LOWER SCHOOLFAMILY HANDBOOK" ?? ???? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????? ???" (????? ????, ??? ? ?"?) ?“The world itself was created so that we could all be together.” ?(Talmud, Tractate Shabbat)TABLE OF CONTENTS? TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u MISSION STATEMENT PAGEREF _Toc395087949 \h 4CHARACTER EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT PAGEREF _Toc395087950 \h 5DISCIPLINE PAGEREF _Toc395087951 \h 5BULLYING PAGEREF _Toc395087952 \h 6JEWISH PRACTICE PAGEREF _Toc395087953 \h 6SHABBAT PAGEREF _Toc395087954 \h 6KASHRUT PAGEREF _Toc395087955 \h 7KOSHER PRODUCTS PAGEREF _Toc395087956 \h 7SCHOOL LUNCHES PAGEREF _Toc395087957 \h 8CAFETERIAS PAGEREF _Toc395087958 \h 8IN-SCHOOL PARTIES & SCHOOL PROGRAMS PAGEREF _Toc395087959 \h 8FAMILY CELEBRATIONS PAGEREF _Toc395087960 \h 8T’FILAH (PRAYER) PAGEREF _Toc395087961 \h 8KIPPOT PAGEREF _Toc395087962 \h 9SCHOOL POLICIES, ROUTINES & PROCEDURES PAGEREF _Toc395087963 \h 9PARENT-SCHOOL COMMUNICATION PAGEREF _Toc395087964 \h 9FAMILY INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc395087965 \h 10SCHOOL MESSENGER PAGEREF _Toc395087966 \h 11SCHOOL HOURS PAGEREF _Toc395087967 \h 11ATTENDANCE PAGEREF _Toc395087968 \h 12DRESS CODE PAGEREF _Toc395087969 \h 12KIPPOT PAGEREF _Toc395087970 \h 13DRESS CODE FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS PAGEREF _Toc395087971 \h 13HOMEWORK POLICY PAGEREF _Toc395087972 \h 14REPORTING AND CONFERENCING PAGEREF _Toc395087973 \h 14STANDARDIZED TESTING (ERB) PAGEREF _Toc395087974 \h 14PERSONAL COMMUNICATION DEVICES . PAGEREF _Toc395087975 \h 15FOOD POLICY/WELLNESS GUIDELINES PAGEREF _Toc395087976 \h 15Parshat Hashavu’a/Shabbat Celebrations PAGEREF _Toc395087977 \h 15Birthday Celebrations PAGEREF _Toc395087978 \h 16LOST AND FOUND PAGEREF _Toc395087979 \h 16BRINGING THINGS FROM HOME PAGEREF _Toc395087980 \h 16PARKING PAGEREF _Toc395087981 \h 16SECURITY PAGEREF _Toc395087982 \h 17CARPOOL PROCEDURES (A.M. & P.M.) PAGEREF _Toc395087983 \h 17DISMISSAL PROCEDURES PAGEREF _Toc395087984 \h 17KINDERGARTEN 3:00 DISMISSAL PAGEREF _Toc395087985 \h 18CESJDS/B’NAI ISRAEL PAGEREF _Toc395087986 \h 18BUS RIDERS PAGEREF _Toc395087987 \h 18JCC ENRICHMENT/EXTENDED DAY PAGEREF _Toc395087988 \h 18INCLEMENT WEATHER PAGEREF _Toc395087989 \h 18HEALTH AND SAFETY PAGEREF _Toc395087990 \h 19FOOD ALLERGIES PAGEREF _Toc395087991 \h 19ILLNESS PAGEREF _Toc395087992 \h 19HEAD LICE PAGEREF _Toc395087993 \h 20PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION PAGEREF _Toc395087994 \h 20OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS (OTC) PAGEREF _Toc395087995 \h 20ALLERGIES, ASTHMA, OR OTHER EMERGENCY MEDICINES PAGEREF _Toc395087996 \h 20IMMUNIZATIONS PAGEREF _Toc395087997 \h 20TEMPORARY CAREGIVER PAGEREF _Toc395087998 \h 21SAFETY PAGEREF _Toc395087999 \h 21MA’AYAN PAGEREF _Toc395088000 \h 21APPENDIX A: RRR’s Matrix in Support of the Ethical Covenant PAGEREF _Toc395088001 \h 22APPENDIX B: Ideas for Non-Food Giveaways and Birthday Activities/Donations PAGEREF _Toc395088003 \h 23APPENDIX C: Technology Responsible Use Policy PAGEREF _Toc395088004 \h 25MISSION STATEMENTThe Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School of Greater Washington is an independent, community day School, serving students from kindergarten through 12th grade. The School is dedicated to creating an environment in which students can grow to their fullest potential as responsible and dedicated members of the Jewish people and of American society. Based on six basic Jewish precepts, the Mission of our School is to teach its students:Torah L’shmah to become lifelong learners inspired by a love of “learning for the???? ???? sake of learning” through a rigorous, comprehensive academicprogram of General and Judaic studies, which places a priority oncritical, independent and creative thought and expression.Ahavat Torah to understand and appreciate the wisdom, spiritual depth and???? ???? ethical guidance of Judaism.K’dushah to understand and appreciate the perception of God’s presence in????? the awe and wonder of our world, and how one can sanctify one’s life through the practice and experience of the Mitzvot.Ahavat Yisrael to form an inextricable bond with the Jewish people - past, present???? ????? and future - to foster a sense of commitment to the State of Israel,and to appreciate and master the Hebrew language as the language of the Jewish people.V’ahavta L’rayacha to create a caring, moral community based upon the concepts of????? ???? B’tzelem Elokim (each individual is created in the image of God)and Derekh Eretz (ethical decency) in which members respect each other’s uniqueness and preciousness and are responsible for each other and the community.Tikun Olam to be passionate about preserving God’s world and making it a???? ???? more compassionate, just and peaceful place through individual and collective commitment to programs of social action and public policy.CHARACTER EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENTThe Mission of CESJDS is to “create an environment in which students can grow to their fullest potential,” becoming “lifelong learners” within the context of a caring and moral community. ?Our behavior expectations are rooted in the Ethical Covenant and our commitment to the CARES principles of Responsive Classroom, which are Cooperation, Assertion, Respect and Responsibility, Empathy and Self-control. ?This is embedded in the precept of ????? ???? ???? (“you shall care about your neighbor as you care about yourself”). ?Specific standards and expectations are defined for our school community in the Three R’s Matrix. ?(See Appendix A)DISCIPLINEDiscipline is a developmental process with the ultimate goal of learning to be responsible for self, respectful of others and a person of integrity. ?A Jewish education strives to create a caring, moral community based upon the concepts of B’tzelem Elokim (each individual is created in the image of God), and foster an environment of Derekh Eretz (ethical decency) in which members respect uniqueness and preciousness and are responsible for each other and the community. ?This begins by creating a supportive environment where students learn from their mistakes through reflection and logical consequences. ?Our Three R’s Matrix provides guidance for our students and community continually to strive to create a school where all are treated with dignity and nurtured to grow academically, socially and emotionally. ??Every student has the right to an education in a safe environment that is conducive to learning and the right to know what is expected of them to contribute through their actions. ?Each student is expected to:Attend school regularly, arrive on time, and work to the best of his/her ability.Understand and observe the rules of CESJDS and his/her classroom.Demonstrate conduct that contributes to creating a safe and nurturing environment for all.Recognize that there are channels through which rules may be studied or questioned.In cases when students in grades 5 and 6 are repeatedly exhibiting highly inappropriate behavior, which is significantly interfering with teaching and learning, students will be assigned a lunch/recess or after-school T’shuvah Detention. ?The t’shuvah time provides the student with the opportunity to reflect on their behaviors and to create a proactive plan that will allow them to contribute to our community of learners in a positive manner. ?The student will be given support to develop pro-social skills and behaviors. ??BULLYINGWe are deeply committed to the afore described educational and community-building measures that provide our students with a safe and nurturing environment in which to learn and grow. ??When a student’s conduct crosses the line into bullying behavior, either on our campus or beyond, we take this very seriously. ?Incidents of potential bullying are thoroughly assessed and addressed by the appropriate members of the Guidance Staff and Administration.JEWISH PRACTICE Dear Parents, I ask that you read this section carefully, and when planning parties, B’nai Mitzvah, and other events, please take these guidelines into account so as to create a comfortable environment for all our students. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, Rabbi Mitchel MalkusHead of SchoolCharles E. Smith Jewish Day School is committed to serving a broad spectrum of the Jewish community. Given the diverse religious backgrounds of our school population, meeting the needs of our families requires that we respect individual beliefs and practices while also ensuring that events and activities are inclusive and welcoming to our entire community. Achieving this balance requires sensitivity and insight on the part of our families as well as the educators entrusted with making the pedagogical and curricular decisions that affect our children. SHABBAT Our School employs a pluralistic approach to religious practice, fostering an environment of consideration, respect, mutual understanding and open-minded learning. ?In so doing, we strive to integrate a broad spectrum of the Jewish community into one dynamic institution. ?We encourage all of our families to view Shabbat as an "island in time" (Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel's image), in which families can grow together. ?Many of our families have found Shabbat to be an invaluable opportunity for parents and children to sit and learn together, to share ideas, thoughts and feelings, and to rediscover each week the precious relationships within our families. The beauty and meaning of Shabbat are a crucial component of our School’s curriculum and spirit. ?While there are many approaches to Shabbat observance within our parent body, we strive to create an environment in which all of our students can feel comfortable and can learn from the diverse perspectives that are present around them. ?Toward that goal, we ask that you follow these guidelines: ? No school business is to be conducted by staff, parents, or students from the beginning of Shabbat on Friday evening until the end of Shabbat on Saturday night. Please consult our calendars for exact times. ? In order to include all students, class functions and parties should be scheduled to accommodate diverse approaches to observance. Please do not hold birthday parties or similar events on Shabbat, as students who do not travel on Shabbat would not be able to attend. Please ensure that events held on Friday afternoon conclude in time to allow sufficient time to arrive home before the beginning of Shabbat and that events on Saturday night allow for travel time after Shabbat has concluded. ?We also request that Bar/Bat Mitzvah parties outside the synagogue, to which classmates are invited, should not be held on Shabbat or Jewish festivals so that those who do not ride on those days may attend. KASHRUT In order to ensure that our community is inclusive and that families from a wide array of backgrounds feel comfortable, Kashrut standards (traditional Jewish dietary practices) are maintained throughout the School. ?It is of paramount importance to the fabric of daily school life that these guidelines be followed by all families and students. KOSHER PRODUCTS There are online resources to help you identify kosher products and brands. ?Here are some suggested sites: ? ? ? The following symbols of kosher supervision can be found on products which may be used in school without prior approval: 108458017526000The symbol “K” is not copyrighted and is placed on food packaging by many different agencies and companies. Therefore, if you would like to check the Kashrut of a product with a “K” on it, or if you have any questions about the Kashrut policy or items which may be used in the School, please contact the Director of Food Services. SCHOOL LUNCHES (see Health and Safety for allergy policy) Lunches from home may not contain any meat or meat products. All individual lunches must be dairy or pareve. ?CAFETERIAS The kitchen is under the full-time supervision of the Vaad Harabanim of Greater Washington (Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington). IN-SCHOOL PARTIES & SCHOOL PROGRAMS ? Kashrut is observed at all school-sponsored functions, whether inside or outside our physical facilities. No meat products are to be brought into the School. ? Home-baked/cooked foods are not allowed (except in individual lunches). See FOOD POLICY/WELLNESS GUIDELINES for additional party/event information. FAMILY CELEBRATIONS ? Please provide kosher food at birthday parties and other gatherings to which members of your child’s class are invited. ?Even if there is only one child in the class who will eat only kosher pizza, providing kosher pizza for everyone at the party will assure that no child is made to feel “different” or excluded. ? Bar and Bat Mitzvah receptions should also follow these guidelines. ?If a Bar/Bat Mitzvah reception is not kosher-catered, please take care to provide kosher food for those guests who do observe kashrut. T’FILAH (PRAYER) Daily T’filah provides an opportunity for students to grow spiritually and emotionally, and it serves as a vital experience to help link a student with Jewish tradition. Each day, the liturgy serves as a reminder of core Jewish values such as the importance of study, respect for others, and tikkun olam (repairing the world). In the Lower School, T’filah is an integral part of the curriculum and classroom routine. Grade-level group T’filah is held daily for Grades 5 and 6 in the Beit Midrash. Our goal is that on Rosh Hodesh (first day of the lunar month), Mondays and Thursdays, the Torah will be read by students and faculty. Once a week, Grades 3 and 4 also have their communal prayers in the Beit Midrash. All other days, Kindergarten - Grade 4 classes have daily T’filah in their classrooms. On Fridays, Judaic Studies classes welcome Shabbat with a Kabbalat Shabbat service and songs.KIPPOT For centuries, the covering of the head has been a central sign of respect and a mark of cultural identification in the Jewish tradition. ?In the Lower School, boys are required to wear kippot at all times, except during Physical Education class. Girls who wish to wear a kippah are welcome to do so. ?Male visitors are asked to wear a kippah. Kippot are available at the security desks.SCHOOL POLICIES, ROUTINES & PROCEDURESPARENT-SCHOOL COMMUNICATIONLOWER SCHOOL & ADMINISTRATION CONTACT INFORMATION1901 East Jefferson StreetRockville, Maryland 20852301-881-1400 (Phone)301-984-7834 (Fax)cesjds@ If a parent has concerns about a student, the classroom teacher(s) must be the first point of contact. ?Please contact them first by email or leaving a voicemail message. ?Teachers are committed to replying within a 24-hour time frame during the school week.Counselors are key contacts and are available to talk with students and parents. ?Counselors consult with classroom teachers and provide guidance in managing specific problems that may arise. ?Discussions with counselors are confidential, and parents are encouraged to call upon them. Each student is assigned a Counselor:Grade K and Guidance Support Specialist ?????Rebecca Philbrick (rphilbrick@)Grades 1-3 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Cheryl Taylor (ctaylor@) Grades 4-6 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Jill Pargament (jpargament@)For further assistance in the Lower School, contact:AdmissionsPam Shrock, Director of Admissions (pshrock@)AdministrationRabbi Matthew Bellas, Lower School Principal (mbellas@)Rebecca Prigal, Assistant Principal, General Studies (rprigal@)Yoram Bar-Noy, Assistant Principal, Judaic Studies (ybarnoy@)Alanna Kotler, Reading and Writing Coordinator (akotler@)Hannah Viana, Math and Science Coordinator (hviana@)Educational SupportLenore Layman, Director of Educational Support Services (llayman@) TransportationMarc McNeal, Director of Transportation, Safety, and Security (mmcneal@)In-School EventsBack-to-School Night, held in September, enables parents to meet the faculty and other members of our community and to learn about the curriculum.Open House, held in November, provides parents an opportunity to observe classes in session.Classroom observation by parents is by appointment only. ?Please contact your teacher/staff member to arrange such a visit.FAMILY INFORMATION The School utilizes a student information system called PowerSchool to keep track of student and family demographic information, student academic records and other important student data. ?It is important that the School always has the most updated contact information for your family.? Throughout the school year, the online form will be the primary method for communicating changes in contacts and other demographics to us. Instructions on accessing the PowerSchool portal from the CESJDS website, updating your data and submitting the form are included below:INSTRUCTIONS:1 - Log in to the CESJDS website and click on the PowerSchool Portal link:2 - Log in to the PowerSchool Portal. Your PowerSchool login is the same as your login for the CESJDS website.? However, if your website login is less than six characters, we have added the letters “jds” at the end.?? If you have forgotten your user name or password, please email troubleshoot@.3 - Click on the icon labeled Demographic Change.4 - Review and make all necessary changes on the right-hand side of the form using the suggested formats.?? If you wish to delete the information in a particular field, just write the word “delete” or “blank.”? 5 - Confirm that you have reviewed the information on the form by choosing “Yes” from the drop-down list, and click on the “Submit” button.SCHOOL MESSENGERThe school utilizes a service that enhances communication by allowing the School to deliver important, time-sensitive information to you via SMS (text messaging) directly to your mobile device. ?The service will be used for non-routine communications, such as school closures, delays and emergencies. This service, which is optional for all families, will enhance, rather than replace, other existing means of communication.The service is provided by School Messenger, a leading provider of instant communications in the education market, and is currently being used by hundreds of schools, school districts and universities across the country. While there is no charge from the School or from School Messenger for to you to use this service, the text messages would be subject to the normal limitations and charges of your individual messaging plan. CESJDS is not responsible for these charges. Please check with your wireless carrier on the specifics of your plan.In order to participate in this new service you must actively indicate your willingness to receive text messages to your mobile device. If you opt-in but decide to opt-out at a later date, you may also reply "STOP" to any message or text "STOP" to 68453. If you wish to opt-in, you can do so by sending an email to troubleshoot@.SCHOOL HOURSREGULAR SCHOOL HOURS 7:45Carpool and drop-off begins 8:00Classrooms open (For students arriving before 8:00, there is a supervised area.) 8:10 Back door is closed ?8:15Classes begin promptly 3:00 Early Dismissal Kindergarten3:30 Dismissal grades K - 6: ????????????Carpool:B’nai Israel or CESJDSJCC: Walkover program or enrichment self-walkersBar- T:CafeteriaBus Riders:Beit MidrashSHORT FRIDAY DISMISSALFridays from mid-October through March are shortened out of respect for the early onset of Shabbat. ??1:45 – Dismissal of K (Supervision for children in mixed carpools, JCC classes and on most buses) 2:15 – Dismissal of Grades 1-6 ???HALF-DAY SCHEDULE11:30 – Dismissal of K 12:00 – Dismissal of Grades 1-6 ATTENDANCE ???All students are expected to attend school daily in support of their academic achievement and social growth. ?If your child will not be in school, please following the following guidelines:Grades K-4 students: contact the General Studies and Judaic Studies teacher(s) by email.Grades 5 and 6 students: contact the advisory teacher by email. ?All students: contact your child’s teacher(s) to make arrangements for homework and check the teacher’s web page for information concerning upcoming homework and future assignments. ?DRESS CODE Modesty/Tz’niyiut in both action and dress, is a central value within Judaism. ?Proper dress and decorum reflect the seriousness of the academic environment and reinforce the atmosphere of a Jewish day school. This guideline for student dress and behavior reflects the values cultivated in our School: propriety, modesty, respect and neatness. ?The School expects students and parents to cooperate fully in this matter so that the School’s mission is accorded the utmost dignity and respect. The specific guidelines below must be followed while a student is on campus and on trips, unless special exceptions have been made. ??Guidelines are as follows: ??All shirts must be long enough to be tucked in, though they may be worn untucked. ?If a student’s midriff or back is exposed when her/his arms are lifted, the student is not in compliance with the dress code. All shirts must have sleeves which, at a minimum, cover the entire shoulder. ?Sleeveless sports jerseys and tank tops (alone or visible under an open cardigan) are not in compliance with the dress code. ?During the warm weather months, teachers in Grades K-2 will notify students and parents of leniencies permitted around this guideline. ?No vulgar, obscene, offensive, or suggestive words, pictures, or graphics should be worn on any item of clothing or jewelry. Skirts, skorts and shorts should be no shorter than fingertip length. ?Leggings and other pants that cling to legs (i.e. jeggings) are permitted if accompanied by shirt or other top that is at fingertip length or worn under a skirt or pair of shorts, also at fingertip length. ?Clothing may not be ripped or excessively baggy. ?Pants must be worn at the waistline.Flip-flops and shoes with wheels are not in compliance with the dress code.For PE, all students are required to wear clothing and footwear that are appropriate for vigorous physical activity. ?If a student is found not to be in compliance with the dress code, the protocol below will be followed. ?However, a member of staff may require a student to change into alternate apparel if he/she ?determines that the Dress Code violation necessitates such a response. ?First offense: Verbal notification and explanation of the violation from the classroom teacher and an email sent home to the parents.Second offense: Student will be sent to the office to discuss the violation with a member of the administration. ?An email will be sent home from the administration to notify the parents of the violation.KIPPOTFor centuries, the covering of the head has been a central sign of respect and a mark of cultural identification in the Jewish tradition. In the Lower School, boys are required to wear kippot at all times, except during Physical Education class. Girls who wish to wear a kippah are welcome to do so. ?DRESS CODE FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS:In the Lower School, blue skirts or pants and a white shirt are required as standard dress for Erev Shabbat Fridays. ?Additional special dress days are as follows:September 18: ?Photo Day - Parental ChoiceNovember 20:Photo Day Make-Up - Parental ChoiceMarch 5:Purim – Costumes are encouraged but not required; children may dress up ???in any costume, as long as they do not bring any weapons to school.April 22:Yom Hazikaron – Blue and White dress codeApril 23:Yom Ha’atzmaut - Blue and White dress code with jeansJune 5:6th Grade T’filah Ceremony, Appropriate Synagogue dressHOMEWORK POLICYHomework at CESJDS Lower School is designed to help students review or practice skills and concepts taught during the course of a school day. ?Homework is connected in meaningful ways to the daily lessons in each classroom. The daily homework time allotments listed below are grounded in research on children’s cognitive development and abilities and in best practices in the field of education. They are also intended to help students balance their academic learning with outside experiences and extracurricular activities:Grade 1: 10-15 minutesGrade 2: 20 minutesGrade 3: 30 minutesGrade 4: 40 minutesGrade 5: 50 minutesGrade 6: 60 minutesPlease note that these time allotments represent the total amount of time for all academic subjects, General Studies (including Math and Science) and Judaic Studies. Students will be required to read for at least 20 minutes each night in addition to the times listed above. ?Requirements for practicing keyboarding skills will begin in Grade 2 with a total of 20 minutes of practice over the course of a week.Homework should be assigned Monday through Thursday. It is not recommended that homework be given over weekends. However, there will be occasional instances where homework on weekends would be appropriate.Homework will not be assigned by any teacher during Jewish holidays. Tests and long-term assignments will not be due on the day students return to school after a holiday. REPORTING AND CONFERENCINGLower School report cards are issued in December, March and June.Parent-Teacher Conferences for all grades are held in December. Report cards are mailed home to students after Parent-Teacher conferences. STANDARDIZED TESTING (ERB)March 16 – March 19: ?Grades 3 and 5 onlyPERSONAL COMMUNICATION DEVICESIn the interest of safety and instruction, students may possess personal communication devices such as cellular phones while on school property and while attending school-sponsored activities. Such devices must be powered off and be out of sight from the time the student arrives on campus until the dismissal bell, unless otherwise instructed by a CESJDS staff member. ?Every student is responsible for his/her personal property at all times.If a student’s device goes off and disrupts the learning environment or if a student is found to be using his/her device during school hours, he/she will be required to turn the device in at the office. ?At the end of the school day, the student will meet with a member of the administration and an email will be sent to parents notifying them of the incident. ?Repeated offenses will result in a meeting with parents and a request that the student not bring his/her device to school.FOOD POLICY/WELLNESS GUIDELINES ??In keeping with state and national guidelines concerning nutrition and wellness, it is the goal of CESJDS to maximize the making of healthy food choices at school-sponsored events, celebrations and school parties. The Wellness Policy encourages the use of alternatives to food for celebrations, rewards and recognition and promotes choices that “make a positive contribution to the students’ diet and promote health.” ?Candy and other foods of minimal nutritional value as a classroom reward are not permitted. ?Please consult APPENDIX B of this handbook for a listing of food items and celebration activities that are in line with the spirit of this policy. CESJDS also follows a Kashrut Policy that allows all members of our community to feel comfortable eating as a community. ?All foods prepared by or brought into the school for any function must conform to this policy. ?Please consult the Kashrut Policy for more details in its specific section of this handbook. ?Parshat Hashavu’a/Shabbat Celebrations Shabbat celebrations happen every week and always include challah and grape juice. Please do not bring any additional food or drinks to the classroom to celebrate your child’s parasha and/or Shabbat. If parents would like to recognize these weekly celebrations, honor their son or daughter, or reward students who answer parasha questions, parents may provide small, non-food giveaways. Please see below for ideas on inexpensive giveaways. ?We recognize that the ultimate recognition or reward is a parent’s presence in class to honor their son or daughter. Birthday Celebrations For students in Grades 1 through 6, if you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday at school, then the celebration is to be scheduled only during the child’s Judaic Studies class, regardless of the student’s Judaic Studies class placement. ?In Kindergarten, the birthday will be celebrated with both teachers. ??Please consider non-food ideas, such as leading an activity, providing non-food giveaways and/or classroom donations in order to celebrate this milestone. If parents wish to provide food on a child’s birthday, parents may bring in fruit or another healthy snack. ?Please review the class’ allergy list before selecting your food item of choice. Parents are asked to refrain from bringing in candy, soda, lemonade or other sugary drinks, donuts, cookies, cake or cupcakes. If these items are brought into the school, they will not be allowed to be served to students. ?LOST AND FOUNDThe lost and found is located in the Science wing in cubbies. ?Please check the lost and found regularly for items your child may have left at school. ?To avoid the loss of personal items, please clearly label clothes and accessories.BRINGING THINGS FROM HOMEWe provide a variety of classroom and recess materials for children to use at school. ??We have found that items from home can sometimes change the friendly dynamic of children's interactions. ?You can help us support our efforts to create a joyful community by ensuring that your child leaves toys, sporting equipment, jewelry, money, gum and treats at home. ??We ask that toys and electronic games not be brought to school unless this is part of the educational experience or the teacher has made a request.PARKING The parking lot at the front and side of the School is designated for faculty, staff, and individuals with disabilities. ?Nine parking spaces are reserved for visitors on the right-hand side of the Lower School at the entrance of the main parking lot. ?In addition, parking for visitors is available at Ring House and at B’nai Israel in the designated spaces. ?Please do not park in reserved or disabled parking spaces or in the JCC lot when attending school programs. ?Private vehicle traffic and parking in the front bus lanes is prohibited at all times. ??SECURITY The security of our students, faculty, and visitors is of paramount importance. ?Visitors are required to report to the security desk, provide identification, sign the register, and receive a pass before proceeding to their destination. The pass should be visible at all times while in School and returned to the front desk upon exiting. ?Visitors must enter and exit the building through the main doors. Classroom doors are locked in the evening and on weekends, even when the building is open for programs or activities. ?Any forgotten items will be placed in the Lost and Found. For more information on Security, contact Marc McNeal, Director of Transportation, Safety and Security at (301) 692-4843. CARPOOL PROCEDURES (A.M. & P.M.)For the safety of all the children, please be sure to adhere to these instructions:Please be sure to complete the online dismissal carpool form to receive a carpool number placard and book bag tag for your child. ?dismissalPlease follow the directions of the guards at all times.To ensure the safety of all, please do not talk on your cell phone while driving in the carpool lane.Stay in your car at all times.Children enter and exit the car on the sidewalk side of the car only.Never back up - you cannot see small children who may be behind your vehicle.U-turns are never allowed.Please post your CESJDS or B’nai carpool number clearly on your windshield or window.Older siblings may NOT be responsible for classroom pick-up or walking younger children to the JCC.DISMISSAL PROCEDURES ?We ask all families to complete the Dismissal Procedure Form (on the website) before the beginning of every school year to inform the school of dismissal arrangements. ?Any changes in your child’s regular dismissal plan should be made in writing/email with as much notice as possible. ?In the case of a last minute change in dismissal plans, please call the school by 3:00 pm to allow enough time to notify the teacher and your child. ?Parents of Kindergarten students have a choice among the dismissal times explained below:KINDERGARTEN 3:00 DISMISSALKindergarten students participating in 3:00 p.m. dismissal will be dismissed to the carpool lane. ?Children will be walked outside by a staff member and directed to the parents’ car. ?Drivers are asked to stay in their cars and move carefully with the traffic to the pickup area. ?The 3:00 p.m. lane must be cleared by 3:15 p.m. ?CESJDS/B’NAI ISRAELThere are two carpool locations for students who are dismissed at 3:30 p.m., CESJDS and B’nai Israel. ?Parents may select the carpool location most convenient for them. ?Safety patrols will accompany kindergarten and first grade students from their classrooms to the carpool line. ?CESJDS staff is on duty each day to facilitate the carpool and ensure the safety of all students. BUS RIDERSBus riders will be dismissed to the Beit Midrash at 3:30 and escorted to the buses as they arrive in front of the school. ?JCC ENRICHMENT/EXTENDED DAYThere are two different locations. ??One group meets in the Kindergarten wing. ??The other group meets in the first-grade wing. ?INCLEMENT WEATHER In the event of inclement weather resulting in the closing of school or a delayed opening, the school follows the decision of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) for the first day of the closure/delay. ?For example, if MCPS is closed for the full day, CESJDS is closed for the full day. ?If MCPS opens two hours late, CESJDS opens two hours late. If MCPS is closed for multiple consecutive days as the result of a weather event, CESJDS does not necessarily follow the practice of MCPS after the first day and may make an independent decision. ?In cases that may necessitate an unscheduled early dismissal or affect after-school activities, the school will make an independent decision as to the time of the dismissal and the status of after-school activities. If there is inclement weather on a day when MCPS is already scheduled to be closed, CESJDS will make an independent decision regarding closure for the day, to open on a delayed schedule or to open on time. ?The decision will be communicated to the community through School Messenger.?Information regarding inclement weather schedules, delays and cancellations is recorded on the school voice mail system, can be found on the school website and will be e-mailed to parents. ?Information will also be announced on the radio (WTOP, WMAL) and on the television: Channel 4 (NBC), Channel 7 (ABC), Channel 9 (ABC) and Channel 8 (local access cable). HEALTH AND SAFETY FOOD ALLERGIES While the School does its best to meet the special dietary needs of its students, the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School is not a peanut-free, tree nut-free, or food allergen-free school. The School tries to work within individual classrooms to restrict foods that are direct allergens for children with anaphylactic allergies. However, the School does not adhere to restricting food allergens. ??Children are to eat only their own lunch or snack; they are not to share food or snacks for safety reasons.HEALTH The Health Room at each campus is staffed during school hours. Health staff is available to respond to all matters and questions of student health. ?Required Medical Forms (available on the web) 1. Physical Exam and Health Inventory – required for all new students. ?It includes two pages to be filled out and signed by the parent, a physical exam page and an immunization form to be filled out and signed by the physician. ?2. Permission for Emergency Medical Treatment – to be completed and signed by the parent for all students. ?On this form, parents are asked to supply the school with all health information that might impact the student's school activities or emergency care. ?The parents are also asked to notify the nurse if there are any changes in the child's health during the school year. ?This includes medication, serious allergies, illnesses, surgeries, and any other significant health changes. 3. Non-Prescription Medication Permission – required for all students, even if you do not want your child to receive any non-prescription medications. ?This is in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland. ?The parent has the option of being contacted each time the child is given medication. ?No child will be given medication without this completed form. ILLNESS If a child shows symptoms of illness in school, the nurse will contact the parent to pick the child up in a timely manner. ?Children who show symptoms of illness during the night or in the morning should not be sent to school. ?If a child has a fever, his/her temperature should be normal for 24 hours before returning to school. ?If a child has been vomiting, the child may return to school after having had no episodes of vomiting for 24 hours. ?Parents are required to inform the nurse if their child contracts an infectious disease. ?This includes lice or any parasites, strep throat, chicken pox, eye or skin infections, as well as any other contagious condition. ?A child diagnosed with a communicable bacterial infection may return to school when they have been on an appropriate antibiotic for 24 hours and are fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours.HEAD LICENo children or adults may be in school with live lice or nits that are closer than an inch from the scalp. ?Parents will be asked to pick up their child and treat them right away. ?After being effectively treated, the child needs to be checked by the nurse before returning to class. ?If lice has been identified in a grade, parents will receive an email notifying them. ?During times of lice in the school, all boys and girls with long hair need to tie it back or put it up. PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION If a child is to receive prescription medication in school, parents must submit a completed Authorization to Administer Prescription Medication form (available on the website) to the nurse. ?It must be completed by the parent and the physician. ?This must be given to the nurse along with the medication in the pharmacy container properly labeled with the child’s name, name of the medication, dosage, expiration date, and instructions that agree with the physician's instructions on the accompanying form. The student is responsible for reporting to the nurse at the designated time and place to receive his/her medication. ?In the Lower School, teachers may help remind younger students to go for their medicine. ??OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS (OTC)Parents of Lower School students will be notified each time a child is given an OTC medication.ALLERGIES, ASTHMA, OR OTHER EMERGENCY MEDICINESStudents with Epi-Pens, inhalers, or other emergency medicines such as insulin will need to carry their own medication on overnight field trips. ?Lower School staff will carry the student’s emergency medicines on field trips. ?On overnight trips the staff will carry the dose from the health room and the students will carry one from home. IMMUNIZATIONSJewish law as set forth by the Torah states that we have an obligation to safeguard public health. ?Therefore, as a Jewish Day School, we stand together to protect the health of everyone in our community. ?The state of Maryland also requires that all students be vaccinated to attend school. ?This is necessary to protect the health of all children and to provide a safe and healthy environment in which to learn. ?The state allows two exemptions: medical and religious. ?A parent may bring a written statement from the child’s doctor if he/she has a medical reason that keeps the student from being vaccinated. ?Since Jewish tradition would support immunization, a parent would need to sign a statement of personal belief if asking for exemption on religious grounds. ??TEMPORARY CAREGIVER Parents are requested to inform the front desk (301-692-4800) whenever a student is left in the temporary care of someone other than a parent. ?SAFETY Faculty and staff work in conjunction with the Director of Transportation, Safety and Security to prepare for emergency situations that may arise. ?We have an On-Site Emergency Team (OSET) trained to manage responses to various emergencies. ?During the year, we will have drills to acquaint students and faculty with the emergency procedures. MA’AYANThe CESJDS annual fundraising campaign, Ma’ayan, is named appropriately for a spring that nourishes life and growth. ?Tuition dollars cover about 84% of the CESJDS operating budget and the rest is funded, in part, through donations from CESJDS parents, grandparents, alumni and community friends. ???We know that tuition is a challenge for everyone. ?Through careful management and planning, and with the help of this generous community, CESJDS remains financially healthy. ?Our expectation is that all CESJDS families will participate with a gift to Ma’ayan because it is not the amount of the gift that matters, but the gift itself. Your participation in the Ma’ayan campaign is vitally important, whether you donate $18, $180, or $18,000.In the spring, you will receive a letter in the mail, several e-mails, and perhaps a phone call from a Board member or other volunteer, asking for your participation. ?We gratefully acknowledge your support and appreciate that you and your family are members of this special community of learning and growing at CESJDS. ?CESJDS holds special giving level recognition events for donors who give $1,800 (Head of School Circle); $5,000 (Ambassador’s Circle); and $10,000 (Scholarship Society).For more information about Ma’ayan, please see our Giving page at giving, or contact Sharon Metro Roll, Director of Development. ?Sharon is happy to speak with you about Ma’ayan, as well as how to get involved as a volunteer in our Development efforts. ?You can reach her at sroll@ or (301) 692-4861. ?Thank you for prioritizing our School in your charitable giving.APPENDIX A: RRR’s Matrix in Support of the Ethical Covenant238125298450031242020510500APPENDIX B: Ideas for Non-Food Giveaways and Birthday Activities/DonationsNon-Food Giveaway Ideaspencilserasers rulers stickers foldersbookmarks mini puzzle booksBirthday Activity Ideas (please check with your child’s teacher)Make the birthday child a VIP Badge/Star of the Day (K-2) or other teacher-approved privilege (3-6)Read a story (K-2)Lead/participate in a teacher-approved game in the classroom Teach a skill, craft or activity (e.g., calligraphy, juggling, challenging puzzles, etc.)Make a class muralClassroom/School Donation Ideas to Honor BirthdaysDonate a book to the school libraryMake a small gift to the classroom (based on teacher recommendations for what is needed), such as:SuppliesPostersBooksSnack Ideas FruitBananasOranges/ClementinesApples or Apple Wedges (pre-sliced from Costco, Trader Joe’s) or sliced at schoolGrapesBerriesDried FruitBaby Carrots (with or without dip/hummus)PopcornPretzels (or gluten free alternative)Graham CrackersWhole Grain Tortilla Chips (such as Food Should Taste Good Brand of Multi-Grain Tortilla Chips found at Costco, or Trader Joe’s Reduced Guilt Tortilla Strips)Crackers (with whole grains)Nut-Free Granola BarsPita and hummus Israeli salad (if purchased at a kosher establishment or prepared at the school)Whole wheat mini bagels and cream cheeseEgg salad and tuna salad ?(if purchased at a kosher establishment or prepared at the school and kept refrigerated)Pirate’s Booty/Veggie BootieFor Jewish Holiday Celebrations:Apples dipped in Honey for Rosh HashanahFruits and grains from the Seven Species for Sukkot (i.e., figs, dates, grapes, olives, pomegranate seeds) Seder plate items for PesachLatkes and applesauce for ChanukahDrink RecommendationsWater (in cups or small recyclable water bottles)100% juice or all-natural, diluted juice?APPENDIX C: Technology Responsible Use PolicyCharles E. Smith Jewish Day School (CESJDS) students are expected to respect all members of the community and their property and to behave with integrity at all times, within and outside of School grounds and hours. This Responsible Use Policy applies to the use of School-owned technology resources and personal devices that access those resources at all times.Use of School Network and School and Personal EquipmentDepending on their grade, students are permitted to bring laptop computers and other electronic devices for use in school for educational purposes; in grades 7-12, students are required to bring a personal computer for educational use in school. Students may also bring mobile devices such as phones to school, but these devices must remain turned off and out of sight during the school day (including passing times and lunch), unless a teacher allows students to use them as part of an educational activity. All guidelines set forth in this document also apply to the use of a mobile device. This equipment is owned personally, and CESJDS is not responsible for its safekeeping (including but not limited to loss, theft, or damage) or maintenance. The Information Technology Department may provide routine troubleshooting assistance, but cannot provide any substantive service to any systems not owned by the School.Because of the danger posed by viruses or other mechanisms that may corrupt data on a student’s laptop, it is every student’s responsibility to maintain sufficient up-to-date virus and malware/spyware protection on any laptop used on School grounds (see the Technology section of the School website for protective software suggestions and to run these protective software scans on any personal laptop at least once each week. Users must not download or open attached files from emails or websites if the site or sender’s identity is unknown, and shall not open files with a filename that ends in “.exe”, “.bat”, or “.com,” even if the sender is known, without first consulting with the CESJDS Help Desk.CESJDS also provides communication and information equipment, systems, networks, software, and other related devices and resources, including computers, internet access, network access, and cloud services, to aid students in their school work. All communication and information systems owned by CESJDS:are the property of CESJDS and/or are used pursuant to a license granted to CESJDS;are to be used only in connection with a student’s work at CESJDS and, unless otherwise noted, in accordance with the following policies.Students in grades 5-12 are given an email account for School-related use, and are expected to check their CESJDS account at least once per school day. Students in grades 5-12 are also expected to check their Student Dashboard on the school website at least once per school day.Students are expected to act responsibly and appropriately when using their own or CESJDS technology resources and internet access and are prohibited from using CESJDS resources, whether in school or from another location, for the following activities:Any illegal, fraudulent, or unauthorized purpose;Use of proxy servers or other methods to avoid Internet content-filtering;Solicitation for commercial, religious, or political causes;Sending, receiving, downloading, storing, or posting any messages, files, or other materials that are derogatory, defamatory, discriminatory, disruptive, obscene, pornographic, offensive, sexually-oriented, or otherwise inappropriate and/or harass, threaten, disparage, bully, or intimidate another person;Disseminating or printing copyrighted materials, including articles and software, in violation of copyright laws;Using or operating peer-to-peer networks;Sending, receiving, printing, or otherwise disseminating proprietary data, trade secrets, or other confidential information in violation of School policy or proprietary agreements;Operating a business, usurping business opportunities, or soliciting money for personal gain;Sending a chain letter;Revealing personal information including name, address, phone numbers, or credit card information, especially the personal information of another person;Posting images, movies, messages, digital content, or any media form without the permission of those depicted in such content;Attempting to gain or gaining access to accounts, files, or systems owned by another user or group, including CESJDS systems;Accessing or attempting to access information intended for other people or information that is not yet public;Illegally copying, distributing, or altering computer software used at CESJDS, whether on computers or on the CESJDS network;Disseminating information (including but not limited to posting a “home page” or sending a bulk e-mail) that suggests CESJDS as the source or which relates to CESJDS unless authorized in writing by the Head of School; orConducting any other activity in violation of any CESJDS policy.Students are permitted to use school equipment only with permission and are expected to use it at all times in accordance with this policy. Students are expected to treat School-owned technology equipment with care and respect, both during use and transport, and should not place food or drink near a School computer. School computers must be returned and secured after use.Use of the internet and digital citizenshipStudents have a particular responsibility to ensure personal integrity and demonstrate respect for others when using the personal online world of social networking, blogs, and other communication tools, especially as regards any mention of the School or members of the School community. Students should at all times respect the privacy of the CESJDS community and take proper care in any online or other electronic interactions to maintain high standards of conduct. Conduct which reflects poorly upon students or the School may be grounds for disciplinary action, whether or not such conduct occurred on campus or using the School’s network or equipment. This includes using these communication tools to make derogatory remarks about other members of the community or the use of inappropriate language or innuendo.AccessCESJDS has the right to restrict and/or terminate any student’s access to Communication/Information Systems, including network privileges and/or access to the Internet, at any time for any reason. CESJDS has the right to remove any documents or materials of any type from CESJDS Communication/Information Systems.PrivacyStudents should have no expectation of privacy when using CESJDS Communication/Information Systems, including access to the Internet. CESJDS may, without notice,Monitor any individual's usage of the CESJDS network , e-mail, or internet connection;Keep logs of the internet sites visited by any individual or messages, including e-mail, instant, and text messages conveyed via the CESJDS network or internet connection;Identify the individual sites that have been visited;Monitor the number of times a site may be visited;Identify the pages within a site that have been visited;Determine the duration of any visit to any site and to each page of a site; andMonitor any other information or statistic that may be available.CESJDS Communication/Information Systems are not private even if passwords or other security measures are used. Students should be aware that even though a message or file is deleted or erased, it may still be possible to retrieve that message or file. Any data, information, or materials that a student does not want to have accessed, monitored, read, or listened to should not be conveyed by, processed on, disseminated by, or stored in CESJDS Communication/ Information Systems. Unauthorized access, copying, and/or removal of data, information, or materials from Communication/Information Systems are prohibited.Policy ViolationsAny violation of this policy is grounds for CESJDS totake disciplinary action against the student;require parents to make financial restitution to the School for damage to equipment or other expenses resulting from the misconduct;revoke and/or restrict the student’s use of or access to Communication/Information Systems, including restricting networking privileges, access to the internet and/or use of e-mail; and/ortake such other action as CESJDS determines appropriate in its discretion.Students should report any policy violations to the Director of Technology, their Division Principal, and/or to the Head of School. ................

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