Room 17 Is The Place To Be!




Mrs.G’s Information Station

Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year at Tenniswood Elementary. We are ready for a great start to an exciting school year! I hope that everyone enjoyed their summer vacation.

I am looking forward to working with you and your child to make this a great year. In order to ensure each student is working at their best to make progress and prepare for middle school it is important that we do our best to communicate. Communication plays a very important part in your child’s educational experience. This year, I will send home a monthly newsletter that will provide you with current information from your child’s classroom. It will be sent home in the Daily Take Home Folder and I will try to answer many questions. Also our classroom has a website where you can find photos of the things we are doing in class, homework, and information about what is going on in class . Lastly, look for me to use an app called Remind. I will send home a sheet explaining how to use the free, easy to use app. Students will also have a daily agenda that they will be filling out each day in class. I ask that you check their blue folder and sign their agenda book each night.

Also, if you ever have any questions, please contact me at 586-493-5640 ext. 2438 or by email gorneje@lc-. Email is the easiest and fastest way for you to get ahold of me. I do check my voicemail at the end of each day. If it is something that requires immediate attention, please contact the main office. I look forward to working with and your child this school year.


A Little about Me

This will be my sixth year here at Tenniswood Elementary. You may remember me as Ms. I; I was married over the summer and I’m starting out this school year as Mrs. G. I love being a Teacher, and I love to learn right along with my students. My philosophy for teaching is to always provide a nurturing learning environment while having fun. I am looking forward to a great year with your child.


Our Goals This Year!

• having a positive mindset for learning

• trying our best every day and not giving up

• Becoming a Leader

• being realistic

• learning to set personal goals

• Preparing ourselves for Middle school

Ms.G’s Information Station

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Birthday Celebrations

Birthdays are a very exciting time for all students. At Tenniswood, we are stressing the importance of making healthy choices. Therefore, students may bring in a non-food gift to share with classmates. Pencils, erasers, or even a book to share with the class are some fun ideas.


It is very important for your child to be on time every day. Our class has a daily routine that we follow and each time your student is late or absent, he misses a very important educational experience. Please make every effort to get your child to school on time. This year, the bell will ring at 8:50 and students will enter the building. The students will be dismissed at 3:50. When a student is absent we will keep a folder of all missed work for the student to complete when he or she returns to school. If students are tardy they must check in at the school office before coming to class. Please make sure to call the office to make them aware of your child’s absence.


Students will have homework in spelling and reading on a nightly basis. Everyone Monday your child will come home with a spelling list and a page of ideas on how to study nightly to help them master their spelling list. We also ask that students are reading at home. I know that many students are reading chapter books and would benefit from reading for 15-20 a night.

Math homework will come home in the form of a weekly packet. Every Tuesday your child will bring home a math packet that correlate with the math lessons that were covered that week in class. Often times, the math lesson takes more than one day, so you may have less than a page of homework a night. The packet will be due back on the following Tuesday (giving your child a full week to complete their packet).


This year our class will be eating lunch at 11:40, if your child would like to bring in a snack to eat, they are welcome to, but they must be healthy snacks. Your child may bring in a healthy snack and water. Some ideas for a healthy snack may include: fruit, vegetables, graham crackers, pretzels, crackers, dry cereal, granola bars, etc. They will NOT be allowed to eat any type of “junk” food, such as chocolate, cookies, brownies, etc.. Also, they are only allowed to have water to drink - No juice or pop of any kind.


Science & Social Studies

This year to better prepare students for middle school Mrs. Metzger and myself will be team teaching Science and Social Studies.


 We will be studying Matter and its Interactions, Energy, Motion and Stability, Molecules to Organisms, Ecosystems, Earth’s Place in the Universe and Earth Systems.

Social Studies

We will be studying Geography, Colonization, The American Revolution, and American Government.


Language Arts

We will be using the Daily 3 in our classroom this year. Daily 3 is a management system for the literacy block. The Daily 3 is consistent with our “to-with-by” balanced literacy framework. It’s also a structure for fostering literacy independence. It consists of three literacy tasks that help students develop the daily habits of reading, writing , and working with peers. Students will be responsible for several different activities every day. The activities include silent reading, writing. listening to reading, spelling and word work. In addition, we will have writer’s workshop, where students will be working on effectively using and understanding the writing process to convey their opinions, write narrative and informational writing pieces. This year, we will be using Words Their Way for our spelling instruction. Students will be given an introductory spelling inventory and assigned to a spelling group. This group will receive small group instruction each Monday when the sort or list of weekly words are introduced. They will be bringing home a sort (list) each Monday so they can practice their weekly words. Students will need to work on mastering these words by Friday when students will be tested on their words.



We are using a Math series called Math Expressions. This program provides students with the skills needed to not only solve mathematical equations but to explain their thinking to others. This year, we will be covering several math concepts including adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals, order of operations, word problems, measurement and geometry.

Ms.G’s Information Station

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Ms.G’s Information Station

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Habit 5

Seek First to Understand then be Understood

Listen Before You Talk

• I listen to other people’s ideas and feelings

• I try to see things from their viewpoints

• I listen to others without interrupting

• I share my opinions and ideas

Habit 6


Together is Better

• I know that everyone is good at something

• We can all learn something from each other

• Working in groups helps to create better ideas than what one person can do alone

Habit 7

Sharpen the Saw

Balance Feels Best

• I take care of my body by eating right, exercising, and getting sleep

• I learn in lots of ways in lots of places, not just at school

The 7 Habits at Home

I hope you take this opportunity to speak to your child about the 7 habits. It would be great if you could encourage your child to practice these habits not only at school, but at home as well.

Habit 1

Be Proactive

You’re in charge of you

• I am a responsible Person

• I Take Initiative

• I choose my actions, attitude, and moods

• I do not blame others for my wrong actions

• I do the right thing without being asked

Habit 2

Begin With the End in Mind

Have a Plan

• I plan ahead and set goals

• I do things that have meaning and make a difference

• I am an important part of my classroom and school

Habit 3

Put First Things First

Work First, Then Play

• I spend my time on things that are most important

• I say no to things I know I should not do

• I am self-disciplined and organized

Habit 4

Think Win-Win

Everyone Can Win

• I want everyone to be a success

• I don’t have to put others down to get what I want

• When a conflict happens, I look for a third solution

• I believe that we all can win

Leader in Me

This year Tenniswood is very lucky and has received a grant to participate in “The Leader in Me” program. This program is going to help each of the students here find the leader within themselves. There are 7 habits that go along with this program. Here is brief description of each.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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