrianus Gerardus |00251-11- 4414279 |00251-11- 4414284 | | |

| |Holeta Rose Plc. |Mrs. Hadia Mohammed or |00251-11- 4671791 |00251-11- 671794 |2259 code 1110 Addis | |

| | |Mr. Vinod reddy |00251-11- 2370043 | |Ababa |vinodreddy@ |

| | | |00251-11- 4653641 | | |gvr55@ |

| | | | | | |hadiamg@ |

| |ILAN TOT PLC |Mr. Ilan Iliyhu |00251-11- 631928 |00251-11- 6569092 |2451 code 1250 |ilantot@ |

| | |Mr. Zelalem | | | |aszelalem@ |

| |J.J Kothari Plc. |Mr. Mukesh Meta |00251-11- 4661155 |00251-11-4661122/13 |171 | |

| |Joe Flowers Plc. |Mr. Wondirad Firdu |00251-11- 155 63 56 |00251-11- 551574 |22252 |joeflowersplc@ |

| | |Ato Henok |00251-11- 6186460 |00251-11- 6639033 |Addis Ababa | |

| |Jordan River Herbs Plc. |Mrs. Anat Harari Degani |00251-11- 6636173 |00251-11- 6540210 | |flower_herb@ |

| | | |00251-11- 654 02 07 - 09 | | | - |

| |Joytech |Mr.. Arenon Carmel |00251-11- 6620205 |00251-11- 6620206 |23688 |arnon@ |

| | |Ato. Addisu Nurbeza |00251-11- 4336123 |00251-11- 4336122 |Addis Ababa |addisu@ |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Mr.Anil Tumu |00251-11- 6513904 |00251-11- 6183171 |237 Holeta |rk@e- |

| |Karuturi Sai Ramarkrishna |Mr. Abader Mohmed | | | |abadir6@ |

| | | | | | |aniltumu@ |

| |Linssen Rose |Mr. Peter Linssen |00251-11- 3205668 |00251-11- 3205669 |5750 | |

| | |Ato Mekasha | | | | |

| | |Ato Henoki | | | | |

| |LUCY Ethiopia Flowers Plc |Mr. GWM Geurts |00251-11- 3200477 | |121077 |ger@ |

| | |Ato Sinshaw Abera |00251-91-1455797 | | |sinshaw@ |

| | |Ms Ayda | | | | |

| |MAM Trading Plc. |Ato Mussema Aman |00251-11- 4402080 |00251-11-4420066 |120956 | |

| | | |00251-11- 4424923 |00251-11-4432010 |Addis Ababa | |

| |Maranque Plants Plc. |Mr. Marc Driessen |00251-22-1190726 | |14262 |maranqueplants@ |

| | | | | |Addis Ababa |md@ |

| |Marginpar Ethiopia Pvt.Ltd.Co. |Arjan Van Roessel |00251-11-55320-33 |00251-11- 5517453 |8662 | |

| | |Ato Yemenu Semera |5519557 | | | |

| | | |5532033 | | | |

| |Menagesha Flowers Plc. |Mr. Solomon Sibehatu |00251-11- 5512033 |00251-11- 5512014 |11609 A.A | |

| | |W/rit Mignot |00251-11- 5523580/81 |00251-11- 5523581 | | |

| | |Ato Nigussu | | | | |

| |Metrolux Flowers |Ato. Daniel Gad |00251-11- 4669273 |00251-11- 4663701 | |dgad@ |

| |Meskel Flowers Pvt.Ltd.Co |Ato Eskinder Yosph |00251-11- 6614161 |00251-11- 6621231 |2917 | |

| | | |00251-11- 6621230 | | | |

| |Minaye Flowers Plc. |Ato. Yidnekachew Ayele |00251-11-3728667-69 |00251-11- 3710627 |11048 | |

| | | |00251-11- 5519380 | | | |

| | | |00251-11-3728667/69 00251-11- | | | |

| | | |3728666 | | | |

| |Mullo Farm Plc. |Ato. Gizachew Belay |00251-91-1206642 |00251-11- 6631402 |40320 | or |

| | |Mr. Toon van Kessel | | |Addis Ababa |gizbelay@ |

| | | | | | |tvankessel@ |

| |Oda Flower Plc. |Dr. Lemlem Sisay |00251-11- 6632849 |00251-11- 1561547 |6660 | |

| | | |00251-11- 1561572/73 | |Addis Ababa | |

| |Omega Farms Plc. |Ato. Daniel Gad |00251-11- 4669273 |00251-11- 4663701 |26086 code 1000 |dgad@ |

| | | |00251-11- 4669276 | | | |

| |Oromia Wonders | | |00251-11- 6181223 | |oromiawonders@ |

| |Red Fox Ethiopia Plc. |Mr. Muluken Lema |00251-11- 514966, |00251-11-5514956 | | |

| | |Mr. Guy Symondson |00251-22- 1129250-52 |00251-22-1129253 | | |

| | |Holeta | | | | |

| |Rose Ethiopia Plc |Mr. Amanuel Sahlemariam |00251-11- 5520596 |00251-11- 6625416 |10704 | |

| | |Ato Mesfin | |00251-11- 6637757 |Addis Ababa |roseethiopia@ |

| | |Ato Belachew | | | | |

| |Roshanaper Rose Plc. |Mr.K.Bhanu Prasad |00251-91-1472056 |-- | | |

| | |Ato Berket | | |---- |---- |

| |Saron Rose Agrofarm Plc. |Ato Nigusse G.Mariam |00251-91-1314797 |-- |101937 | |

| | |Mr. Shiren |00251-91-1201565 | |Addis Ababa | |

| | | |00251-11- 3728135 | | | |

| | | |00251-11- 6625551 | | | |

| |Sheba Flowers Plc. |Mr. Rotem Yessef |00251-91-1453245 |00251-11- 6183229 |588-1250 | |

| | |Ato Hailu | | |Addis Ababa | |

| | |Ato Thomas | | | | |

| |Siet Agro Plc. |Mr. Ermias Tadesse |00251-11- 5511835 |00251-11- 5533685 |43382 | |

| | | |00251-11- 5533684 | | | |

| |Spirit Plc. |Mr. David Cass |00251-11- 662 83 75 |00251-11- 6628377 | | |

| | |Ato Mehali | | | |mtimket@ |

| |Summit Plc. |Mr. Michael Asres, |00251-11- 6604865-75 |00251-11- 6604862 |17758 | |

| | |Mr. Samson | | |Addis Ababa | |

| | |Ato Yeshitila | | | | |

| | |Kassech / Asrate | | | | |

| |Super Arsity Flower Plc. |Wrt. Aynalem Abdulkadir |00251-11- 5533237 |00251-11- 5534697 |28912 | |

| | | |00251-11- 5534649 | | | |

| |Supra Flower Plc. |V.Mahesh Babu |00251-11-6631144 |00251-11- 6613880 |28300 Code 1000 | |

| | |Mr. Chandra. S Reddy | | | | |

| | |Mr. Solomon Abebe | | | | |

| |Tabor Herbs |Solomon Sebehatu |00251-11-15512014 |00251-11- 5512014 |11609 | |

| | |Mr. Yoram Yossi Perets | | | | |

| | |Ato Negus Solomon | | | | |

| |TAL Flowers Plc. |Mr. Gil Peleg |00251-11-618 97 00 |00251-11-61899700 | | |

| |Tepo Agricultural Plc. |Mr. Kebrabe Abebe |00251-11-551 51 79 |00251-11-5515145 |885 | |

| | | |00251-11-550 34 36 | |Addis Ababa | |

| |Tinaw Business S.C |Ato Tesfaye G/hiwot |00251-11-3720110 |00251-11-3720113 |18582 | |

| | |Ato Ahadu | | | | |

| |Top Flower Plc |Ato. Kamil Abdulkader |00251-11-5534699 |00251-11-55346 97 |28912 | |

| | | |00251-11- 5533237 | |Addis Ababa | |

| |Valley Farm Plc. |Mr. Tsefaldet Hagos |00251-11-5150872 |00251-11-6627893 | | |

| |Yassin Legesse Johnson Flower Farm |Ato Yasin Legesse | |00251-11-4390129 |25/1030 |yassinj@ |

| |Ziway Roses Plc. |Mr. Peter G.D.van Heukelom | | | | |

| |Zaguwe Flora Plc | | | | | |

Horticulture Producers and Exporters Association /EHPEA/

Members Directory (Revised on September 1, 2007)

|No. |Company Name |Farm Location |Export Product Type |Export Status |

| |“A” Flower |Holeta |Roses |Export |

| |Abyssinia Flowers |Sendafa |Hypericum & Eryngium |Export |

| |Addis floracom Plc. |Addis Alem |Premium Highland Roses |Export |

| |Agri Flora P.L.C |Addis Alem |Roses |Export |

| |Alliance Flowers Plc |Welmera Menagesha |Roses |Export |

| |Almeta Impex Plc |Koka |Grape |Export |

| |AQ Rose PLC |Ziway |Roses |Export |

| |Arsi Agricultural Mechanization Service |Welmera |Roses |Export |

| |Avon Flowers Plc. |Debrezeit |Roses |Export |

| |Awassa Green Woods Plc. |Awassa |Vegetable & Hortiseeds |Not exporting yet |

| |Beauty Green P.L.C |Tulu Bolo/Mehal Meda |Roses |Not exporting yet |

| |Blen Flowers Plc |Koka |Roses |Export |

| |Dandi Bour Floralia Plc |Holeta | |Not exporting yet |

| |Dire Highland Flower Plc.I |Holeta |Roses |Export |

| |Dire Highland Flower Plc.II |Alemgena | | |

| |Dream Flowers Plc. |Addis Alem |Roses |Export |

| |Dugda Floriculture Development Plc. |Debrezeit |Roses |Export |

| |DYR |Teji |Carnation |Export |

| |Eden Rose |Alem Gena |Roses |Export |

| |Enyi Ethio Rose I |Kara Kore Addis Ababa |Roses |Export |

| |Enyi Ethio Rose II |Awash | | |

| |Eteco Plc. |Ziway |Green beans and other vegetable | |

| |ET-Highland Flora Plc. |Sebeta |Roses |Export |

| |Ethio Agri-CEFT |Holeta |Roses |Export |

| |Ethio Dream Plc. |Holeta |Roses |Export |

| | Ethio Flora Plc. |Adami Tulu |Fresh Green beans | |

| |Ethiopian Cuttings |Koka |Geranium & Bedding balcon |Export |

| |Ethiopian Magical Farm |Sendafa |Hypericum & Carnation |Export |

| |Euro Flora PLC |Holeta | |Not exporting yet |

| |FIYORI Ethiopia Pvt.Ltd.Co |Holeta | |Export |

| |Florensis Ethiopia Plc. |Koka |Budding Plants |Export |

| |Garad Plc. |Welmera |Roses |No longer exports |

| |Golden Rose Agro Farm Ltd. |Tefki /Sebeta |Rose & Hypericum |Export |

| |Herburg Roses PLC |Ziway |Roses |Export |

| |Holeta Rose Plc. |Holeta |Roses |Export |

| |ILAN TOT PLC |Koka |Strawberries |Export |

| |J.J Kothari Plc. |Chancho |Roses |Export |

| |Joe Flowers Plc. |Holeta |Roses |Export |

| |Jordan River Herbs Plc. |Menagesha |Herbs |Export |

| |Joytech |Debrezeit |Roses & Gypsophilia |Export |

| |Karuturi Sai Ramarkrishna |Holeta |Roses |Export |

| |Linssen Rose |Addis Alem |Roses |Export |

| |LUCY Ethiopia Flowers Plc |Holeta |Roses |Export |

| |MAM Trading Plc. |Sendafa |Roses |Export |

| |Maranque Plants Plc. |Merti Jeju |Chrysantium &Pelargonium |Export |

| |Marginpar Ethiopia Pvt.Ltd.Co. |Welmera Menagesha | |Export |

| |Menagesha Flowers Plc. |Menagesha |Rose |Export |

| |Metrolux Flowers |Holeta |Roses, Dummer plants & Lillies |Export |

| |Meskel Flowers Pvt.Ltd.Co |Ziway |Rose |Export |

| |Minaye Flowers Plc. |Debrezeit |Rose |Export |

| |Mullo Farm Plc. |Chancho |Hypericum &Eryngium |Export |

| |Oda Flower Plc. |Sebeta |Roses |Export |

| |Omega Farms Plc. |Alemgena |Hypericum, Lily and Limonium | |

| |Oromia Wonders |Addis Alem |Roses |Export |

| |Red Fox Ethiopia Plc. |Koka |Unrotted cutting, Pelargonuim, Pninsttia |Export |

| |Rose Ethiopia Plc |Holeta |Rose |Export |

| |Roshanaper Rose Plc. |Debrezeit |Rose |Export |

| |Saron Rose Agrofarm Plc. |Alem Gena | |Export |

| |Sheba Flowers Plc. |Sebeta |Rose |Export |

| |Siet Agro Plc. |Addis Alem |Rose & Delphinium |Export |

| |Spirit Plc. |Debrezeit |Gypsophilia, Solidago & Limonium |Export |

| |Summit Plc. |Wenji |Roses | |

| |Super Arsity Flower Plc. |Awash Melkasa |Roses |Export |

| |Supra Flower Plc. |Addis Alem |Roses |Export |

| |Tabor Herbs |Awassa |Herbs |Export |

| |TAL Flowers Plc. |Alem Gena |Gypsophilia & Limonium |Export |

| |Tepo Agricultural Plc. | |Tomato, onion |Not exporting yet |

| |Tinaw Business S.C |Gurage zone Azhar woreda | |Not exporting yet |

| |Top Flower Plc |Holeta |Roses |Export |

| |Valley Farm Plc. |Meki | | |

| |Yassin Legesse Johnson Flower Farm |Debrezeit |Roses |Export |

| |Ziway Roses Plc. |Ziway |Roses |Export |

| |Zaguwe Flora Plc |Alem Gena | |Not exporting yet |

|Company Name |A D D R E S S |Status |

| |Phone |Fax |E-mail |P.O. Box | |

|Coffee Exporters |

|Ethiopian Coffee Exporters |25113711990/ |25113711477 | |8808 |With capacity of 85-90% of the country’s |

|Association |711130 | | |Addis Ababa |coffee export |

|Alfoz Pvt. Ltd. Co. |251116621745/ |6621745/6624389 | |13732 |Exports about 7000 tons of coffee annually |

| |6624283 | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Adem Bedane Oda Importer-Exporter |251111222550/515255 |1222553 | |2135 |Exporter of coffee, pulses and spices |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Ambassa Enterprise Plc. |251114167221/4655314 |4654888 | |2253 |Exports over 4000 tons of coffee annually |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Mullege Pvt. Ltd. Co. |251116461727/643883 |6461729 |mullegecoffee@ |12791 |Exports over 14,000 tons of coffee per annum |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative |251115506114/6555094 |5506116 | |1394 |2000 tons capacity per annum |

|Societies Union | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|S.Sara Coffee Export Enterprise |251011371316/3726294 |3726293 |sara |5661 |Medium export capacity |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Bashanfer Trading Plc. |251115559210/556993 |550924 | |8888/73 |Fairly medium capacity |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Awda Private Ltd. Co. |2510116625747/6180850 |6615598 | |13019 |Fair capacity |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|ASK International Trading Plc. |2510114391588/4390354 |4390353 | |19374 |Exports to major markets as Japan, Germany, |

| | | | |Addis Ababa |US, etc |

|Yirga Cheffe Coffee Farmers |2510114431774/4421613 |4402533 | |122641 | |

|Cooperative Union | | | |Addis Ababa | |

| | | | | | |

|Tea |

|Ethio Agri Ceft |2510116615608/6637780 |13712229 | |2520 |Exports to various foreign countries |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|East African Agri-Business |25101113201263 |25101113727499 | |6267 |Exports abroad |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Fruits and Vegetables and Flowers |

|Ethio Flora |25114660981 |25114660980 | |602 |Exports to over 10 countries |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|ETFRUIT (Ethiopian Horti Culture |251151517005 |25115516483 | |2374 |Exports to various countries |

|Producers & Exporters Association)| | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Eteco Plc. |25116636728 |25116636729 | |5202 |Exporter to Europe and Middle East |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Upper Awash Agro Industry |2511156202 |25115518646 | |12624 | |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Golden Rose Agro Farm Ltd. |2511155006 |2511005514451 | |19900 | |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Meat Processing Plants |

|Helimex Hashim Nuru Plc. |2511116336 |2511556602 |Hashim |22528 |Livestock and meat exporter |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Luna Slaughter Plc. |25115150872 |25115150336 |Tefera Hailu@ |4550 |Exporter |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Modjo Modern Export Kera Plc. |2511160899 |25115537879 | |4202 | |

| | | | |Modjo | |

|Elfora Agro Industries Plc. |2511620834 |25116620208 | |2500 |Exporter |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

| | | | | | |

|Live Animal Exporters |

|Saafi Trading Plc. |25116627408 |25116611252 | |18808 |Exports live goat and chilled meat |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|ITA Agro Industry |2511551860 |25111551860 | |1027 |Chilled meat and live animals |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Kalied Ahmed Importer-Exporter |25122111823 |251221118230 | | |Exporter of live animals |

|Textile and Garment |

|Almeda Textile Plc. |00251115515909 |251115517442 | |13383 |Foot wear production and export |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Ras Dashen Textile Factory Plc. |251114421376 |251114421374 | |22723 |Casual wear production & export |

|Adei Abeba Yarn Factory |25114420618 |25114425123 | |5653 |Yarn and garment production export |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Dire Dawa(Addis Izmir) |25115510791 |2515110582 | |29 Dire Dawa |Cotton and acrylic yarn fabrics production and|

| | | | | |export |

|Awassa Textile Factory |25115514984 |25115514984 |habibnarin@awassa. |186 |Produces and exports cotton dyed and printed |

| | | | |Addis Ababa |fabrics |

|Bahir Dar Textile Factory |25111505531381 |25115512747 | |1125 |Prodution of grey fabrics, grey sheets, poplin|

| | | | |B.Dar |and export |

|Combolcha Textile Factory |2511530124 |2511511771 | |126 |Production and export of poplin, bed sheet, |

| | | | |Addis Ababa |grey twill, etc |

|Arba Minch Textile Factory |25115535038 |2511810404 | |5622 |Twill, poplin, drill production and export |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Ethiopian Garment Exporters Group |251114404898 |251114422072 | |14105 |Exporter |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Cotton |

|Amibara Development Enterprise |251115511765 |2511155150040 | |182665 |Exporter to Europe and M.East |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Middle Awash Development |25122456013 | |asrgad@ |80316 |Exports to M.East, Europe and other regions |

|Enterprise | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Tanning Industry |

|Addis Ababa Tannery S.C |25111575311 |25111575307 | |22498 |Production and export of wet blue, crust and |

| | | | |Addis Ababa |finished leather from hides pickle, etc |

|Ethiopia Tannery |25115513691 |25115512822 | |5628 |Production and export of wet blue, crust |

| | | | |Addis Ababa |lining leather, garments |

|Dire Industries Plc. |25112756443 |25112752455 | |2492 |Wet blue, hides and skins, foot wear export |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Shoa Tannery |25115533348 |25115517578 | |26998 |Exports pickled sheep skins, wet blue sheep |

| | | | |Addis Ababa |and goat skins |

|Hafde Tannery |25111564640 |25111551428 | |4411 |Pickled wet blue and crust goat and sheep |

| | | | |Addis Ababa |skins exports |

|Blue Nile Tannery |25112380816 |25112380600 | |4339 |Pickled and wet blue goat and sheep skins |

| | | | |Sebeta |exports |

|Batu Tannery Plc. |25114421451 |25114421451 | |1273 |Pickled goats and sheep skins export |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Finished Leather Products Manufacturing |

|Universal Leather Articles |2511654122 |2511655151 | |1094 |Leather goods and garment production and |

|Factory | | | |Addis Ababa |export |

|Ethio Sung Bin Garment Factory |25115531332 |25115510344 | |2614 |Leather garment productions and export |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Modern Zege Leather Products |25115157279 |25115511187 | |1035 |Leather goods and garment production and |

|Industry | | | |Addis Ababa |export |

|Genuine Leather Craft |25115531894 |25115518841 | |2218 |Leather goods and garment production and |

| | | | |Addis Ababa |export |

|Jamaica Shoe Factory |251111564280 |251111553114 | |26430 |Shoe export to African countries |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Kangaroo Shoe Factory Plc. |251116293464 |251116294170 | |1273 |Shoe production and export |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Tikur Abbay Shoe S.C |251112701803 |251112704050 | |802 |Shoe production and trading |

| | | | |Addis Ababa | |

|Oil Seeds, Pulses & Spices |

|Mallima Trading Private Ltd. Co. |00251112763157 |00251112763158 | |AA |Export-import to, from various M.East, Asia |

| | | | |13130 |and Western Countries |

|C.G.F. Business Groups Private |00251115150702 |00251115504031 | |23833 Code 1000 |Exporter-importer |

|Ltd. Co. | | | | | |

|Yahia Sayed Omar Import-Export |00251112751296 |00251112752911 | |4202 |Exporting, grading and storing agricultural |

| |00251112770339 | | |AA |products |

|Smart Business Group Private Ltd |00251115527745 |002511155182911 | |6329 |Exporter of various agricultural produce |

|Co. | | | |AA |abroad |

|Ethiopian Grain Trade Enterprise |00251114652436 |00251114652792 | |3321 |Exporting to various countries (High capacity)|

| |00251114653166 |00251116465432 | |AA | |

| |00251114663952 | | | | |

|Mam Trading Private Ltd Co. |00251114402080 |00251114432010 | |120 956 |Exporting, also cleaning and processing oil |

| |00251114424923 | |WWW. |AA |seeds, etc |

|Bajiba Private Ltd. Co. |002511127551545 |00251112754766 | |758 |Exporter with prolonged experience |

| |00251114391544 |00251114341545 | |AA | |

|Guna Trading House Private Ltd. |00251116652288 |00251116654633 ||80316 |Exports agricultural products to various |

|Co. |00251114652288 |00251114650482 | |AA |countries, imports inputs |

|Yirga Trading Private Ltd. Co. |00251112791736 |00251112791072 | |3448 |Exporter to Turkey and other countries |

| | | | |AA | |

|Ethiopian Pulses, Oilseeds & |00251115156268 |00251115156153 | |8686 |Exporter to various countries |

|Spices processors & exporters |00251114361544 |00251114391545 | |AA | |

|Association | | | | | |

|Alpha Trading Partners Plc. |00251115528084 |00251115528085 | |1617 |Exports to M.East and Western Countries |

| | | |alphatrading- |AA | |

|Warka Trading Plc. |00251111558121 |00251111551950 | |AA |Exports to Turkey and other M. East & Asian |

|(Import-Export) |00251111559634 | | |19639 |Countries |


AA = Addis Ababa


Hotels other than those star-designated, motels, pensions, tea rooms, coffee shops, bars, night clubs and restaurants excluding international and specialized restaurants;

Travel agency, trade auxiliary and ticket selling services;

Car-hire and taxi-cabs transport services;

Commercial road transport and inland water transport services;

Bakery products and pastries for the domestic market;

grinding mills;

Barber shops, beauty saloons, and provision of smith workshops and tailoring services except garment factories;

Building maintenance and repair and maintenance of vehicles;

Saw milling and timber making products;

customs clearance services;

Museums, theaters and cinema hall operations;

printing industries.

Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 1 of this schedule, the following areas of investment are exclusively reserved for Ethiopian nationals:

Banking, insurance and micro credit and saving services;

Travel and shipping agency services;

Broadcasting services; and

Air transport services using aircraft with a seating capacity of up to 20 passengers.

Areas of Investment Reserved for Domestic Investors

The following areas are exclusively reserved for domestic investors:

retail trade and brokerage;

Wholesale trade (excluding supply of petroleum and its by-products as well as wholesale by foreign investors of their products locally produced);

Import trade (excluding LPG, bitumen and up on the approval of the Council of Ministers; materials used as inputs for export products);

Export trade of raw coffee, chat, oil seeds, pulses, hides and skins bought from the market and live sheep, goats and cattle not raised or fattened by the investor;

Construction companies excluding those designated as grade 1;

Tanning of hides and skins up to crust level;


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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